187 research outputs found

    Extending basic principles of measurement models to the design and validation of Patient Reported Outcomes

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    A recently published article by the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Medical Outcomes Trust presents guidelines for selecting and evaluating health status and health-related quality of life measures used in health outcomes research. In their article, they propose a number of validation and performance criteria with which to evaluate such self-report measures. We provide an alternate, yet complementary, perspective by extending the types of measurement models which are available to the instrument designer. During psychometric development or selection of a Patient Reported Outcome measure it is necessary to determine which, of the five types of measurement models, the measure is based on; 1) a Multiple Effect Indicator model, 2) a Multiple Cause Indicator model, 3) a Single Item Effect Indicator model, 4) a Single Item Cause Indicator model, or 5) a Mixed Multiple Indicator model. Specification of the measurement model has a major influence on decisions about item and scale design, the appropriate application of statistical validation methods, and the suitability of the resulting measure for a particular use in clinical and population-based outcomes research activities

    Datalogger for UL aircraft

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem zapisovače letových dat pro UL letadla. V teoretické části jsou popsány základní principy měření jednotlivých veličin ve vztahu k provozu letadla, např. výšky, rychlosti. V samostatné kapitole se věnuji systémům pro určení polohy GPS. Dále jsou zde uvedeny příklady přístrojů měřících tyto veličiny. Praktická část je zaměřena na popis vybraných komponent a jejich obsluhu mikrokontrolérem PIC24FJ64GA004. Následuje popis obsluhy USB disků pomocí USB kontroléru Vinculum-II. Práce je zakončena provedením testu funkčnosti zařízení.This thesis describes the design of flight data recorder for UL aircraft. The theoretical part describes the basic principles of measurement of the quantities in relation to the operation of the aircraft, such as altitude, air speed. A separate chapter deals with systems for determining of GPS position. Furthermore, there are examples of instruments measuring these quantities. The practical part is focused on the description of selected components and their connection to PIC24FJ64GA004 microcontroller. This is followed by a description of the control of USB drives with USB Controller Vinculum-II. The work is finished by the functional test of the device.

    GPS protocols

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    The contribution describes the basic principles of measurement and the use of global positioning systems, focusing on the most widely used system NAVSTAR, including used protocols. It deals NMEA protocols-which today ranks among the most widespread GPS system, RINEX-which is an interpretation of "raw" data, these systems, and RTCM-which is an alternative for NMEA with the difference that is much used in the GLONASS system. © Research India Publications

    Using optical systems for process on the example of contactless range for steel

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    This article provides an overview of the optical roll gap measurement system on a continuous casting machine. The main factors affecting the quality of products and relevant devices for its control. Discloses a device and the system. When covering the basic principles of measurement algorithm, which uses a vision system in the form of a camera and laser illumination. The basic technical characteristics and advantages of the developed system.Настоящая статья посвящена обзору оптической системы измерения раствора валков на машине непрерывного литья заготовок. Рассмотрены основные факторы, влияющие на качество выпускаемой продукции и актуальные устройства для её контроля. Описан состав и устройство данной системы. Освещены основные принципы алгоритма измерения, который использует систему технического зрения в виде камеры и лазерной подсветки. Показаны основные технические характеристики и преимущества разрабатываемой системы

    College documentation bulletin number 16

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    Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "L'évaluation sommative"Comprend des références bibliographiquesSummative assessment is almost an everyday topic of discussion. All teachers assess student learning; always in a “summative” way and almost always in a “formative” way. For many, summative assessment is the assessment that “counts,” and formative assessment is the one that “does not count.” This literature review might seem outdated to some, because almost all the texts that deal with learning assessment are explicitly or implicitly rooted in summative assessment. It is, however, important to go back in order to reconnect with the basic principles of measurement and evaluation. This is what we offer in this selection of documents - references that are all conducive to reflection

    Testing Relativistic Effect of Propagation of Gravity by Very-Long Baseline Interferometry

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    It is shown that the finite speed of gravity affects very-long baseline interferometric observations of quasars during the time of their line-of-sight close angular encounter with Jupiter. The next such event will take place in 2002, September 8. The present Letter suggests a new experimental test of general relativity in which the effect of propagation of gravity can be directly measured by very-long baseline interferometry as an excess time delay in addition to the logarithmic Shapiro time delay (Shapiro, I. I., 1964, Phys. Rev. Lett., 13, 789).Comment: 11 pages, accepted to ApJ Letter

    Assessment of sensor performance

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    There is an international commitment to develop a comprehensive, coordinated and sustained ocean observation system. However, a foundation for any observing, monitoring or research effort is effective and reliable in situ sensor technologies that accurately measure key environmental parameters. Ultimately, the data used for modelling efforts, management decisions and rapid responses to ocean hazards are only as good as the instruments that collect them. There is also a compelling need to develop and incorporate new or novel technologies to improve all aspects of existing observing systems and meet various emerging challenges. Assessment of Sensor Performance was a cross-cutting issues session at the international OceanSensors08 workshop in Warnemünde, Germany, which also has penetrated some of the papers published as a result of the workshop (Denuault, 2009; Kröger et al., 2009; Zielinski et al., 2009). The discussions were focused on how best to classify and validate the instruments required for effective and reliable ocean observations and research. The following is a summary of the discussions and conclusions drawn from this workshop, which specifically addresses the characterisation of sensor systems, technology readiness levels, verification of sensor performance and quality management of sensor systems

    Repeat-Until-Success quantum computing using stationary and flying qubits

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    We introduce an architecture for robust and scalable quantum computation using both stationary qubits (e.g. single photon sources made out of trapped atoms, molecules, ions, quantum dots, or defect centers in solids) and flying qubits (e.g. photons). Our scheme solves some of the most pressing problems in existing non-hybrid proposals, which include the difficulty of scaling conventional stationary qubit approaches, and the lack of practical means for storing single photons in linear optics setups. We combine elements of two previous proposals for distributed quantum computing, namely the efficient photon-loss tolerant build up of cluster states by Barrett and Kok [Phys. Rev. A 71, 060310(R) (2005)] with the idea of Repeat-Until-Success (RUS) quantum computing by Lim et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 030505 (2005)]. This idea can be used to perform eventually deterministic two-qubit logic gates on spatially separated stationary qubits via photon pair measurements. Under non-ideal conditions, where photon loss is a possibility, the resulting gates can still be used to build graph states for one-way quantum computing. In this paper, we describe the RUS method, present possible experimental realizations, and analyse the generation of graph states.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, minor changes, references and a discussion on the effect of photon dark counts adde

    Vyhotovení podkladu pro projekt výstavby parkoviště Domu kultury Poklad v Ostravě-Porubě

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    Import 02/11/2016This bachelor thesis deals with the execution the basis for the future project to build a car park for the Treasure House of Culture in Ostrava - Poruba . The introductory section briefly describes a set of operations surveyors in investment geodesy. Below are described the basic principles of measurement which were used in this thesis. Starting with determining the position of the points with GNSS technology, through measurement of planimetry and altimetry. Furthermore the bachelor thesis introduces the method of stabilizing surveying networks, it describes the locality and in conclusion describes the processing of measurement data in software programs.Predložená bakalárska práca sa zaoberá vyhotovením podkladov pre budúci projekt výstavby parkoviska Domu kultúry Poklad v Ostrave - Porube. V úvodnej časti je stručne popísaný súbor činností geodetov v investičnej výstavbe. Ďalej sú popísané základne princípy merania, ktoré sa využívali v tejto práci. Začnúc určením polohy bodov technológiou GNSS, cez nameranie polohopisu a výškopisu. Ďalej bakalárska práca oboznamuje o spôsobe stabilizácie meračskej siete, popisuje danú lokalitu, a na záver sa venuje spracovaniu nameraných údajov v softwarových programoch.Prezenční544 - Institut geodézie a důlního měřictvívelmi dobř