53,028 research outputs found
Candida albicans isolates from a Malaysian hospital exhibit more potent phospholipase and haemolysin activities than non-albicans Candida isolates
This study was aimed at determining the phospholipase and haemolysin activity of Candida isolates in Malaysia. A total of 37 Candida clinical isolates representing seven species, Candida albicans (12), Candida tropicalis (8), Candida glabrata (4), Candida parapsilosis (1), Candida krusei (4), Candida orthopsilosis (1) and Candida rugosa (7) were tested. In vitro phospholipase activity was determined by using egg yolk plate assay whereas in vitro haemolysin activity was tested by using blood plate assay on sheep blood Sabouraud's dextrose agar (SDA) enriched with glucose. Phospholipase activity was detected in 75% (9 out of 12) of the C. albicans isolates. Among the 25 non- C. albicans Candida isolates, phospholipase activity was detected in only 24% of these isolates. The phospholipase activity of C. albicans was significantly higher than that of the non- C. albicans Candida isolates (P=0.002). Haemolysin activity was detected in 100% of the C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, and C. orthopsilosis isolates while 75% of the C. krusei isolates and 12.3% of the C. rugosa isolates showed haemolysin activity. The haemolytic activity of C. albicans was significantly higher than that of the non- C. albicans Candida isolates (P=0.0001).The findings in this study indicate that C. albicans isolates in Malaysia may possess greater virulence potential than the non-albicans species
ABSTRAKNama: Vita FitriyaniFakultas: Kedokteran GigiProgram Studi: Pendidikan Dokter GigiJudul: Efek Aktivitas Candida albicans dan Cigarette Smoke Condensate Kretek dan Non Kretek terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Email Gigi Insisivus Tikus Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) Peningkatan kekasaran permukaan email diketahui dapat terjadi akibat interaksi faktor virulensi Candida albicans dengan berbagai perubahan pada lingkungan rongga mulut yang terjadi. Merokok merupakan salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan pada lingkungan rongga mulut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat efek aktivitas Candida albicans dan Cigarette Smoke Condensate kretek dan non kretek terhadap kekasaran permukaan email gigi Metode Tiga kelompok subjek penelitian diberikan perlakuan yang berbeda, yaitu kelompok kontrol (Candida albicans), kelompok perlakuan 1 (Candida albicans dan CSC Kretek) dan kelompok perlakuan 2 (Candida albicans dan CSC Non Kretek). Pada hari ke 7, 14 dan 21, sampel saliva diambil dari mulut tikus kemudian dikultur pada CHROMagar candida selama 48 jam, kemudian setiap koloni yang terbentuk pada setiap kelompok dihitung. Pada waktu yang sama (7,14,21), gigi tikus diekstraksi dan ditinjau kekasaran permukaan email menggunakan Atomic Force Microscopy. Hasil Kekasaran permukaan email paling tinggi pada kelompok perlakuan 2 (Candida albicans + CSC Non Kretek) di hari ke-21, dimana nilai Roughness average (Ra)=127nm. Data jumlah pembentukan koloni juga menunjukkan bahwa kelompok perlakuan 2 pada hari ke-21 memiliki jumlah koloni Candida albicans paling banyak yaitu 440 CFU/ml Kesimpulan Cigarette Smoke Condensate kretek dan non kretek dapat meningkatkan kekasaran permukaan email gigi.Kata Kunci : Candida albicans, Cigarrete Smoke Condensate, Kekasaran Permukaan Email
Candida albicans is a fungus found in the oral cavity which will cause abnormalities if thare are risk factors. Risk factors may increase growth of Candida albicans colonies and promote fungal invasion It infiltrates networks, forms colonies and grievances. One of the risk factors for Candida albicans proliferation smoking. The purpose study this for know analysis type Candida albicans with a mucosal swab mouth smoker Active in Lubuk Buaya Padang. Study this use types of analytical studies observant and approach Cross section. Collect data local residents under Smoking active, prompt willingness aspiring respondents. A mucosal swab was taken mouth and fill in informed consent. test end and SDA culture and exams in a way Visual inspection in a way microscopic and Gram stain and coloring Lactophenol Cotton blue (LPCB) and genital tract examination. Direct testing of 20 respondents revealed that 65% of the samples had Candida albicans colonies growing and non- Candida albicans growing 35 % too . Based on smoking duration, those who smoked for less than 3 years were found to be positive Candida albican 50 % tested positive for Candida albicans over 3 years 15%. Based on the number of cigarettes smoked, those who smoked less than 10 cigarettes per day were Candida albicans positive more than 25% and more than 10 cigarettes per day were positive for Candida albican A whopping 40 %. Based on tooth brushing behavior, those who brushed once were Candida albicans positive 10% were positive for Candida , 55 % and twice daily. Based on complaints with complaints that tested positive for Candida albican Up to 10% and up to 60 % of coffee/ tea drinkers were found to be Candida albicans positive and no coffee/ tea intake obtained positive Candida albicans 5 %. The study concluded that 65 % of the 20 samples were infected with Candida albicans 35% are non candida albicans
Candida albicans merupakan mikroflora normal dalam rongga mulut, namun jika jumlahnya melebih batas normal dan ada pemicu akan menyebabkan infeksi kandidiasis. Salah satunya yaitu merokok. Adanya asap rokok menyebabkan pembentukan biofilm Candida albicans. Menurunnya imunitas pekerja bangunan yang disertai kebiasaan merokok dapat memicu terjadinya kandidiasis oral. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran jamur Candida albicans pada saliva perokok aktif pekerja bangunan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan desain cross-sectional. Sampel berjumlah 25 saliva perokok aktif pekerja bangunan di lingkungan Poltekkes Kemenkes Kalimantan Timur dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara mengambil saliva perokok aktif pekerja bangunan yang diidentifikasi secara makroskopis (media Sabouraud Dextrose Agar dan Chrom Agar) dan mikroskopis (pewarnaan Lactophenol Cotton Blue dan Germ Tube). Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat. Hasil identifikasi ditemukan spesies jamur Candida albicans, Candia krusei, dan Candida glabrata. Identifikasi jamur Candida albicans pada saliva perokok aktif yaitu 40% sampel negatif tidak ditumbuhi koloni jamur, 32% sampel positif Candida non albicans dan 28% sampel positif Candida albicans. Kesimpulan yaitu ditemukan spesies jamur Candida albicans pada saliva perokok aktif
Prevalence of Candida albicans Among Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women attending a Medical Facility in Oredo, Edo State, Nigeria
Candida albicans is the most prevalent cause of fungal infections worldwide as a consequence of various triggering environments. Hence, this paper evaluates the prevalence of Candida albican in the cultures of pregnant and non-pregnant women who attended prenatal classes at a medical facility in Oredo, Edo State, Nigeria by collecting200 vaginal swab samples for microbiological examination using standard methods. The pour plate method was used to carry out microbial isolation. Based on their cultural, morphological, and biochemical characteristics, isolated microorganisms were recognised. The agar dilution technique was used to test antifungal sensitivity. The results showed that the lowest fungal count was 0.6±0.48×103 cfu/g and the highest fungal count was 5.6±0.32×103 cfu/g. Both Candida albicans and non-albicans were among the fungal isolates. In comparison to non-pregnant women (18 %), pregnant women had a percentage frequency of Candida albican of 30.5 %. Age groups 31 to 35 and 41 to 46 showed the highest and lowest frequencies of Candida albicans, respectively, among the pregnant women. Additionally, the age range of 20 to 25 had the highest frequency of Candida albicans among the non-pregnant women, while the age range of 36 to 40 had the lowest frequency. No antifungal resistance was found in any of the Candida albicans isolates to the analytical grades of itraconazole or clotrimazole, respectively. Additionally, isolate proliferation was inhibited by Ocimum gratissimum extracts. This study revealed that pregnant women had a higher prevalence of Candida albicans than non-pregnant women. It is recommended that, the general public given orientation of the major health effects of vulvovaginal candidiasis during pregnancy, especially during antenatal
Distribuţia speciilor clinice de candida şi sensibilitatea acestora la antifungice
Background. Opportunistic infections of fungal origin are a challenge of the 21st century. The correct
identification of Candida species involved in human mycoses and testing of susceptibility to antifungals
are key elements in the management of these infections, especially in the case of antifungal
resistance Objective of the study. Analysis of the distribution and antifungal sensitivity patterns of
Candida species isolated from various pathological samples during the years 2017-2018. Material and
Methods. A descriptive study of Candida species distribution and antifungal susceptibility profile was
performed. Identification of isolated Candida species was performed by the MALDI-TOF system, and
antifungal susceptibility profiles by Fungitest (Bio-Rad SDP Paris, France). Results. Of the 83
recovered strains, Candida non albicans species predominated - 50.6% and Candida albicans constituted
49.4%. The most common species of the Candida non albicans, were C.parapsilosis (25.3%), C.glabrata
(12.0%) and C.krusei (4.8%). Analysis of antifungal susceptibility testing of the recovered strains was
found that 95.2% Candida spp. were susceptible to 5-fuorocytosine and 94.0% to ketoconazole and
intermediate susceptibility to miconazole 34.9%, itraconazole 15.7%. Candida species were resistant to
miconazole in 15.7% of the cases, and in 14.5% of cases each to amphotericin B and fluconazole, 9.6%
to itraconazole. Conclusion. C.albicans is the most frequently isolated fungal species, but there is also
an increase share of non-albicans Candida species such as C.parapsilosis. Introducere. Infecțiile oportuniste de origine fungică sunt o provocare a secolului XXI. Identificarea
corectă a speciilor Candida implicate în dezvoltarea micozelor umane, determinarea sensibilității la
antifungice sunt elemente cheie în gestionarea acestor infecții, în special în cazul rezistenței
antifungice. Scopul lucrării. Analiza distribuţiei și patternurilor de sensibilitate la antifungice a
speciilor de Candida izolate din diverse prelevate patologice pe parcursul anilor 2017-2018. Material
și Metode. A fost realizat un studiu descriptiv al distribuției speciilor de Candida și al profilului de
sensibilitate la antifungice. Identificarea speciilor de Candida izolate a fost realizată prin sistemul
MALDI-TOF, iar profilurile de susceptibilitate antifungică prin Fungitest (Bio-Rad SDP Paris,
Franta). Rezultate. Din 83 tulpini recuperate, au predominat speciile Candida non albicans cu 50,6%,
iar Candida albicans a constituit 49,4%. Din speciile de Candida non albicans, cele mai frecvente au fost
C.parapsilosis (25,3%), C.glabrata (12,0%) şi C.krusei (4,8%). Analizând rezultatele testării către
preparatele antifungice a tulpinilor recuperate, s-a observat că 95,2% izolatele au fost sensibile la 5-
fuorocytosina și 94,0% la ketoconazol. Speciile de Candida au fost rezistente la miconazol în 15,7%
cazuri, iar în câte 14,5% din cazuri fiecare la amfotericină B și fluconazol, 9,6% la itraconazol.
Concluzii. C.albicans reprezintă specia fungică cel mai frecvent izolată, însă se observă și creșterea
ponderii speciilor de Candida non-albicans, precum C.parapsilosis. Speciile de Candida au fost
rezistente la miconazol, amphotericină B și fluconazol
Candida periprosthetic joint infections — risk factors and outcome between albicans and non-albicans strains
Background: Despite its scarcity, fungal periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is of great clinical relevance as diagnosis and treatment are highly challenging. Previous analyses focused on the treatment rather than the role of the causative fungal agent on clinical outcome. This is the largest study of its kind to evaluate Candida strain-dependent differences in patients with fungal PJI.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 29 patients who underwent surgical intervention due to Candida hip or knee PJI in our department from 2010 to 2018. PJI was defined according to IDSA, recurrent PJI according to modified Delphi consensus criteria. Statistical analysis was performed using t-test, chi-square test with Yates correction, and log rank test.
Results: Besides age and affected joint, no significant differences were found between Candida albicans and non-albicans PJI patients (75.83 versus 64.11 years, p = 0.012; 12 hip versus two knee cases, p = 0.013). Most patients received two- (27.59%) or three-stage exchange surgery (41.38%). There was a statistical trend towards an increase in surgery needed in non-albicans Candida PJI (2.92 versus 2.12; p = 0.103). After initial Candida PJI treatment, functional prosthesis implantation was achieved in 72.41% of all patients. At last follow-up, infection-free survival was at 26.79% in Candida albicans versus 72.00% in non-albicans PJI (p = 0.046).
Conclusions: In this study, we found infection-free survival rates to be significantly decreased in patients with albicans compared to non-albicans Candida PJI. While age and affected joint might play a confounding role, we speculate the causative pathogen to play a decisive role in disease progression
Isolation, identification and antifungal susceptibility of Candida in patients with fungal sepsis
Background: In this study, our aim was to identify and isolate Candida species from patients admitted in ICU,s of our hospital and to determine their susceptibilities to various antifungal agents so as to find the local resistance pattern and guide for empirical treatment.Methods: In our study 37 strains of candida were isolated (4 Candida albicans, 33 Non-albicans Candida strains). Candida species were identified by conventional, biochemical and molecular methods. Antifungal susceptibility tests for amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole and voriconazole were performed with broth microdilution method and E- tests as described by National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS).Results: Out of 37 Candida strains, the most prevalent species were C. tropicalis (43.2%), C. parapsilosis (24.3%), C. krusei (16.2%), C. albicans (10.8%), and C. glabrata (2.7%). Among all strains four strains (10.8 %) were resistant, two Candida albicans where found resistant to fluconazole one Candida krusei and one Candida parapsilosis were found to be resistant to all azoles.Conclusions: Candidemia continues to be associated with substantial morbidity and mortality and non albicans Candida species are the commonly isolated pathogen from those patients admitted in tertiary care hospitals in Indian scenario. Thus, it is imperative to perform antifungal susceptibility to select appropriate and effective antifungal therapy
Prevalence and Speciation of Non-albican Vulvovaginal Candidiasis in Zaria
Candida species are versatile microorganisms which live normally in the skin, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary tract. In healthy people, Candida species usually live as benign commensals and produce no disease. However, they are the most common cause of fungal infections in immunosuppressed individuals, leading to a range of non-life threatening mucocutaneous diseases to threatening invasive systemic diseases. Among Candida spp, the more important pathogenic species are Candida albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis and C.krusei. The research set out to determine the prevalence of non albicans vulvovaginal candidiasis and pattern of distribution of the different Candida species in Zaria.A cross sectional study of female genital swabs collected from 400 women with features suggestive of vulvovaginal candidiasis attending Gynaecology clinics in four selected hospitals in Zaria. The swabs collected between a period of February 2012 to March 2013 were analysed by microscopy and culture in the Medical Microbiology laboratory, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Data on demographic details were also obtained; using structured questionnaires. Of the 400 patient samples examined 163(40.8%) were culture positive for Candida spp. Of these 163 isolates, 84 were germ-tube negative giving a prevalence of 21% for non albicans candida (NAC). Of the 84 isolates of NAC, 51(60.7%) were Candida parapsilosis, 18 (21.4%) were Candida tropicalis, while 15 (17.9%) were Candida glabrata. Vulvovaginal candidiasis was found to be more prevalent among the age group 21-30 years in general. Vulvovaginal candidiasis is a prevalent infection among women. More than half of the infections are due to non-albicans Candida. NAC is becoming increasingly relevant in the aetiology of Vulvovaginal candidiasis and health providers need to be aware of this as the treatment options differ. Keywords: Non albicans Candida, Vulvovaginal candidiasis, Vulvovaginiti
Proteinase activities of Candida spp. isolated from different anatomical sites of healthy women
Superficial and systemic fungal infections caused by Candida have been increasingly reported in recent times. Hydrolytic enzyme production is an important process in fungal pathogenesis and proteases have been identified as important virulence attributes in Candida species. The aim of the study was to determine and compare the in vitro proteinase activity in sixty Candida spp isolated from three different anatomical sites (vagina, oral cavity and skin) of healthy women. Twenty samples per sample source were collected from apparently healthy female subjects. The recovered Candida isolates were properly identified and screened for proteolytic activity using established procedures. Overall, the recovery rate of Candida albicans was 66.7%, while the non-albicans Candida species represent 25% of the positive samples. Candida albicans recovered from the oral cavity exhibited the highest proteolytic activity (Pz range = 0.41±0.02- 0.65 ± 0.04), followed by skin isolates (Pz = 0.50 ± 0.05 – 0.79 ± 0.06). Isolates from the vagina had the least proteolytic activity (Pz = 0.57 ± 0.03 - 0.95 ± 0.08). The difference in proteolysis was significant between oral and vagina isolates (p = 0.0042), as well as skin and vaginal isolates (p = 0.0364). This study indicates that C. albicans remains the most prevalent species in all the anatomical body sites investigated. Moreover, the secretion of proteases could prove a potent virulence factor during the pathogenesis of the organism in an otherwise immunocompetent host.Keywords: Proteinase, Candida albicans, women, body sites, non-albicans Candid
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