353,170 research outputs found

    Formulating genome-scale kinetic models in the post-genome era.

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    The biological community is now awash in high-throughput data sets and is grappling with the challenge of integrating disparate data sets. Such integration has taken the form of statistical analysis of large data sets, or through the bottom-up reconstruction of reaction networks. While progress has been made with statistical and structural methods, large-scale systems have remained refractory to dynamic model building by traditional approaches. The availability of annotated genomes enabled the reconstruction of genome-scale networks, and now the availability of high-throughput metabolomic and fluxomic data along with thermodynamic information opens the possibility to build genome-scale kinetic models. We describe here a framework for building and analyzing such models. The mathematical analysis challenges are reflected in four foundational properties, (i) the decomposition of the Jacobian matrix into chemical, kinetic and thermodynamic information, (ii) the structural similarity between the stoichiometric matrix and the transpose of the gradient matrix, (iii) the duality transformations enabling either fluxes or concentrations to serve as the independent variables and (iv) the timescale hierarchy in biological networks. Recognition and appreciation of these properties highlight notable and challenging new in silico analysis issues

    BRAHMS: Novel middleware for integrated systems computation

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    Biological computational modellers are becoming increasingly interested in building large, eclectic models, including components on many different computational substrates, both biological and non-biological. At the same time, the rise of the philosophy of embodied modelling is generating a need to deploy biological models as controllers for robots in real-world environments. Finally, robotics engineers are beginning to find value in seconding biomimetic control strategies for use on practical robots. Together with the ubiquitous desire to make good on past software development effort, these trends are throwing up new challenges of intellectual and technological integration (for example across scales, across disciplines, and even across time) - challenges that are unmet by existing software frameworks. Here, we outline these challenges in detail, and go on to describe a newly developed software framework, BRAHMS. that meets them. BRAHMS is a tool for integrating computational process modules into a viable, computable system: its generality and flexibility facilitate integration across barriers, such as those described above, in a coherent and effective way. We go on to describe several cases where BRAHMS has been successfully deployed in practical situations. We also show excellent performance in comparison with a monolithic development approach. Additional benefits of developing in the framework include source code self-documentation, automatic coarse-grained parallelisation, cross-language integration, data logging, performance monitoring, and will include dynamic load-balancing and 'pause and continue' execution. BRAHMS is built on the nascent, and similarly general purpose, model markup language, SystemML. This will, in future, also facilitate repeatability and accountability (same answers ten years from now), transparent automatic software distribution, and interfacing with other SystemML tools. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Harmonizing semantic annotations for computational models in biology

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    Life science researchers use computational models to articulate and test hypotheses about the behavior of biological systems. Semantic annotation is a critical component for enhancing the interoperability and reusability of such models as well as for the integration of the data needed for model parameterization and validation. Encoded as machine-readable links to knowledge resource terms, semantic annotations describe the computational or biological meaning of what models and data represent. These annotations help researchers find and repurpose models, accelerate model composition and enable knowledge integration across model repositories and experimental data stores. However, realizing the potential benefits of semantic annotation requires the development of model annotation standards that adhere to a community-based annotation protocol.Without such standards, tool developers must account for a variety of annotation formats and approaches, a situation that can become prohibitively cumbersome and which can defeat the purpose of linking model elements to controlled knowledge resource terms. Currently, no consensus protocol for semantic annotation exists among the larger biological modeling community. Here, we report on the landscape of current annotation practices among the Computational Modeling in BIology NEtwork community and provide a set of recommendations for building a consensus approach to semantic annotation

    Harmonizing semantic annotations for computational models in biology

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    Life science researchers use computational models to articulate and test hypotheses about the behavior of biological systems. Semantic annotation is a critical component for enhancing the interoperability and reusability of such models as well as for the integration of the data needed for model parameterization and validation. Encoded as machine-readable links to knowledge resource terms, semantic annotations describe the computational or biological meaning of what models and data represent. These annotations help researchers find and repurpose models, accelerate model composition and enable knowledge integration across model repositories and experimental data stores. However, realizing the potential benefits of semantic annotation requires the development of model annotation standards that adhere to a community-based annotation protocol. Without such standards, tool developers must account for a variety of annotation formats and approaches, a situation that can become prohibitively cumbersome and which can defeat the purpose of linking model elements to controlled knowledge resource terms. Currently, no consensus protocol for semantic annotation exists among the larger biological modeling community. Here, we report on the landscape of current annotation practices among the COmputational Modeling in BIology NEtwork community and provide a set of recommendations for building a consensus approach to semantic annotation

    A pattern-based approach to a cell tracking ontology

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    Time-lapse microscopy has thoroughly transformed our understanding of biological motion and developmental dynamics from single cells to entire organisms. The increasing amount of cell tracking data demands the creation of tools to make extracted data searchable and interoperable between experiment and data types. In order to address that problem, the current paper reports on the progress in building the Cell Tracking Ontology (CTO): An ontology framework for describing, querying and integrating data from complementary experimental techniques in the domain of cell tracking experiments. CTO is based on a basic knowledge structure: the cellular genealogy serving as a backbone model to integrate specific biological ontologies into tracking data. As a first step we integrate the Phenotype and Trait Ontology (PATO) as one of the most relevant ontologies to annotate cell tracking experiments. The CTO requires both the integration of data on various levels of generality as well as the proper structuring of collected information. Therefore, in order to provide a sound foundation of the ontology, we have built on the rich body of work on top-level ontologies and established three generic ontology design patterns addressing three modeling challenges for properly representing cellular genealogies, i.e. representing entities existing in time, undergoing changes over time and their organization into more complex structures such as situations

    Cytoview: development of a cell modelling framework

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    The biological cell, a natural self-contained unit of prime biological importance, is an enormously complex machine that can be understood at many levels. A higher-level perspective of the entire cell requires integration of various features into coherent, biologically meaningful descriptions. There are some efforts to model cells based on their genome, proteome or metabolome descriptions. However, there are no established methods as yet to describe cell morphologies, capture similarities and differences between different cells or between healthy and disease states. Here we report a framework to model various aspects of a cell and integrate knowledge encoded at different levels of abstraction, with cell morphologies at one end to atomic structures at the other. The different issues that have been addressed are ontologies, feature description and model building. The framework describes dotted representations and tree data structures to integrate diverse pieces of data and parametric models enabling size, shape and location descriptions. The framework serves as a first step in integrating different levels of data available for a biological cell and has the potential to lead to development of computational models in our pursuit to model cell structure and function, from which several applications can flow out

    Structured data abstractions and interpretable latent representations for single-cell multimodal genomics

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    Single-cell multimodal genomics involves simultaneous measurement of multiple types of molecular data, such as gene expression, epigenetic marks and protein abundance, in individual cells. This allows for a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the molecular basis of cellular identity and function. The large volume of data generated by single-cell multimodal genomics experiments requires specialised methods and tools for handling, storing, and analysing it. This work provides contributions on multiple levels. First, it introduces a single-cell multimodal data standard — MuData — designed to facilitate the handling, storage and exchange of multimodal data. MuData provides interfaces that enable transparent access to multimodal annotations as well as data from individual modalities. This data structure has formed the foundation for the multimodal integration framework, which enables complex and composable workflows that can be naturally integrated with existing omics-specific analysis approaches. Joint analysis of multimodal data can be performed using integration methods. In order to enable integration of single-cell data, an improved multi-omics factor analysis model (MOFA+) has been designed and implemented building on the canonical dimensionality reduction approach for multi-omics integration. Inferring later factors that explain variation across multiple modalities of the data, MOFA+ enables the modelling of latent factors with cell group-specific patterns of activity. MOFA+ model has been implemented as part of the respective multi-omics integration framework, and its utility has been extended by software solutions that facilitate interactive model exploration and interpretation. The newly improved model for multi-omics integration of single cells has been applied to the study of gene expression signatures upon targeted gene activation. In a dataset featuring targeted activation of candidate regulators of zygotic genome activation (ZGA) — a crucial transcriptional event in early embryonic development, — modelling expression of both coding and non-coding loci with MOFA+ allowed to rank genes by their potency to activate a ZGA-like transcriptional response. With identification of Patz1, Dppa2 and Smarca5 as potent inducers of ZGA-like transcription in mouse embryonic stem cells, these findings have contributed to the understanding of molecular mechanisms behind ZGA and laid the foundation for future research of ZGA in vivo. In summary, this work’s contributions include the development of data handling and integration methods as well as new biological insights that arose from applying these methods to studying gene expression regulation in early development. This highlights how single-cell multimodal genomics can aid to generate valuable insights into complex biological systems

    Computational toxicology using the OpenTox application programming interface and Bioclipse

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    BACKGROUND: Toxicity is a complex phenomenon involving the potential adverse effect on a range of biological functions. Predicting toxicity involves using a combination of experimental data (endpoints) and computational methods to generate a set of predictive models. Such models rely strongly on being able to integrate information from many sources. The required integration of biological and chemical information sources requires, however, a common language to express our knowledge ontologically, and interoperating services to build reliable predictive toxicology applications. FINDINGS: This article describes progress in extending the integrative bio- and cheminformatics platform Bioclipse to interoperate with OpenTox, a semantic web framework which supports open data exchange and toxicology model building. The Bioclipse workbench environment enables functionality from OpenTox web services and easy access to OpenTox resources for evaluating toxicity properties of query molecules. Relevant cases and interfaces based on ten neurotoxins are described to demonstrate the capabilities provided to the user. The integration takes advantage of semantic web technologies, thereby providing an open and simplifying communication standard. Additionally, the use of ontologies ensures proper interoperation and reliable integration of toxicity information from both experimental and computational sources. CONCLUSIONS: A novel computational toxicity assessment platform was generated from integration of two open science platforms related to toxicology: Bioclipse, that combines a rich scriptable and graphical workbench environment for integration of diverse sets of information sources, and OpenTox, a platform for interoperable toxicology data and computational services. The combination provides improved reliability and operability for handling large data sets by the use of the Open Standards from the OpenTox Application Programming Interface. This enables simultaneous access to a variety of distributed predictive toxicology databases, and algorithm and model resources, taking advantage of the Bioclipse workbench handling the technical layers