6,642 research outputs found


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    Several factors, such as international trends of globalisation, technological innovation, changing learning environments as well as internal developments in socio-cultural contexts and educational policy-making are constantly shaping values of people and causing difficulties with specification of their identity building. Our study is based on comparative research carried out in Estonia and Finland in 2015-2018 (N = 217) with future music teachers, who were asked to write essays where they highlighted and explained meaningful for them cultural landmarks in their countries. The method used was hermeneutical analysis, as this allows to focus on the text produced according to the question asked as an expression of the respondents’ personal experiences and accepted values. The information presented in texts was analyzed at multiple levels and different viewpoints. Parallel analyses by authors were carried out in order to guarantee the validity of the overall results. Finally, the results were grouped, which allowed to draw preliminary conclusions what the common cultural landmarks were and why they have been accepted  and recognised  as meaningful and valuable by future music teachers both in Estonia and Finland and what their potential could be developing cultural cohesion in society.

    Education and training monitor 2014

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    'ACCORD' e-Platform: Development and evaluation of an innovative multicultural training for school professionals

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    The study aims at describing the development, application and evaluation of ACCORD, an innovative e-platform offering a free-accessible tailored multicultural training for school professionals through the application of current ICT research (e-learning, mobility, internet, artificial intelligence). The eplatform provided school professionals with a dedicated Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) and a Serious Game (SG), embedded within it, useful to enhance and (self-)evaluate their intercultural competences and negotiation abilities. Technological, Psychological, and Pedagogical models and approaches underpinned the methodology driving the creation of the e-platform contents. Following a pilot test, the edited version of the e-platform (including the SG, learning materials, lessons, questionnaires) was widely diffused in different languages (English, German, Italian, Flemish, Spanish). Pre- and post-training questionnaires were used to assess the learning experience and the efficacy of the training. Findings provided evidence supporting the learning effectiveness of ACCORD training. The experience with the e-platform has been positively rated by the users concerning both the technological and educational aspects. Overall, the study provided an overview on the creation, implementation and evaluation of a novel multicultural training tool, which has been proven to effectively foster the enhancement of intercultural and interethnic competencies of professionals working in the European educational contexts

    Pedagogic approaches to using technology for learning: literature review

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    This literature review is intended to address and support teaching qualifications and CPD through identifying new and emerging pedagogies; "determining what constitutes effective use of technology in teaching and learning; looking at new developments in teacher training qualifications to ensure that they are at the cutting edge of learning theory and classroom practice and making suggestions as to how teachers can continually update their skills." - Page 4

    Language Teachers and Their Trajectories Across Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching: Needs and Beliefs of ESL/EFL Teachers

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    In this article, we present the initial results of the first phase of our international Research Network, which sets out to revisit the current needs of language teachers in terms of training to achieve the integration of technology within their educational contexts. We focus on the type of needs and their order of priority from the viewpoint of English as a Second/Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) teachers and suggest some recommendations for training programs. These data, collected via an online questionnaire distributed in several countries, were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in relation to participants’ perceptions of needs regarding language education technology, as well as participants’ perceptions of the “ideal” teacher, and their relation to the use of technology. Results indicate that despite overall satisfaction regarding training received, many teachers mention their need for a post-training follow-up. They also express interest in developing “learning task design” skills and in exploring course management platforms such as Moodle. Furthermore, while most participants fully or partially agree with the relationship between technology and excellence in language teaching, their definition of the “ideal” language teacher rarely includes the use of technology. A shift in “ideal” teacher beliefs seems, therefore, necessary for better adoption and use of technology in language education

    A qualitative study of students’ perception on multicultural competence of academic teachers in India

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    Purpose: This study aims to identify multicultural competences (behaviours, knowledge and attitudes) specific for teaching culturally diverse students belonging to different nationalities and ethnicities, discuss their essence and importance.Methodology/approach: To explore understanding of multicultural competences a case study approach was applied. Qualitative research was based on the students’ feedback survey containing open ended questions.Findings: The results of the study allow to answer the research question which multicultural competences are key for teachers. From a students’ perspective teachers should be aware of special needs of individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, they should apply this knowledge to specific teaching strategies and interpersonal cues to create a supportive classroom atmosphere and to cater the needs of diverse students.Implications: The current focus in the well-established tradition of teaching and learning in India is not only on the development of professional competences, achieving higher levels of commitment and motivation, but also building multicultural competences. Today’s classrooms require teachers to teach students with different cultures, languages, abilities and other characteristics. The framework of developing core multicultural competences should be built based on perspective of different groups of stakeholders.Originality/value of the paper: The results have special added value in defining key multicultural competences of academic teachers and building framework of teaching competences in global context

    Project leadership: skills, behaviours, knowledge and values

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    This research has sought to draw out project leadership competences from the perspective of practising project leaders, aspiring project leaders, heads of profession, project sponsors and clients. The aim of this research report is to help focus, develop and refine our understanding of project leadership so we can support continued capability building for project professionals and their organisations. To compile this report, the authors Sarah Coleman and Professor Mike Bourne conducted in-depth interviews with 38 individuals across five multinational organisations (BAE Systems, IQVIA, Jacobs, Shell and Siemens). These organisations were chosen because of their reliance on complex projects for the delivery of strategy and performance, and the individuals for their substantial knowledge and experience of project delivery, and their range of perspectives. The interviewees held and had experience of a wide variety of roles, from the aspiring leaders delivering smaller projects to the most experienced project leaders (responsible for ÂŁ1bn+ budget major, complex projects), heads of profession, project sponsors and clients. Together, these individuals have over 500 years of project experience

    Just picking it up? Young children learning with technology at home

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    We describe a two-year empirical investigation of three- and four-year-old children's uses of technology at home, based on a survey of 346 families and 24 case studies. Using a sociocultural approach, we discuss the range of technologies children encounter in the home, the different forms their learning takes, the roles of adults and other children, and how family practices support this learning. Many parents believed that they do not teach children how to use technology. We discuss parents' beliefs that their children 'pick up' their competences with technology and identify trial and error, copying and demonstration as typical modes of learning. Parents tend to consider that their children are mainly self-taught and underestimate their own role in supporting learning and the extent to which learning with technology is culturally transmitted within the family
