8 research outputs found


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    The paper presents a digital approach to the reconstruction and analysis of two small-sized fragments of louteria, a kind of large terracotta vase, found during an archaeological survey in the south of Sicily (Italy), in the area of Cignana near the Greek colony of Akragas (nowadays Agrigento). The fragments of louteria have been studied by an image-based approach in order to achieve high accurate and very detailed 3D models. The 3D models have been used to carry out interpretive and geometric analysis from an archaeological point of view. Using different digital tools, it was possible to highlight some fine details of the louteria decorations and to better understand the characteristics of the two fragments. The 3D models provide also the possibility to study and to document these archaeological finds in a digital environment

    Photogrammetric 3D Scanning of Physical Objects: Tools and Workflow

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    Ease of access to and low cost of hardware and software for 3D scanning have made 3D technologies increasingly popular in recent research. One of the possible 3D scanning approaches is photogrammetry which relies on using a data set consisting of photographs of the same physical object. In this paper are evaluated different 3D models generated from the same input data set by specialised software packages for photogrammetry. The main attributes of the 3D models are examined in comparative analyses and their differences highlighted. Furthermore, visual qualitative inspections are performed on the models and the results are compared

    Making 3D implants for conservation and restoration of archaeological glass

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    [EN] This article describes the restoration of a glass bowl from the 16th-17thcentury by creating its three-dimensional (3D)model. The final purpose is to work with this model in order to avoid damaging situations that are associated with the manipulation of fragile objects. The gap areas, those corresponding to the missing fragments not found in the excavation, were carried out by constructing digital implants. A restricted area of the 3D model has been duplicated in order to accommodate it to confined intervals of the gap. The final implants were printed with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) filament. These implants replace the lost areas and give stability back to the item by recovering the original morphology. The result can be compared with the outcome obtained by a traditional process, but differs due to the fact that requires minimum manipulation of the item, so it can contribute to preserve and safeguard the restored object. This is a non-invasive method which is offered as an alternative treatment, where the archaeological object is replaced by its virtual model in the steps of the process after 3D data acquisition. Significant differences have not been found in the 3D printing results obtained with the two types of filaments tested (white and clear).[ES] En este artículo se restaura un cuenco de vidrio del siglo XVI-XVII mediante la creación de su modelo tridimensional (3D)con el fin de operar con él y eliminar el riesgo que entraña la manipulación de objetos frágiles. La áreas faltantes, correspondientes a los fragmentos de vidrio no encontrados en la excavación, se han llevado a cabo mediante la construcción digital de implantes. Para elaborar los implantes se ha duplicado un volumen del modelo 3D del cuenco adaptándolo al espacio confinado en las áreas vacías. La impresión de los implantes se ha hecho con filamento acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno(ABS). Estos implantes, que sustituyen a las zonas perdidas, han devuelto la estabilidad a la pieza y han permitido recrear la morfología original. El resultado puede ser comparado al obtenido por métodos tradicionales,pero difiere en que requiereuna mínimamanipulación del objeto, contribuyendo así, a la preservación y salvaguarda del objeto restaurado. Este método no invasivo se ofrece como un tratamiento alternativo,donde el objeto arqueológico es sustituido por su modelo virtual en todas las fases del procesoposteriores a la captura de datos 3D. No se han encontrado diferencias significativas en cuanto a los resultados obtenidos de impresión 3D con los dos tipos de filamentos ensayados(blanco y translúcido).El trabajo se ha desarrollado gracias al Programa del Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2011 del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, Proyectos HAR2012-38391-C02-01 y HAR2012-38391-C02-02. También se ha desarrollado a través del Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad en el marco del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016 del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España con cofinanciación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Proyecto HAR2015-69408-R (MINECO/FEDER). Los autores quieren agradecer la colaboración del Museo de Cerámica de Manises y especialmente a su directora Dña. Sara Blanes Ibáñez, por proporcionar la pieza usada para ilustrar la técnica propuestaDíaz-Marín, C.; Aura-Castro, E. (2017). Creación de implantes 3D en procesos de conservación y restauración de vidrio arqueológico. Virtual Archaeology Review. 8(16):103-109. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2017.5946SWORD10310981

    Prototyping an Egyptian revival. Laser scanning, 3D prints and sculpture to support the Echoes of Egypt exhibition

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    This paper aims to highlight the importance of 3D printing to support Cultural Heritage and related activities. We will demonstrate the advantages that a conscious employment of techniques and methods, together with the right expertise, could offer to an exhibition. We will detail the steps we took to produce a 1:1 copy of a medieval sphinx for the exhibition Echoes of Egypt: Conjuring the Land of the Pharaohs which took place at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History (USA). This paper highlights the project’s workflow, from the digital 3D scan, data processing, 3D printing, to the artistic finishing to prepare the object for display

    Comparison between the traditional model of archaeological documentation and underwater photogrammetry: a practical approach to wrecks Deltebre I and Cala Cativa I

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar una comparativa analítica entre el método tradicional de documentación arqueológica por medio de dibujo, y el empleo de la fotogrametría actual. Para ello se emplearán las planimetrías realizadas con el método tradicional con dibujo arqueológico, facilitadas por el Centre d’Arqueologia Subaquàtica de Catalunya (CASC) en los pecios Deltebre I y Cala Cativa I, y se compararán con sus respectivas fotogrametrías 3D generadas a lo largo de esta investigación. Para poder lograr dicha comparativa entre ambos métodos, se procederá a realizar un estudio de forma independiente en cada pecio, por medio de una comparativa visual por superposición, en la cual se cotejarán entre sí la fotogrametría digital y la planimetría tradicional generada para cada caso; y una comparativa métrica, donde se procederá a medir las planimetrías en cuestión, observando las diferencias métricas que pueda haber entre ambos procedimientos y el porcentaje de error.The objective of the present study is to perform an analytical comparison between the traditional method of archaeological documentation, that is, the drawing of planimetries, and the current photogrammetry. For this purpose, planimetries carried out with the traditional method with archaeological drawings will be used, provided by Centre d’Arqueologia Subaquàtica de Catalunya (CASC) from the wrecks Deltebre I and Cala Cativa I, and they will be compared with their respective photogrammetries, obtained throughout this investigation. In order to achieve such a comparison between both methods, a study will be carried out independently in each wreck, by means of a visual comparison by superposition, in which the digital photogrammetry and the traditional planimetry generated for each case will be checked against each other. A metric comparison will also be performed, where the planimetries in question will be measured, observing the metric differences that may exist between both procedures and the percentage of error.128 página

    Ceramics Fragments Digitization by Photogrammetry, Reconstructions and Applications

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    International audienceThis paper presents an application of photogrammetry on ceramic fragments from two excavation sites located north-west of France. The restitution by photogrammetry of these different fragments allowed reconstructions of the potteries in their original state or at least to get to as close as possible. We used the 3D reconstructions to compute some metrics and to generate a presentation support by using a 3D printer. This work is based on affordable tools and illustrates how 3D technologies can be quite easily integrated in archaeology process with limited financial resources. 1. INTRODUCTION Today, photogrammetry and 3D modelling are an integral part of the methods used in archeology and heritage management. They provide answers to scientific needs in the fields of conservation, preservation, restoration and mediation of architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage [2] [6] [7] [9]. Photogrammetry on ceramic fragments was one of the first applications contemporary of the development of this technique applied in the archaeological community [3]. More recently and due to its democratization, it was applied more generally to artifacts [5]. Finally joined today by the rise of 3D printing [8] [10], it can restore fragmented artifacts [1] [12]. These examples target one or several particular objects and use different types of equipment that can be expensive. These aspects can put off uninitiated archaeologists. So it would be appropriate to see if these techniques could be generalized to a whole class of geometrically simple and common artifacts, such as ceramics. From these observations, associated to ceramics specialists with fragments of broken ceramics, we aimed at arranging different tools and methods, including photogrammetry, to explore opportunities for a cheap and attainable reconstruction methodology and its possible applications. Our first objective was to establish a protocol for scanning fragments with photogrammetry, and for reconstruction of original ceramics. We used the digital reconstitutions of the ceramics we got following our process to calculate some metrics and to design and 3D print a display for the remaining fragments of one pottery

    Ceramics Fragments Digitization by Photogrammetry, Reconstructions and Applications

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    International audienceThis paper presents an application of photogrammetry on ceramic fragments from two excavation sites located north-west of France. The restitution by photogrammetry of these different fragments allowed reconstructions of the potteries in their original state or at least to get to as close as possible. We used the 3D reconstructions to compute some metrics and to generate a presentation support by using a 3D printer. This work is based on affordable tools and illustrates how 3D technologies can be quite easily integrated in archaeology process with limited financial resources. 1. INTRODUCTION Today, photogrammetry and 3D modelling are an integral part of the methods used in archeology and heritage management. They provide answers to scientific needs in the fields of conservation, preservation, restoration and mediation of architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage [2] [6] [7] [9]. Photogrammetry on ceramic fragments was one of the first applications contemporary of the development of this technique applied in the archaeological community [3]. More recently and due to its democratization, it was applied more generally to artifacts [5]. Finally joined today by the rise of 3D printing [8] [10], it can restore fragmented artifacts [1] [12]. These examples target one or several particular objects and use different types of equipment that can be expensive. These aspects can put off uninitiated archaeologists. So it would be appropriate to see if these techniques could be generalized to a whole class of geometrically simple and common artifacts, such as ceramics. From these observations, associated to ceramics specialists with fragments of broken ceramics, we aimed at arranging different tools and methods, including photogrammetry, to explore opportunities for a cheap and attainable reconstruction methodology and its possible applications. Our first objective was to establish a protocol for scanning fragments with photogrammetry, and for reconstruction of original ceramics. We used the digital reconstitutions of the ceramics we got following our process to calculate some metrics and to design and 3D print a display for the remaining fragments of one pottery

    Ceramics Fragments Digitization by Photogrammetry, Reconstructions and Applications

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    International audienceThis paper presents an application of photogrammetry on ceramic fragments from two excavation sites located north-west of France. The restitution by photogrammetry of these different fragments allowed reconstructions of the potteries in their original state or at least to get to as close as possible. We used the 3D reconstructions to compute some metrics and to generate a presentation support by using a 3D printer. This work is based on affordable tools and illustrates how 3D technologies can be quite easily integrated in archaeology process with limited financial resources. 1. INTRODUCTION Today, photogrammetry and 3D modelling are an integral part of the methods used in archeology and heritage management. They provide answers to scientific needs in the fields of conservation, preservation, restoration and mediation of architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage [2] [6] [7] [9]. Photogrammetry on ceramic fragments was one of the first applications contemporary of the development of this technique applied in the archaeological community [3]. More recently and due to its democratization, it was applied more generally to artifacts [5]. Finally joined today by the rise of 3D printing [8] [10], it can restore fragmented artifacts [1] [12]. These examples target one or several particular objects and use different types of equipment that can be expensive. These aspects can put off uninitiated archaeologists. So it would be appropriate to see if these techniques could be generalized to a whole class of geometrically simple and common artifacts, such as ceramics. From these observations, associated to ceramics specialists with fragments of broken ceramics, we aimed at arranging different tools and methods, including photogrammetry, to explore opportunities for a cheap and attainable reconstruction methodology and its possible applications. Our first objective was to establish a protocol for scanning fragments with photogrammetry, and for reconstruction of original ceramics. We used the digital reconstitutions of the ceramics we got following our process to calculate some metrics and to design and 3D print a display for the remaining fragments of one pottery