61,462 research outputs found

    Chitin-Induced Airway Epithelial Cell Innate Immune Responses Are Inhibited by Carvacrol/Thymol.

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    Chitin is produced in large amounts by fungi, insects, and other organisms and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma. Airway epithelial cells are in direct contact with environmental particles and serve as the first line of defense against inhaled allergens and pathogens. The potential contributions of airway epithelial cells to chitin-induced asthma remain poorly understood. We hypothesized that chitin directly stimulates airway epithelial cells to release cytokines that promote type 2 immune responses and to induce expression of molecules which are important in innate immune responses. We found that chitin exposure rapidly induced the expression of three key type 2-promoting cytokines, IL-25, IL-33 and TSLP, in BEAS-2B transformed human bronchial epithelial cells and in A549 and H292 lung carcinoma cells. Chitin also induced the expression of the key pattern recognition receptors TLR2 and TLR4. Chitin induced the expression of miR-155, miR-146a and miR-21, each of which is known to up-regulate the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Also the expression of SOCS1 and SHIP1 which are known targets of miR-155 was repressed by chitin treatment. The monoterpene phenol carvacrol (Car) and its isomer thymol (Thy) are found in herbal essential oils and have been shown to inhibit allergic inflammation in asthma models. We found that Car/Thy inhibited the effects of chitin on type 2-promoting cytokine release and on the expression of TLRs, SOCS1, SHIP1, and miRNAs. Car/Thy could also efficiently reduce the protein levels of TLR4, inhibit the increase in TLR2 protein levels in chitin plus Car/Thy-treated cells and increase the protein levels of SHIP1 and SOCS1, which are negative regulators of TLR-mediated inflammatory responses. We conclude that direct effects of chitin on airway epithelial cells are likely to contribute to allergic airway diseases like asthma, and that Car/Thy directly inhibits epithelial cell pro-inflammatory responses to chitin

    Exploiting prokaryotic chitin-binding proteins for glycan recognition

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    ‱ The cloning, expression and characterisation of prokaryotic chitin-binding proteins from Serratia marcescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Photorhabdus luminescens Microfluidics and Photorhabdus asymbiotica ‱ Development of an assay to assess the activity of chitin-binding proteins ‱ Mutagenesis of chitin-binding proteins to alter glycan recognition pattern

    Nanostructural organization of naturally occurring composites - part II: silica-chitin-based biocomposites

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    Investigations of the micro- and nanostructures and chemical composition of the sponge skeletons as examples for natural structural biocomposites are of fundamental scientific relevance. Recently, we show that some demosponges (Verongula gigantea, Aplysina sp.) and glass sponges (Farrea occa, Euplectella aspergillum) possess chitin as a component of their skeletons. The main practical approach we used for chitin isolation was based on alkali treatment of corresponding external layers of spicules sponge material with the aim of obtaining alkali-resistant compounds for detailed analysis. Here, we present a detailed study of the structural and physicochemical properties of spicules of the glass sponge Rossella fibulata. The structural similarity of chitin derived from this sponge to invertebrate alpha chitin has been confirmed by us unambiguously using physicochemical and biochemical methods. This is the first report of a silica-chitin composite biomaterial found in Rossella species. Finally, the present work includes a discussion related to strategies for the practical application of silica-chitin-based composites as biomaterials

    Reciprocal Inhibition of Adiponectin and Innate Lung Immune Responses to Chitin and Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Chitin is a structural biopolymer found in numerous organisms, including pathogenic fungi, and recognized as an immune-stimulating pathogen associated molecular pattern by pattern recognition molecules of the host immune system. However, programming and regulation of lung innate immunity to chitin inhalation in the context of inhalation of fungal pathogens such as Aspergillus fumigatus is complex and our understanding incomplete. Here we report that the systemic metabolism-regulating cytokine adiponectin is decreased in the lungs and serum of mice after chitin inhalation, with a concomitant decrease in surface expression of the adiponectin receptor AdipoR1 on lung leukocytes. Constitutive lung expression of acidic mammalian chitinase resulted in decreased inflammatory cytokine gene expression and neutrophil recruitment, but did not significantly affect lung adiponectin transcription. Exogenous recombinant adiponectin specifically dampened airway chitin-mediated eosinophil recruitment, while adiponectin deficiency resulted in increased airway eosinophils. The presence of adiponectin also resulted in decreased CCL11-mediated migration of bone marrow-derived eosinophils. In contrast to purified chitin, aspiration of viable conidia from the high chitin-expressing A. fumigatus isolate Af5517 resulted in increased neutrophil recruitment and inflammatory cytokine gene expression in adiponectin-deficient mice, while no significant changes were observed in response to the isolate Af293. Our results identify a novel role for the adiponectin pathway in inhibition of lung inflammatory responses to chitin and A. fumigatus inhalation

    How does Epichloë festucae avoid the host defence response? : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    EpichloĂ« festucae is a filamentous fungus, which forms symbiotic associations with aerial tissues of Lolium and Festuca grass species. Chitin, a polymer of N-acetyl-Dglucosamine, is an important component of the fungal cell wall and a well-known pathogen associated molecular pattern (PAMP). Chitin promotes pathogen-triggered immunity (PTI) upon hydrolysis with plant chitinases and release of chitin oligomers. Therefore, to establish a stable and successful symbiosis, the endophyte needs to remain ‘hidden’ from the host immune system or actively suppress it. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)-based analysis of leaf tissue infected with the E. festucae wild type strain and infiltrated with the chitin-specific molecular probe, WGA-Alexa Fluor-488, showed that only the septa of endophytic hyphae bound this probe while the entire cell wall was labelled in epiphyllous hyphae confirming previous observations that hyphal cell wall chitin is either masked or remodelled in endophytic hyphae. The aims of this project were (i) to test whether E. festucae LysM-containing proteins have a role in binding to or sequestering cell wall chitin oligomers and thereby preventing PAMPtriggered immunity and (ii) to analyse the composition of the cell wall of endophytic and epiphytic hyphae. An analysis of the E. festucae genome identified seven genes encoding proteins with LysM domains. Expression of two of these genes, lymA and lymB, increased in planta compared to in culture. Interestingly, both are divergently transcribed from chitinase encoding genes (chiA and chiB respectively), which also have increased expression in planta. Single gene deletion mutants of lymA, lymB, chiA and chiB as well as a double gene deletion ΔlymA/B were generated, and their plant interaction phenotype analysed. Plants infected with DlymA, DlymB or DchiA had the same plant-interaction phenotype as wild type whereas ΔchiB and ΔlymA/B mutants had defects in hyphal growth within the leaves. Analysis of hyphal cell wall structure using Chitin Binding Protein (CBP) and chitosan (CAP (Chitosan Affinity Protein) and OGA-488)-specific eGFP-based biosensors suggest that cell wall chitin is converted to chitosan in endophytic hyphae. This structural change is consistent with a lack of a defence response when E. festucae forms a mutualistic symbiotic association with L. perenne. Three E. festucae chitin deacetylase genes were identified (cdaA, cdaB and cdaC), and gene expression analysis showed cdaA expression is significantly increased in planta compare to in culture. Functional analysis of cdaA revealed that although plants infected with the ΔcdaA mutant had a similar whole plant interaction phenotype as wild type, they had an abnormal cellular phenotype. Patches of chitin were exposed along the endophytic hyphae confirming this mutant was unable to convert chitin to chitosan. However, hyphae in these plants still labelled with the chitosan biosensor OGA-488 demonstrating that despite the deletion of the cdaA, the hyphal cell wall of endophytic hyphae still contain chitosan suggesting that another chitin deacetylase, possibly CdaB has a redundant function in E. festucae. Collectively these results show that lymA, lymB and chiB are required for establishment of the symbiosis between E. festucae and L. perenne. In addition, this study shows that chitin is converted to chitosan in the hyphal cell wall of endophytic hyphae during the infection and colonisation of the host. The E. festucae chitin deacetylase gene cdaA is also essential for proper hyphal growth in planta and the symbiotic interaction

    Functional Compost

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    The aim of the research program Functional Compost is to develop and test compost, which have been enriched with chitin, for plant growth promoting properties and to recognise specific mechanisms. Two types of compost were included in the program: source separated biodegradable municipal solid waste compost (DM = 62 %) and garden and park waste compost (DM = 66 %). Chitin was added in trace amounts during the maturity phase, combined with two levels of trace amounts immediately before adding the compost to the growth medium. The research program includes several parallel experiments. In experiment I, compost (20 vol. %) was added to soil (no plants) and incubated at 15 C for 5 month, under regular determination of microbial respiration and gross and net N mineralization. There was a significant increase in respiration due to chitin enrichment, which could not be explained by the amount of C derived from the chitin, which therefore suggest a priming effect. The N analyses are still being processed in the laboratory, but data are expected to be available at the conference. In experiment II, compost was mixed with sand, put into pots in a climate chamber, and spring barley seeds infected with Fusarium culmorum were sown in the pots. After 3 weeks of growth, the health of the plants was determined, and the chitinase activity in the sand was measured. The health of the plants and the chitinase activity was significantly higher in the treatments receiving municipal waste compared to the treatments receiving garden waste compost. However, there was no clear effect of the chitin enrichment. Additionally, the microbial community structure of the two types of compost, with and without early chitin, was determined by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE). There was a clear separation between compost types, and with or without early chitin amendment. Experiment III is a regular growth experiment, and is running right now. Compost has been incorporated into soil, put into pots in the greenhouse, and spring barley is grown for 2 month before determination for wet and dry weight and N uptake. Data from experiment III is expected to be available at the conference

    Chitin mixed in potting soil alters lettuce growth, the survival of zoonotic bacteria on the leaves and associated rhizosphere microbiology

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    Chitin is a promising soil amendment for improving soil quality, plant growth, and plant resilience. The objectives of this study were twofold. First, to study the effect of chitin mixed in potting soil on lettuce growth and on the survival of two zoonotic bacterial pathogens, Escherichia colt O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica on the lettuce leaves. Second, to assess the related changes in the microbial lettuce rhizosphere, using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and amplicon sequencing of a bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragment and the fungal ITS2. As a result of chitin addition, lettuce fresh yield weight was significantly increased. S. enterica survival in the lettuce phyllosphere was significantly reduced. The E. coli O157:H7 survival was also lowered, but not significantly. Moreover, significant changes were observed in the bacterial and fungal community of the lettuce rhizosphere. PLFA analysis showed a significant increase in fungal and bacterial biomass. Amplicon sequencing showed no increase in fungal and bacterial biodiversity, but relative abundances of the bacterial phyla Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria and the fungal phyla Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Zygomycota were significantly changed. More specifically, a more than 10-fold increase was observed for operational taxonomic units belonging to the bacterial genera Cellvibrio, Pedobacter, Dyadobacter, and Streptomyces and to the fungal genera Lecanicillium and Mortierella. These genera include several species previously reported to be involved in biocontrol, plant growth promotion, the nitrogen cycle and chitin degradation. These results enhance the understanding of the response of the rhizosphere microbiome to chitin amendment. Moreover, this is the first study to investigate the use of soil amendments to control the survival of S. enterica on plant leaves

    A structural and biochemical model of processive chitin synthesis

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    Chitin synthases (CHS) produce chitin, an essential component of the fungal cell wall. The molecular mechanism of processive chitin synthesis is not understood, limiting the discovery of new inhibitors of this enzyme class. We identified the bacterial glycosyltransferase NodC as an appropriate model system to study the general structure and reaction mechanism of CHS. A high throughput screening-compatible novel assay demonstrates that a known inhibitor of fungal CHS also inhibit NodC. A structural model of NodC, on the basis of the recently published BcsA cellulose synthase structure, enabled probing of the catalytic mechanism by mutagenesis, demonstrating the essential roles of the DD and QXXRW catalytic motifs. The NodC membrane topology was mapped, validating the structural model. Together, these approaches give insight into the CHS structure and mechanism and provide a platform for the discovery of inhibitors for this antifungal target

    Can TM system form an unconditional basis for Banach spaces?

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    The research on the algorithm of analytic signal has received much attention for a long time. Takenaka-Malmquist (TM) system was introduced to consider analytic functions in 1925. If TM system satisfies hyperbolic inseparability condition, then it is an orthogonal basis. It can form unconditional basis for Hilbert space H2(D)\mathbb{H}^{2}(D) and Schauder basis for Banach space Hp(D)(1<p<∞)\mathbb{H}^{p}(D)(1 < p < \infty). In characterizing a function space, a necessary condition is whether the basis is unconditional. But since the introduction of TM systems in 1925, to the best of our knowledge, no one has proved the existence of a TM system capable of forming an unconditional basis for Banach space Hp(D)(p≠2)\mathbb{H}^{p}(D) (p \neq 2). TM system has a simple and intuitive analytical structure. Hence it is applied also to the learning algorithms and systematically developed to the reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS). Due to the lack of unconditional basis properties, it cannot be extended to the reproducing kernel Banach spaces (RKBS) algorithm. But the case of Banach space plays an important role in machine learning. In this paper, we prove that two TM systems can form unconditional basis for Hp(D)(1<p<∞)\mathbb{H}^{p}(D) (1<p <\infty)
