102 research outputs found

    Yield-driven power-delay-optimal CMOS full-adder design complying with automotive product specifications of PVT variations and NBTI degradations

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    We present the detailed results of the application of mathematical optimization algorithms to transistor sizing in a full-adder cell design, to obtain the maximum expected fabrication yield. The approach takes into account all the fabrication process parameter variations specified in an industrial PDK, in addition to operating condition range and NBTI aging. The final design solutions present transistor sizing, which depart from intuitive transistor sizing criteria and show dramatic yield improvements, which have been verified by Monte Carlo SPICE analysis

    An Optimization of 16×16 SRAM Array for Low Power Applications

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    SRAM being Robust and having less read and write operation time is intended to use as a cache memory which oblige low power utilization. Low power SRAM outline is critical because it takes a vast division of aggregate power and pass on region in superior processors. A SRAM cell must meet the prerequisites for the operation in submicron/nano ranges. The scaling of CMOS innovation has critical effects on SRAM cell – arbitrary variance of electrical qualities and significant leakage current. The paper introduces the configuration of 16×16 SRAM array design including row decoders/drivers, column circuitry, sense amplifiers, pre charge circuitry and transmission gates utilizing Cadence tools in a unique way and its functionality is analyzed properly

    Time-domain optimization of amplifiers based on distributed genetic algorithms

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    Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Electrical and Computer EngineeringThe work presented in this thesis addresses the task of circuit optimization, helping the designer facing the high performance and high efficiency circuits demands of the market and technology evolution. A novel framework is introduced, based on time-domain analysis, genetic algorithm optimization, and distributed processing. The time-domain optimization methodology is based on the step response of the amplifier. The main advantage of this new time-domain methodology is that, when a given settling-error is reached within the desired settling-time, it is automatically guaranteed that the amplifier has enough open-loop gain, AOL, output-swing (OS), slew-rate (SR), closed loop bandwidth and closed loop stability. Thus, this simplification of the circuit‟s evaluation helps the optimization process to converge faster. The method used to calculate the step response expression of the circuit is based on the inverse Laplace transform applied to the transfer function, symbolically, multiplied by 1/s (which represents the unity input step). Furthermore, may be applied to transfer functions of circuits with unlimited number of zeros/poles, without approximation in order to keep accuracy. Thus, complex circuit, with several design/optimization degrees of freedom can also be considered. The expression of the step response, from the proposed methodology, is based on the DC bias operating point of the devices of the circuit. For this, complex and accurate device models (e.g. BSIM3v3) are integrated. During the optimization process, the time-domain evaluation of the amplifier is used by the genetic algorithm, in the classification of the genetic individuals. The time-domain evaluator is integrated into the developed optimization platform, as independent library, coded using C programming language. The genetic algorithms have demonstrated to be a good approach for optimization since they are flexible and independent from the optimization-objective. Different levels of abstraction can be optimized either system level or circuit level. Optimization of any new block is basically carried-out by simply providing additional configuration files, e.g. chromosome format, in text format; and the circuit library where the fitness value of each individual of the genetic algorithm is computed. Distributed processing is also employed to address the increasing processing time demanded by the complex circuit analysis, and the accurate models of the circuit devices. The communication by remote processing nodes is based on Message Passing interface (MPI). It is demonstrated that the distributed processing reduced the optimization run-time by more than one order of magnitude. Platform assessment is carried by several examples of two-stage amplifiers, which have been optimized and successfully used, embedded, in larger systems, such as data converters. A dedicated example of an inverter-based self-biased two-stage amplifier has been designed, laid-out and fabricated as a stand-alone circuit and experimentally evaluated. The measured results are a direct demonstration of the effectiveness of the proposed time-domain optimization methodology.Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology (FCT

    Digital-based analog processing in nanoscale CMOS ICs for IoT applications

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) concept has been opening up a variety of applications, such as urban and environmental monitoring, smart health, surveillance, and home automation. Most of these IoT applications require more and more power/area efficient Complemen tary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor (CMOS) systems and faster prototypes (lower time-to market), demanding special modifications in the current IoT design system bottleneck: the analog/RF interfaces. Specially after the 2000s, it is evident that there have been significant improvements in CMOS digital circuits when compared to analog building blocks. Digital circuits have been taking advantage of CMOS technology scaling in terms of speed, power consump tion, and cost, while the techniques running behind the analog signal processing are still lagging. To decrease this historical gap, there has been an increasing trend in finding alternative IC design strategies to implement typical analog functions exploiting Digital in-Concept Design Methodologies (DCDM). This idea of re-thinking analog functions in digital terms has shown that Analog ICs blocks can also avail of the feature-size shrinking and energy efficiency of new technologies. This thesis deals with the development of DCDM, demonstrating its compatibility for Ultra-Low-Voltage (ULV) and Power (ULP) IoT applications. This work proves this state ment through the proposing of new digital-based analog blocks, such as an Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs) and an ac-coupled Bio-signal Amplifier (BioAmp). As an initial contribution, for the first time, a silicon demonstration of an embryonic Digital-Based OTA (DB-OTA) published in 2013 is exhibited. The fabricated DB-OTA test chip occupies a compact area of 1,426 µm2 , operating at supply voltages (VDD) down to 300 mV, consuming only 590 pW while driving a capacitive load of 80pF. With a Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) lower than 5% for a 100mV input signal swing, its measured small-signal figure of merit (FOMS) and large-signal figure of merit (FOML) are 2,101 V −1 and 1,070, respectively. To the best of this thesis author’s knowledge, this measured power is the lowest reported to date in OTA literature, and its figures of merit are the best in sub-500mV OTAs reported to date. As the second step, mainly due to the robustness limitation of previous DB-OTA, a novel calibration-free digital-based topology is proposed, named here as Digital OTA (DIG OTA). A 180-nm DIGOTA test chip is also developed exhibiting an area below the 1000 µm2 wall, 2.4nW power under 150pF load, and a minimum VDD of 0.25 V. The proposed DIGOTA is more digital-like compared with DB-OTA since no pseudo-resistor is needed. As the last contribution, the previously proposed DIGOTA is then used as a building block to demonstrate the operation principle of power-efficient ULV and ultra-low area (ULA) fully-differential, digital-based Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA), suitable for microscale biosensing applications (BioDIGOTA) such as extreme low area Body Dust. Measured results in 180nm CMOS confirm that the proposed BioDIGOTA can work with a supply voltage down to 400 mV, consuming only 95 nW. The BioDIGOTA layout occupies only 0.022 mm2 of total silicon area, lowering the area by 3.22X times compared to the current state of the art while keeping reasonable system performance, such as 7.6 Noise Efficiency Factor (NEF) with 1.25 µVRMS input-referred noise over a 10 Hz bandwidth, 1.8% of THD, 62 dB of the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and 55 dB of power supply rejection ratio (PSRR). After reviewing the current DCDM trend and all proposed silicon demonstrations, the thesis concludes that, despite the current analog design strategies involved during the analog block development

    SRAM Compiler For Automated Memory Layout Supporting Multiple Transistor Process Technologies

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    This research details the design of an SRAM compiler for quickly creating SRAM blocks for Cal Poly integrated circuit (IC) designs. The compiler generates memory for two process technologies (IBM 180nm cmrf7sf and ON Semiconductor 600nm SCMOS) and requires a minimum number of specifications from the user for ease of use, while still offering the option to customize the performance for speed or area of the generated SRAM cell. By automatically creating SRAM arrays, the compiler saves the user time from having to layout and test memory and allows for quick updates and changes to a design. Memory compilers with various features already exist, but they have several disadvantages. Most memory compilers are expensive, usually only generate memory for one process technology, and don’t allow for user-defined custom SRAM cell optimizations. This free design makes it available for students and institutions that would not be able to afford an industry-made compiler. A compiler that offers multiple process technologies allows for more freedom to design in other processes if needed or desired. An attempt was made for this design to be modular for different process technologies so new processes could be added with ease; however, different process technologies have different DRC rules, making that option very difficult to attain. A customizable SRAM cell based on transistor sizing ratios allows for optimized designs in speed, area, or power, and for academic research. Even for an experienced designer, the layout of a single SRAM cell (1 bit) can take an hour. This command-line-based tool can draw a 1Kb SRAM block in seconds and a 1Mb SRAM block in about 15 minutes. In addition, this compiler also adds a manually laid out precharge circuit to each of the SRAM columns for an enhanced read operation by ensuring the bit lines have valid logic output values. Finally, an analysis on SRAM cell stability is done for creating a robust cell as the default design for the compiler. The default cell design is verified for stability during read and write operations, and has an area of 14.067 µm2 for the cmrf7sf process and 246.42 µm2 for the SCMOS process. All factors considered, this SRAM compiler design overcomes several of the drawbacks of other existing memory compilers

    Digital-Based Analog Processing in Nanoscale CMOS ICs for IoT Applications

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    Low power predictable memory and processing architectures

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    Great demand in power optimized devices shows promising economic potential and draws lots of attention in industry and research area. Due to the continuously shrinking CMOS process, not only dynamic power but also static power has emerged as a big concern in power reduction. Other than power optimization, average-case power estimation is quite significant for power budget allocation but also challenging in terms of time and effort. In this thesis, we will introduce a methodology to support modular quantitative analysis in order to estimate average power of circuits, on the basis of two concepts named Random Bag Preserving and Linear Compositionality. It can shorten simulation time and sustain high accuracy, resulting in increasing the feasibility of power estimation of big systems. For power saving, firstly, we take advantages of the low power characteristic of adiabatic logic and asynchronous logic to achieve ultra-low dynamic and static power. We will propose two memory cells, which could run in adiabatic and non-adiabatic mode. About 90% dynamic power can be saved in adiabatic mode when compared to other up-to-date designs. About 90% leakage power is saved. Secondly, a novel logic, named Asynchronous Charge Sharing Logic (ACSL), will be introduced. The realization of completion detection is simplified considerably. Not just the power reduction improvement, ACSL brings another promising feature in average power estimation called data-independency where this characteristic would make power estimation effortless and be meaningful for modular quantitative average case analysis. Finally, a new asynchronous Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) with a ripple carry adder implemented using the logically reversible/bidirectional characteristic exhibiting ultra-low power dissipation with sub-threshold region operating point will be presented. The proposed adder is able to operate multi-functionally