15 research outputs found


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    Model pembelajaran konvensional (tatap muka) pada Diklat Medical First Responder (MFR) mempunyai beberapa kendala. Makalah ini memaparkan hasil pengembangan blended learning pada Diklat Medical First Responder (MFR). Pembelajaran blended learning ini dikembangkan agar dapat menjadi solusi atas kendala-kendala yang ada pada diklat MFR. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan Integrative Learning Design Framework (ILDF) yang dikombinasikan dengan PEDATI (Pelajari Dalami Terapkan dan Evaluasi), dilakukan di Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Badan Nasional pencarian dan Pertolongan di Cariu Bogor Tahun 2020. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan analisis dokumen. Hasil dari pengumpulan data tersebut terdapat beberapa permasalahan antara lain (1) kurangnya jumlah instruktur; (2) jumlah peserta yang dapat mengikuti diklat MFR sangat terbatas; (3) rescuer diwajibkan selalu siap setiap saat jika terjadi musibah sehingga tidak dapat meninggalkan kantor dalam waktu yang sangat lama. Adanya temuan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini mengarahkan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran blended, dimana peserta diklat dapat belajar dimana saja dan kapan saja. Pembelajaran blended ini memanfaatkan sebuah media berbasis web yang dapat diakses melalui http://basarnas.sekolahdigi.com. Kata Kunci : Pengembangan Blended Learning, Medical First Responder, Rescuer The conventional (face-to-face) learning model in the Medical First Responder (MFR) Training has several obstacles. This paper describes the results of the development of blended learning at the Medical First Responder (MFR) Training. Blended Learning was developed in order to be a solution to the problems that exist in MFR training. This research is research and development using the Integrative Learning Design Framework (ILDF) development method combined with PEDATI (Learn to Apply and Evaluate), conducted at the Education and Training Center of National Search and Rescue Agency's in 2020 . Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews, questionnaires and document analysis. The results of the data collection resulted in several problems including (1) the lack of instructors; (2) the number of participants who can take part in the MFR training is very limited; (3) the rescuer is required to be ready at all times in the event of a disaster so that he cannot leave the office for a very long time. The findings lead to develop an asynchronous learning model where the participants can learn anywhere and anytime. This asynchronous learning utilizes a web-based media which can be accessed through http://basarnas.sekolahdigi.com. Keywords : Development Blended Learning, Medical First Responder, Rescue

    The Impact of Blended Learning on K-2 Education

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    Blended learning, characterised by integrating traditional face-to-face instruction with online educational resources, has gained significant attention in recent years as a promising approach to enhancing learning experiences across various academic levels. The current study presents a comprehensive review of blended learning methodologies tailored specifically for early childhood education, focusing on kindergarten through second grade (K-2) learners. It examines young learners' unique developmental characteristics and learning needs, considering how blended learning models can be effectively designed and implemented to optimise educational outcomes. Blended learning has been observed to possess more positive impacts while bearing in mind its flexibility and adaptability to meet the academic needs of diverse learners at their own pace. Therefore, the successful implementation of blended learning in K-2 settings requires careful consideration of the technological infrastructure available and teachers who are central to the success of blended learning


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    The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education has paved the way for the emergence of new teaching and learning methodologies. E-learning, which refers to the use of ICT for learning purposes, is an important area emphasized in education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of E-learning in multimedia classes to improve vocational students' learning achievement and motivation. The Quasi-experiment method was used in this study. The research subjects used were class X students at the Veteran Vocational School Sukoharjo, Central Java. This research was conducted in Multimedia classes on computer and basic network subject matter on the topic of sharing devices. Class samples are selected using the random sampling technique. The experiment class consists of 31 students, while the control class consists of 33 students. In this study two formulation of problems were used, namely: (1) How is the effectiveness of E-learning to improve student learning achievement?; (2) How is the effectiveness of E-learning to improve student motivation? The hypothesis test used is the Independent T Test. The results showed that the use of E-learning can significantly improve student achievement and motivation on computer and basic network subject matter on the topic of sharing devices. In addition, the use of E-learning can also increase student participation in learning. AbstrakPerkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dalam pendidikan telah membuka jalan bagi munculnya metodologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran baru. E-learning, yang mengacu pada penggunaan TIK untuk tujuan pembelajaran, menjadi area penting yang ditekankan dalam pendidikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas penggunaan E-learning untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan motivasi belajar siswa di Sekolah kejuruan. Metode kuasi ekperimen digunakan pada penelitian ini. Subjek penelitian yang digunakan yaitu siswa kelas X di SMK Veteran Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas Multimedia pada pelajaran komputer dan jaringan dasar pada topik sharing devices. Sampel kelas dipilih menggunakan teknik sampling acak. Kelas eksperimen terdiri dari 31 siswa, sedangkan kelas kontrol terdiri dari 33 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan dua rumusan masalah, yaitu: (1) Bagaimana keefektifan media E-learning untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa?; (2) Bagaimana keefektifan media E-learning untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa?. Uji hipotesis yang digunakan adalah Uji Independent T Test. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media E-learning secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan prestasi dan motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran komputer dan jaringan dasar pada topik sharing devices. Selain itu, penggunaan E-learning juga dapat meningkatkan partisipasi siswa terhadap pembelajaran

    Kelas Kita Based Blended Learning: Biology Learning Model to Improve Student Activities, Attitudes, and Achievements

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    In the current era of technological development, the flow of information and knowledge is very quickly updated, so that facilities are needed to compensate, especially in the field of education. Conventional learning models can support interactions between teachers and students, but on the other hand, this model is less able to provide facilities in the form of access to information anytime and anywhere. These weaknesses can be overcome by online learning, so that a blended learning solution appears, which still considers the interaction of teachers and students and expands learning opportunities because it is not limited to time and place. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of blended learning based on kelas kita network sites in improving student achievement, activities, and learning attitudes. The subjects of this study were two classes of MA students (experimental class of 33 students and control class of 34 students) in Cirebon, Indonesia. The biological material chosen in this study was environmental change. The study design used a Pretest-Posttest control group. Data collection techniques employed observation, tests, and questionnaires. From the results of the study, it provides information that the experimental class applied blended learning model had significantly different achievements, activities, and learning attitudes (sig 0.05) compared to the control class. Students had an enthusiastic attitude because they were given the opportunity to explore their potential in studying literature based on kelas kita network. The implication of this research is that a blended learning model can be developed and applied to other materials, even in other subjects

    Revisión bibliográfica y análisis sobre b-learning y la socialización del alumnado en educación primaria

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    La modalidad educativa de b-learning se incorporó al sistema educativo hace algunos años y se ha implantado con fuerza, sobre todo a nivel universitario. El objetivo del estudio es analizar las investigaciones publicadas sobre b-learning en la etapa de Educación Primaria a través de una revisión bibliográfica centrada en los últimos 5 años. Aunque el estudio confirma que la tendencia no ha cambiado y el modelo sigue teniendo más presencia en niveles superiores, poco a poco, se van viendo estudios sobre b-learning en Educación Primaria. En su mayoría, son estudios enfocados a la eficacia en cuanto al rendimiento académico, pero podemos encontrar investigaciones donde el foco de estudio se centra en otras aportaciones del modelo. Dentro de la modalidad mixta, el modelo más utilizado y popularizado es el aula invertida, modelo que asume principios pedagógicos tales como el aprendizaje activo, significativo, social, cooperativo... En estos tiempos de pandemia, donde se necesita la distancia social, el reto al que se enfrenta este modelo supone suplir debidamente los beneficios que conlleva la interacción social con propuestas innovadoras e interesantes para el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. The educational modality of b-learning was incorporated into the educational system a few years ago and has been strongly implemented, especially at the university level. The objective of the study is to analyze the published research on b- learning in the Primary Education stage through a Bibliographic Review focused on the last 5 years. Although the study confirms that the trend has not changed and the model continues to have more presence at higher levels, little by little, studies on b-learning in primary education are being seen. Most of them are studies focused on effectiveness in terms of academic performance, but we can find research where the focus of study is focused on other contributions of the model. Within the mixed- mode, the model most widely used and popularized is the classroom inverted, a model that assumes pedagogical principles such as active learning, significant, social, cooperative... In these times of pandemic, where the social distance, the challenge of this model is to supply adequately the benefits of social interaction with innovative and interesting for the teaching and learning process

    Teachers’ Perceptions of Blended Learning in High School Classrooms

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    Blended learning is the instructional practice that involves both face-to-face and online learning in classroom instruction. The problem at a small rural school district in the South Carolina is, despite strong evidence of the benefits and use of blended learning, many classroom teachers at the high school level still fail to consistently implement the online component of blended learning to maximize these benefits. Therefore, the purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore teachers’ perceptions of ease of use and usefulness of blended learning, how they implement it, and challenges they have with implementation. The conceptual framework for this study is the technology acceptance model. Research questions involved teachers’ perceptions of ease of use and usefulness of blended learning, how they implement it, and challenges they have with implementation. I collected data by interviewing 12 participants via semi-structured telephone interviews. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using a five-step analysis method for thematic analysis: compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding. The findings suggest that teachers perceive blended learning as easy to use and useful. Also, teachers use either the flipped classroom model or face-to-face driver model for blended learning implementation. Further, participants cited Internet access and teacher technology competencies as challenges preventing blended learning implementation, while support, one-to-one initiatives, and professional development allowed for successful implementation. The findings of this study have social change implications in high school classrooms. Both teachers and administrators will gain valuable knowledge to help them make decisions regarding blended learning implementation to break down barriers preventing blended learning in classroom instruction

    Instructional Strategies that Foster High School Students’ Achievement in Blended Learning

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    Blended learning has become an alternative method to promote student achievement in a technology-orientated society. Students enrolled in blended learning classes in a midwestern suburban high school are outperforming students in the traditional face-to-face classes on standardized tests, yet there was little information about the instructional strategies used in the blended learning classroom that result in higher student achievement. The purpose of this qualitative instrumental case study was to explore what instructional strategies were implemented to foster student achievement in a successful high school English and social studies blended learning program. The focus of the study was to understand which instructional strategies were implemented in the blended learning environment. To explore this issue, the conceptual framework was connectivism with the fundamental principle that knowledge is built by connecting nodes. Five English and five social studies blended learning teachers with at least two years of teaching experience participated in this study. Data sources were interviews of teachers and an audit of the teachers’ learning management systems. Data were analyzed using lean coding and then examined for emerging themes. Teachers indicated small group instructional strategies were essential to allow students to analyze nodes and build new knowledge. The majority of teachers also used a flipped method of instruction. Another important finding was the study site implementing best practices to foster student achievement. Implications for positive social change include a teacher or a school implementing at least one to two of the study’s outcomes to foster student achievement in blended learning classes