322 research outputs found

    Simulating the behavior of the human brain on GPUS

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    The simulation of the behavior of the Human Brain is one of the most important challenges in computing today. The main problem consists of finding efficient ways to manipulate and compute the huge volume of data that this kind of simulations need, using the current technology. In this sense, this work is focused on one of the main steps of such simulation, which consists of computing the Voltage on neurons’ morphology. This is carried out using the Hines Algorithm and, although this algorithm is the optimum method in terms of number of operations, it is in need of non-trivial modifications to be efficiently parallelized on GPUs. We proposed several optimizations to accelerate this algorithm on GPU-based architectures, exploring the limitations of both, method and architecture, to be able to solve efficiently a high number of Hines systems (neurons). Each of the optimizations are deeply analyzed and described. Two different approaches are studied, one for mono-morphology simulations (batch of neurons with the same shape) and one for multi-morphology simulations (batch of neurons where every neuron has a different shape). In mono-morphology simulations we obtain a good performance using just a single kernel to compute all the neurons. However this turns out to be inefficient on multi-morphology simulations. Unlike the previous scenario, in multi-morphology simulations a much more complex implementation is necessary to obtain a good performance. In this case, we must execute more than one single GPU kernel. In every execution (kernel call) one specific part of the batch of the neurons is solved. These parts can be seen as multiple and independent tridiagonal systems. Although the present paper is focused on the simulation of the behavior of the Human Brain, some of these techniques, in particular those related to the solving of tridiagonal systems, can be also used for multiple oil and gas simulations. Our studies have proven that the optimizations proposed in the present work can achieve high performance on those computations with a high number of neurons, being our GPU implementations about 4× and 8× faster than the OpenMP multicore implementation (16 cores), using one and two NVIDIA K80 GPUs respectively. Also, it is important to highlight that these optimizations can continue scaling, even when dealing with a very high number of neurons.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 720270 (HBP SGA1), from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project Computación de Altas Prestaciones VII (TIN2015-65316-P), the Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programació i Entorns d’Execució Parallels (2014-SGR-1051). We thank the support of NVIDIA through the BSC/UPC NVIDIA GPU Center of Excellence, and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 749516.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reducing memory requirements for large size LBM simulations on GPUs

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    The scientific community in its never-ending road of larger and more efficient computational resources is in need of more efficient implementations that can adapt efficiently on the current parallel platforms. Graphics processing units are an appropriate platform that cover some of these demands. This architecture presents a high performance with a reduced cost and an efficient power consumption. However, the memory capacity in these devices is reduced and so expensive memory transfers are necessary to deal with big problems. Today, the lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM) has positioned as an efficient approach for Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations. Despite this method is particularly amenable to be efficiently parallelized, it is in need of a considerable memory capacity, which is the consequence of a dramatic fall in performance when dealing with large simulations. In this work, we propose some initiatives to minimize such demand of memory, which allows us to execute bigger simulations on the same platform without additional memory transfers, keeping a high performance. In particular, we present 2 new implementations, LBM-Ghost and LBM-Swap, which are deeply analyzed, presenting the pros and cons of each of them.This project was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO): BCAM Severo Ochoa accreditation SEV-2013-0323, MTM2013-40824, Computación de Altas Prestaciones VII TIN2015-65316-P, by the Basque Excellence Research Center (BERC 2014-2017) pro- gram by the Basque Government, and by the Departament d' Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programació i Entorns d' Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051). We also thank the support of the computing facilities of Extremadura Research Centre for Advanced Technologies (CETA-CIEMAT) and NVIDIA GPU Research Center program for the provided resources, as well as the support of NVIDIA through the BSC/UPC NVIDIA GPU Center of Excellence.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Simulating the Behaviour of the Human Brain on NVIDIA GPU: cuHinesBatch & cuThomasBatch implementations

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    Understand the human brain is one of the century challenges. On this work we are going to achieve a small step towards this objective presenting a novel data layout in order to compute more efficiently the Hines algorithm on GPU. A more general tridiagonal solver is going to be presented too

    cuThomasBatch and cuThomasVBatch, CUDA Routines to compute batch of tridiagonal systems on NVIDIA GPUs

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    The solving of tridiagonal systems is one of the most computationally expensive parts in many applications, so that multiple studies have explored the use of NVIDIA GPUs to accelerate such computation. However, these studies have mainly focused on using parallel algorithms to compute such systems, which can efficiently exploit the shared memory and are able to saturate the GPUs capacity with a low number of systems, presenting a poor scalability when dealing with a relatively high number of systems. The gtsvStridedBatch routine in the cuSPARSE NVIDIA package is one of these examples, which is used as reference in this article. We propose a new implementation (cuThomasBatch) based on the Thomas algorithm. Unlike other algorithms, the Thomas algorithm is sequential, and so a coarse-grained approach is implemented where one CUDA thread solves a complete tridiagonal system instead of one CUDA block as in gtsvStridedBatch. To achieve a good scalability using this approach, it is necessary to carry out a transformation in the way that the inputs are stored in memory to exploit coalescence (contiguous threads access to contiguous memory locations). Different variants regarding the transformation of the data are explored in detail. We also explore some variants for the case of variable batch, when the size of the systems of the batch has different size (cuThomasVBatch). The results given in this study prove that the implementations carried out in this work are able to beat the reference code, being up to 5× (in double precision) and 6× (in single precision) faster using the latest NVIDIA GPU architecture, the Pascal P100.This project was funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 720270 (HBPSGA1), from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project Computación de Altas Prestaciones VII (TIN2015-65316-P)and the Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programació iEntorns d'Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051). We thank the support of NVIDIA through the BSC/UPC NVIDIA GPU Center of Excellence andthe valuable feedback provided by Lung Sheng Chien and Alex Fit-Florea. Antonio J. Peña was cofinanced by the Spanish Ministry of Economy andCompetitiveness under Juan de la Cierva fellowship number IJCI-2015-23266.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Parallelization of the ADI method exploring vector computing in GPUs

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaThe 2D convection-diffusion is a well-known problem in scientific simulation that often uses a direct method to solve a system of N linear equations, which requires N3 operations. This problem can be solved using a more efficient computational method, known as the alternating direction implicit (ADI). It solves a system of N linear equations in 2N times with N operations each, implemented in two steps, one to solve row by row, the other column by column. Each N operation is fully independent in each step, which opens an opportunity to an embarrassingly parallel solution. This method also explores the way matrices are stored in computer memory, either in row-major or column-major, by splitting each iteration in two. The major bottleneck of this method is solving the system of linear equations. These systems of linear equations can be described as tridiagonal matrices since the elements are always stored on the three main diagonals of the matrices. Algorithms tailored for tridiagonal matrices, can significantly improve the performance. These can be sequential (i.e. the Thomas algorithm) or parallel (i.e. the cyclic reduction CR, and the parallel cyclic reduction PCR). Current vector extensions in conventional scalar processing units, such as x86-64 and ARM devices, require the vector elements to be in contiguous memory locations to avoid performance penalties. To overcome these limitations in dot products several approaches are proposed and evaluated in this work, both in general-purpose processing units and in specific accelerators, namely NVidia GPUs. Profiling the code execution on a server based on x86-64 devices showed that the ADI method needs a combination of CPU computation power and memory transfer speed. This is best showed on a server based on the Intel manycore device, KNL, where the algorithm scales until the memory bandwidth is no longer enough to feed all 64 computing cores. A dual-socket server based on 16-core Xeon Skylakes, with AVX-512 vector support, proved to be a better choice: the algorithm executes in less time and scales better. The introduction of GPU computing to further improve the execution performance (and also using other optimisation techniques, namely a different thread scheme and shared memory to speed up the process) showed better results for larger grid sizes (above 32Ki x 32Ki). The CUDA development environment also showed a better performance than using OpenCL, in most cases. The largest difference was using a hybrid CR-PCR, where the OpenCL code displayed a major performance improvement when compared to CUDA. But even with this speedup, the better average time for the ADI method on all tested configurations on a NVidia GPU was using CUDA on an available updated GPU (with a Pascal architecture) and the CR as the auxiliary method.O problema da convecção-difusão é utilizado em simulaçãos cientificas que regularmente utilizam métodos diretos para solucionar um sistema de N equações lineares e necessitam de N3 operações. O problema pode ser resolvido utilizando um método computacionalmente mais eficiente para resolver um sistema de N equações lineares com N operações cada, implementado em dois passos, um solucionando linha a linha e outro solucionando coluna a coluna. Cada par de N operações são independentes em cada passo, havendo assim uma oportunidade de utilizar uma solução em baraçosamente paralela. Este método também explora o modo de guardar as matrizes na memória do computados, sendo esta por linhas ou em colunas, dividindo cada iteração em duas, este método é conhecido como o método de direção alternada. O maior bottleneck deste problema é a resolução dos sistemas de equações lineares criados pelo ADI. Estes sistemas podem ser descritos como matrizes tridiagonais, visto todos os seus elementos se encontrarem nas 3 diagonais interiores e a utilização de métodos estudados para este caso é necessário para conseguir atingir a melhor performance possível. Esses métodos podem ser sequenciais (como o algoritmo de Thomas) ou paralelos (como o CR e o PCR) As extensões vectoriais utilizadas nas atuais unidades de processamento, como dispositivos x86-64 e ARM, necessitam que os elementos do vetor estejam em blocos de memória contíguos para não sofrer penalizações. Algumas abordagens foram estudadas neste trabalho para as ultrapassar, tanto em processadores convencionais como em aceleradores de computação. Os registos do tempo em servidores baseado em dispositivos x86-64 mostram que o ADI necessitam de uma combinação de poder de processamento assim como velocidade de transferência de dados. Isto é demonstrado especialmente no servidor baseado no dispositivo KNL da Intel, no qual o algoritmo escala até que a largura de banda deixe de ser suficiente para o problema. Um servidor com dois sockets em que cada é composto por um dispositivo com 16 cores baseado na arquitetura Xeon Skylake, com acesso ao AVX-512, mostrou ser a melhor escolha: o algoritmo faz as mesmas operações em menos tempo e escala melhor. Com a introdução de computação com GPUs para melhorar a performance do programa mostrou melhores resultados para problemas de maiores dimensões (tamanho acima de 32Ki x 32Ki celulas). O desenvolvimento em CUDA também mostrou melhores resultados que em OpenCL na maioria dos casos. A maior divergência foi observada ao utilizar o método CR-PCR, onde o OpenCL mostrou melhor performance que em CUDA. Mas mesmo com este método sendo mais eficaz que o mesmo em CUDA, o melhor performance com o método ADI foi observado utilizando CUDA no GPU mais recente estudado com o método CR

    A Fast Solver for Large Tridiagonal Systems on Multi-Core Processors (Lass Library)

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    [Abstract]: Many problems of industrial and scientific interest require the solving of tridiagonal linear systems. This paper presents several implementations for the parallel solving of large tridiagonal systems on multi-core architectures, using the OmpSs programming model. The strategy used for the parallelization is based on the combination of two different existing algorithms, PCR and Thomas. The Thomas algorithm, which cannot be parallelized, requires the fewest number of floating point operations. The PCR algorithm is the most popular parallel method, but it is more computationally expensive than Thomas. The method proposed in this paper starts applying the PCR algorithm to break down one large tridiagonal system into a set of smaller and independent ones. In a second step, these independent systems are concurrently solved using Thomas. The paper also contains an analytical study of which is the best point to switch from PCR to Thomas. Also, the paper addresses the main performance issues of combining PCR and Thomas proposing a set of alternative implementations, some of them even imply algorithmic changes. The performance evaluation shows that the best implementation achieves a peak speedup of 4 with respect to the Intel MKL counterpart routine and 2.5 with respect to a single-threaded Thomas.This work was supported in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreements Human Brain Project SGA1 and Human Brain Project SGA2 under Grant 720270 and Grant 785907, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Project Computación de Altas Prestaciones VII under Grant TIN2015-65316-P, in part by the Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programació i Entorns d’Execució Paralůlels under Grant 2014-SGR-1051, in part by the Juan de la Cierva under Grant IJCI-2017-33511, in part by the Fujitsu under the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Fujitsu Joint Project: Math Libraries Migration and Optimization, in part by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad of Spain, in part by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional Funds of the European Union under Grant TIN2016-75845-P, and in part by the Xunta de Galicia co-founded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Consolidation Programme of Competitive Reference Groups under Grant ED431C 2017/04, and in part by the Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia accreditatión 2016-2019 under Grant ED431G/01.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/04Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Generalitat de Catalunya; 2014-SGR-105
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