863 research outputs found

    Correct Delay Code Assignment

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    The air transport market requires high investments, has elevated risks, and low financial return. The competition requires airlines to differentiate themselves by offering better services. On-time Performance (OTP) is an essential service; lack of punctuality affects company costs and revenues. An on-time company generates more satisfaction for travelers, retaining them. Flight delays are identified and reported by airlines through delay codes that are standardized by IATA. A detailed and specific analysis of an airline\u27s processes was performed to verify the quality of delay code allocation information. It also features the complete mapping of this company\u27s delay code allocation processes and the current quality of the delay code allocation information. In the analysis, comparing the same scenarios for the flights, routes, and departure and arrival times, we found process failures, information divergences, code allocation errors, and differences in the reasons for delays between airlines. This study generated new proposals for improving the current processes of this airline, ensuring data quality and integrity, process improvement. Other airlines can also use this study to identify and improve their delay code allocation processes


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    The water deficit interferes in the boron (B) uptake by eucalyptus, causing shoot dieback in young plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of shoot dieback in Eucalyptus benthamii submitted to doses of boron and water regimes in a Humic Cambisol of the Southern Plateau of the state of Santa Catarina. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse (Lages-SC) in a completely randomized experimental design, in a 4 x 3 factorial scheme, with three replications, adding 0, 0.55, 1.1 and 2.75 g boron plant-1 in the soil, and three water regimes (60, 80 and 100% of the field capacity). The stem diameter and the plants height were measured, using a visual analysis of dieback. The dry mass and boron contents in the tissues and in the soil, were also determined. Water deficiency affected negatively dry matter but it was not affected by boron application. The highest occurrence of shoot dieback was observed in the treatments without addition of boron and in the more restrictive water regime. Fertilization with 0.55 g boron plant-1 in soil was sufficient to avoid shoot dieback


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    The purpose of this study was to verify whether the perception of quality of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil varies depending on where the event was hosted. A total of 3,042 questionnaires were collected in five cities hosting the World Cup. Results from confirmatory factor analysis indicated good psychometric qualities of the model used to measure quality. Through MANOVA tests, significant differences in the event quality were observed among participants from five host cities. The results were discussed and managerial implications and suggestions for future studies were provided. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si la percepción que tiene la afición sobre la calidad de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA Brasil 2014, varía de acuerdo a las ciudades donde el evento fue realizado. Se recogieron 3.042 cuestionarios en cinco ciudades sede. Los resultados obtenidos mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio indicaran buenas cualidades psicométricas del modelo utilizado para medir la calidad del evento. Los testes MANOVA indicaron diferencias significativas en la evaluación de la calidad del evento entre los participantes en las cinco ciudades. Los resultados han sido discutidos, señalando las principales implicaciones en la organización de eventos deportivos, así como sugerencias para futuras investigaciones. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a percepção que os torcedores têm da qualidade da Copa do Mundo da FIFA Brasil 2014 varia consoante os locais onde o evento foi realizado. Foram recolhidos 3.042 questionários em cinco cidades-sede da Copa. Os resultados obtidos através de uma análise fatorial confirmatória indicaram boas qualidades psicométricas do modelo usado para medir a qualidade. Os testes MANOVA indicaram diferenças significativas na avaliação da qualidade do evento entre os participantes nas cinco cidades-sede. Os resultados foram discutidos, apontando-se as principais implicações na organização de eventos esportivos, bem como sugestões para futuras pesquisa

    Fluoride concentrations in the water of Maringa, Brazil, considering the benefit/risk balance of caries and fluorosis

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    Current Brazilian law regarding water fluoridation classification is dichotomous with respect to the risks of and benefits for oral diseases, and fluoride (F) concentrations less than 0.6 or above 0.8 mg F/L are considered outside the normal limits. Thus, the law does not consider that both caries and fluorosis are dependent on the dosage and duration of fluoride exposure because they are both chronic diseases. Therefore, this study evaluated the quality of water fluoridation in Maringá, PR, Brazil, considering a new classification for the concentration of F in water the supply, based on the anticaries benefit and risk of fluorosis (CECOL/USP, 2011). Water samples (n = 325) were collected monthly over one year from 28 distribution water networks: 20 from treatment plants and 8 from artesian wells. F concentrations were determined using a specific ion electrode. The average F concentration was 0.77 mg F/L (ppm F), ranging from 0.44 to 1.22 mg F/L. Considering all of the water samples analyzed, 83.7% of them presented from 0.55 to 0.84 mg F/L, and according to the new classification used, they would provide maximum anticaries benefit with a low risk of fluorosis. This percentage was lower (75.4%) in the water samples supplied from artesian wells than from those distributed by the treatment plant (86%). In conclusion, based on the new classification of water F concentrations, the quality of water fluoridation in Maringá is adequate and is within the range of the best balance between risk and benefit.Current Brazilian law regarding water fluoridation classification is dichotomous with respect to the risks of and benefits for oral diseases, and fluoride (F) concentrations less than 0.6 or above 0.8 mg F/L are considered outside the normal limits. Thus, the law does not consider that both caries and fluorosis are dependent on the dosage and duration of fluoride exposure because they are both chronic diseases. Therefore, this study evaluated the quality of water fluoridation in Maringá, PR, Brazil, considering a new classification for the concentration of F in water the supply, based on the anticaries benefit and risk of fluorosis (CECOL/USP, 2011). Water samples (n = 325) were collected monthly over one year from 28 distribution water networks: 20 from treatment plants and 8 from artesian wells. F concentrations were determined using a specific ion electrode. The average F concentration was 0.77 mg F/L (ppm F), ranging from 0.44 to 1.22 mg F/L. Considering all of the water samples analyzed, 83.7% of them presented from 0.55 to 0.84 mg F/L, and according to the new classification used, they would provide maximum anticaries benefit with a low risk of fluorosis. This percentage was lower (75.4%) in the water samples supplied from artesian wells than from those distributed by the treatment plant (86%). In conclusion, based on the new classification of water F concentrations, the quality of water fluoridation in Maringá is adequate and is within the range of the best balance between risk and benefit2911

    Fluoride Concentrations In The Water Of Maringa, Brazil, Considering The Benefit/risk Balance Of Caries And Fluorosis

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    Current Brazilian law regarding water fluoridation classification is dichotomous with respect to the risks of and benefits for oral diseases, and fluoride (F) concentrations less than 0.6 or above 0.8 mg F/L are considered outside the normal limits. Thus, the law does not consider that both caries and fluorosis are dependent on the dosage and duration of fluoride exposure because they are both chronic diseases. Therefore, this study evaluated the quality of water fluoridation in Maringa, PR, Brazil, considering a new classification for the concentration of F in water the supply, based on the anticaries benefit and risk of fluorosis (CECOL/USP, 2011). Water samples (n = 325) were collected monthly over one year from 28 distribution water networks: 20 from treatment plants and 8 from artesian wells. F concentrations were determined using a specific ion electrode. The average F concentration was 0.77 mg F/L (ppm F), ranging from 0.44 to 1.22 mg F/L. Considering all of the water samples analyzed, 83.7% of them presented from 0.55 to 0.84 mg F/L, and according to the new classification used, they would provide maximum anticaries benefit with a low risk of fluorosis. This percentage was lower (75.4%) in the water samples supplied from artesian wells than from those distributed by the treatment plant (86%). In conclusion, based on the new classification of water F concentrations, the quality of water fluoridation in Maringa is adequate and is within the range of the best balance between risk and benefit.29

    Caracterizando Ondas de Calor no Centro-Sul do Brasil, de 1980 a 2019

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental.As mudanças climáticas afetam substancialmente a sociedade, atingindo especialmente às populações mais vulneráveis e países em desenvolvimento. Ao longo dos últimos anos, os impactos das mudanças climáticas têm tornado os eventos extremos de calor, vento e precipitação cada vez mais frequentes e intensos. Modelos de circulação climática globais e regionais convergem nos resultados que apontam para um aumento na intensidade e frequência de eventos de Onda de Calor (OC) para projeções climáticas futuras. Em linhas gerais, uma OC pode ser definida como um período prolongado de temperatura acima de um limiar climatológico esperado para uma determinada região e época do ano específica. Os impactos das OCs são diversos, afetando desde setores produtivos como agricultura e centrais de geração de energia, a saúde dos ecossistemas, incêndios florestais, até internações hospitalares por estresse térmico e perda de vidas humanas. Estudos conduzidos previamente apontaram que eventos de OC podem estar associados à bloqueios atmosféricos, que são caracterizados por sistemas de alta pressão estacionários que bloqueiam padrões de circulação atmosférica comumente observados em condições de normalidade climatológica nas latitudes médias. Essa relação foi encontrada para diversos eventos de OC e calor extremo no Hemisfério Norte, e mais recentemente para eventos de OC no Hemisfério Sul. Ainda assim, pesquisas caracterizando estes eventos na América do Sul ainda são bastante recentes e não numerosas. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar eventos de OC na região centro-sul do Brasil de 1980 a 2019, e investigar sua relação com a ocorrência de bloqueios atmosféricos. A metodologia adotada neste estudo, define as OCs como um período de três ou mais dias consecutivos com temperatura máxima diária acima do 90º percentil. Após a detecção, foram analisadas as propriedades de intensidade, duração e frequência das OCs. As tendências de evolução destas propriedades ao longo do tempo foram computadas para a área de estudo, e foram traçadas as assinaturas de condições meteorológicas concomitantes aos eventos para diferentes municípios da região. Foram encontrados padrões meteorológicos semelhantes para os eventos nos diferentes municípios investigados, apresentando comportamentos condizentes com a definição climática de bloqueios atmosféricos. Os resultados demonstraram uma relação direta entre eventos de OC e anomalias de precipitação sobre diferentes regiões. Foi observada uma tendência generalizada de aumento no número de dias de OC para quase toda a região Sudeste e Centro-Oeste, e ao nordeste da região Sul. Tendências de aumento estatisticamente significativas para frequência, intensidade e duração dos eventos foram identificadas para diferentes regiões dentro da área de estudo. Os resultados sugerem que as variabilidades climáticas naturais conhecidas e associadas aos mecanismos que provocam estes eventos não são suficientes para explicar a magnitude das tendências crescentes observadas

    First DNA barcode reference library for the identification of South American freshwater fish from the lower Paraná river

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    Valid fish species identification is essential for biodiversity conservation and fisheries management. Here, we provide a sequence reference library based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I for a valid identification of 79 freshwater fish species from the Lower Paraná River. Neighbour-joining analysis based on K2P genetic distances formed non-overlapping clusters for almost all species with a ≥99% bootstrap support each. Identification was successful for 97.8% of species as the minimum genetic distance to the nearest neighbour exceeded the maximum intraspecific distance in all these cases. A barcoding gap of 2.5% was apparent for the whole data set with the exception of four cases. Withinspecies distances ranged from 0.00% to 7.59%, while interspecific distances varied between 4.06% and 19.98%, without considering Odontesthes species with a minimum genetic distance of 0%. Sequence library validation was performed by applying BOLDs BIN analysis tool, Poisson Tree Processes model and Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery, along with a reliable taxonomic assignment by experts. Exhaustive revision of vouchers was performed when a conflicting assignment was detected after sequence analysis and BIN discordance evaluation. Thus, the sequence library presented here can be confidently used as a benchmark for identification of half of the fish species recorded for the Lower Paraná River.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet