69 research outputs found

    Performance-Driven Internet Path Selection

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    Internet routing can often be sub-optimal, with the chosen routes providing worse performance than other available policy-compliant routes. This stems from the lack of visibility into route performance at the network layer. While this is an old problem, we argue that recent advances in programmable hardware finally open up the possibility of performance-aware routing in a deployable, BGP-compatible manner. We introduce ROUTESCOUT, a hybrid hardware/software system supporting performance-based routing at ISP scale. In the data plane, ROUTESCOUT leverages P4-enabled hardware to monitor performance across policy-compliant route choices for each destination, at line-rate and with a small memory footprint. ROUTESCOUT's control plane then asynchronously pulls aggregated performance metrics to synthesize a performance-aware forwarding policy. We show that ROUTESCOUT can monitor performance across most of an ISP's traffic, using only 4 MB of memory. Further, its control can flexibly satisfy a variety of operator objectives, with sub-second operating times

    (How Much) Does a Private WAN Improve Cloud Performance?

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    The buildout of private Wide Area Networks (WANs) by cloud providers allows providers to extend their network to more locations and establish direct connectivity with end user Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Tenants of the cloud providers benefit from this proximity to users, which is supposed to provide improved performance by bypassing the public Internet. However, the performance impact of private WANs is not widely understood. To isolate the impact of a private WAN, we measure from globally distributed vantage points to a large cloud provider, comparing performance when using its worldwide WAN and when forcing traffic to instead use the public Internet. The benefits are not universal. While 40% of our vantage points saw improved performance when using the WAN, half of our vantage points did not see significant performance improvement, and 10% had better performance over the public Internet. We find that the benefits of the private WAN tend to improve with client-to-server distance, but that the benefits (or drawbacks) to a particular vantage point depend on specifics of its geographic and network connectivity

    A Survey of Monte Carlo Tree Search Methods

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    Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) is a recently proposed search method that combines the precision of tree search with the generality of random sampling. It has received considerable interest due to its spectacular success in the difficult problem of computer Go, but has also proved beneficial in a range of other domains. This paper is a survey of the literature to date, intended to provide a snapshot of the state of the art after the first five years of MCTS research. We outline the core algorithm's derivation, impart some structure on the many variations and enhancements that have been proposed, and summarize the results from the key game and nongame domains to which MCTS methods have been applied. A number of open research questions indicate that the field is ripe for future work

    New School Geographies: Engaging young people?

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    In 2003 school geography was in a state of crisis: enrolment in GCSE geography courses had fallen by a third over the previous eight years. In response, a radical new ‘pilot’ geography GCSE course was designed and implemented in England. The GCSE was an attempt to rejuvenate a school subject that had become out of date, with little change to its content since the inauguration of the National Curriculum in 1988. With student-centred learning at its heart the GCSE aimed to make the subject much more exciting and relevant to young people. The following thesis examines alternative pedagogical approaches to teaching school geography that draw on young people’s experiences as citizens and consumers to make geography more relevant and interesting to them. Written as an unfolding story this multi-sited ethnography began by exploring the networks behind the pilot. This involved not only several different actors/groups of actors (including geography educators, academic geographers, geography teachers and school pupils) but also several different spaces (including schools, classrooms, organisation headquarters, working group meetings and publications). It moves on to examine how the GCSE’s approaches to teaching, learning and assessing were being played out in practice and to what extent its aims, claims and intentions were being realised in the classroom. Through exploring the pilot’s approach to the pedagogy of school geography my research became action-oriented in approach, and I became involved in co-creating critical, connective curriculum materials for the GCSE. The development of these new materials and teaching and learning strategies are situated within debates in human geography about critical pedagogy, young people’s geographies and public geographies and the thesis forges links between these different theoretical strands. I conclude by asking what lessons can be learnt from the pilot GCSE and its implications for the role of geography within a wider educational context. Written autoethnographically to reflect the collaborative and iterative nature of my research my intention has been to critically engage with multiple publics who are involved in this area.Economic and Social Research Counci

    User Review Analysis for Requirement Elicitation: Thesis and the framework prototype's source code

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    Online reviews are an important channel for requirement elicitation. However, requirement engineers face challenges when analysing online user reviews, such as data volumes, technical supports, existing techniques, and legal barriers. Juan Wang proposes a framework solving user review analysis problems for the purpose of requirement elicitation that sets up a channel from downloading user reviews to structured analysis data. The main contributions of her work are: (1) the thesis proposed a framework to solve the user review analysis problem for requirement elicitation; (2) the prototype of this framework proves its feasibility; (3) the experiments prove the effectiveness and efficiency of this framework. This resource here is the latest version of Juan Wang's PhD thesis "User Review Analysis for Requirement Elicitation" and all the source code of the prototype for the framework as the results of her thesis

    Quantum Computing for Airline Planning and Operations

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    Classical algorithms and mathematical optimization techniques have beenused extensively by airlines to optimize their profit and ensure that regulationsare followed. In this thesis, we explore which role quantum algorithmscan have for airlines. Specifically, we have considered the two quantum optimizationalgorithms; the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm(QAOA) and Quantum Annealing (QA). We present a heuristic that integratesthese quantum algorithms into the existing classical algorithm, whichis currently employed to solve airline planning problems in a state-of-the-artcommercial solver. We perform numerical simulations of QAOA circuits andfind that linear and quadratic algorithm depth in the input size can be requiredto obtain a one-shot success probability of 0.5. Unfortunately, we areunable to find performance guarantees. Finally, we perform experiments withD-wave’s newly released QA machine and find that it outperforms 2000Q formost instances

    The George-Anne

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    The Ticker, April 16, 2007

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    The Ticker is the student newspaper of Baruch College. It has been published continuously since 1932, when the Baruch College campus was the School of Business and Civic Administration of the City College of New York
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