82 research outputs found

    Classification of brain tumours from MR spectra: the INTERPRET collaboration and its outcomes.

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    The INTERPRET project was a multicentre European collaboration, carried out from 2000 to 2002, which developed a decision-support system (DSS) for helping neuroradiologists with no experience of MRS to utilize spectroscopic data for the diagnosis and grading of human brain tumours. INTERPRET gathered a large collection of MR spectra of brain tumours and pseudo-tumoural lesions from seven centres. Consensus acquisition protocols, a standard processing pipeline and strict methods for quality control of the aquired data were put in place. Particular emphasis was placed on ensuring the diagnostic certainty of each case, for which all cases were evaluated by a clinical data validation committee. One outcome of the project is a database of 304 fully validated spectra from brain tumours, pseudotumoural lesions and normal brains, along with their associated images and clinical data, which remains available to the scientific and medical community. The second is the INTERPRET DSS, which has continued to be developed and clinically evaluated since the project ended. We also review here the results of the post-INTERPRET period. We evaluate the results of the studies with the INTERPRET database by other consortia or research groups. A summary of the clinical evaluations that have been performed on the post-INTERPRET DSS versions is also presented. Several have shown that diagnostic certainty can be improved for certain tumour types when the INTERPRET DSS is used in conjunction with conventional radiological image interpretation. About 30 papers concerned with the INTERPRET single-voxel dataset have so far been published. We discuss stengths and weaknesses of the DSS and the lessons learned. Finally we speculate on how the INTERPRET concept might be carried into the future.Funding from project MARESCAN (SAF2011-23870) from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad in Spain. This work was also partially funded by CIBER-BBN, which is an initiative of the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008-2011, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. JRG acknowledges support from Cancer Research UK, the University of Cambridge and Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nbm.343

    Automated quality control for proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy data using convex non-negative matrix factorization

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    Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H MRS) has proven its diagnostic potential in a variety of conditions. However, MRS is not yet widely used in clinical routine because of the lack of experts on its diagnostic interpretation. Although data-based decision support systems exist to aid diagnosis, they often take for granted that the data is of good quality, which is not always the case in a real application context. Systems based on models built with bad quality data are likely to underperform in their decision support tasks. In this study, we propose a system to filter out such bad quality data. It is based on convex Non-Negative Matrix Factorization models, used as a dimensionality reduction procedure, and on the use of several classifiers to discriminate between good and bad quality data.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multiproject–multicenter evaluation of automatic brain tumor classification by magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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    JUSTIFICATION: Automatic brain tumor classification by MRS has been under development for more than a decade. Nonetheless, to our knowledge, there are no published evaluations of predictive models with unseen cases that are subsequently acquired in different centers. The multicenter eTUMOUR project (2004-2009), which builds upon previous expertise from the INTERPRET project (2000-2002) has allowed such an evaluation to take place.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 253 pairwise classifiers for glioblastoma, meningioma, metastasis, and low-grade glial diagnosis were inferred based on 211 SV short TE INTERPRET MR spectra obtained at 1.5 T (PRESS or STEAM, 20-32 ms) and automatically pre-processed. Afterwards, the classifiers were tested with 97 spectra, which were subsequently compiled during eTUMOUR.RESULTS: In our results based on subsequently acquired spectra, accuracies of around 90% were achieved for most of the pairwise discrimination problems. The exception was for the glioblastoma versus metastasis discrimination, which was below 78%. A more clear definition of metastases may be obtained by other approaches, such as MRSI + MRI.nnnCONCLUSIONS: The prediction of the tumor type of in-vivo MRS is possible using classifiers developed from previously acquired data, in different hospitals with different instrumentation under the same acquisition protocols. This methodology may find application for assisting in the diagnosis of new brain tumor cases and for the quality control of multicenter MRS databases

    Multivariate methods for interpretable analysis of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data in brain tumour diagnosis

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    Malignant tumours of the brain represent one of the most difficult to treat types of cancer due to the sensitive organ they affect. Clinical management of the pathology becomes even more intricate as the tumour mass increases due to proliferation, suggesting that an early and accurate diagnosis is vital for preventing it from its normal course of development. The standard clinical practise for diagnosis includes invasive techniques that might be harmful for the patient, a fact that has fostered intensive research towards the discovery of alternative non-invasive brain tissue measurement methods, such as nuclear magnetic resonance. One of its variants, magnetic resonance imaging, is already used in a regular basis to locate and bound the brain tumour; but a complementary variant, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, despite its higher spatial resolution and its capability to identify biochemical metabolites that might become biomarkers of tumour within a delimited area, lags behind in terms of clinical use, mainly due to its difficult interpretability. The interpretation of magnetic resonance spectra corresponding to brain tissue thus becomes an interesting field of research for automated methods of knowledge extraction such as machine learning, always understanding its secondary role behind human expert medical decision making. The current thesis aims at contributing to the state of the art in this domain by providing novel techniques for assistance of radiology experts, focusing on complex problems and delivering interpretable solutions. In this respect, an ensemble learning technique to accurately discriminate amongst the most aggressive brain tumours, namely glioblastomas and metastases, has been designed; moreover, a strategy to increase the stability of biomarker identification in the spectra by means of instance weighting is provided. From a different analytical perspective, a tool based on signal source separation, guided by tumour type-specific information has been developed to assess the existence of different tissues in the tumoural mass, quantifying their influence in the vicinity of tumoural areas. This development has led to the derivation of a probabilistic interpretation of some source separation techniques, which provide support for uncertainty handling and strategies for the estimation of the most accurate number of differentiated tissues within the analysed tumour volumes. The provided strategies should assist human experts through the use of automated decision support tools and by tackling interpretability and accuracy from different anglesEls tumors cerebrals malignes representen un dels tipus de càncer més difícils de tractar degut a la sensibilitat de l’òrgan que afecten. La gestió clínica de la patologia esdevé encara més complexa quan la massa tumoral s'incrementa degut a la proliferació incontrolada de cèl·lules; suggerint que una diagnosis precoç i acurada és vital per prevenir el curs natural de desenvolupament. La pràctica clínica estàndard per a la diagnosis inclou la utilització de tècniques invasives que poden arribar a ser molt perjudicials per al pacient, factor que ha fomentat la recerca intensiva cap al descobriment de mètodes alternatius de mesurament dels teixits del cervell, tals com la ressonància magnètica nuclear. Una de les seves variants, la imatge de ressonància magnètica, ja s'està actualment utilitzant de forma regular per localitzar i delimitar el tumor. Així mateix, una variant complementària, la espectroscòpia de ressonància magnètica, malgrat la seva alta resolució espacial i la seva capacitat d'identificar metabòlits bioquímics que poden esdevenir biomarcadors de tumor en una àrea delimitada, està molt per darrera en termes d'ús clínic, principalment per la seva difícil interpretació. Per aquest motiu, la interpretació dels espectres de ressonància magnètica corresponents a teixits del cervell esdevé un interessant camp de recerca en mètodes automàtics d'extracció de coneixement tals com l'aprenentatge automàtic, sempre entesos com a una eina d'ajuda per a la presa de decisions per part d'un metge expert humà. La tesis actual té com a propòsit la contribució a l'estat de l'art en aquest camp mitjançant l'aportació de noves tècniques per a l'assistència d'experts radiòlegs, centrades en problemes complexes i proporcionant solucions interpretables. En aquest sentit, s'ha dissenyat una tècnica basada en comitè d'experts per a una discriminació acurada dels diferents tipus de tumors cerebrals agressius, anomenats glioblastomes i metàstasis; a més, es proporciona una estratègia per a incrementar l'estabilitat en la identificació de biomarcadors presents en un espectre mitjançant una ponderació d'instàncies. Des d'una perspectiva analítica diferent, s'ha desenvolupat una eina basada en la separació de fonts, guiada per informació específica de tipus de tumor per a avaluar l'existència de diferents tipus de teixits existents en una massa tumoral, quantificant-ne la seva influència a les regions tumorals veïnes. Aquest desenvolupament ha portat cap a la derivació d'una interpretació probabilística d'algunes d'aquestes tècniques de separació de fonts, proporcionant suport per a la gestió de la incertesa i estratègies d'estimació del nombre més acurat de teixits diferenciats en cada un dels volums tumorals analitzats. Les estratègies proporcionades haurien d'assistir els experts humans en l'ús d'eines automatitzades de suport a la decisió, donada la interpretabilitat i precisió que presenten des de diferents angles

    Biomedical signal analysis in automatic classification problems

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    A lo largo de la última década hemos asistido a un desarrollo sin precedentes de las tecnologías de la salud. Los avances en la informatización, la creación de redes, las técnicas de imagen, la robótica, las micro/nano tecnologías, y la genómica, han contribuido a aumentar significativamente la cantidad y diversidad de información al alcance del personal clínico para el diagnóstico, pronóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de los pacientes. Este aumento en la cantidad y diversidad de datos clínicos requiere del continuo desarrollo de técnicas y metodologías capaces de integrar estos datos, procesarlos, y dar soporte en su interpretación de una forma robusta y eficiente. En este contexto, esta Tesis se focaliza en el análisis y procesado de señales biomédicas y su uso en problemas de clasificación automática. Es decir, se focaliza en: el diseño e integración de algoritmos para el procesado automático de señales biomédicas, el desarrollo de nuevos métodos de extracción de características para señales, la evaluación de compatibilidad entre señales biomédicas, y el diseño de modelos de clasificación para problemas clínicos específicos. En la mayoría de casos contenidos en esta Tesis, estos problemas se sitúan en el ámbito de los sistemas de apoyo a la decisión clínica, es decir, de sistemas computacionales que proporcionan conocimiento experto para la decisión en el diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento de los pacientes. Una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis consiste en la evaluación de la compatibilidad entre espectros de resonancia magnética (ERM) obtenidos mediante dos tecnologías de escáneres de resonancia magnética coexistentes en la actualidad (escáneres de 1.5T y de 3T). Esta compatibilidad se evalúa en el contexto de clasificación automática de tumores cerebrales. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo sugieren que los clasificadores existentes basados en datos de ERM de 1.5T pueden ser aplicables a casos obtenidos con la nueva tecnologFuster García, E. (2012). Biomedical signal analysis in automatic classification problems [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17176Palanci

    Computer-Aided Detection and diagnosis for prostate cancer based on mono and multi-parametric MRI: A review

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    International audienceProstate cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer of men all over the world. In the last decades, new imaging techniques based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have been developed improving diagnosis.In practise, diagnosis can be affected by multiple factors such as observer variability and visibility and complexity of the lesions. In this regard, computer-aided detection and computer-aided diagnosis systemshave been designed to help radiologists in their clinical practice. Research on computer-aided systems specifically focused for prostate cancer is a young technology and has been part of a dynamic field ofresearch for the last ten years. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive review of the state of the art in this lapse of time, focusing on the different stages composing the work-flow of a computer-aidedsystem. We also provide a comparison between studies and a discussion about the potential avenues for future research. In addition, this paper presents a new public online dataset which is made available to theresearch community with the aim of providing a common evaluation framework to overcome some of the current limitations identified in this survey

    Integration of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging into the radiotherapy treatment planning

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    L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer de nouveaux algorithmes pour surmonter les limitations actuelles et de relever les défis ouverts dans le traitement de l'imagerie spectroscopique par résonance magnétique (ISRM). L'ISRM est une modalité non invasive capable de fournir la distribution spatiale des composés biochimiques (métabolites) utilisés comme biomarqueurs de la maladie. Les informations fournies par l'ISRM peuvent être utilisées pour le diagnostic, le traitement et le suivi de plusieurs maladies telles que le cancer ou des troubles neurologiques. Cette modalité se montre utile en routine clinique notamment lorsqu'il est possible d'en extraire des informations précises et fiables. Malgré les nombreuses publications sur le sujet, l'interprétation des données d'ISRM est toujours un problème difficile en raison de différents facteurs tels que le faible rapport signal sur bruit des signaux, le chevauchement des raies spectrales ou la présence de signaux de nuisance. Cette thèse aborde le problème de l'interprétation des données d'ISRM et la caractérisation de la rechute des patients souffrant de tumeurs cérébrales. Ces objectifs sont abordés à travers une approche méthodologique intégrant des connaissances a priori sur les données d'ISRM avec une régularisation spatio-spectrale. Concernant le cadre applicatif, cette thèse contribue à l'intégration de l'ISRM dans le workflow de traitement en radiothérapie dans le cadre du projet européen SUMMER (Software for the Use of Multi-Modality images in External Radiotherapy) financé par la Commission européenne (FP7-PEOPLE-ITN).The aim of this thesis is to propose new algorithms to overcome the current limitations and to address the open challenges in the processing of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data. MRSI is a non-invasive modality able to provide the spatial distribution of relevant biochemical compounds (metabolites) commonly used as biomarkers of disease. Information provided by MRSI can be used as a valuable insight for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of several diseases such as cancer or neurological disorders. Obtaining accurate and reliable information from in vivo MRSI signals is a crucial requirement for the clinical utility of this technique. Despite the numerous publications on the topic, the interpretation of MRSI data is still a challenging problem due to different factors such as the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the signals, the overlap of spectral lines or the presence of nuisance components. This thesis addresses the problem of interpreting MRSI data and characterizing recurrence in tumor brain patients. These objectives are addressed through a methodological approach based on novel processing methods that incorporate prior knowledge on the MRSI data using a spatio-spectral regularization. As an application, the thesis addresses the integration of MRSI into the radiotherapy treatment workflow within the context of the European project SUMMER (Software for the Use of Multi-Modality images in External Radiotherapy) founded by the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-ITN framework)

    Multimodal wavelet embedding representation for data combination (MaWERiC): integratingmagnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy for prostate cancer detection,”

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    Recently, both Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging (MRI) and Spectroscopy (MRS) have emerged as promising tools for detection of prostate cancer (CaP). However, due to the inherent dimensionality differences in MR imaging and spectral information, quantitative integration of T 2 weighted MRI (T 2 w MRI) and MRS for improved CaP detection has been a major challenge. In this paper, we present a novel computerized decision support system called multimodal wavelet embedding representation for data combination (MaWERiC) that employs, (i) wavelet theory to extract 171 Haar wavelet features from MRS and 54 Gabor features from T 2 w MRI, (ii) dimensionality reduction to individually project wavelet features from MRS and T 2 w MRI into a common reduced Eigen vector space, and (iii), a random forest classifier for automated prostate cancer detection on a per voxel basis from combined 1.5 T in vivo MRI and MRS. A total of 36 1.5 T endorectal in vivo T 2 w MRI and MRS patient studies were evaluated per voxel by MaWERiC using a three-fold cross validation approach over 25 iterations. Ground truth for evaluation of results was obtained by an expert radiologist annotations of prostate cancer on a per voxel basis who compared each MRI section with corresponding ex vivo wholemount histology sections with the disease extent mapped out on histology. Results suggest that MaWERiC based MRS T 2 w meta-classifier (mean AUC, m = 0.89 AE 0.02) significantly outperformed (i) a T 2 w MRI (using wavelet texture features) classifier (m = 0.55 AE 0.02), (ii) a MRS (using metabolite ratios) classifier (m = 0.77 AE 0.03), (iii) a decision fusion classifier obtained by combining individual T 2 w MRI and MRS classifier outputs (m = 0.85 AE 0.03), and (iv) a data combination method involving a combination of metabolic MRS and MR signal intensity features (m = 0.66 AE 0.02)

    Texture analysis of multimodal magnetic resonance images in support of diagnostic classification of childhood brain tumours

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    Primary brain tumours are recognised as the most common form of solid tumours in children, with pilocytic astrocytoma, medulloblastoma and ependymoma being found most frequently. Despite their high mortality rate, early detection can be facilitated through the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which is the preferred scanning technique for paediatric patients. MRI offers a variety of imaging sequences through structural and functional imaging, as well as providing complementary tissue information. However visual examination of MR images provides limited ability to characterise distinct histological types of brain tumours. In order to improve diagnostic classification, we explore the use of a computer-aided system based on texture analysis (TA) methods. TA has been applied on conventional MRI but has been less commonly studied on diffusion MRI of brain-related pathology. Furthermore, the combination of textural features derived from both imaging approaches has not yet been widely studied. In this thesis, the aim of the research is to investigate TA based on multi-centre multimodal MRI, in order to provide more comprehensive information and develop an automated processing framework for the classification of childhood brain tumours