41 research outputs found

    Hardware Development of an Ultra-Wideband System for High Precision Localization Applications

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    A precise localization system in an indoor environment has been developed. The developed system is based on transmitting and receiving picosecond pulses and carrying out a complete narrow-pulse, signal detection and processing scheme in the time domain. The challenges in developing such a system include: generating ultra wideband (UWB) pulses, pulse dispersion due to antennas, modeling of complex propagation channels with severe multipath effects, need for extremely high sampling rates for digital processing, synchronization between the tag and receivers’ clocks, clock jitter, local oscillator (LO) phase noise, frequency offset between tag and receivers’ LOs, and antenna phase center variation. For such a high precision system with mm or even sub-mm accuracy, all these effects should be accounted for and minimized. In this work, we have successfully addressed many of the above challenges and developed a stand-alone system for positioning both static and dynamic targets with approximately 2 mm and 6 mm of 3-D accuracy, respectively. The results have exceeded the state of the art for any commercially available UWB positioning system and are considered a great milestone in developing such technology. My contributions include the development of a picosecond pulse generator, an extremely wideband omni-directional antenna, a highly directive UWB receiving antenna with low phase center variation, an extremely high data rate sampler, and establishment of a non-synchronized UWB system architecture. The developed low cost sampler, for example, can be easily utilized to sample narrow pulses with up to 1000 GS/s while the developed antennas can cover over 6 GHz bandwidth with minimal pulse distortion. The stand-alone prototype system is based on tracking a target using 4-6 base stations and utilizing a triangulation scheme to find its location in space. Advanced signal processing algorithms based on first peak and leading edge detection have been developed and extensively evaluated to achieve high accuracy 3-D localization. 1D, 2D and 3D experiments have been carried out and validated using an optical reference system which provides better than 0.3 mm 3-D accuracy. Such a high accuracy wireless localization system should have a great impact on the operating room of the future

    Ultra Wideband

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    Ultra wideband (UWB) has advanced and merged as a technology, and many more people are aware of the potential for this exciting technology. The current UWB field is changing rapidly with new techniques and ideas where several issues are involved in developing the systems. Among UWB system design, the UWB RF transceiver and UWB antenna are the key components. Recently, a considerable amount of researches has been devoted to the development of the UWB RF transceiver and antenna for its enabling high data transmission rates and low power consumption. Our book attempts to present current and emerging trends in-research and development of UWB systems as well as future expectations

    Reliable high-data rate body-centric wireless communication

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    Design of an Ultra-wideband Radio Frequency Identification System with Chipless Transponders

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    The state-of-the-art commercially available radio-frequency identification (RFID) transponders are usually composed of an antenna and an application specific integrated circuit chip, which still makes them very costly compared to the well-established barcode technology. Therefore, a novel low-cost RFID system solution based on passive chipless RFID transponders manufactured using conductive strips on flexible substrates is proposed in this work. The chipless RFID transponders follow a specific structure design, which aim is to modify the shape of the impinged electromagnetic wave to embed anidentification code in it and then backscatter the encoded signal to the reader. This dissertation comprises a multidisciplinary research encompassing the design of low-cost chipless RFID transponders with a novel frequency coding technique, unlike usually disregarded in literature, this approach considers the communication channel effects and assigns a unique frequency response to each transponder. Hence, the identification codes are different enough, to reduce the detection error and improve their automatic recognition by the reader while working under normal conditions. The chipless RFID transponders are manufactured using different materials and state-of-the-art mass production fabrication processes, like printed electronics. Moreover, two different reader front-ends working in the ultra-wideband (UWB) frequency range are used to interrogate the chipless RFID transponders. The first one is built using high-performance off-theshelf components following the stepped frequency modulation (SFM) radar principle, and the second one is a commercially available impulse radio (IR) radar. Finally, the two readers are programmed with algorithms based on the conventional minimum distance and maximum likelihood detection techniques, considering the whole transponder radio frequency (RF) response, instead of following the commonly used approach of focusing on specific parts of the spectrum to detect dips or peaks. The programmed readers automatically identify when a chipless RFID transponder is placed within their interrogation zones and proceed to the successful recognition of its embedded identification code. Accomplishing in this way, two novel fully automatic SFM- and IRRFID readers for chipless transponders. The SFM-RFID system is capable to successfully decode up to eight different chipless RFID transponders placed sequentially at a maximum reading range of 36 cm. The IR-RFID system up to four sequentially and two simultaneously placed different chipless RFID transponders within a 50 cm range.:Acknowledgments Abstract Kurzfassung Table of Contents Index of Figures Index of Tables Index of Abbreviations Index of Symbols 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Scope of Application 1.3 Objectives and Structure Fundamentals of the RFID Technology 2.1 Automatic Identification Systems Background 2.1.1 Barcode Technology 2.1.2 Optical Character Recognition 2.1.3 Biometric Procedures 2.1.4 Smart Cards 2.1.5 RFID Systems 2.2 RFID System Principle 2.2.1 RFID Features 2.3 RFID with Chipless Transponders 2.3.1 Time Domain Encoding 2.3.2 Frequency Domain Encoding 2.4 Summary Manufacturing Technologies 3.1 Organic and Printed Electronics 3.1.1 Substrates 3.1.2 Organic Inks 3.1.3 Screen Printing 3.1.4 Flexography 3.2 The Printing Process 3.3 A Fabrication Alternative with Aluminum or Copper Strips 3.4 Fabrication Technologies for Chipless RFID Transponders 3.5 Summary UWB Chipless RFID Transponder Design 4.1 Scattering Theory 4.1.1 Radar Cross-Section Definition 4.1.2 Radar Absorbing Material’s Principle 4.1.3 Dielectric Multilayers Wave Matrix Analysis 4.1.4 Frequency Selective Surfaces 4.2 Double-Dipoles UWB Chipless RFID Transponder 4.2.1 An Infinite Double-Dipole Array 4.2.2 Double-Dipoles UWB Chipless Transponder Design 4.2.3 Prototype Fabrication 4.3 UWB Chipless RFID Transponder with Concentric Circles 4.3.1 Concentric Circles UWB Chipless Transponder 4.3.2 Concentric Rings UWB Chipless RFID Transponder 4.4 Concentric Octagons UWB Chipless Transponders 4.4.1 Concentric Octagons UWB Chipless Transponder Design 1 4.4.2 Concentric Octagons UWB Chipless Transponder Design 2 4.5 Summary 5. RFID Readers for Chipless Transponders 5.1 Background 5.1.1 The Radar Range Equation 5.1.2 Range Resolution 5.1.3 Frequency Band Selection 5.2 Frequency Domain Reader Test System 5.2.1 Stepped Frequency Waveforms 5.2.2 Reader Architecture 5.2.3 Test System Results 5.3 Time Domain Reader 5.3.1 Novelda Radar 5.3.2 Test System Results 5.4 Summary Detection of UWB Chipless RFID Transponders 6.1 Background 6.2 The Communication Channel 6.2.1 AWGN Channel Modeling and Detection 6.2.2 Free-Space Path Loss Modeling and Normalization 6.3 Detection and Decoding of Chipless RFID Transponders 6.3.1 Minimum Distance Detector 6.3.2 Maximum Likelihood Detector 6.3.3 Correlator Detector 6.3.4 Test Results 6.4 Simultaneous Detection of Multiple UWB Chipless Transponders 6.5 Summary System Implementation 7.1 SFM-UWB RFID System with CR-Chipless Transponders 7.2 IR-UWB RFID System with COD1-Chipless Transponders 7.3 Summary Conclusion and Outlook References Publications Appendix A RCS Calculation Measurement Setups Appendix B Resistance and Skin Depth Calculation Appendix C List of Videos Test Videos Consortium Videos Curriculum Vita

    Ultra Wideband Wearable Sensors for Motion Tracking Applications

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    The increasing interest and advancements in wearable electronics, biomedical applications and digital signal processing techniques have led to the unceasing progress and research in novel implementations of wireless communications technology. Human motion tracking and localisation are some of the numerous promising applications that have emerged from this interest. Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is particularly seen as a very attractive solution for microwave-based localisation due to the fine time resolution capabilities of the UWB pulses. However, to prove the viability of utilizing UWB technology for high precision localisation applications, a considerable amount of research work is still needed. The impact of the presence of the human body on localisation accuracy needs to be investigated. In addition, for guaranteeing accurate data retrieval in an impulse-radio based system, the study of pulse distortion becomes indispensable. The objective of the research work presented in this thesis is to study and carry out experimental investigations to formulate new techniques for the development of an Impulse-radio UWB sensor based localisation system for human motion tracking applications. This research work initiates a new approach for human motion tracking by making use of pulsed UWB technology which will allow the development of advanced tracking solutions with the capacity to meet the needs of professional users. Extensive experimental studies involving several ranging and three dimensional localisation investigations have been undertaken, and the potential of achieving high precision localisation using ultra-wideband technology has been demonstrated. Making use of the upper portion of the UWB band, a novel miniature antenna designed for integration in the UWB localisation system is presented and its performance has been examined. The key findings and contributions of this research work include UWB antenna characterisation for pulse based transmission, evaluation of comprehensive antenna fidelity patterns, impact of pulse fidelity on the communication performance of a UWB radio system, along with studies regarding the effect of the human body on received pulse quality and localisation accuracy. In addition, an innovative approach of making use of antenna phase centre information for improving the localisation accuracy has been presented

    Design and Implementation of a UWB Radar Sensor for Non-Destructive Application

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    [ES] Debido a la importancia de los campos de aplicación del sensor de radar de banda ultraancha, y también a los requisitos de cada aplicación específica, existe una demanda creciente de diseño compacto, de bajo coste y alta precisión del sensor de radar de banda ultraancha. Para responder a estas exigencias, esta tesis pretende proponer un sensor de radar UWB avanzado. Este trabajo de investigación se centra en el diseño del sensor de radar de banda ultraancha (UWB) para aplicaciones no destructivas (END). Los detalles de diseño incluyen el diseño de un generador de pulsos ultracorto, de alta potencia con un timbre mínimo. El radar desarrollado fue construido con una configuración biestática. El objetivo de este trabajo es medir el rango de distancia y las propiedades eléctricas de un objetivo, por ejemplo, metales y materiales dieléctricos, como el cloruro de polivinilo (PV C). Para lograr este objetivo, se ha desarrollado un novedoso generador de pulsos de alta potencia ultra-corto (pulsador de radar). El nuevo generador de pulsos consiste en un transistor que funciona en modo de avalancha y un circuito de afilado de pulsos que utiliza un nuevo modelo de diodo de recuperación de paso (SRD). Para convertir el pulso gaussiano en un monociclo, se ha añadido una red de formación de monociclo (MFN). El generador de impulsos desarrollado produce un impulso eléctrico con una amplitud de 12 V, un tiempo de subida de 112 ps y un ancho de impulso (FWHM) de 155 ps. Con el fin de aumentar la amplitud de los pulsos, se han propuesto dos técnicas útiles en este trabajo. El primero consiste en agregar dos generadores en paralelo, en este diseño propuesto se tuvo en cuenta alguna especificación para hacer que este circuito funcione. Sin embargo, la segunda técnica adoptada en este trabajo consiste en dos etapas de generadores, ambas técnicas dan lugar a un buen rendimiento; en lugar de un solo módulo de un generador de impulsos, las técnicas propuestas en este trabajo aumentan la amplitud en torno al doble. Ambas técnicas han sido investigadas en detalle. Para transmitir y recibir los impulsos ultracortos generados, se utilizaron dos tipos diferentes de antenas UWB. En primer lugar, una antena Vivaldi con un ancho de banda de unos 5,5 GHz de 600 MHz a 6 GHz. La segunda es una antena Vivaldi con un ancho de banda de 6 GHz de 400 Mhz a 6,2 GHz. Utilizando el sensor de radar de banda ultraancha desarrollado, se realizaron mediciones de prueba. Esto incluye las propiedades eléctricas, así como la medición de la distancia a las placas de metal, madera y PVC. La incertidumbre del sensor de radar es de 14 mm (datos medidos asustados a + 14 mm para un blanco fijo). El diseño y la implementación real que conduce a lograr un excelente prototipo de rendimiento para una aplicación no destructiva.[CA] A causa de la rellevància dels camps d'aplicació del sensor de radar d'ultra banda ampla, i també l'exigència de cada aplicació específica, hi ha una demanda creixent de disseny compacte, de baix cost i alta precisió del sensor de radar d'ultra banda ampla. Amb la intenció d'atendre aquestes demandes, aquesta tesi pretén proposar un sensor avançat de radar UWB. Aquest treball de recerca tracta del disseny del sensor de radar d'ultra-banda ampla (UWB) per a aplicacions no destructives (NDT). Els detalls del disseny inclouen el disseny d'un pols de monocicle amb pols de potència d'alta potència i amb un mínim de timbre. El radar desenvolupat va ser construït en configuració bi-estàtica. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és mesurar el rang de distància i les propietats elèctriques d'un objectiu, per exemple, materials metàl·lics i dielèctrics, com el clorur de polivinil (PV C). Per assolir aquest objectiu, s'ha desenvolupat un nou ultrasò, generador de pols d'alta potència (polsador de radar). El nou generador de pols està format per un transistor que funciona en mode d'allaus i un circuit d'afilat de pols mitjançant un nou model de díode de recuperació de pas (SRD). Per a convertir el pols gaussiano en un monocicle, s'ha afegit una xarxa de formació de monocicles (MFN). El generador de polsos desenvolupat produeix un pols elèctric amb una amplitud de 12 V, un temps d'augment de 112 ps i un ample de pols (FWHM) de 155 ps. Amb l'objectiu d'augmentar l'amplitud dels polsos, s'han proposat dues tècniques útils en aquest treball. El primer consisteix a afegir dos generadors de forma paral·lela, en aquest disseny proposat, cal tenir en compte algunes especificacions per a fer la viabilitat d'aquest circuit. No obstant això, la segona tècnica adoptada en aquest treball consisteix en una doble etapa de generadors, ambdues tècniques donen lloc a una bona actuació; en lloc d'un únic mòdul d'un generador de pols, les tècniques proposades en aquest treball augmenten l'amplitud al voltant del doble. Per transmetre i rebre polsos ultra-curts generats, s'han utilitzat dos tipus diferents d'antenes UWB. En primer lloc, una antena de Vivaldi amb un ample de banda d'uns 5,5 GHz de 600 MHz a 6 GHz. Mentre que la segona és una antena Vivaldi amb un ample de banda de 6 GHz de 400 MHz a 6.2 GHz. Mitjançant el sensor de radar ultra-ampla desenvolupat, es va realitzar la mesura de la prova. Incloïen propietats elèctriques i mesures de distància a les plaques metàl·liques, fusta i PVC. S'ha trobat que la incertesa del sensor de radar és de 14 mm (dades mesurades espantades entre + 14 mm per a un objectiu fix). El disseny i la implementació real condueixen a aconseguir un excel·lent prototip de rendiment per a una aplicació no destructiva.[EN] Due to the relevance of application fields of ultra-wideband radar sensor, and also the requirement of each specific application, there is an increasing demand of compact, low cost and high accuracy design of ultra-wideband radar sensor. With a view to addressing these demands, this thesis aims to propose an advanced UWB radar sensor. This research work deals with the design of the ultra-wideband (UWB) radar sensor for non-destructive (NDT) application. The design details include the design of ultra-short, high power pulse generator monocycle pulse with a minimum of ringing. The developed radar was build in bi-static configuration. The goal of this work is to measure the distance range and electrical properties of a target e.g, metal and dielectric materials, such as Polyvinyl chloride (PV C). To achieve this goal, a novel ultrashort, high power pulse generator (radar pulser) has been developed. The new pulse generator consists of a transistor operating in avalanche mode and a pulse sharpening circuit using a new model of step recovery diode (SRD). In order to converts the Gaussian pulse to a monocycle, a monocycle forming network (MFN) has been added. The developed pulse generator produces an electrical pulse with an amplitude of 12 V, a rise-time of 112 ps and pulse width (FWHM) of 155 ps. For the purpose to increase the amplitude of the pulses, two useful techniques have been proposed in this work. The first one consist of adding two generators in parallel, in this proposed design some specification was be taking into account to making the workability of this circuit. However, the second technic adopted in this work consists of a two-stage of generators, both technics give rise to a good performance; instead of a single module of a pulse generator, the techniques proposed in this work increase the amplitude around the double. In order to transmit and receive the generated ultra-short pulses, two different types of UWB antennas have been used. First, a Vivaldi antenna with a bandwidth of about 5.5 GHz from 600 MHz to 6 GHz. While the second is a Vivaldi antenna with a bandwidth of 6 GHz from 400 Mhz to 6,2 GHz. Using the developed ultra-wideband radar sensor, test measurement was performed. These included electrical properties as well as distance measurement towards metal plates, wood, and PVC. The uncertainty of the radar sensor has been found to be 14 mm (measured data scared within + 14 mm for a fixed target). The design and real implementation leading to achieve excellent performance prototype for a non-destructive application.Ahajjam, Y. (2019). Design and Implementation of a UWB Radar Sensor for Non-Destructive Application [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124057TESI