3,292 research outputs found

    Low power techniques for video compression

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    This paper gives an overview of low-power techniques proposed in the literature for mobile multimedia and Internet applications. Exploitable aspects are discussed in the behavior of different video compression tools. These power-efficient solutions are then classified by synthesis domain and level of abstraction. As this paper is meant to be a starting point for further research in the area, a lowpower hardware & software co-design methodology is outlined in the end as a possible scenario for video-codec-on-a-chip implementations on future mobile multimedia platforms

    DyPS: Dynamic Processor Switching for Energy-Aware Video Decoding on Multi-core SoCs

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    In addition to General Purpose Processors (GPP), Multicore SoCs equipping modern mobile devices contain specialized Digital Signal Processor designed with the aim to provide better performance and low energy consumption properties. However, the experimental measurements we have achieved revealed that system overhead, in case of DSP video decoding, causes drastic performances drop and energy efficiency as compared to the GPP decoding. This paper describes DyPS, a new approach for energy-aware processor switching (GPP or DSP) according to the video quality . We show the pertinence of our solution in the context of adaptive video decoding and describe an implementation on an embedded Linux operating system with the help of the GStreamer framework. A simple case study showed that DyPS achieves 30% energy saving while sustaining the decoding performanc

    Exploring Energy Consumption Issues for video Streaming in Mobile Devices: a Review

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    The proliferation of high-end mobile devices, such as smart phones, tablets, together have gained the popularity of multimedia streaming among the user. It is found from various studies and survey that at end of 2020 mobile devices will increase drastically and Mobile video streaming will also grow rapidly than overall average mobile traffic. The streaming application in Smartphone heavily depends on the wireless network activities substantially amount of data transfer server to the client. Because of very high energy requirement of data transmitted in wireless interface for video streaming application considered as most energy consuming application. Therefore to optimize the battery USAge of mobile device during video streaming it is essential to understand the various video streaming techniques and there energy consumption issues in different environment. In this paper we explore energy consumption in mobile device while experiencing video streaming and examine the solution that has been discussed in various research to improve the energy consumption during video streaming in mobile devices . We classify the investigation on a different layer of internet protocol stack they utilize and also compare them and provide proof of fact that already exist in modern Smartphone as energy saving mechanism

    07041 Abstracts Collection -- Power-aware Computing Systems

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    From January 21, 2007 to January 26, 2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07041``Power-aware Computing Systems\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and discussed ongoing work and open problems. This report compiles abstracts of the seminar presentations as well as the seminar results and ideas, providing hyperlinks to full papers wherever possible

    Decoding-complexity-aware HEVC encoding using a complexity–rate–distortion model

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    The energy consumption of Consumer Electronic (CE) devices during media playback is inexorably linked to the computational complexity of decoding compressed video. Reducing a CE device's the energy consumption is therefore becoming ever more challenging with the increasing video resolutions and the complexity of the video coding algorithms. To this end, this paper proposes a framework that alters the video bit stream to reduce the decoding complexity and simultaneously limits the impact on the coding efficiency. In this context, this paper (i) first performs an analysis to determine the trade-off between the decoding complexity, video quality and bit rate with respect to a reference decoder implementation on a General Purpose Processor (GPP) architecture. Thereafter, (ii) a novel generic decoding complexity-aware video coding algorithm is proposed to generate decoding complexity-rate-distortion optimized High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) bit streams. The experimental results reveal that the bit streams generated by the proposed algorithm achieve 29.43% and 13.22% decoding complexity reductions for a similar video quality with minimal coding efficiency impact compared to the state-of-the-art approaches when applied to the HM16.0 and openHEVC decoder implementations, respectively. In addition, analysis of the energy consumption behavior for the same scenarios reveal up to 20% energy consumption reductions while achieving a similar video quality to that of HM 16.0 encoded HEVC bit streams

    Energy-efficient bandwidth allocation for multiuser scalable video streaming over WLAN

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    We consider the problem of packet scheduling for the transmission of multiple video streams over a wireless local area network (WLAN). A cross-layer optimization framework is proposed to minimize the wireless transceiver energy consumption while meeting the user required visual quality constraints. The framework relies on the IEEE 802.11 standard and on the embedded bitstream structure of the scalable video coding scheme. It integrates an application-level video quality metric as QoS constraint (instead of a communication layer quality metric) with energy consumption optimization through link layer scaling and sleeping. Both energy minimization and min-max energy optimization strategies are discussed. Simulation results demonstrate significant energy gains compared to the state-of-the-art approaches

    Optimal Fixed and Scalable Energy Management for Wireless Networks

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    In many devices, wireless network interfaces consume upwards of 30% of scarce portable system energy. Extending the system lifetime by minimizing communication power consumption has therefore become a priority. Conventional energy management techniques focus independently on minimizing the fixed energy consumption of the transceiver circuit or on scalable transmission control. Fixed energy consumption is reduced by maximizing the transceiver shutdown interval. In contrast, variable transmission rate, coding and power can be leveraged to minimize energy costs. These two energy management approaches present a tradeoff in minimizing the overall system energy. For example, variable energy costs are minimized by transmitting at a lower modulation rate and transmission power, but this also shortens the sleep duration thereby increasing fixed energy consumption. We present a methodology for energy-efficient resource allocation across the physical layer, communications layer and link layer. Our methodology is aimed at providing QoS for multiple users with bursty MPEG-4 video over a time-varying channel. We evaluate our scheme by exploiting control knobs of actual RF components over a modified IEEE 802.11 MAC. Our results indicate that the system lifetime is increased by a factor of 2 to 5 compared to the gains of conventional techniques

    A Decoding-Complexity and Rate-Controlled Video-Coding Algorithm for HEVC

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    Video playback on mobile consumer electronic (CE) devices is plagued by fluctuations in the network bandwidth and by limitations in processing and energy availability at the individual devices. Seen as a potential solution, the state-of-the-art adaptive streaming mechanisms address the first aspect, yet the efficient control of the decoding-complexity and the energy use when decoding the video remain unaddressed. The quality of experience (QoE) of the end-users’ experiences, however, depends on the capability to adapt the bit streams to both these constraints (i.e., network bandwidth and device’s energy availability). As a solution, this paper proposes an encoding framework that is capable of generating video bit streams with arbitrary bit rates and decoding-complexity levels using a decoding-complexity–rate–distortion model. The proposed algorithm allocates rate and decoding-complexity levels across frames and coding tree units (CTUs) and adaptively derives the CTU-level coding parameters to achieve their imposed targets with minimal distortion. The experimental results reveal that the proposed algorithm can achieve the target bit rate and the decoding-complexity with 0.4% and 1.78% average errors, respectively, for multiple bit rate and decoding-complexity levels. The proposed algorithm also demonstrates a stable frame-wise rate and decoding-complexity control capability when achieving a decoding-complexity reduction of 10.11 (%/dB). The resultant decoding-complexity reduction translates into an overall energy-consumption reduction of up to 10.52 (%/dB) for a 1 dB peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) quality loss compared to the HM 16.0 encoded bit streams
