84 research outputs found

    Process of Fingerprint Authentication using Cancelable Biohashed Template

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    Template protection using cancelable biometrics prevents data loss and hacking stored templates, by providing considerable privacy and security. Hashing and salting techniques are used to build resilient systems. Salted password method is employed to protect passwords against different types of attacks namely brute-force attack, dictionary attack, rainbow table attacks. Salting claims that random data can be added to input of hash function to ensure unique output. Hashing salts are speed bumps in an attacker’s road to breach user’s data. Research proposes a contemporary two factor authenticator called Biohashing. Biohashing procedure is implemented by recapitulated inner product over a pseudo random number generator key, as well as fingerprint features that are a network of minutiae. Cancelable template authentication used in fingerprint-based sales counter accelerates payment process. Fingerhash is code produced after applying biohashing on fingerprint. Fingerhash is a binary string procured by choosing individual bit of sign depending on a preset threshold. Experiment is carried using benchmark FVC 2002 DB1 dataset. Authentication accuracy is found to be nearly 97\%. Results compared with state-of art approaches finds promising

    A Novel Technique for Cancelable and Irrevocable Biometric Template Generation for Fingerprints

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    Cancelable biometric key generation is vital in biometric systems to protect sensitive information of users. A novel technique called Reciprocated Magnitude and Complex Conjugate- Phase (RMCCP) transform is proposed. This proposed method comprises of different components for the development of new method. It is tested with the multiple aspects such as cancelability, irrevocability and security. FVC database and real time datasets are used to observe the performance on Match score using ROC, time complexity, and space complexity. The experimental results show that the proposed method is better in all the aspects of performance.

    Performance comparison of intrusion detection systems and application of machine learning to Snort system

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    This study investigates the performance of two open source intrusion detection systems (IDSs) namely Snort and Suricata for accurately detecting the malicious traffic on computer networks. Snort and Suricata were installed on two different but identical computers and the performance was evaluated at 10 Gbps network speed. It was noted that Suricata could process a higher speed of network traffic than Snort with lower packet drop rate but it consumed higher computational resources. Snort had higher detection accuracy and was thus selected for further experiments. It was observed that the Snort triggered a high rate of false positive alarms. To solve this problem a Snort adaptive plug-in was developed. To select the best performing algorithm for Snort adaptive plug-in, an empirical study was carried out with different learning algorithms and Support Vector Machine (SVM) was selected. A hybrid version of SVM and Fuzzy logic produced a better detection accuracy. But the best result was achieved using an optimised SVM with firefly algorithm with FPR (false positive rate) as 8.6% and FNR (false negative rate) as 2.2%, which is a good result. The novelty of this work is the performance comparison of two IDSs at 10 Gbps and the application of hybrid and optimised machine learning algorithms to Snort

    A Survey on Biometrics and Cancelable Biometrics Systems

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    Now-a-days, biometric systems have replaced the password or token based authentication system in many fields to improve the security level. However, biometric system is also vulnerable to security threats. Unlike password based system, biometric templates cannot be replaced if lost or compromised. To deal with the issue of the compromised biometric template, template protection schemes evolved to make it possible to replace the biometric template. Cancelable biometric is such a template protection scheme that replaces a biometric template when the stored template is stolen or lost. It is a feature domain transformation where a distorted version of a biometric template is generated and matched in the transformed domain. This paper presents a review on the state-of-the-art and analysis of different existing methods of biometric based authentication system and cancelable biometric systems along with an elaborate focus on cancelable biometrics in order to show its advantages over the standard biometric systems through some generalized standards and guidelines acquired from the literature. We also proposed a highly secure method for cancelable biometrics using a non-invertible function based on Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT) and Huffman encoding. We tested and evaluated the proposed novel method for 50 users and achieved good results

    Towards cancelable multi-biometrics based on bloom filters: a case study on feature level fusion of face and iris

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. C. Rathgeb, M. Gomez-Barrero, C. Busch, J. Galbally, and J. Fierrez, "Towards cancelable multi-biometrics based on bloom filters: a case study on feature level fusion of face and iris", in International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2015, p. 1-6In this work we propose a generic framework for generating an irreversible representation of multiple biometric templates based on adaptive Bloom filters. The presented technique enables a feature level fusion of different biometrics (face and iris) to a single protected template, improving privacy protection compared to the corresponding systems based on a single biometric trait. At the same time, a significant gain in biometric performance is achieved, confirming the sound- ness of the proposed technique.This work has been partially supported by projects Bio-Shield (TEC2012-34881) from Spanish MINECO, FIDELITY (FP7- SEC-284862) and BEAT (FP7-SEC-284989) from EU, the Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt (CASED) and C´atedra UAM-Telef´onica. Marta Gomez-Barrero is supported by a FPU Fellowship from Spanish MECD

    Iris Recognition Approach for Preserving Privacy in Cloud Computing

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    Biometric identification systems involve securing biometric traits by encrypting them using an encryption algorithm and storing them in the cloud. In recent decades, iris recognition schemes have been considered one of the most effective biometric models for identifying humans based on iris texture, due to their relevance and distinctiveness. The proposed system focuses on encrypting biometric traits. The user’s iris feature vector is encrypted and stored in the cloud. During the matching process, the user’s iris feature vector is compared with the one stored in the cloud. If it meets the threshold conditions, the user is authenticated. Iris identification in cloud computing involves several steps. First, the iris image is pre-processed to remove noise using the Hough transform. Then, the pixel values are normalized, Gabor filters are applied to extract iris features. The features are then encrypted using the AES 128-bit algorithm. Finally, the features of the test image are matched with the stored features on the cloud to verify authenticity. The process ensures the privacy and security of the iris data in cloud storage by utilizing encryption and efficient image processing techniques. The matching is performed by setting an appropriate threshold for comparison. Overall, the approach offers a significant level of safety, effectiveness, and accuracy

    Finger Vein Template Protection with Directional Bloom Filter

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    Biometrics has become a widely accepted solution for secure user authentication. However, the use of biometric traits raises serious concerns about the protection of personal data and privacy. Traditional biometric systems are vulnerable to attacks due to the storage of original biometric data in the system. Because biometric data cannot be changed once it has been compromised, the use of a biometric system is limited by the security of its template. To protect biometric templates, this paper proposes the use of directional bloom filters as a cancellable biometric approach to transform the biometric data into a non-invertible template for user authentication purposes. Recently, Bloom filter has been used for template protection due to its efficiency with small template size, alignment invariance, and irreversibility. Directional Bloom Filter improves on the original bloom filter. It generates hash vectors with directional subblocks rather than only a single-column subblock in the original bloom filter. Besides, we make use of multiple fingers to generate a biometric template, which is termed multi-instance biometrics. It helps to improve the performance of the method by providing more information through the use of multiple fingers. The proposed method is tested on three public datasets and achieves an equal error rate (EER) as low as 5.28% in the stolen or constant key scenario. Analysis shows that the proposed method meets the four properties of biometric template protection. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-02-013 Full Text: PD

    Iris Recognition: Robust Processing, Synthesis, Performance Evaluation and Applications

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    The popularity of iris biometric has grown considerably over the past few years. It has resulted in the development of a large number of new iris processing and encoding algorithms. In this dissertation, we will discuss the following aspects of the iris recognition problem: iris image acquisition, iris quality, iris segmentation, iris encoding, performance enhancement and two novel applications.;The specific claimed novelties of this dissertation include: (1) a method to generate a large scale realistic database of iris images; (2) a crosspectral iris matching method for comparison of images in color range against images in Near-Infrared (NIR) range; (3) a method to evaluate iris image and video quality; (4) a robust quality-based iris segmentation method; (5) several approaches to enhance recognition performance and security of traditional iris encoding techniques; (6) a method to increase iris capture volume for acquisition of iris on the move from a distance and (7) a method to improve performance of biometric systems due to available soft data in the form of links and connections in a relevant social network
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