27 research outputs found

    The FC-rank of a context-free language

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    We prove that the finite condensation rank (FC-rank) of the lexicographic ordering of a context-free language is strictly less than ωω\omega^\omega

    The isomorphism problem for tree-automatic ordinals with addition

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    This paper studies tree-automatic ordinals (or equivalently, well-founded linearly ordered sets) together with the ordinal addition operation +. Informally, these are ordinals such that their elements are coded by finite trees for which the linear order relation of the ordinal and the ordinal addition operation can be determined by tree automata. We describe an algorithm that, given two tree-automatic ordinals with the ordinal addition operation, decides if the ordinals are isomorphic

    Interpretations of Presburger Arithmetic in Itself

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    Presburger arithmetic PrA is the true theory of natural numbers with addition. We study interpretations of PrA in itself. We prove that all one-dimensional self-interpretations are definably isomorphic to the identity self-interpretation. In order to prove the results we show that all linear orders that are interpretable in (N,+) are scattered orders with the finite Hausdorff rank and that the ranks are bounded in terms of the dimension of the respective interpretations. From our result about self-interpretations of PrA it follows that PrA isn't one-dimensionally interpretable in any of its finite subtheories. We note that the latter was conjectured by A. Visser.Comment: Published in proceedings of LFCS 201

    Unary automatic graphs: an algorithmic perspective

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    This paper studies infinite graphs produced from a natural unfolding operation applied to finite graphs. Graphs produced via such operations are of finite degree and can be described by finite automata over the unary alphabet. We investigate algorithmic properties of such unfolded graphs given their finite presentations. In particular, we ask whether a given node belongs to an infinite component, whether two given nodes in the graph are reachable from one another, and whether the graph is connected. We give polynomial time algorithms for each of these questions. Hence, we improve on previous work, in which nonelementary or non-uniform algorithms were foun

    Covering of ordinals

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    The paper focuses on the structure of fundamental sequences of ordinals smaller than ϵ0\epsilon_0. A first result is the construction of a monadic second-order formula identifying a given structure, whereas such a formula cannot exist for ordinals themselves. The structures are precisely classified in the pushdown hierarchy. Ordinals are also located in the hierarchy, and a direct presentation is given.Comment: Accepted at FSTTCS'0

    The Rank of Tree-Automatic Linear Orderings

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    We generalise Delhomm\'e's result that each tree-automatic ordinal is strictly below \omega^\omega^\omega{} by showing that any tree-automatic linear ordering has FC-rank strictly below \omega^\omega. We further investigate a restricted form of tree-automaticity and prove that every linear ordering which admits a tree-automatic presentation of branching complexity at most k has FC-rank strictly below \omega^k.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Subalgebras of FA-presentable algebras

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    Automatic presentations, also called FA-presentations, were introduced to extend finite model theory to infinite structures whilst retaining the solubility of fundamental decision problems. This paper studies FA-presentable algebras. First, an example is given to show that the class of finitely generated FA-presentable algebras is not closed under forming finitely generated subalgebras, even within the class of algebras with only unary operations. However, it is proven that a finitely generated subalgebra of an FA-presentable algebra with a single unary operation is itself FA-presentable. Furthermore, it is proven that the class of unary FA-presentable algebras is closed under forming finitely generated subalgebras, and that the membership problem for such subalgebras is decidable.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Model Theoretic Complexity of Automatic Structures

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    We study the complexity of automatic structures via well-established concepts from both logic and model theory, including ordinal heights (of well-founded relations), Scott ranks of structures, and Cantor-Bendixson ranks (of trees). We prove the following results: 1) The ordinal height of any automatic well- founded partial order is bounded by \omega^\omega ; 2) The ordinal heights of automatic well-founded relations are unbounded below the first non-computable ordinal; 3) For any computable ordinal there is an automatic structure of Scott rank at least that ordinal. Moreover, there are automatic structures of Scott rank the first non-computable ordinal and its successor; 4) For any computable ordinal, there is an automatic successor tree of Cantor-Bendixson rank that ordinal.Comment: 23 pages. Extended abstract appeared in Proceedings of TAMC '08, LNCS 4978 pp 514-52

    Isomorphisms of scattered automatic linear orders

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    We prove that the isomorphism of scattered tree automatic linear orders as well as the existence of automorphisms of scattered word automatic linear orders are undecidable. For the existence of automatic automorphisms of word automatic linear orders, we determine the exact level of undecidability in the arithmetical hierarchy