806 research outputs found

    Metoda raspodijeljenog zajedničkog prostornog uzorka za klasifikaciju EEG signala sučelja mozak-računalo u jednoj procjeni

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    Common spatial pattern (CSP) method is highly successful in calculating spatial filters for motor imagery-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). However, conventional CSP algorithm is based on a single wide frequency band with a poor frequency selectivity which will lead to poor recognition accuracy. To solve this problem, a novel Partitioned CSP (PCSP) algorithm is proposed to find the most relevant spatial frequency distribution with motor imaginary, so that the algorithm has flexible frequency selectivity. Firstly, we partition the dataset into frequency components using a constant-bandwidth filters bank. Then, a features selection method based on the Bhattacharyya distance is adopted for PCSP features ranking, selection and evaluation. Subsequently, the PCSP features are used to obtain scores which reflect the classification capability and being used for EEG signal classification. The experimental results on 4 subjects showed that the PCSP method significantly outperforms the other two existing approaches based on conventional CSP and Common Spatio-Spectral Pattern (CSSP).Metoda zajedničkog prostornog uzorka (eng. common spatial pattern, CSP) je vrlo uspješna u izračunu prostornih filtara za sučelja mozak-računalo zasnovana na motoričkoj predodžbi (eng. brain-computer interface, BCI). Međutim, konvencionalni CSP algoritam je zasnovan na jednom širokom pojasu frekvencija s lošom selektivnosti frekvencija što rezultira manjom točnošću prepoznavanja. Za rješavanje navedenog problema u ovom radu je predložen novi raspodijeljeni CSP algoritam za pronalaženje najznačajnije prostorno frekvencijske distribucije s motoričkom predodžbom, sa svojstvima fleksibilne selektivnosti frekvencije. Početna faza metode je podjela podataka na frekvencijske komponente korištenjem filtarskog sloga s konstantnom širinom pojasa. Potom, prilagođena je metoda odabira svojstava zasnovana na Bhattacharyya udaljenosti za rangiranje, odabir i evaluaciju PCSP svojstava. Zatim, PCSP svojstva se koriste za dobivanje ocjena koje reflektiraju mogućnosti klasifikacije te za klasifikaciju EEG signala. Eksperimentalni rezultati na 4 ispitanika pokazali su da PCSP metoda po performansama značajno nadmašuje druga dva postojeća pristupa zasnovana na konvencionalnom CSP-u i zajedničkom prostor-spektralnom uzorku (eng. common spatio-spectral pattern, CSSP)

    An Electroencephalogram (EEG) Based Biometrics Investigation for Authentication: A Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Approach

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    Encephalogram (EEG) devices are one of the active research areas in human-computer interaction (HCI). They provide a unique brain-machine interface (BMI) for interacting with a growing number of applications. EEG devices interface with computational systems, including traditional desktop computers and more recently mobile devices. These computational systems can be targeted by malicious users. There is clearly an opportunity to leverage EEG capabilities for increasing the efficiency of access control mechanisms, which are the first line of defense in any computational system. Access control mechanisms rely on a number of authenticators, including “what you know”, “what you have”, and “what you are”. The “what you are” authenticator, formally known as a biometrics authenticator, is increasingly gaining acceptance. It uses an individual’s unique features such as fingerprints and facial images to properly authenticate users. An emerging approach in physiological biometrics is cognitive biometrics, which measures brain’s response to stimuli. These stimuli can be measured by a number of devices, including EEG systems. This work shows an approach to authenticate users interacting with their computational devices through the use of EEG devices. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using a unique hard-to-forge trait as an absolute biometrics authenticator by exploiting the signals generated by different areas of the brain when exposed to visual stimuli. The outcome of this research highlights the importance of the prefrontal cortex and temporal lobes to capture unique responses to images that trigger emotional responses. Additionally, the utilization of logarithmic band power processing combined with LDA as the machine learning algorithm provides higher accuracy when compared against common spatial patterns or windowed means processing in combination with GMM and SVM machine learning algorithms. These results continue to validate the value of logarithmic band power processing and LDA when applied to oscillatory processes

    An Optimal Transport Based Transferable System for Detection of Erroneous Somato-Sensory Feedback from Neural Signals

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    This study is aimed at the detection of single-trial feedback, perceived as erroneous by the user, using a transferable classification system while conducting a motor imagery brain–computer interfacing (BCI) task. The feedback received by the users are relayed from a functional electrical stimulation (FES) device and hence are somato-sensory in nature. The BCI system designed for this study activates an electrical stimulator placed on the left hand, right hand, left foot, and right foot of the user. Trials containing erroneous feedback can be detected from the neural signals in form of the error related potential (ErrP). The inclusion of neuro-feedback during the experiments indicated the possibility that ErrP signals can be evoked when the participant perceives an error from the feedback. Hence, to detect such feedback using ErrP, a transferable (offline) decoder based on optimal transport theory is introduced herein. The offline system detects single-trial erroneous trials from the feedback period of an online neuro-feedback BCI system. The results of the FES-based feedback BCI system were compared to a similar visual-based (VIS) feedback system. Using our framework, the error detector systems for both the FES and VIS feedback paradigms achieved an F1-score of 92.66% and 83.10%, respectively, and are significantly superior to a comparative system where an optimal transport was not used. It is expected that this form of transferable and automated error detection system compounded with a motor imagery system will augment the performance of a BCI and provide a better BCI-based neuro-rehabilitation protocol that has an error control mechanism embedded into it

    Intrusion detection by machine learning = Behatolás detektálás gépi tanulás által

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    Since the early days of information technology, there have been many stakeholders who used the technological capabilities for their own benefit, be it legal operations, or illegal access to computational assets and sensitive information. Every year, businesses invest large amounts of effort into upgrading their IT infrastructure, yet, even today, they are unprepared to protect their most valuable assets: data and knowledge. This lack of protection was the main reason for the creation of this dissertation. During this study, intrusion detection, a field of information security, is evaluated through the use of several machine learning models performing signature and hybrid detection. This is a challenging field, mainly due to the high velocity and imbalanced nature of network traffic. To construct machine learning models capable of intrusion detection, the applied methodologies were the CRISP-DM process model designed to help data scientists with the planning, creation and integration of machine learning models into a business information infrastructure, and design science research interested in answering research questions with information technology artefacts. The two methodologies have a lot in common, which is further elaborated in the study. The goals of this dissertation were two-fold: first, to create an intrusion detector that could provide a high level of intrusion detection performance measured using accuracy and recall and second, to identify potential techniques that can increase intrusion detection performance. Out of the designed models, a hybrid autoencoder + stacking neural network model managed to achieve detection performance comparable to the best models that appeared in the related literature, with good detections on minority classes. To achieve this result, the techniques identified were synthetic sampling, advanced hyperparameter optimization, model ensembles and autoencoder networks. In addition, the dissertation set up a soft hierarchy among the different detection techniques in terms of performance and provides a brief outlook on potential future practical applications of network intrusion detection models as well

    Recent Applications in Graph Theory

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    Graph theory, being a rigorously investigated field of combinatorial mathematics, is adopted by a wide variety of disciplines addressing a plethora of real-world applications. Advances in graph algorithms and software implementations have made graph theory accessible to a larger community of interest. Ever-increasing interest in machine learning and model deployments for network data demands a coherent selection of topics rewarding a fresh, up-to-date summary of the theory and fruitful applications to probe further. This volume is a small yet unique contribution to graph theory applications and modeling with graphs. The subjects discussed include information hiding using graphs, dynamic graph-based systems to model and control cyber-physical systems, graph reconstruction, average distance neighborhood graphs, and pure and mixed-integer linear programming formulations to cluster networks

    Brain-Computer Interface

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    Brain-computer interfacing (BCI) with the use of advanced artificial intelligence identification is a rapidly growing new technology that allows a silently commanding brain to manipulate devices ranging from smartphones to advanced articulated robotic arms when physical control is not possible. BCI can be viewed as a collaboration between the brain and a device via the direct passage of electrical signals from neurons to an external system. The book provides a comprehensive summary of conventional and novel methods for processing brain signals. The chapters cover a range of topics including noninvasive and invasive signal acquisition, signal processing methods, deep learning approaches, and implementation of BCI in experimental problems

    An investigation of the design and use of feed-forward artificial neural networks in the classification of remotely sensed images

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have attracted the attention of researchers in many fields, and have been used to solve a wide range of problems. In the field of remote sensing they have been used in a variety of applications, including land cover mapping, image compression, geological mapping and meteorological image classification, and have generally proved to be more powerful than conventional statistical classifiers, especially when training data are limited and the data in each class are not normally distributed. The use of ANNs requires some critical decisions on the part of the user. These decisions, which are mainly concerned with the determinations of the components of the network structure and the parameters defined for the learning algorithm, can significantly affect the accuracy of the resulting classification. Although there are some discussions in the literature regarding the issues that affect network performance, there is no standard method or approach that is universally accepted to determine the optimum values of these parameters for a particular problem. In this thesis, a feed-forward network structure that learns the characteristics of the training data through the backpropagation learning algorithm is employed to classify land cover features using multispectral, multitemporal, and multisensory image data. The thesis starts with a review and discussion of general principles of classification and the use of artificial neural networks. Special emphasis is put on the issue of feature selection, due to the availability of hyperspectral image data from recent sensors. The primary aims of this research are to comprehensively investigate the impact of the choice of network architecture and initial parameter estimates, and to compare a number of heuristics developed by researchers. The most effective heuristics are identified on the basis of a large number of experiments employing two real-world datasets, and the superiority of the optimum settings using the 'best' heuristics is then validated using an independent dataset. The results are found to be promising in terms of ease of design and use of ANNs, and in producing considerably higher classification accuracies than either the maximum likelihood or neural network classifiers constructed using ad hoc design and implementation strategies. A number of conclusions are drawn and later used to generate a comprehensive set of guidelines that will facilitate the process of design and use of artificial neural networks in remote sensing image classification. This study also explores the use of visualisation techniques in understanding the behaviour of artificial neural networks and the results produced by them. A number of visual analysis techniques are employed to examine the internal characteristics of the training data. For this purpose, a toolkit allowing the analyst to perform a variety of visualisation and analysis procedures was created using the MATLAB software package, and is available in the accompanying CD-ROM. This package was developed during the course of this research, and contains the tools used during the investigations reported in this thesis. The contribution to knowledge of the research work reported in this thesis lies in the identification of optimal strategies for the use of ANNs in land cover classifications based on remotely sensed data. Further contributions include an indepth analysis of feature selection methods for use with high-dimensional datasets, and the production of a MATLAB toolkit that implements the methods used in this study

    People detection, tracking and biometric data extraction using a single camera for retail usage

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem frameworku, který slouží k analýze video sekvencí z RGB kamery. Framework využívá technik sledování osob a následné extrakce biometrických dat. Biometrická data jsou sbírána za účelem využití v malobochodním prostředí. Navržený framework lze rozdělit do třech menších komponent, tj. detektor osob, sledovač osob a extraktor biometrických dat. Navržený detektor osob využívá různé architektury sítí hlubokého učení k určení polohy osob. Řešení pro sledování osob se řídí známým postupem \uv{online tracking-by-detection} a je navrženo tak, aby bylo robustní vůči zalidněným scénám. Toho je dosaženo začleněním dvou metrik týkající se vzhledu a stavu objektu v asociační fázi. Kromě výpočtu těchto deskriptorů, jsme schopni získat další informace o jednotlivcích jako je věk, pohlaví, emoce, výška a trajektorie. Návržené řešení je ověřeno na datasetu, který je vytvořen speciálně pro tuto úlohu.This thesis proposes a framework that analyzes video sequences from a single RGB camera by extracting useful soft-biometric data about tracked people. The aim is to focus on data that could be utilized in a retail environment. The designed framework can be broken down into the smaller components, i.e., people detector, people tracker, and soft-biometrics extractor. The people detector employs various deep learning architectures that estimate bounding boxes of individuals. The tracking solution follows the well-known online tracking-by-detection approach, while the proposed solution is built to be robust regarding the crowded scenes by incorporating appearance and state features in the matching phase. Apart from calculating appearance descriptors only for matching, we extract additional information of each person in the form of age, gender, emotion, height, and trajectory when possible. The whole framework is validated against the dataset which was created for this propose

    Improving Engagement Assessment by Model Individualization and Deep Learning

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    This dissertation studies methods that improve engagement assessment for pilots. The major work addresses two challenging problems involved in the assessment: individual variation among pilots and the lack of labeled data for training assessment models. Task engagement is usually assessed by analyzing physiological measurements collected from subjects who are performing a task. However, physiological measurements such as Electroencephalography (EEG) vary from subject to subject. An assessment model trained for one subject may not be applicable to other subjects. We proposed a dynamic classifier selection algorithm for model individualization and compared it to other two methods: base line normalization and similarity-based model replacement. Experimental results showed that baseline normalization and dynamic classifier selection can significantly improve cross-subject engagement assessment. For complex tasks such as piloting an air plane, labeling engagement levels for pilots is challenging. Without enough labeled data, it is very difficult for traditional methods to train valid models for effective engagement assessment. This dissertation proposed to utilize deep learning models to address this challenge. Deep learning models are capable of learning valuable feature hierarchies by taking advantage of both labeled and unlabeled data. Our results showed that deep models are better tools for engagement assessment when label information is scarce. To further verify the power of deep learning techniques for scarce labeled data, we applied the deep learning algorithm to another small size data set, the ADNI data set. The ADNI data set is a public data set containing MRI and PET scans of Alzheimer\u27s Disease (AD) patients for AD diagnosis. We developed a robust deep learning system incorporating dropout and stability selection techniques to identify the different progression stages of AD patients. The experimental results showed that deep learning is very effective in AD diagnosis. In addition, we studied several imbalance learning techniques that are useful when data is highly unbalanced, i.e., when majority classes have many more training samples than minority classes. Conventional machine learning techniques usually tend to classify all data samples into majority classes and to perform poorly for minority classes. Unbalanced learning techniques can balance data sets before training and can improve learning performance