9 research outputs found

    Author retrospective for the dual data cache

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    In this paper we present a retrospective on our paper published in ICS 1995, which to best of our knowledge was the first paper that introduced the concept of a cache memory with multiple subcaches, each tuned for a different type of locality. In this retrospective, we summarize the main ideas of the original paper and outline some of the later work that exploited similar ideas and could have been influenced by our original paper, including two actual industrial microprocessors.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Exploiting Both Spatial and Temporal Locality in Page Replacement Algorithms

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    Energy-Aware Data Movement In Non-Volatile Memory Hierarchies

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    While technology scaling enables increased density for memory cells, the intrinsic high leakage power of conventional CMOS technology and the demand for reduced energy consumption inspires the use of emerging technology alternatives such as eDRAM and Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) including STT-MRAM, PCM, and RRAM. The utilization of emerging technology in Last Level Cache (LLC) designs which occupies a signifcant fraction of total die area in Chip Multi Processors (CMPs) introduces new dimensions of vulnerability, energy consumption, and performance delivery. To be specific, a part of this research focuses on eDRAM Bit Upset Vulnerability Factor (BUVF) to assess vulnerable portion of the eDRAM refresh cycle where the critical charge varies depending on the write voltage, storage and bit-line capacitance. This dissertation broaden the study on vulnerability assessment of LLC through investigating the impact of Process Variations (PV) on narrow resistive sensing margins in high-density NVM arrays, including on-chip cache and primary memory. Large-latency and power-hungry Sense Amplifers (SAs) have been adapted to combat PV in the past. Herein, a novel approach is proposed to leverage the PV in NVM arrays using Self-Organized Sub-bank (SOS) design. SOS engages the preferred SA alternative based on the intrinsic as-built behavior of the resistive sensing timing margin to reduce the latency and power consumption while maintaining acceptable access time. On the other hand, this dissertation investigates a novel technique to prioritize the service to 1) Extensive Read Reused Accessed blocks of the LLC that are silently dropped from higher levels of cache, and 2) the portion of the working set that may exhibit distant re-reference interval in L2. In particular, we develop a lightweight Multi-level Access History Profiler to effciently identify ERRA blocks through aggregating the LLC block addresses tagged with identical Most Signifcant Bits into a single entry. Experimental results indicate that the proposed technique can reduce the L2 read miss ratio by 51.7% on average across PARSEC and SPEC2006 workloads. In addition, this dissertation will broaden and apply advancements in theories of subspace recovery to pioneer computationally-aware in-situ operand reconstruction via the novel Logic In Interconnect (LI2) scheme. LI2 will be developed, validated, and re?ned both theoretically and experimentally to realize a radically different approach to post-Moore\u27s Law computing by leveraging low-rank matrices features offering data reconstruction instead of fetching data from main memory to reduce energy/latency cost per data movement. We propose LI2 enhancement to attain high performance delivery in the post-Moore\u27s Law era through equipping the contemporary micro-architecture design with a customized memory controller which orchestrates the memory request for fetching low-rank matrices to customized Fine Grain Reconfigurable Accelerator (FGRA) for reconstruction while the other memory requests are serviced as before. The goal of LI2 is to conquer the high latency/energy required to traverse main memory arrays in the case of LLC miss, by using in-situ construction of the requested data dealing with low-rank matrices. Thus, LI2 exchanges a high volume of data transfers with a novel lightweight reconstruction method under specific conditions using a cross-layer hardware/algorithm approach

    Exploiting cache locality at run-time

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    With the increasing gap between the speeds of the processor and memory system, memory access has become a major performance bottleneck in modern computer systems. Recently, Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) systems have emerged as a major class of high-performance platforms. Improving the memory performance of Parallel applications with dynamic memory-access patterns on Symmetric Multi-Processors (SMP) is a hard problem. The solution to this problem is critical to the successful use of the SMP systems because dynamic memory-access patterns occur in many real-world applications. This dissertation is aimed at solving this problem.;Based on a rigorous analysis of cache-locality optimization, we propose a memory-layout oriented run-time technique to exploit the cache locality of parallel loops. Our technique have been implemented in a run-time system. Using simulation and measurement, we have shown our run-time approach can achieve comparable performance with compiler optimizations for those regular applications, whose load balance and cache locality can be well optimized by tiling and other program transformations. However, our approach was shown to improve significantly the memory performance for applications with dynamic memory-access patterns. Such applications are usually hard to optimize with static compiler optimizations.;Several contributions are made in this dissertation. We present models to characterize the complexity and present a solution framework for optimizing cache locality. We present an effective estimation technique for memory-access patterns to support efficient locality optimizations and information integration. We present a memory-layout oriented run-time technique for locality optimization. We present efficient scheduling algorithms to trade off locality and load imbalance. We provide a detailed performance evaluation of the run-time technique

    Efficient caching algorithms for memory management in computer systems

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    As disk performance continues to lag behind that of memory systems and processors, fully utilizing memory to reduce disk accesses is a highly effective effort to improve the entire system performance. Furthermore, to serve the applications running on a computer in distributed systems, not only the local memory but also the memory on remote servers must be effectively managed to minimize I/O operations. The critical challenges in an effective memory cache management include: (1) Insightfully understanding and quantifying the locality inherent in the memory access requests; (2) Effectively utilizing the locality information in replacement algorithms; (3) Intelligently placing and replacing data in the multi-level caches of a distributed system; (4) Ensuring that the overheads of the proposed schemes are acceptable.;This dissertation provides solutions and makes unique and novel contributions in application locality quantification, general replacement algorithms, low-cost replacement policy, thrashing protection, as well as multi-level cache management in a distributed system. First, the dissertation proposes a new method to quantify locality strength, and accurately to identify the data with strong locality. It also provides a new replacement algorithm, which significantly outperforms existing algorithms. Second, considering the extremely low-cost requirements on replacement policies in virtual memory management, the dissertation proposes a policy meeting the requirements, and considerably exceeding the performance existing policies. Third, the dissertation provides an effective scheme to protect the system from thrashing for running memory-intensive applications. Finally, the dissertation provides a multi-level block placement and replacement protocol in a distributed client-server environment, exploiting non-uniform locality strengths in the I/O access requests.;The methodology used in this study include careful application behavior characterization, system requirement analysis, algorithm designs, trace-driven simulation, and system implementations. A main conclusion of the work is that there is still much room for innovation and significant performance improvement for the seemingly mature and stable policies that have been broadly used in the current operating system design

    Gbit/second lossless data compression hardware

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    This thesis investigates how to improve the performance of lossless data compression hardware as a tool to reduce the cost per bit stored in a computer system or transmitted over a communication network. Lossless data compression allows the exact reconstruction of the original data after decompression. Its deployment in some high-bandwidth applications has been hampered due to performance limitations in the compressing hardware that needs to match the performance of the original system to avoid becoming a bottleneck. Advancing the area of lossless data compression hardware, hence, offers a valid motivation with the potential of doubling the performance of the system that incorporates it with minimum investment. This work starts by presenting an analysis of current compression methods with the objective of identifying the factors that limit performance and also the factors that increase it. [Continues.

    Improving processor efficiency by exploiting common-case behaviors of memory instructions

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    Processor efficiency can be described with the help of a number of  desirable effects or metrics, for example, performance, power, area, design complexity and access latency. These metrics serve as valuable tools used in designing new processors and they also act as  effective standards for comparing current processors. Various factors impact the efficiency of modern out-of-order processors and one important factor is the manner in which instructions are processed through the processor pipeline. In this dissertation research, we study the impact of load and store instructions (collectively known as memory instructions) on processor efficiency,  and show how to improve efficiency by exploiting common-case or  predictable patterns in the behavior of memory instructions. The memory behavior patterns that we focus on in our research are the predictability of memory dependences, the predictability in data forwarding patterns,   predictability in instruction criticality and conservativeness in resource allocation and deallocation policies. We first design a scalable  and high-performance memory dependence predictor and then apply accurate memory dependence prediction to improve the efficiency of the fetch engine of a simultaneous multi-threaded processor. We then use predictable data forwarding patterns to eliminate power-hungry  hardware in the processor with no loss in performance.  We then move to  studying instruction criticality to improve  processor efficiency. We study the behavior of critical load instructions  and propose applications that can be optimized using  predictable, load-criticality  information. Finally, we explore conventional techniques for allocation and deallocation  of critical structures that process memory instructions and propose new techniques to optimize the same.  Our new designs have the potential to reduce  the power and the area required by processors significantly without losing  performance, which lead to efficient designs of processors.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Loh, Gabriel H.; Committee Member: Clark, Nathan; Committee Member: Jaleel, Aamer; Committee Member: Kim, Hyesoon; Committee Member: Lee, Hsien-Hsin S.; Committee Member: Prvulovic, Milo

    Cache replacement with dynamic exclusion

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