677 research outputs found

    A critical appraisal on wavelet based features from brain MR images for efficient characterization of ischemic stroke injuries

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    Ischemic stroke is a severe neuro disorder typically characterized by a block inside a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain. It remains the third leading cause for death, after heart attack and cancer. Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) were the vital major imaging techniques used for diagnosing this disorder. While the CT imaging can be used at the primary stage, MRI proves to be a standard aid for progressive diagnostic planning in the treatment of stroke injuries. Developing a fully automatic approach for lesion segmentation is a challenging issue due to the complex nature of the lesions structures. This research basically aims at examining the properties of such complex structures. It analyses the characteristics of the normal brain tissues and abnormal lesion structures using a three-level wavelet decomposition procedure. Four different wavelet functions namely daubechies, symlet, coiflet and de-meyer were applied to the different datasets and the resulting observations were examined based on their feature statistics obtained. Experiments indicate the feature statistics obtained from daubechies and de-meyer wavelets were able to clearly distinguish between the typical brain tissues and abnormal lesion structures

    A Review on the use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Brain MRI Analysis

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    Over the past 20 years, the global research going on in Artificial Intelligence in applica-tions in medication is a venue internationally, for medical trade and creating an ener-getic research community. The Artificial Intelligence in Medicine magazine has posted a massive amount. This paper gives an overview of the history of AI applications in brain MRI analysis to research its effect at the wider studies discipline and perceive de-manding situations for its destiny. Analysis of numerous articles to create a taxono-my of research subject matters and results was done. The article is classed which might be posted between 2000 and 2018 with this taxonomy. Analyzed articles have excessive citations. Efforts are useful in figuring out popular studies works in AI primarily based on mind MRI analysis throughout specific issues. The biomedical prognosis was ruled by way of knowledge engineering research in its first decade, whilst gadget mastering, and records mining prevailed thereafter. Together these two topics have contributed a lot to the latest medical domain

    Early Stage Brain Tumor Detection And Classification Using KSVM Algorithm In GUI Window

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    The brain is central control unit of human body. The tumor is not diagnosed in early stage then it affects the brain means it causes the death of the patient. Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) doesn’t produce any harmful radiation and it is a better method for area calculation as well as classification based on the grade of the tumor. Nowadays there exists no automatic system to detect and identify the grade of the tumor. This paper proposes brain tumor classification which is divided into four phases as pre-processing, segmentation, feature reduction and extraction, classification. Segmentation of brain Tumor is a one of the basic steps in detection and classification of tumor. The noise is eliminated by using Gaussian filter and canny edge detector is used to detect the tumor area and calculation of tumor area. To segment the tumour K means cluster is used. DWT (Discrete wavelet transform) and GLCM (Grey Level co-occurrence matrix) used for transform and spatial feature extraction and PCA (Principal component analysis) reduces the feature vector to maintain the classification accuracy of brain MRI images. For the performance of MRIs classification, the significant features have been submitted to KSVM (kernel support vector machine). The proposed method is validated on BRATS 2015 dataset and Kaggle dataset. The proposed system will reduce processing time and achieved 99% classification accuracy,98% of sensitivity and 100% of specificity

    Histogram-Based Texture Characterization and Classification of Brain Tissues in Non-Contrast CT Images of Stroke Patients

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    This chapter describes histogram-based texture characterization and classification of brain tissue in CT images of stroke patients using a case study. It explored texture analysis in medical imaging. In the case study, two radiologists independently inspected non-contrast CT images of 164 stroke to identify and categorize brain tissue into normal, ischaemic and haemorrhagic strokes. Four regions of interest (ROIs) in each CT slice with lesion were selected for analysis; two each represented the lesion and normal tissue. Histogram texture parameters were calculated for them. Raw data analysis identified parameters that discriminated between normal brain tissue, ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke lesions. The artificial neural network (ANN) and k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) algorithms were used to classify the ROIs into normal tissue, ischaemic and haemorrhagic lesions using the radiologists’ categorization as the gold standard, and further analysed using the ROC curve. Three parameters namely mean, 90 and 99 percentiles discriminated between normal brain tissue, ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke lesions. With ANN and k-NN, the weighted sensitivity and specificity were above 0.9 while the false positive and false negative rates were negligible. The characterization and classification of brain tissue using histogram parameters were satisfactory and may be suitable for automated diagnosis of stroke

    Automatic classification of MR brain tumor images using KNN, ANN, SVM and CNN

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    A brain tumor classification system has been designed and developed. This work presents a new approach to the automated classification of astrocytoma, medulloblastoma, glioma, glioblastoma multiforme and craniopharyngioma type of brain tumors based on first order statistics and gray level co-occurrence matrix, in magnetic resonance images. The magnetic resonance feature image used for the tumor detection consists of T2-weighted magnetic resonance images for each axial slice through the head. To remove the unwanted noises in the magnetic resonance image, median filtering is used. First order statistics and gray level co-occurrence matrix-based features are extracted. Finally, k-nearest neighbor, artificial neural network, support vector machine and convolutional neural networks are used to classify the brain tumor images. The application of the proposed method for tracking tumor is demon­strated to help pathologists distinguish its type of tumor. A classification with an accuracy of 89%, 90%, 91% and 95% has been obtained by, k-nearest neighbor, artificial neural network, support vector machine and convolutional neural networks

    Liver CT enhancement using Fractional Differentiation and Integration

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    In this paper, a digital image filter is proposed to enhance the Liver CT image for improving the classification of tumors area in an infected Liver. The enhancement process is based on improving the main features within the image by utilizing the Fractional Differential and Integral in the wavelet sub-bands of an image. After enhancement, different features were extracted such as GLCM, GRLM, and LBP, among others. Then, the areas/cells are classified into tumor or non-tumor, using different models of classifiers to compare our proposed model with the original image and various established filters. Each image is divided into 15x15 non-overlapping blocks, to extract the desired features. The SVM, Random Forest, J48 and Simple Cart were trained on a supplied dataset, different from the test dataset. Finally, the block cells are identified whether they are classified as tumor or not. Our approach is validated on a group of patients’ CT liver tumor datasets. The experiment results demonstrated the efficiency of enhancement in the proposed technique

    A review on a deep learning perspective in brain cancer classification

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    AWorld Health Organization (WHO) Feb 2018 report has recently shown that mortality rate due to brain or central nervous system (CNS) cancer is the highest in the Asian continent. It is of critical importance that cancer be detected earlier so that many of these lives can be saved. Cancer grading is an important aspect for targeted therapy. As cancer diagnosis is highly invasive, time consuming and expensive, there is an immediate requirement to develop a non-invasive, cost-effective and efficient tools for brain cancer characterization and grade estimation. Brain scans using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), as well as other imaging modalities, are fast and safer methods for tumor detection. In this paper, we tried to summarize the pathophysiology of brain cancer, imaging modalities of brain cancer and automatic computer assisted methods for brain cancer characterization in a machine and deep learning paradigm. Another objective of this paper is to find the current issues in existing engineering methods and also project a future paradigm. Further, we have highlighted the relationship between brain cancer and other brain disorders like stroke, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, andWilson’s disease, leukoriaosis, and other neurological disorders in the context of machine learning and the deep learning paradigm
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