15 research outputs found

    Accessing and managing open medical resources in Africa over the Internet

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    Recent commentaries have proposed the advantages of using open exchange of data and informatics resources for improving health-related policies and patient care in Africa. Yet, in many African regions, both private medical and public health information systems are still unaffordable. Open exchange over the social Web 2.0 could encourage more altruistic support of medical initiatives. We have carried out some experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of using this approach to disseminate open data and informatics resources in Africa. After the experiments we developed the AFRICA BUILD Portal, the first Social Network for African biomedical researchers. Through the AFRICA BUILD Portal users can access in a transparent way to several resources. Currently, over 600 researchers are using distributed and open resources through this platform committed to low connections

    Future of Tele-echocardiography

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    Telemedicine is defined as the ‘delivery of health care and sharing of medical knowledge over a distance using telecommunication systems’. Echocardiography is often used to diagnose and exclude important cardiac diagnoses in adults and children. Evolving telemedicine technology has boosted access to echocardiography and has created a network that offers many possibilities for clinical, research and teaching activities.The two primary modes of telemedicine practise are ‘ store and forward’ and ‘real time’ videoconferencing. Using these technologies, relevant, up-to-date scientific information is instantly available for analysis and interaction. Studies have also shown these to be accurate, cost effective, improves patient care, enhances echocardiography quality and sonographer proficiency and promotes practice expansion.The growing use of technology such as smart phones, laptops and computer tablets as well as newer technologies like cloud computing, picture archiving computer systems(PACS) and the standardization of medical images(DICOM) has fuelled the now accelerating specific demands for tele-echocardiography. However, all these are not without challenges and obstacles. Some of these include lack of standardization of telemedicine components, confusing medico-legal and licensure issues, privacy/confidentiality, poor reimbursement, training issues as well as attitude and acceptance.These issues need to be addressed by all those involved in medical practice. Clinicians must work with sonographers, medical IT experts, hospital management and hospital physicists as well as manufacturers and insurance companies to ensure that the new system is integrated as an extra function within ultrasound consoles. National and international societies such as the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) could play a role in bringing everyone together and define the necessary training programmes. In conclusion, the revolution in digital technology is rapidly changing the world of telecommunications. Tele-echocardiography has a bright future to become an integrated part of our clinical available echocardiographic tool set – in a matter of tim

    Web-based Platform For Collaborative Medical Imaging Research

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    Medical imaging research depends basically on the availability of large image collections, image processing and analysis algorithms, hardware and a multidisciplinary research team. It has to be reproducible, free of errors, fast, accessible through a large variety of devices spread around research centers and conducted simultaneously by a multidisciplinary team. Therefore, we propose a collaborative research environment, named Adessowiki, where tools and datasets are integrated and readily available in the Internet through a web browser. Moreover, processing history and all intermediate results are stored and displayed in automatic generated web pages for each object in the research project or clinical study. It requires no installation or configuration from the client side and offers centralized tools and specialized hardware resources, since processing takes place in the cloud.941

    PESSCARA: An Example Infrastructure for Big Data Research

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    Big data requires a flexible system for data management and curation which has to be intuitive, and it should also be able to execute non-linear analysis pipelines suitable to handle with the nature of big data. This is certainly true for medical images where the amount of data grows exponentially every year and the nature of images rapidly changes with technological advances and rapid genomic advances. In this chapter, we describe a system that provides flexible management for medical images plus a wide array of associated metadata, including clinical data, genomic data, and clinical trial information. The system consists of open-source Content Management System (CMS) that has a highly configurable workflow; has a single interface that can store, manage, enable curation, and retrieve imaging-based studies; and can handle the requirement for data auditing and project management. Furthermore, the system can be extended to interact with all the modern big data analysis technologies

    Information practices for sustainability: role of iSchools in achieving the UN sustainable development goals(SDGs)

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    In September 2015, the United Nations (UN) GeneralAssembly passed a resolution identifying 17 Sustain-able Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated tar-gets, and countries around the world agreed to achievethese by 2030. By conducting a thematic analysis offour key UN policy documents related to sustainabledevelopment, this paper argues that alongside financialand other resources, access to, and use of, appropriateinformation are essential for achieving SDGs. The paperalso reviews research on information and sustainabilityundertaken at the iSchools and the computer andhuman–computer interaction HCI communities. Giventhat the mission of iSchools is to connect people andsociety with the required information through the use ofappropriate technologies and tools, this paper arguesthat iSchools can play a key role in helping people, insti-tutions, and businesses, and thus countries around theworld achieve SDGs. The paper identifies 4 broad areasof teaching and research that can help iSchools aroundthe world prepare a trained workforce who can manage,and facilitate access to, information in specific domainsand contexts. It is also argued that cooperation and col-laborations among iSchools can promote a culture ofsustainable information practices among universitygraduates and researchers in different disciplines thatwill pave the way for achieving SDGs in every sector

    A Situational Alignment Framework for PACS

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    This paper reports the outcomes of a study on an integrated situational alignment framework for picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) labeled as PISA. Following the design research cycle, complementary validation methods and pilot cases were used to assess the proposed framework and its operationalized survey. In this paper, the authors outline (a) the process of the framework’ development, (b) the validation process with its underlying iterative steps, (c) the outcomes of pilot cases, and (d) improvement opportunities to refine and further validate the PISA framework. Results of this study support empirical application of the framework to hospital enterprises in order to gain insights into their PACS maturity and alignment. We argue that the framework can be applied as a valuable tool for assessments, monitoring and benchmarking purposes and strategic PACS planning

    Federated learning in gaze recognition (FLIGR)

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    The efficiency and generalizability of a deep learning model is based on the amount and diversity of training data. Although huge amounts of data are being collected, these data are not stored in centralized servers for further data processing. It is often infeasible to collect and share data in centralized servers due to various medical data regulations. This need for diversely distributed data and infeasible storage solutions calls for Federated Learning (FL). FL is a clever way of utilizing privately stored data in model building without the need for data sharing. The idea is to train several different models locally with same architecture, share the model weights between the collaborators, aggregate the model weights and use the resulting global weights in furthering model building. FL is an iterative algorithm which repeats the above steps over defined number of rounds. By doing so, we negate the need for centralized data sharing and avoid several regulations tied to it. In this work, federated learning is applied to gaze recognition, a task to identify where the doctor’s gaze at. A global model is built by repeatedly aggregating local models built from 8 local institutional data using the FL algorithm for 4 federated rounds. The results show increase in the performance of the global model over federated rounds. The study also shows that the global model can be trained one more time locally at the end of FL on each institutional level to fine-tune the model to local data

    A Comprehensive Review on Medical Image Steganography Based on LSB Technique and Potential Challenges

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    The rapid development of telemedicine services and the requirements for exchanging medical information between physicians, consultants, and health institutions have made the protection of patients’ information an important priority for any future e-health system. The protection of medical information, including the cover (i.e. medical image), has a specificity that slightly differs from the requirements for protecting other information. It is necessary to preserve the cover greatly due to its importance on the reception side as medical staff use this information to provide a diagnosis to save a patient's life. If the cover is tampered with, this leads to failure in achieving the goal of telemedicine. Therefore, this work provides an investigation of information security techniques in medical imaging, focusing on security goals. Encrypting a message before hiding them gives an extra layer of security, and thus, will provide an excellent solution to protect the sensitive information of patients during the sharing of medical information. Medical image steganography is a special case of image steganography, while Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is the backbone of all medical imaging divisions, whereby it is most broadly used to store and transmit medical images. The main objective of this study is to provide a general idea of what Least Significant Bit-based (LSB) steganography techniques have achieved in medical images

    Scientific Digital Data Repositories: Needs and Challenges for Cancer Researchers

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the varied data needs of molecular level cancer researchers who use light, fluorescent, and electron microscopy to obtain knowledge about cancer on a molecular level. It explores what data tools a sample of researchers are currently using to preserve their data for future access, and the needs of these researchers for depositing their digital research data into digital repositories. Data from the researchers suggest that they understand the need to preserve their raw and compiled data in places outside their laboratory, but they have not fully embraced the idea of depositing it in a repository. This seems most likely due to them not fully understanding what repositories are and what they provide. To increase the use of repositories by this research community, repositories need to promote themselves better and to offer additional services that are specific for the needs of this community.Master of Science in Library Scienc