869 research outputs found

    Leveraging formal verification tools for DSML users: a process modeling case study

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    15 pagesIn the last decade, Model Driven Engineering (MDE) has been used to improve the development of safety critical systems by providing early Validation and Verification (V&V) tools for Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML). Verification of behavioral models is mainly addressed by translating domain specific models to formal verification dedicated languages in order to use the sophisticated associated tools such as model-checkers. This approach has been successfully applied in many different contexts, but it has a major draw- back: the user has to interact with the formal tools. In this paper, we present an illustrated approach that allows the designer to formally express the expected behavioral properties using a user oriented language -- a temporal extension of OCL --, that is automatically translated into the formal language; and then to get feedback from the assessment of these properties using its domain language without having to deal with the formal verification language nor with the under- lying translational semantics. This work is based on the metamodeling pattern for executable DSML that extends the DSML metamodel to integrate concerns related to execution and behavior

    Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study

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    The integrated communication infrastructure is the core of the Smart Grid architecture. Its two-way communication and information flow provides this network with all needed resources in order to control and manage all connected components from the utility to the customer side. This latter, named the Home Area Network or HAN, is a dedicated network connecting smart devices inside the customer home, and using different solutions. In order to avoid problems and anomalies along the process life cycle of developing a new solution for HAN network, the modeling and validation is one of the most powerful tools to achieve this goal. This paper presents a practical case study of such validation. It intends to validate a HAN SDL model, described in a previous work, using model checking techniques. It introduces a method to translate the SDL model to a Promela model using an intermediate format IF. After the generation of the Promela model, verification is performed to ensure that some functional properties are satisfied. The desired properties are defined in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), and DTSPIN (an extension of SPIN with discrete time) model checker is used to verify the correctness of the model

    Formal verification of safety protocol in train control system

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    In order to satisfy the safety-critical requirements, the train control system (TCS) often employs a layered safety communication protocol to provide reliable services. However, both description and verification of the safety protocols may be formidable due to the system complexity. In this paper, interface automata (IA) are used to describe the safety service interface behaviors of safety communication protocol. A formal verification method is proposed to describe the safety communication protocols using IA and translate IA model into PROMELA model so that the protocols can be verified by the model checker SPIN. A case study of using this method to describe and verify a safety communication protocol is included. The verification results illustrate that the proposed method is effective to describe the safety protocols and verify deadlocks, livelocks and several mandatory consistency properties. A prototype of safety protocols is also developed based on the presented formally verifying method

    SAVCBS 2003: Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems

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    These are the proceedings for the SAVCBS 2003 workshop. This workshop was held at ESEC/FSE 2003 in Helsinki Finland in September 2003

    Enterprise model verification and validation : an approach

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    This article presents a verification and validation approach which is used here in order to complete the classical tool box the industrial user may utilize in enterprise modeling and integration domain. This approach, which has been defined independently from any application domain is based on several formal concepts and tools presented in this paper. These concepts are property concepts, property reference matrix, properties graphs, enterprise modeling domain ontology, conceptual graphs and formal reasoning mechanisms

    Safe and Secure Support for Public Safety Networks

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    International audienceAs explained by Tanzi et al. in the first volume of this book, communicating and autonomous devices will surely have a role to play in the future Public Safety Networks. The “communicating” feature comes from the fact that the information should be delivered in a fast way to rescuers. The “autonomous” characteristic comes from the fact that rescuers should not have to concern themselves about these objects: they should perform their mission autonomously so as not to delay the intervention of the rescuers, but rather to assist them efficiently and reliably.</p

    An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for SysML using SystemC and Uppaal

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    International audienceEnsuring the correction of heterogeneous and complex systems is an essential stage in the process of engineering systems.In this paper we propose a methodology to verify and validate complex systems specified with SysML language using a combination of the two techniques of simulation and verification. We translate SysML specifications into SystemC models to validate the designed systems by simulation, then we propose to verify the derived SystemC models by using the Uppaal model checker. A case study is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Formal Verification Integration Approach for DSML

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    International audienceThe application of formal methods (especially, model check- ing and static analysis techniques) for the verification of safety critical embedded systems has produced very good results and raised the inter- est of system designers up to the application of these technologies in real size projects. However, these methods usually rely on specific verifica- tion oriented formal languages that most designers do not master. It is thus mandatory to embed the associated tools in automated verification toolchains that allow designers to rely on their usual domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) while enjoying the benefits of these power- ful methods. More precisely, we propose a language to formally express system requirements and interpret verification results so that system designers (DSML end-users) avoid the burden of learning some formal verification technologies. Formal verification is achieved through trans- lational semantics. This work is based on a metamodeling pattern for executable DSML that favors the definition of generative tools and thus eases the integration of tools for new DSML

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India
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