900 research outputs found

    Challenges on the application of automated planning for comprehensive geriatric assessment using an autonomous social robot

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    November 22-23, 2018, Madrid, SpainComprehensive Geriatric Assessment is a medical procedure to evaluate the physical, social and psychological status of elder patients. One of its phases consists of performing different tests to the patient or relatives. In this paper we present the challenges to apply Automated Planning to control an autonomous robot helping the clinician to perform such tests. On the one hand the paper focuses on the modelling decisions taken, from an initial approach where each test was encoded using slightly different domains, to the final unified domain allowing any test to be represented. On the other hand, the paper deals with practical issues arisen when executing the plans. Preliminary tests performed with real users show that the proposed approach is able to seamlessly handle the patient-robot interaction in real time, recovering from unexpected events and adapting to the users' preferred input method, while being able to gather all the information needed by the clinician.This work has been partially funded by the European Union ECHORD++ project (FP7-ICT-601116) and the TIN2015-65686-C5 Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad project. Javier García is partially supported by the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) funds under the project 2016-T2/TIC-1712

    An Automated Planning Model for HRI: Use Cases on Social Assistive Robotics

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    Using Automated Planning for the high level control of robotic architectures is becoming very popular thanks mainly to its capability to define the tasks to perform in a declarative way. However, classical planning tasks, even in its basic standard Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) format, are still very hard to formalize for non expert engineers when the use case to model is complex. Human Robot Interaction (HRI) is one of those complex environments. This manuscript describes the rationale followed to design a planning model able to control social autonomous robots interacting with humans. It is the result of the authors’ experience in modeling use cases for Social Assistive Robotics (SAR) in two areas related to healthcare: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) and non-contact rehabilitation therapies for patients with physical impairments. In this work a general definition of these two use cases in a unique planning domain is proposed, which favors the management and integration with the software robotic architecture, as well as the addition of new use cases. Results show that the model is able to capture all the relevant aspects of the Human-Robot interaction in those scenarios, allowing the robot to autonomously perform the tasks by using a standard planning-execution architecture.This work has been partially funded by the European Union ECHORD++ project (FP7-ICT-601116), and grants TIN2017-88476-C2-2-R and RTI2018-099522-B-C43 of FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Ministerio de Universidades-Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Javier García is partially supported by the Comunidad de Madrid funds under the project 2016-T2/TIC-1712

    On the application of classical planning to real social robotic tasks

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    Pittsburgh, USA (19-20 June 2017)Automated Planning is now a mature area offering several techniques and search heuristics extremely useful to solve problems in realistic domains. However, its application to real and dynamic environments as Social Robotics requires much work focused, not only in the efficiency of the planners, but also in tractable task modeling and efficient execution and monitoring of the plan into the robotic control architecture. This paper identifies the main issues that must be taken into account while using classical Automated Planning for the control of a social robot and contributes some practical solutions to overcome such inherent difficulties. Some of them are the discrimination between predicates for internal control and external sensing, the concept of predicted nominal behavior with corrective actions or plans, the continuous monitoring of the plan execution and the handling of action interruptions. This manuscript highlights the dependencies between all the design and deployment activities involved: task modeling, plan generation, and action execution and monitoring. A task of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) is used as an illustrative example that can be easily generalized to any other interactive task

    CLARA: Building a Socially Assistive Robot to Interact with Elderly People

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    Although the global population is aging, the proportion of potential caregivers is not keeping pace. It is necessary for society to adapt to this demographic change, and new technologies are a powerful resource for achieving this. New tools and devices can help to ease independent living and alleviate the workload of caregivers. Among them, socially assistive robots (SARs), which assist people with social interactions, are an interesting tool for caregivers thanks to their proactivity, autonomy, interaction capabilities, and adaptability. This article describes the different design and implementation phases of a SAR, the CLARA robot, both from a physical and software point of view, from 2016 to 2022. During this period, the design methodology evolved from traditional approaches based on technical feasibility to user-centered co-creative processes. The cognitive architecture of the robot, CORTEX, keeps its core idea of using an inner representation of the world to enable inter-procedural dialogue between perceptual, reactive, and deliberative modules. However, CORTEX also evolved by incorporating components that use non-functional properties to maximize efficiency through adaptability. The robot has been employed in several projects for different uses in hospitals and retirement homes. This paper describes the main outcomes of the functional and user experience evaluations of these experiments.This work has been partially funded by the EU ECHORD++ project (FP7-ICT-601116), the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 825003 (DIH-HERO SUSTAIN), the RoQME and MiRON Integrated Technical Projects funded, in turn, by the EU RobMoSys project (H20202-732410), the project RTI2018-099522-B-C41, funded by the Gobierno de España and FEDER funds, the AT17-5509-UMA and UMA18-FEDERJA-074 projects funded by the Junta de Andalucía, and the ARMORI (CEIATECH-10) and B1-2021_26 projects funded by the University of Málaga. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    Into the Wild: Pushing a Telepresence Robot Outside the Lab

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    Most robotic systems are usually used and evaluated in laboratory setting for a limited period of time. The limitation of lab evaluation is that it does not take into account the different challenges imposed by the fielding of robotic solutions into real contexts. Our current work evaluates a robotic telepresence platform to be used with elderly people. This paper describes our progressive effort toward a comprehensive, ecological and longitudinal evaluation of such robots outside the lab. It first discusses some results from a twofold short term evaluation performed in Italy. Specifically we report results from both a usability assessment in laboratory and a subsequent study obtained by interviewing 44 healthcare workers as possible secondary users (people connecting to the robot) and 10 older adults as possible primary users (people receiving visits through the robot). It then describes a complete evaluation plan designed for a long term assessment to be applied "outside the lab" dwelling on the initial application of such methodology to test sites in Italy

    Aging between Participation and Simulation

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    This publication aims to initiate an interdisciplinary discourse on the ethical, legal, and social implications of socially assistive technologies in healthcare. It combines practically relevant insights and examples from current research and development with ethical analysis to uncover moral pitfalls at the intersection between the promotion of social participation and well-being, and risks that may diminish the achievement of these ends

    Aging between Participation and Simulation

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    This publication aims to initiate an interdisciplinary discourse on the ethical, legal, and social implications of socially assistive technologies in healthcare. It combines practically relevant insights and examples from current research and development with ethical analysis to uncover moral pitfalls at the intersection between the promotion of social participation and well-being, and risks that may diminish the achievement of these ends

    Assessment of Cognitive skills via Human-robot Interaction and Cloud Computing

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    Technological advances are increasing the range of applications for artificial intelligence, especially through its embodiment within humanoid robotics platforms. This promotes the development of novel systems for automated screening of neurological conditions to assist the clinical practitioners in the detection of early signs of mild cognitive impairments. This article presents the implementation and the experimental validation of the first robotic system for cognitive assessment, based on one of the most popular platforms for social robotics, Softbank "Pepper", which administers and records a set of multi-modal interactive tasks to engage the user cognitive abilities. The robot intelligence is programmed using the state-of-the-art IBM Watson AI Cloud services, which provide the necessary capabilities for improving the social interaction and scoring the tests. The system has been tested by healthy adults (N = 35) and we found a significant correlation between the automated scoring and the MoCA, one of the most widely used paper-and-pencil tests. We conclude that the system can be considered as a screening instrument for cognitive assessment

    When technology cares for people with dementia:A critical review using neuropsychological rehabilitation as a conceptual framework

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    Clinicians and researchers have become increasingly interested in the potential of technology in assisting persons with dementia (PwD). However, several issues have emerged in relation to how studies have conceptualized who the main technology user is (PwD/carer), how technology is used (as compensatory, environment modification, monitoring or retraining tool), why it is used (i.e., what impairments and/or disabilities are supported) and what variables have been considered as relevant to support engagement with technology. In this review we adopted a Neuropsychological Rehabilitation perspective to analyse 253 studies reporting on technological solutions for PwD. We analysed purposes/uses, supported impairments and disabilities and how engagement was considered. Findings showed that the most frequent purposes of technology use were compensation and monitoring, supporting orientation, sequencing complex actions and memory impairments in a wide range of activities. The few studies that addressed the issue of engagement with technology considered how the ease of use, social appropriateness, level of personalization, dynamic adaptation and carers' mediation allowed technology to adapt to PWD's and carers' preferences and performance. Conceptual and methodological tools emerged as outcomes of the analytical process, representing an important contribution to understanding the role of technologies to increase PwD's wellbeing and orient future research.University of Huddersfield, under grants URF301-01 and URF506-01

    Research Trends for Accountable and Responsible AI in Autonomous Products: An Ethical Dilemma perspective

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThe growing interest and discussion around AI technologies and their implications for Humanity are more than ever at the centre of public attention. With the extensive research and development of such technologies, there is a pressing need to systematically consolidate the existing knowledge for future analysis of the consequences and implications of AI. Given the multidisciplinary nature of this field, this study focuses on the specific theme of accountability in Autonomous AI Products. This study followed a Systematic Literature Review methodology (Okoli, 2015) to analyse a sample of articles, synthesise the findings of the review and present them for future researchers to leverage the knowledge gathered in this document. Our analysis reveals that the principles identified in the existing Responsible AI literature are also inherent in Autonomous AI research. Accountability was the focus of the study, and in many ways, this principle related to other Ethical principles, such as Fairness or Justice, and the systems put in place to regulate and oversee the future usage of these extraordinary technologies need to account for a wide range of people involved in the discussion, development, testing and regulation of Autonomous AI Products