6,863 research outputs found

    Iterative Method for Blind Evaluation of Mixed Noise Characteristics on Images

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    A new method for blind estimation of mixed noise parameters is proposed. The method is based on line fitting into a set of cluster centers obtained from scatter-plot of local variance and mean estimates. Improved estimation of cluster centers is performed on basis of fourth-order statistical moment analysis. The estimation results for the proposed method are compared to the results for other known methods using images from TID2008 database. It is shown that the proposed method provides estimation accuracy comparable to the estimation accuracy of the method based on maximum likelihood estimation of image and noise characteristics (which is considered the best among the existing methods). An advantage of our method is that it is considerably faster

    Advanced signal processing methods in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging

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    Tato dizertačnĂ­ prĂĄce pƙedstavuje metodu zobrazovĂĄnĂ­ perfĂșze magnetickou rezonancĂ­, jeĆŸ je vĂœkonnĂœm nĂĄstrojem v diagnostice, pƙedevĆĄĂ­m v onkologii. Po ukončenĂ­ sběru časovĂ© sekvence T1-vĂĄhovanĂœch obrazĆŻ zaznamenĂĄvajĂ­cĂ­ch distribuci kontrastnĂ­ lĂĄtky v těle začínĂĄ fĂĄze zpracovĂĄnĂ­ dat, kterĂĄ je pƙedmětem tĂ©to dizertace. Je zde pƙedstaven teoretickĂœ zĂĄklad fyziologickĂœch modelĆŻ a modelĆŻ akvizice pomocĂ­ magnetickĂ© rezonance a celĂœ ƙetězec potƙebnĂœ k vytvoƙenĂ­ obrazĆŻ odhadu parametrĆŻ perfĂșze a mikrocirkulace v tkĂĄni. Tato dizertačnĂ­ prĂĄce je souborem uveƙejněnĂœch pracĂ­ autora pƙispĂ­vajĂ­cĂ­m k rozvoji metodologie perfĂșznĂ­ho zobrazovĂĄnĂ­ a zmĂ­něnĂ©ho potƙebnĂ©ho teoretickĂ©ho rozboru.This dissertation describes quantitative dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI), which is a powerful tool in diagnostics, mainly in oncology. After a time series of T1-weighted images recording contrast-agent distribution in the body has been acquired, data processing phase follows. It is presented step by step in this dissertation. The theoretical background in physiological and MRI-acquisition modeling is described together with the estimation process leading to parametric maps describing perfusion and microcirculation properties of the investigated tissue on a voxel-by-voxel basis. The dissertation is divided into this theoretical analysis and a set of publications representing particular contributions of the author to DCE-MRI.

    Modeling sparse connectivity between underlying brain sources for EEG/MEG

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    We propose a novel technique to assess functional brain connectivity in EEG/MEG signals. Our method, called Sparsely-Connected Sources Analysis (SCSA), can overcome the problem of volume conduction by modeling neural data innovatively with the following ingredients: (a) the EEG is assumed to be a linear mixture of correlated sources following a multivariate autoregressive (MVAR) model, (b) the demixing is estimated jointly with the source MVAR parameters, (c) overfitting is avoided by using the Group Lasso penalty. This approach allows to extract the appropriate level cross-talk between the extracted sources and in this manner we obtain a sparse data-driven model of functional connectivity. We demonstrate the usefulness of SCSA with simulated data, and compare to a number of existing algorithms with excellent results.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWe present a method for absolutely quantifying pharmacokinetic parameters in dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI. This method, known as alternating mini-mization with model (AMM), involves jointly estimating the arterial input function (AIF) and pharmacokinetic parameters from a characteristic set of measured tissue concentration curves. By blindly estimating the AIF, problems associated with AIF measurement in pharmacokinetic modeling, such as signal saturation, flow and partial volume eff ects, and small arterial lumens can be ignored. The blind estimation method described here introduces a novel functional form for the AIF, which serves to simplify the estimation process and reduce the deleterious e ffects of noise on the deconvolution process. Computer simulations were undertaken to assess the performance of the estimation process as a function of the input tissue curves. A con fidence metric for the estimation quality, based on a linear combination of the SNR and diversity of the input curves, is presented. This con fidence metric is then used to allow for localizing the region from which input curves are drawn. Local blood supply to any particular region can then be blindly estimated, along with some measure of con fidence for that estimation. Methods for evaluating the utility of the blind estimation algorithm on clinical data are presented, along with preliminary results on quantifying tissue parameters in soft-tissue sarcomas. The AMM method is applied to in vivo data from both cardiac perfusion and breast cancer scans. The cardiac scans were conducted using a dual-bolus protocol, which provides a measure of truth for the AIF. Twenty data sets were processed with this method, and pharmacokinetic parameter values derived from the blind AIF were compared with those derived from the dual-bolus measured AIF. For seventeen of the twenty datasets there were no statistically signifi cant differences in Ktrans estimates. The cardiac AMM method presented here provides a way to quantify perfusion of myocardial tissue with a single injection of contrast agent and without a special pulse sequence. The resulting parameters are similar to those given by the dual bolus method. The breast cancer scans were processed with the AMM method and the results were compared to an analysis done with the semiquantitative DCE-MRI scans. The e ffects of the temporal sampling rate of the data on the AMM method are examined. The ability of the AMM-derived parameters to distinguish benign and malignant tumors is compared to more conventional methods

    BMICA-independent component analysis based on B-spline mutual information estimator

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    The information theoretic concept of mutual information provides a general framework to evaluate dependencies between variables. Its estimation however using B-Spline has not been used before in creating an approach for Independent Component Analysis. In this paper we present a B-Spline estimator for mutual information to find the independent components in mixed signals. Tested using electroencephalography (EEG) signals the resulting BMICA (B-Spline Mutual Information Independent Component Analysis) exhibits better performance than the standard Independent Component Analysis algorithms of FastICA, JADE, SOBI and EFICA in similar simulations. BMICA was found to be also more reliable than the 'renown' FastICA
