21 research outputs found


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    Nowadays Computer-aided design (CAD) techniques such as Lectra Modaris is becoming exceedingly popular in the apparel industries worldwide for pattern construction because of its accuracy, efficiency and time-saving solutions to much arduous operation (Sayem et al., 2010). The principle objective of this article is to draft a set of pattern pieces by applying Lectra Modaris design environment after selecting a convenient style of trouser by different retail websites or fashion manuals. This paper contains all the essential draft patterns for the selected trouser such as front, back, waistband, pocket bag, pocket facing and fly piece which are constructed in Lectra Modaris V6R1 design software. These patterns are prepared after incorporating measurements into the design extracted from the body-scan point cloud data and from manual tape measurement. This paper also discussed briefly about the pattern construction procedure, different types of body scanning system and various types of pattern making software


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    Nowadays Computer-aided design (CAD) techniques such as Lectra Modaris is becoming exceedingly popular in the apparel industries worldwide for pattern construction because of its accuracy, efficiency and time-saving solutions to much arduous operation (Sayem et al., 2010). The principle objective of this article is to draft a set of pattern pieces by applying Lectra Modaris design environment after selecting a convenient style of trouser by different retail websites or fashion manuals. This paper contains all the essential draft patterns for the selected trouser such as front, back, waistband, pocket bag, pocket facing and fly piece which are constructed in Lectra Modaris V6R1 design software. These patterns are prepared after incorporating measurements into the design extracted from the body-scan point cloud data and from manual tape measurement. This paper also discussed briefly about the pattern construction procedure, different types of body scanning system and various types of pattern making software

    Technical Report on the Modification of 3-Dimensional Non-contact Human Body Laser Scanner for the Measurement of Anthropometric Dimensions: Verification of its Accuracy and Precision

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    Introduction: Three-dimensional (3D) scanners are widely used in medicine. One of the applications of 3D scanners is the acquisition of anthropometric dimensions for ergonomics and the creation of an anthropometry data bank. The aim of this study was to evaluate the precision and accuracy of a modified 3D scanner fabricated in this study.Methods: In this work, a 3D scan of the human body was obtained using DAVID Laser Scanner software and its calibration background, a linear low-power laser, and one advanced webcam. After the 3D scans were imported to the Geomagic software, 10 anthropometric dimensions of 10 subjects were obtained. The measurements of the 3D scanner were compared to the measurements of the same dimensions by a direct anthropometric method. The precision and accuracy of the measurements of the 3D scanner were then evaluated. The obtained data were analyzed using an independent sample t test with the SPSS software.Results: The minimum and maximum measurement differences from three consecutive scans by the 3D scanner were 0.03 mm and 18 mm, respectively. The differences between the measurements by the direct anthropometry method and the 3D scanner were not statistically significant. Therefore, the accuracy of the 3D scanner is acceptable.Conclusion: Future studies will need to focus on the improvement of the scanning speed and the quality of the scanned image

    Designing a Human-Centric Rigid Body Armor for Female Police Officers: The Implications of Fit on Performance and Gender Inclusivity

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    The lack of availability of female plates for police officers is an issue that has not been analyzed. Female anthropometry is uniformly different from male anthropometry. Currently available hard plates are flat. These plates may decrease coverage while increasing feelings of poor fit, discomfort, and poor mobility for both male and female officers. The plates designed for males offer the possibility of female officers experiencing feelings of gender exclusion. This research project explored the current perceptions of male and female police officers in Arkansas across the dimensions of fit, comfort, and mobility in the context of hard plate body armor. Perceptions of gender exclusion were explored through a gender ostracism scale. A female police officer of the population was the subject of a case study which explored the influence of a prototype plate from a 3D body scan on perceptions of fit, comfort, mobility, coverage, and inclusion. Range of motion was evaluated through goniometer measurements and perceptions were evaluated through Likert-scale responses and open-ended response. The outcomes of the research project included a proposed methodology for the development and evaluation of 3D modelled prototype plates

    Estado actual de la técnica y cuestiones perdurables en la recogida de datos antropométricos

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    The study of human body size and shape has been a topic of research for a very long time. In the past, anthropometry used traditional measuring techniques to record the dimensions of the human body and reported variance in body dimensions as a function of mean and standard deviation. Nowadays, the study of human body dimensions can be carried out more efficiently using three-dimensional body scanners, which can provide large amounts of anthropometric data more quickly than traditional techniques can. This paper presents a description of the broad range of issues related to the collection of anthropometric data using three-dimensional body scanners, including the different types of technologies available and their implications, the standard scanning process needed for effective data collection, and the possible sources of measurement errors that might affect the reliability and validity of the data collected.El estudio del tamaño y la forma del cuerpo humano ha sido un tema de investigación durante un tiempo muy largo. En el pasado, la antropometría utilizó técnicas de medición tradicionales para registrar las dimensiones del cuerpo humano y reportó la variación en las dimensiones del cuerpo en función de la media y la desviación estándar. Hoy en día, el estudio de las dimensiones del cuerpo humano se puede llevar a cabo utilizando maneras más eficientes, como los escáneres tridimensionales del cuerpo, que pueden proporcionar grandes cantidades de datos antropométricos más rápidamente que las técnicas tradicionales. En este trabajo se presenta una descripción de la amplia gama de temas relacionados con la recogida de datos antropométricos utilizando escáneres tridimensionales del cuerpo, incluyendo los diferentes tipos de tecnologías disponibles y sus implicaciones, el proceso de digitalización estándar necesario para la captura efectiva de datos, y las posibles fuentes de los errores de medición que podrán afectar la fiabilidad y validez de los datos recogidos.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitive Factors Operational Program (COMPETE) POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and POCI-01-0145FEDER-007136 and by national funds through FCT – the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the projects UID/CEC/00319/2013 and UID/CTM/00264 respectively

    Avaliação dos modelos obtidos por diferentes sistemas de digitalização 3D para produtos personalizados

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    O objetivo é avaliar modelos obtidos por diferentes sistemas de digitalização tridimensional e verificar se as variações geométricas podem gerar implicações nas medidas antropométricas para o projeto de produtos personalizados. Para as comparações e análises, a perna direita de um sujeito foi digitalizada, pelo scanner 3D de luz branca (Artec Eva) e pelo scanner por infravermelho (kinect da Microsoft). Os modelos 3D obtidos foram comparados através do software Geomagic Qualify. Também, através da usinagem CNC foram realizadas comparações de análises visuais, por mapeamento de pressão e por termografia. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios tanto para o uso do scanner Kinect quanto para o Artec Eva. Porém, houve uma diferença dimensional de aproximadamente 7 mm entre os modelos 3D, o que demonstra uma maior precisão de medidas nos modelos obtidos pelo scanner Artec Eva. No entanto, não invalida o uso do Kinect para o desenvolvimento de projetos de produto personalizados. O que irá determinar qual o scanner 3D mais adequado para cada tipo de produto é a necessidade do grau de precisão para que o produto desempenhe sua função com maior conforto e eficiência

    Anthropometry: An R Package for Analysis of Anthropometric Data

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    The development of powerful new 3D scanning techniques has enabled the generation of large up-to-date anthropometric databases which provide highly valued data to improve the ergonomic design of products adapted to the user population. As a consequence, Ergonomics and Anthropometry are two increasingly quantitative fields, so advanced statistical methodologies and modern software tools are required to get the maximum benefit from anthropometric data. This paper presents a new R package, called Anthropometry, which is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network. It brings together some statistical methodologies concerning clustering, statistical shape analysis, statistical archetypal analysis and the statistical concept of data depth, which have been especially developed to deal with anthropometric data. They are proposed with the aim of providing effective solutions to some common anthropometric problems, such as clothing design or workstation design (focusing on the particular case of aircraft cockpits). The utility of the package is shown by analyzing the anthropometric data obtained from a survey of the Spanish female population performed in 2006 and from the 1967 United States Air Force survey. This manuscript is also contained in Anthropometry as a vignette

    Standardization of the size and shape of virtual human body for apparel products

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    International virtual human body (VHB) standards from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) specifically used in virtual garment systems in the apparel field, as suggested in ISO/TC 133/WG 2 (Working group 2), contain fundamental content regarding definitions of terms, attributes of composition, and the expression and alteration of VHBs. As the first attempt in the series of international standards dealing with VHBs, this study has dealt with fundamental content related to VHB size. Additional standardization is required to allow the size and shape of VHB to be reproducible. Therefore, this study suggests academic and industrial requirements from the perspective of standardization to identify and solve issues regarding the reproduction of human bodies in terms of VHB size and shape. This study is meaningful in that it provides an overview of current VHB standardization efforts, related proceedings, and additionally required assignments. The suggested industrial and academic requirements are anticipated to be helpful in the systematic development and utilization of VHB and general standardization work.This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korean Government(MSIT) (No.NRF-2016R1A5A1938472)

    Método para obtenção de medidas antropométricas utilizando um digitalizador 3D de baixo custo

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