111 research outputs found

    A review of experiences with reliable multicast

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    Composing Systemic Aspects into Component-Oriented DOC Middleware

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    The advent and maturation of component-based middleware frameworks have sim-plified the development of large-scale distributed applications by separating system devel-opment and configuration concerns into different aspects that can be specified and com-posed at various stages of the application development lifecycle. Conventional component middleware technologies, such as J2EE [73] and .NET [34], were designed to meet the quality of service (QoS) requirements of enterprise applications, which focus largely on scalability and reliability. Therefore, conventional component middleware specifications and implementations are not well suited for distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) ap-plications with more stringent QoS requirements, such as low latency/jitter, timeliness, and online fault recovery. In the DRE system development community, a new generation of enhanced commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) middleware, such as Real-time CORBA 1.0 (RT-CORBA)[39], is increasingly gaining acceptance as (1) the cost and time required to develop and verify DRE applications precludes developers from implementing complex DRE applications from scratch and (2) implementations of standard COTS middleware specifications mature and encompass key QoS properties needed by DRE systems. However, although COTS middleware standardizes mechanisms to configure and control underlying OS support for an application’s QoS requirements, it does not yet provide sufficient abstractions to separate QoS policy configurations such as real-time performance requirements, from application functionality. Developers are therefore forced to configure QoS policies in an ad hoc way, and the code to configure these policies is often scattered throughout and tangled with other parts of a DRE system. As a result, it is hard for developers to configure, validate, modify, and evolve complex DRE systems consistently. It is therefore necessary to create a new generation of QoS-enabled component middleware that provides more comprehensive support for addressing QoS-related concerns modularly, so that they can be introduced and configured as separate systemic aspects. By analyzing and identifying the limitations of applying conventional middleware technologies for DRE applications, this dissertation presents a new design and its associated techniques for enhancing conventional component-oriented middleware to provide programmability of DRE relevant real-time QoS concerns. This design is realized in an implementation of the standard CORBA Component Model (CCM) [38], called the Component-Integrated ACE ORB (CIAO). This dissertation also presents both architectural analysis and empirical results that demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. This dissertation provides three contributions to the state of the art in composing systemic behaviors into component middleware frameworks. First, it illustrates how component middleware can simplify development and evolution of DRE applications while ensuring stringent QoS requirements by composing systemic QoS aspects. Second, it contributes to the design and implementation of QoS-enabled CCM by analyzing and documenting how systemic behaviors can be composed into component middleware. Finally, it presents empirical and analytical results to demonstrate the effectiveness and the advantage of composing systemic behaviors in component middleware. The work in this dissertation has a broader impact beyond the CCM in which it was developed, as it can be applied to other component-base middleware technologies which wish to support DRE applications

    Aviation System Analysis Capability Executive Assistant Design

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    In this technical document, we describe the design developed for the Aviation System Analysis Capability (ASAC) Executive Assistant (EA) Proof of Concept (POC). We describe the genesis and role of the ASAC system, discuss the objectives of the ASAC system and provide an overview of components and models within the ASAC system, and describe the design process and the results of the ASAC EA POC system design. We also describe the evaluation process and results for applicable COTS software. The document has six chapters, a bibliography, three appendices and one attachment

    A language and toolkit for the specification, execution and monitoring of dependable distributed applications

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis addresses the problem of specifying the composition of distributed applications out of existing applications, possibly legacy ones. With the automation of business processes on the increase, more and more applications of this kind are being constructed. The resulting applications can be quite complex, usually long-lived and are executed in a heterogeneous environment. In a distributed environment, long-lived activities need support for fault tolerance and dynamic reconfiguration. Indeed, it is likely that the environment where they are run will change (nodes may fail, services may be moved elsewhere or withdrawn) during their execution and the specification will have to be modified. There is also a need for modularity, scalability and openness. However, most of the existing systems only consider part of these requirements. A new area of research, called workflow management has been trying to address these issues. This work first looks at what needs to be addressed to support the specification and execution of these new applications in a heterogeneous, distributed environment. A co- ordination language (scripting language) is developed that fulfils the requirements of specifying the composition and inter-dependencies of distributed applications with the properties of dynamic reconfiguration, fault tolerance, modularity, scalability and openness. The architecture of the overall workflow system and its implementation are then presented. The system has been implemented as a set of CORBA services and the execution environment is built using a transactional workflow management system. Next, the thesis describes the design of a toolkit to specify, execute and monitor distributed applications. The design of the co-ordination language and the toolkit represents the main contribution of the thesis.UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, CaberNet, Northern Telecom (Nortel)

    Flexible Scheduling in Middleware for Distributed rate-based real-time applications - Doctoral Dissertation, May 2002

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    Distributed rate-based real-time systems, such as process control and avionics mission computing systems, have traditionally been scheduled statically. Static scheduling provides assurance of schedulability prior to run-time overhead. However, static scheduling is brittle in the face of unanticipated overload, and treats invocation-to-invocation variations in resource requirements inflexibly. As a consequence, processing resources are often under-utilized in the average case, and the resulting systems are hard to adapt to meet new real-time processing requirements. Dynamic scheduling offers relief from the limitations of static scheduling. However, dynamic scheduling offers relief from the limitations of static scheduling. However, dynamic scheduling often has a high run-time cost because certain decisions are enforced on-line. Furthermore, under conditions of overload tasks can be scheduled dynamically that may never be dispatched, or that upon dispatch would miss their deadlines. We review the implications of these factors on rate-based distributed systems, and posits the necessity to combine static and dynamic approaches to exploit the strengths and compensate for the weakness of either approach in isolation. We present a general hybrid approach to real-time scheduling and dispatching in middleware, that can employ both static and dynamic components. This approach provides (1) feasibility assurance for the most critical tasks, (2) the ability to extend this assurance incrementally to operations in successively lower criticality equivalence classes, (3) the ability to trade off bounds on feasible utilization and dispatching over-head in cases where, for example, execution jitter is a factor or rates are not harmonically related, and (4) overall flexibility to make more optimal use of scarce computing resources and to enforce a wider range of application-specified execution requirements. This approach also meets additional constraints of an increasingly important class of rate-based systems, those with requirements for robust management of real-time performance in the face of rapidly and widely changing operating conditions. To support these requirements, we present a middleware framework that implements the hybrid scheduling and dispatching approach described above, and also provides support for (1) adaptive re-scheduling of operations at run-time and (2) reflective alternation among several scheduling strategies to improve real-time performance in the face of changing operating conditions. Adaptive re-scheduling must be performed whenever operating conditions exceed the ability of the scheduling and dispatching infrastructure to meet the critical real-time requirements of the system under the currently specified rates and execution times of operations. Adaptive re-scheduling relies on the ability to change the rates of execution of at least some operations, and may occur under the control of a higher-level middleware resource manager. Different rates of execution may be specified under different operating conditions, and the number of such possible combinations may be arbitrarily large. Furthermore, adaptive rescheduling may in turn require notification of rate-sensitive application components. It is therefore desirable to handle variations in operating conditions entirely within the scheduling and dispatching infrastructure when possible. A rate-based distributed real-time application, or a higher-level resource manager, could thus fall back on adaptive re-scheduling only when it cannot achieve acceptable real-time performance through self-adaptation. Reflective alternation among scheduling heuristics offers a way to tune real-time performance internally, and we offer foundational support for this approach. In particular, run-time observable information such as that provided by our metrics-feedback framework makes it possible to detect that a given current scheduling heuristic is underperforming the level of service another could provide. Furthermore we present empirical results for our framework in a realistic avionics mission computing environment. This forms the basis for guided adaption. This dissertation makes five contributions in support of flexible and adaptive scheduling and dispatching in middleware. First, we provide a middle scheduling framework that supports arbitrary and fine-grained composition of static/dynamic scheduling, to assure critical timeliness constraints while improving noncritical performance under a range of conditions. Second, we provide a flexible dispatching infrastructure framework composed of fine-grained primitives, and describe how appropriate configurations can be generated automatically based on the output of the scheduling framework. Third, we describe algorithms to reduce the overhead and duration of adaptive rescheduling, based on sorting for rate selection and priority assignment. Fourth, we provide timely and efficient performance information through an optimized metrics-feedback framework, to support higher-level reflection and adaptation decisions. Fifth, we present the results of empirical studies to quantify and evaluate the performance of alternative canonical scheduling heuristics, across a range of load and load jitter conditions. These studies were conducted within an avionics mission computing applications framework running on realistic middleware and embedded hardware. The results obtained from these studies (1) demonstrate the potential benefits of reflective alternation among distinct scheduling heuristics at run-time, and (2) suggest performance factors of interest for future work on adaptive control policies and mechanisms using this framework

    Converting CORBA Based Fault Management to SNMP

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    Vianhallinta pitää sisällään toimia, joilla havaitaan, eristetään ja korjataan tietoliikenneverkon epänormaaleja toimintoja. ITU-T:n tietoliikenteen hallintaverkkoarkkitehtuuri koostuu viidestä tasosta, joista kaksi alimmaista, elementinhallintataso sekä verkkoelementtitaso, keskittyvät verkkoelementtien hallintaan. Useita protokollia on hyödynnetty vianhallintaan näillä tasoilla. CORBA-pohjainen vianhallinta on ollut yleinen 3GPP:n ratkaisusarjaa hyödyntävissä verkkoelementeissä ja elementinhallintajärjestelmissä. Mutta tietoliikenneteollisuuden siirtyessä kohti all-IP-maailmaa, SNMP on jälleen uudelleen vahvistamassa asemaansa hallitsevana verkkoelementtien monitorointiprotokollana. Täten verkkonsa vianhallinnan yhdenmukaistamista tutkiva verkko-operaattori voisi harkita CORBA-pohjaisten verkkoelementtiensä konvertointia käyttämään SNMP:tä. Tämä työ tutkii tämänkaltaisen konversion edellytyksiä ja yksityiskohtia. Kirjallisuustutkimuksella otetaan selvää vianhallinnan eri puolista ja vertaillaan CORBA:a ja SNMP:tä konvertterin suunnittelua varten. Todiste konversiokonseptin toimivuudesta saadaan yksinkertaistetun implementaation avulla. Implementaatio osoittaa konvertterin olevan melko helposti rakennettavissa, ja että konvertteri voi toimia joko CORBA:n tai SNMP:n toimintaperiaatteella. Konvertteri mahdollistaa vianhallinnan yhdenmukaistamisen lisäämättä huomattavaa viivettä, rasitusta kaistaleveyskäytölle tai kuluttamatta runsaasti muistiresursseja. Tämän työn tulokset antavat aihetta esitettyjen konseptien laajemmalle tutkimukselle, sekä konvertterin laajentamiselle kattamaan konfiguraation hallinnan. Tähän tosin SNMP ei ehkä ole suositelluin protokolla.Fault management involves tasks to enable the detection, isolation and correction of abnormal operation of the telecommunication network. Telecommunications management network architecture of ITU-T consists of five layers, of which the bottom two, the element management layer and the network element layer, are focused on the management of network elements. For fault management tasks at these layers, several protocols have been utilised. CORBA based fault management has been common in network elements and element management systems utilising solution sets of 3GPP. But as the telecommunications industry moves towards an all-IP world, SNMP has yet again become the predominant protocol for monitoring network elements. A network operator looking into unifying the fault management of its network could consider converting the CORBA based network element to using SNMP. This thesis studies the requirements and details of this kind of conversion. With a literary study, aspects of fault management and comparison of CORBA and SNMP are scoped for designing a CORBA-SNMP converter. A proof of concept for the conversion is obtained with a simplified implementation. The implementation shows that a converter is quite easy to construct, and the converter can perform with operating principle of either CORBA or SNMP. The converter is also able to provide fault management unification without adding considerable delay, strain on bandwidth usage or consuming memory resources. The results of this thesis give grounds for studying the proposed concepts further and also broaden the converter to cover configuration management. Though for configuration management SNMP may not be the preferred protocol