2,296 research outputs found

    Automated design optimisation and simulation of stitched antennas for textile devices

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    This thesis describes a novel approach for designing 7-segment and 5-angle pocket and collar planar antennas (for operation at 900 MHz). The motivation for this work originates from the problem of security of children in rural Nigeria where there is risk of abduction. There is a strong potential benefit to be gained from hidden wireless tracking devices (and hence antennas) that can protect their security. An evolutionary method based on a genetic algorithm was used in conjunction with electromagnetic simulation. This method determines the segment length and angle between segments through several generations. The simulation of the antenna was implemented using heuristic crossover with non-uniform mutation. Antennas obtained from the algorithm were fabricated and measured to validate the proposed method.This first part of this research has been limited to linear wire antennas because of the wide range and flexibility of this class of antennas. Linear wire antennas are used for the design of high or low gain, broad or narrow band antennas. Wire antennas are easy and inexpensive to build. All the optimised linear wire antenna samples exhibit similar performances, most of the power is radiated within the GSM900 frequency band. The reflection coefficient (S11) is generally better than -10dB. The method of moment (MoM-NEC2) and FIT (CST Studio Suite 2015) solvers were used for this design. MATLAB is used to as an interface to control computational electromagnetic solvers for antenna designs and analysis. The genetic algorithm procedures were written in MATLAB. The second part of the work focuses on meshed ground planes for applications at 900 MHz global system for mobile communications (GSM), 2.45 GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band and 5 GHz wearable wireless local area networks (WLAN) frequencies. Square ground planes were developed and designed using linear equations in MATLAB. The ground plane was stitched using embroidery machines. To examine the effect of meshing on the antenna performance and to normalise the meshed antenna to a reference, solid patch antenna was designed, fabricated on an FR4 substrate. A finite grid of resistors was created for numerical simulation in MATLAB. The resistance from the centre to any node of a finite grid of resistors are evaluated using nodal analysis. The probability that a node connects to each node in the grid was computed. The circuit model has been validated against the experimental model by measurement of the meshed ground plane. A set of measurement were collected from a meshed and compared with the numerical values, they show good agreement.</div

    A Platform for Antenna Optimization with Numerical Electromagnetics Code Incorporated with Genetic Algorithms

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    This thesis investigation presents a unique incorporation of the Method of Moments (MoM) with a Genetic Algorithm (GA). A GA is used in accord with the Numerical Electromagnetics Code, Version 4 (NEC4) to create and optimize typical wire antenna designs, including single elements and arrays. Design parameters for the antenna are defined and encoded into a chromosome composed of a series of numbers. The cost function associated with the specific antenna of interest is what quantifies improvement and, eventually, optimization. This cost function is created and used by the GA to evaluate the performance of a population of antenna designs. The most successful designs of each generation are kept and altered through crossover and mutation. Through the course of generations, convergence upon a best design is attained. The Yagi-Uda and the Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) antennas are the focus of this study. The objectives for each antenna are to maximize the main power gain while minimizing the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) and the antenna\u27s length. Results for the Yagi-Uda exceed previous designs by as much as 40 dB in the main lobe while maintaining respectable length and VSWR values. The improvements made in the LPDA antenna were not as drastic, finding a nominal increase in power gain while truncating original allowance in the length by more than half, along with nominal VSWR values that were close to the ideal value of one. The percentage of bandwidth covered for the frequencies of interest are 8.11% for the Yagi-Uda and 10.7% for the LPDA. GA performance is evaluated and, based on previous results, implemented with real-numbered chromosomes as opposed to the classic binary encoding. This methodology is very robust and is improved upon in this research, all while using a novel approach with an optimization program platform called iSIGHT, developed by Engineous Software

    Structure-Based Evolutionary Design Applied to Wire Antennas

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    A new design technique for antennas, namely the Structure-based Evolutionary Design (SED), is introduced and described in detail. SED is a new global random search method derived by the “genetic programming”, a strategy proposed by Koza. The proposed technique will be compared with the genetic algorithms (GA), a widely used design technique, showing the numerous advantages of our approach with respect to standard ones. SED assumes no “a priori” structure, but it builds up the structure of the individuals as the procedure evolves. Therefore SED is able to determine both the structure shape and dimensions as an outcome of the procedure (infinite-dimensional solution space), acting on subparts of the whole structure, and allowing to explore effectively the far more vast solution space. We thoroughly discuss both the general features of SED and its application to wire antenna design. The antenna internal representation, which is a key to the successful implementation of SED, and the construction of fitness functions from the antenna specifications will be described in detail. The proposed approach has been assessed with many different cases, using as design requirements both Gain and VSWR in a frequency band as wide as possible, and with the smallest size. The results obtained with SED are finally compared with other popular algorithms like Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Differential Evolution (DE), showing that both the computational cost and the complexity are of the same order of magnitude, but the performances obtained by SED are significantly higher

    Genetic Algorithms in Antennas and Smart Antennas Design Overview: Two Novel Antenna Systems for Triband GNSS Applications and a Circular Switched Parasitic Array for WiMax Applications Developments with the Use of Genetic Algorithms

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    Genetic algorithms belong to a stochastic class of evolutionary techniques, whose robustness and global search of the solutions space have made them extremely popular among researchers. They have been successfully applied to electromagnetic optimization, including antenna design as well as smart antennas design. In this paper, extensive reference to literature related antenna design efforts employing genetic algorithms is taking place and subsequently, three novel antenna systems are designed in order to provide realistic implementations of a genetic algorithm. Two novel antenna systems are presented to cover the new GPS/Galileo band, namely, L5 (1176 MHz), together with the L1 GPS/Galileo and L2 GPS bands (1575 and 1227 MHz). The first system is a modified PIFA and the second one is a helical antenna above a ground plane. Both systems exhibit enhanced performance characteristics, such as sufficient front gain, input impedance matching, and increased front-to-back ratio. The last antenna system is a five-element switched parasitic array with a directional beam with sufficient beamwidth to a predetermined direction and an adequate impedance bandwidth which can be used as receiver for WiMax signals

    The use of genetic algorithms to maximize the performance of a partially lined screened room

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    This paper shows that it is possible to use genetic algorithms to optimize the layout of ferrite tile absorber in a partially lined screened enclosure to produce a "best" performance. The enclosure and absorber are modeled using TLM modeling techniques and the performance is determined by comparison with theoretical normalized site attenuation of free space. The results show that it is possible to cover just 80% of the surface of the enclosure with ferrite absorber and obtain a response which is within +/-4 dB of the free space response between 40 and 200 MHz

    Design and Optimization of Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures

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    Dizertační práce pojednává o návrhu a optimalizaci periodických struktur s elektromagnetickým zádržným pásmem (EBG – electromagnetic band gap) pro potlačení povrchových vln šířících se na elektricky tlustých dielektrických substrátech. Nepředvídatelné chování elektromagnetických vlastností těchto struktur v závislosti na parametrech elementární buňky činí jejích syntézi značně komplikovanou. Bez patřičného postupu je návrh EBG struktur metodou pokusu a omylu. V první části práce jsou shrnuty základní poznatky o šíření elektromagnetických vln v tzv. metamateriálech. Následně je diskutován správný způsob výpočtu disperzního diagramu ve vybraných komerčních programech. Jádrem dizertace je automatizovaný návrh a optimalizace EBG struktur využitím různých globálních optimalizačních algoritmů. Praktický význam vypracované metodiky je předveden na návrhových příkladech periodických struktur s redukovanými rozměry, dvoupásmovými EBG vlastnostmi, simultánním EBG a AMC (artificial magnetic conductor – umělý magnetický vodič) chováním a tzv. superstrátu. Poslední kapitola je věnována experimentálnímu ověření počítačových modelů.The thesis deals with the design and optimization of periodic structures for surface waves suppression on electrically dense dielectric substrates. The design of such structures is rather complicated due to the large factor of uncertainty how the electromagnetic band gap (EBG) properties change depending on the unit cell geometry. Without a proper approach, the design of EBGs is based on trial-and-error. In this thesis, the basic theory of electromagnetic wave propagation in metamaterials is presented first. Second, the correct dispersion diagram computation in the selected full-wave software tools is discussed. The main attention is turned then to the automated design and optimization of EBG structures using different global evolutionary algorithms. The practical exploitation of the developed technique is demonstrated on design examples of reduced-size and dual-band EBGs, periodic structures with simultaneous electromagnetic band gap and artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) properties and periodic structures acting as superstrates. The last chapter of the thesis is devoted to the experimental verification of computer models.

    Structure-Based Evolutionary Programming Design of Broadband Wire Antennas

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    A design technique for wire antennas, based on the Structure-Based Evolutionary Programming, is used to design a broadband antenna with an end-fire radiation pattern and a very simple geometry, operating in the 3–16 GHz frequency band, namely, from the S band to the Ku band. The antenna has been analyzed with NEC-2 during the evolutionary process, looking for high gain, good input match, and robustness with respect to realization tolerances. The outcome of our design procedure shows a very good performance

    The Use of Genetic Algorithms in UV Disinfection of Drinking Water

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    In order to have drinking water, some countries have to use chlorine. It is use cause is effective and it’s cheap. An alternative to this process is the UV disinfection of drinking water. Most of the devices in the market use UV bulbs or mercury lamps. The UV LED, which is cheaper and smaller, allows creating new smaller devices. The main contribution of this paper is the use of Genetic Algorithms to help design a drinking water device with UV LEDs

    Visualization of Radiation For Optimized Design of Automotive Antennas

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    A MATLAB-based tool is introduced, which is used to help design networks of on-glass automobile antennas. It is used to simulate the radiation patterns of on-glass antennas and view and compare the resulting data using flexible, user-defined functions.AGC AmericaNo embarg