9 research outputs found

    Sexting among University Students: Links to Internet Addiction and Psychological Variables

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    This paper has been funded by the Vice-rectorate for Research and Transfer of the University of Granada (Spain), programme of pre-competitive research projects for young researchers (Reference: PPJIB2019-06).Sexting is increasingly common among university students, while levels of Internet addiction are rising in this population. This has caused students to present certain risk behaviors that are linked to the development of psychological variables that affect health such as low self-control, depression, anxiety and stress. In this paper it was proposed as objective of the study to analyze the links that are established between the practice of sexting, Internet addiction, self- control, depression, anxiety and stress. For this purpose, an online survey was applied to a sample of 1013 university students from a Spanish university, which collected four standardized instruments to measure the constructs of the study. The results showed that students who practiced sexting were associated with low self-control and higher levels of depression, anxiety and stress, as well as problematic Internet use. Furthermore, gender, living with parents, and daily Internet use were predictors of sexting. Finally, the main implications derived from the study in relation to the links of sexting and Internet addiction were collected.University of Granada PPJIB2019-0

    School Media Education During the COVID–19 Pandemic: Limitations and New Opportunities

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    This paper focuses on the media use for distance learning in Ukraine during the quarantine caused by the COVID–19 pandemic. The study found out that during the COVID–19 pandemic the media have a powerful and contradictory influence on education, becoming a leading factor in socialization, social learning, and a means and source of formal and non-formal education. Theoretical methods were used in the work: analysis, generalization of scientific sources and normative documents. To generalize the experience of media educational activities of teachers, the survey was used (830 respondents). Its results were interpreted using methods of analysis, specification and classification. The teachers reported using media-related tasks, such as presentations, watching movies, visiting virtual museums, taking photos and making educational videos, reading popular science literature, comparing fiction and screenplays, comparing textual information from different sources, creating pages of literary characters in social networks, comics, mental maps, news reports, writing fictionalized biographies and annotations, preparing crossword puzzles after watching educational films, sharing life experience, personal life events, drawing after listening to audio and watching videos. The criteria for the responsible use of media by teachers in distance learning are following: preferential use of established professional platforms, or communication groups, verifying the sources, collaboration with colleagues and parents, adjusting information to meet individual needs

    “Just Be Careful, Since Social Media Is Really Not as Safe as It’s Being Portrayed”: Adolescent Views on Adult Support for Safer Social Media Use

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    Social media is an integral part of the lives of adolescents, but they are also closed arenas concealed from the next of kin and are resistant to parental mediation. Consequently, this study aims to investigate how adolescents reflect on the safe use of social media and the conversations they have with their parents. The present study used data from 8 focus group interviews with adolescents aged from 15 to 19 years in Norway. Data were analysed using systematic text condensation—an inductive thematic cross-case analysis. The results showed three themes: (1) next of kin encourage caution, (2) safety is created through mutual learning, and (3) adolescents expect parental mediation. The present study has important implications for policymakers, media educators, and education institutions and its findings will enable better preparation and targeting of curricula and education from basic to secondary schools on a national level.This research and APC was funded by Kristiania University College, Oslo, Norway grant number 10093 ForskM 2022- SoMeSelf-408T.publishedVersio

    Influencia de las TIC en el rendimiento escolar de estudiantes vulnerables

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    The contemporary educational system is influenced by migratory movements, as well as the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The goal of the work is to analyze the influence of ICT on the school performance of vulnerable students. To do this, the relationships between school performance and the student's country of origin, the Internet connection at home and the daily use of digital devices are studied. Supported by the comparative education research methodology, representative samples of the populations of Spain, the member countries of the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development are contrasted. Descriptive statistics support the results obtained. The variables daily participation in social networks, daily participation in online games, daily reading of online news, and the average grade for Science and Mathematics, respectively, are analyzed. The findings show that in Spain there is low school performance related to the origin of the student; Internet connection at home and that daily use of digital devices can be beneficial, if the exposures are moderate and controlled.El sistema educativo contemporáneo está influenciado por los movimientos migratorios y el desarrollo de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Este trabajo analiza la influencia de las TIC en el rendimiento escolar de estudiantes vulnerables. Para ello, se estudian las relaciones del rendimiento escolar con el país de origen del estudiante, la conexión a Internet en el hogar y el uso diario de dispositivos digitales. Apoyado en la metodología de investigación en educación comparada, se contrastan las muestras representativas de las poblaciones de España, los países miembros de la Unión Europea y la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos. Se utilizan fundamentalmente los datos publicados por el Ministerio de Educación en los informes PISA 2018 y OCDE 2019. La estadística descriptiva sustenta los resultados obtenidos. Se analizan las variables participación diaria en redes sociales, participación diaria en juegos online, lectura diaria de noticias online y la nota media de Ciencias y Matemática respectivamente. Los hallazgos muestran que en España existe un bajo rendimiento escolar relacionado con el origen del estudiante; la conexión a Internet en el hogar y que un uso diario de dispositivos digitales puede ser beneficioso, si las exposiciones son moderadas y controladas

    Digital Research Skills in Secondary Science Education: A Guiding Framework and University Teachers’ Perception

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    This study focuses on the perceived gap between the required and actual level of digital research skills (DRS) of students entering tertiary science education. By combining existing frameworks for research skills and digital literacy skills, a guiding framework of DRS was constructed. The DRS framework incorporates seven categories and is evaluated using an exploratory qualitative study employing semi-structured interviews with university teachers (N = 15). The level of DRS at the start of university science education and university teachers’ perceptions of first-year students’ level of DRS have been investigated. The results show that the skills of writing a research paper using digital tools, using proper resources, and analysing, transforming, and visualising data were generally found to be wanting

    Teknoloji kullanımında ebeveyn tutum ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi

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    Teknolojinin yaygınlaşması ve kolay erişebilir bir hale gelmesi yaşamın her alanında etkisini göstermekte, teknoloji hemen her ailenin günlük hayatında yer edinmeye başlamakta ve bu durumun aktif bir şekilde teknoloji kullanımına başlayan çocukların ebeveynleri ile olan iletişimlerini ve ebeveyn tutumlarını etkilediği düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışma okul öncesi dönemde çocuğu bulunan ebeveynlerin, çocuklarının teknolojik araç kullanımlarına yönelik bilgi ve tutumlarının belirlenmesinde geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı geliştirmeyi amaçlamıştır. Araştırmanın örnekleminde kartopu ve rassal örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilmiş 243 ebeveyn bulunmaktadır. Araştırmanın amacı teknoloji kullanımında ebeveyn tutumlarının bilgi ve tutum boyutlarını ölçecek bir ölçme aracı geliştirilmesi olduğu için elde edilen veri setiyle öncelikle açımlayıcı faktör analizi (AFA) gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucu Teknoloji Kullanımında Ebeveyn Tutum Ölçeğinin geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek olduğunu göstermiştir

    Using a socio-ecological framework to understand how 8–12-year-olds build and show digital resilience: A multiperspective and multimethod qualitative study

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    Educationalists’, researchers’, and policy makers’ work on children’s digital resilience has marginalised the role of the broader context within which digital resilience is constituted, experienced and derived. We aimed to address this lacuna by exploring how pre-teen’s digital resilience operates as a dynamic socio-ecological process. Addressing this aim, we employed participatory methods and thematically analysed eight focus groups with children aged 8–12 years (n = 59) and 20 telephone interviews with parents/carers and teachers of 8–12-year-olds and internet safety experts to examine this issue. We used purposive sampling and collected data over three months (January-March 2020). Our analysis constructed a matrix of main themes, constituent, and cross-cutting sub-themes. By placing this within a socio-ecological framework, we illustrate how pre-teens’ digital resilience operates within and across differing four levels (individual, home, community and societal) and four domains (learning, recognising, managing, and recovery). The paper advances the literature by illustrating how children can be supported to build and show digital resilience within and across different levels and domains. It is argued that digital resilience should be re-conceptualised as a collective endeavour involving children at an individual level, parents/carers within home environments, youth workers, civil society, teachers, and schools at a community level, along with governments, policymakers, and the education system and internet corporations at a societal level. We conclude by providing practice and research recommendations guiding those supporting children to facilitate opportunities to thrive online

    Comparación de la alfabetización digital en estudiantes de cuarto ciclo de EducaciónBásica Regular de Junín y Lima, 2021

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    La alfabetización digital es importante porque el individuo, se comunica, aprende y trabaja de forma más eficiente al utilizar las herramientas digitales, estas herramientas ayudan al sujeto a desarrollar habilidades digitales y a convertirse en ciudadano competente y productivo de la población . La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general comparar el nivel de Alfabetización digital en los estudiantes del cuarto ciclo de educación básica regular de Junín y Lima 2021. En cuanto a la metodología el diseño es no experimental, de nivel comparativo y corte transeccional, se trabajó con una muestra de 160 sujetos entre 8 a 10 años de edad de Comas y Pangoa, se elaboró un instrumento de escala Likert para la medición del nivel de alfabetización digital. En los resultados se obtuvo promedio mayor para la ciudad de Lima (M = 126,43) obteniendo una diferencia significativa (t (158) = 11,798; p< 0.05). Se concluye que, si existen diferencias en el nivel de alfabetización digital de los estudiantes de Comas y Pangoa, lo cual se evidencio en las dimensiones, alfabetización multimedia, alfabetización informacional y alfabetización en tecnologías e internet, no obstante, se puede evidenciar que a pesar que Comas presente cierta ventaja ante Pangoa, los estudiantes de dicho lugar son analfabetos digitales

    Atividades Educativas Digitais: Um Estudo Sobre o Funcionamento Cognitivo e Motivação em Crianças do 1º Ciclo

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    A aprendizagem é o processo pelo qual um sujeito desenvolve competências e conhecimentos (Souza & Souza, 2019). Este processo ocorre, maioritariamente, nas escolas através de um método de ensino-aprendizagem que está em constante atualização. Considerando a presença das novas tecnologias na vida das crianças e em especial o impulso que o aparecimento da pandemia Covid-19 deu neste sentido (Sewall, et. al., 2021) dado que, estas adquiriram um papel fulcral no processo de adaptação escolar. Desta forma, este estudo procurou explorar potenciais diferenças na aquisição de competências linguísticas, matemáticas e cognitivas comparando dois métodos de ensino-aprendizagem distintos (atividades educativas digitais vs atividades em papel) e o papel da motivação para o uso das novas tecnologias, em crianças do 1ºciclo. Neste estudo participaram 36 crianças (55,6% sexo masculino; M idade = 8,97; DP = 0,85) que realizaram, em dois momentos distintos, um conjunto de atividades, escolares e cognitivas, em papel e, posteriormente, atividades semelhantes em formato digital. Em geral, os resultados deste estudo demonstram um efeito positivo das atividades digitais nas competências avaliadas, assim como, uma relação positiva entre a motivação para o uso das novas tecnologias e o desempenho nas atividades digitais. Ainda assim, considera-se importante a realização de mais estudos sobre esta temática, nomeadamente com uma amostra maior e mais abrangente, para concluir se esta é uma ferramenta que possa, ou não, ser incluída no método de ensino. Uma vez que também se avaliaram funções cognitivas e que os resultados demonstram o benefício do uso dos meios digitais, seria interessante perceber se este tipo de ferramenta poderia ser utilizado em crianças com perturbações do neurodesenvolvimento (p.e.: PHDA). Deste modo, espera-se que este estudo sirva de ponto de reflexão sobre a necessidade de reconhecer o potencial das novas tecnologias no ensino de crianças, contribuindo, ainda, para um melhor conhecimento sobre uma área ainda pouco investigada. Estes resultados podem guiar professores que procurem métodos mais atuais, adotando os meios digitais, não só como forma de auxiliar no ensino de determinadas competências, mas, também, como forma de avaliar as mesmas