208 research outputs found

    Better Greedy Sequence Clustering with Fast Banded Alignment

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    Comparing a string to a large set of sequences is a key subroutine in greedy heuristics for clustering genomic data. Clustering 16S rRNA gene sequences into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) is a common method used in studying microbial communities. We present a new approach to greedy clustering using a trie-like data structure and Four Russians speedup. We evaluate the running time of our method in terms of the number of comparisons it makes during clustering and show in experimental results that the number of comparisons grows linearly with the size of the dataset as opposed to the quadratic running time of other methods. We compare the clusters output by our method to the popular greedy clustering tool UCLUST. We show that the clusters we generate can be both tighter and larger

    Finding community structure using the ordered random graph model

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    Visualization of the adjacency matrix enables us to capture macroscopic features of a network when the matrix elements are aligned properly. Community structure, a network consisting of several densely connected components, is a particularly important feature, and the structure can be identified through the adjacency matrix when it is close to a block-diagonal form. However, classical ordering algorithms for matrices fail to align matrix elements such that the community structure is visible. In this study, we propose an ordering algorithm based on the maximum-likelihood estimate of the ordered random graph model. We show that the proposed method allows us to more clearly identify community structures than the existing ordering algorithms.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Application of Cosine Similarity in Bioinformatics

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    Finding similar sequences to an input query sequence (DNA or proteins) from a sequence data set is an important problem in bioinformatics. It provides researchers an intuition of what could be related or how the search space can be reduced for further tasks. An exact brute-force nearest-neighbor algorithm used for this task has complexity O(m * n) where n is the database size and m is the query size. Such an algorithm faces time-complexity issues as the database and query sizes increase. Furthermore, the use of alignment-based similarity measures such as minimum edit distance adds an additional complexity to the exact algorithm. In this thesis, an alignment-free method based similarity measures such as cosine similarity and squared euclidean distance by representing sequences as vectors was investigated. The cosine-similarity based locality-sensitive hashing technique was used to reduce the number of pairwise comparisons while finding similar sequences to an input query. We evaluated our algorithm on a proteins dataset of size 100,000 sequences and found that our cosine-similarity based algorithm is 28 times faster than the exact algorithm and 13 times faster than the BLASTP[3] algorithm for finding similar sequences with percent identity greater than 90%. It also has 99.5% accuracy. We also developed a greedy incremental clustering algorithm based on our cosine-similarity nearest neighbor algorithm for removing redundant sequences in a protein dataset. We compared our clustering algorithm with a popular clustering algorithm CD-HIT. The clustering results on protein dataset of size 100000 show that our clustering algorithm generated clusters with accuracy almost equal to the CD-HIT algorithm accuracy. We further demonstrated two bioinformatics application where our cosine-similarity based algorithm can be used: an analysis of assembly data of various assemblers and a clustering of a protein dataset. Using our algorithm, we successfully compared the quality of assembly data of multiple de novo and genome-guided assemblers. Adviser: Jitender Deogu

    A Succinct Four Russians Speedup for Edit Distance Computation and One-against-many Banded Alignment

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    The classical Four Russians speedup for computing edit distance (a.k.a. Levenshtein distance), due to Masek and Paterson [Masek and Paterson, 1980], involves partitioning the dynamic programming table into k-by-k square blocks and generating a lookup table in O(psi^{2k} k^2 |Sigma|^{2k}) time and O(psi^{2k} k |Sigma|^{2k}) space for block size k, where psi depends on the cost function (for unit costs psi = 3) and |Sigma| is the size of the alphabet. We show that the O(psi^{2k} k^2) and O(psi^{2k} k) factors can be improved to O(k^2 lg{k}) time and O(k^2) space. Thus, we improve the time and space complexity of that aspect compared to Masek and Paterson [Masek and Paterson, 1980] and remove the dependence on psi. We further show that for certain problems the O(|Sigma|^{2k}) factor can also be reduced. Using this technique, we show a new algorithm for the fundamental problem of one-against-many banded alignment. In particular, comparing one string of length m to n other strings of length m with maximum distance d can be performed in O(n m + m d^2 lg{d} + n d^3) time. When d is reasonably small, this approaches or meets the current best theoretic result of O(nm + n d^2) achieved by using the best known pairwise algorithm running in O(m + d^2) time [Myers, 1986][Ukkonen, 1985] while potentially being more practical. It also improves on the standard practical approach which requires O(n m d) time to iteratively run an O(md) time pairwise banded alignment algorithm. Regarding pairwise comparison, we extend the classic result of Masek and Paterson [Masek and Paterson, 1980] which computes the edit distance between two strings in O(m^2/log{m}) time to remove the dependence on psi even when edits have arbitrary costs from a penalty matrix. Crochemore, Landau, and Ziv-Ukelson [Crochemore, 2003] achieved a similar result, also allowing for unrestricted scoring matrices, but with variable-sized blocks. In practical applications of the Four Russians speedup wherein space efficiency is important and smaller block sizes k are used (notably k < |Sigma|), Kim, Na, Park, and Sim [Kim et al., 2016] showed how to remove the dependence on the alphabet size for the unit cost version, generating a lookup table in O(3^{2k} (2k)! k^2) time and O(3^{2k} (2k)! k) space. Combining their work with our result yields an improvement to O((2k)! k^2 lg{k}) time and O((2k)! k^2) space

    MMseqs: ultra fast and sensitive clustering and search of large protein sequence databases

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    The increased availability of genomic data and the increased ease and lower costs of DNA sequencing have revolutionized biomedical research. One of the critical steps in most bioinformatics analyses is the assembly of the genome sequence of an organism using the data generated from the sequencing machines. Despite the long length of sequences generated by third-generation sequencing technologies (tens of thousands of basepairs), the automated reconstruction of entire genomes continues to be a formidable computational task. Although long read technologies help in resolving highly repetitive regions, the contigs generated from long read assembly do not always span a complete chromosome or even an arm of the chromosome. Recently, new genomic technologies have been developed that can ''bridge" across repeats or other genomic regions that are difficult to sequence or assemble and improve genome assemblies by ''scaffolding" together large segments of the genome. The problem of scaffolding is vital in the context of both single genome assembly of large eukaryotic genomes and in metagenomics where the goal is to assemble multiple bacterial genomes in a sample simultaneously. First, we describe SALSA2, a method we developed to use interaction frequency between any two loci in the genome obtained using Hi-C technology to scaffold fragmented eukaryotic genome assemblies into chromosomes. SALSA2 can be used with either short or long read assembly to generate highly contiguous and accurate chromosome level assemblies. Hi-C data are known to introduce small inversion errors in the assembly, so we included the assembly graph in the scaffolding process and used the sequence overlap information to correct the orientation errors. Next, we present our contributions to metagenomics. We developed a scaffolding and variant detection method MetaCarvel for metagenomic datasets. Several factors such as the presence of inter-genomic repeats, coverage ambiguities, and polymorphic regions in the genomes complicate the task of scaffolding metagenomes. Variant detection is also tricky in metagenomes because the different genomes within these complex samples are not known beforehand. We showed that MetaCarvel was able to generate accurate scaffolds and find genome-wide variations de novo in metagenomic datasets. Finally, we present EDIT, a tool for clustering millions of DNA sequence fragments originating from the highly conserved 16s rRNA gene in bacteria. We extended classical Four Russians' speed up to banded sequence alignment and showed that our method clusters highly similar sequences efficiently. This method can also be used to remove duplicates or near duplicate sequences from a dataset. With the increasing data being generated in different genomic and metagenomic studies using emerging sequencing technologies, our software tools and algorithms are well timed with the need of the community

    kClust: fast and sensitive clustering of large protein sequence databases

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    Background: Fueled by rapid progress in high-throughput sequencing, the size of public sequence databases doubles every two years. Searching the ever larger and more redundant databases is getting increasingly inefficient. Clustering can help to organize sequences into homologous and functionally similar groups and can improve the speed, sensitivity, and readability of homology searches. However, because the clustering time is quadratic in the number of sequences, standard sequence search methods are becoming impracticable. Results: Here we present a method to cluster large protein sequence databases such as UniProt within days down to 20\%-30\% maximum pairwise sequence identity. kClust owes its speed and sensitivity to an alignment-free prefilter that calculates the cumulative score of all similar 6-mers between pairs of sequences, and to a dynamic programming algorithm that operates on pairs of similar 4-mers. To increase sensitivity further, kClust can run in profile-sequence comparison mode, with profiles computed from the clusters of a previous kClust iteration. kClust is two to three orders of magnitude faster than clustering based on NCBI BLAST, and on multidomain sequences of 20\%-30\% maximum pairwise sequence identity it achieves comparable sensitivity and a lower false discovery rate. It also compares favorably to CD-HIT and UCLUST in terms of false discovery rate, sensitivity, and speed. Conclusions: kClust fills the need for a fast, sensitive, and accurate tool to cluster large protein sequence databases to below 30\% sequence identity. kClust is freely available under GPL at ftp://toolkit.lmb.uni-muenchen.de/pub/kClust/

    Theoretical analysis of edit distance algorithms: an applied perspective

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    Given its status as a classic problem and its importance to both theoreticians and practitioners, edit distance provides an excellent lens through which to understand how the theoretical analysis of algorithms impacts practical implementations. From an applied perspective, the goals of theoretical analysis are to predict the empirical performance of an algorithm and to serve as a yardstick to design novel algorithms that perform well in practice. In this paper, we systematically survey the types of theoretical analysis techniques that have been applied to edit distance and evaluate the extent to which each one has achieved these two goals. These techniques include traditional worst-case analysis, worst-case analysis parametrized by edit distance or entropy or compressibility, average-case analysis, semi-random models, and advice-based models. We find that the track record is mixed. On one hand, two algorithms widely used in practice have been born out of theoretical analysis and their empirical performance is captured well by theoretical predictions. On the other hand, all the algorithms developed using theoretical analysis as a yardstick since then have not had any practical relevance. We conclude by discussing the remaining open problems and how they can be tackled

    Markets, Elections, and Microbes: Data-driven Algorithms from Theory to Practice

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    Many modern problems in algorithms and optimization are driven by data which often carries with it an element of uncertainty. In this work, we conduct an investigation into algorithmic foundations and applications across three main areas. The first area is online matching algorithms for e-commerce applications such as online sales and advertising. The importance of e-commerce in modern business cannot be overstated and even minor algorithmic improvements can have huge impacts. In online matching problems, we generally have a known offline set of goods or advertisements while users arrive online and allocations must be made immediately and irrevocably when a user arrives. However, in the real world, there is also uncertainty about a user's true interests and this can be modeled by considering matching problems in a graph with stochastic edges that only have a probability of existing. These edges can represent the probability of a user purchasing a product or clicking on an ad. Thus, we optimize over data which only provides an estimate of what types of users will arrive and what they will prefer. We survey a broad landscape of problems in this area, gain a deeper understanding of the algorithmic challenges, and present algorithms with improved worst case performance The second area is constrained clustering where we explore classical clustering problems with additional constraints on which data points should be clustered together. Utilizing these constraints is important for many clustering problems because they can be used to ensure fairness, exploit expert advice, or capture natural properties of the data. In simplest case, this can mean some pairs of points have ``must-link'' constraints requiring that that they must be clustered together. Moving into stochastic settings, we can describe more general pairwise constraints such as bounding the probability that two points are separated into different clusters. This lets us introduce a new notion of fairness for clustering and address stochastic problems such as semi-supervised learning with advice from imperfect experts. Here, we introduce new models of constrained clustering including new notions of fairness for clustering applications. Since these problems are NP-hard, we give approximation algorithms and in some cases conduct experiments to explore how the algorithms perform in practice. Finally, we look closely at the particular clustering problem of drawing election districts and show how constraining the clusters based on past voting data can interact with voter incentives. The third area is string algorithms for bioinformatics and metagenomics specifically where the data deluge from next generation sequencing drives the necessity for new algorithms that are both fast and accurate. For metagenomic analysis, we present a tool for clustering a microbial marker gene, the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. On the more theoretical side, we present a succinct application of the Method of the Four Russians to edit distance computation as well as new algorithms and bounds for the maximum duo-preservation string mapping (MPSM) problem
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