2,401 research outputs found

    Metamodel Instance Generation: A systematic literature review

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    Modelling and thus metamodelling have become increasingly important in Software Engineering through the use of Model Driven Engineering. In this paper we present a systematic literature review of instance generation techniques for metamodels, i.e. the process of automatically generating models from a given metamodel. We start by presenting a set of research questions that our review is intended to answer. We then identify the main topics that are related to metamodel instance generation techniques, and use these to initiate our literature search. This search resulted in the identification of 34 key papers in the area, and each of these is reviewed here and discussed in detail. The outcome is that we are able to identify a knowledge gap in this field, and we offer suggestions as to some potential directions for future research.Comment: 25 page

    Putting formal specifications under the magnifying glass: Model-based testing for validation

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    A software development process is effectively an abstract form of model transformation, starting from an end-user model of requirements, through to a system model for which code can be automatically generated. The success (or failure) of such a transformation depends substantially on obtaining a correct, well-formed initial model that captures user concerns. Model-based testing automates black box testing based on the model of the system under analysis. This paper proposes and evaluates a novel model-based testing technique that aims to reveal specification/requirement-related errors by generating test cases from a test model and exercising them on the design model. The case study outlined in the paper shows that a separate test model not only increases the level of objectivity of the requirements, but also supports the validation of the system under test through test case generation. The results obtained from the case study support the hypothesis that there may be discrepancies between the formal specification of the system modeled at developer end and the problem to be solved, and using solely formal verification methods may not be sufficient to reveal these. The approach presented in this paper aims at providing means to obtain greater confidence in the design model that is used as the basis for code generation

    Automated metamorphic testing on the analyses of feature models

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    Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Context: A feature model (FM) represents the valid combinations of features in a domain. The automated extraction of information from FMs is a complex task that involves numerous analysis operations, techniques and tools. Current testing methods in this context are manual and rely on the ability of the tester to decide whether the output of an analysis is correct. However, this is acknowledged to be time-consuming, error-prone and in most cases infeasible due to the combinatorial complexity of the analyses, this is known as the oracle problem.Objective: In this paper, we propose using metamorphic testing to automate the generation of test data for feature model analysis tools overcoming the oracle problem. An automated test data generator is presented and evaluated to show the feasibility of our approach.Method: We present a set of relations (so-called metamorphic relations) between input FMs and the set of products they represent. Based on these relations and given a FM and its known set of products, a set of neighbouring FMs together with their corresponding set of products are automatically generated and used for testing multiple analyses. Complex FMs representing millions of products can be efficiently created by applying this process iteratively.Results: Our evaluation results using mutation testing and real faults reveal that most faults can be automatically detected within a few seconds. Two defects were found in FaMa and another two in SPLOT, two real tools for the automated analysis of feature models. Also, we show how our generator outperforms a related manual suite for the automated analysis of feature models and how this suite can be used to guide the automated generation of test cases obtaining important gains in efficiency.Conclusion: Our results show that the application of metamorphic testing in the domain of automated analysis of feature models is efficient and effective in detecting most faults in a few seconds without the need for a human oracle.This work has been partially supported by the European Commission(FEDER)and Spanish Government under CICYT project SETI(TIN2009-07366)and the Andalusian Government project ISABEL(TIC-2533)

    A Symbolic Execution Algorithm for Constraint-Based Testing of Database Programs

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    In so-called constraint-based testing, symbolic execution is a common technique used as a part of the process to generate test data for imperative programs. Databases are ubiquitous in software and testing of programs manipulating databases is thus essential to enhance the reliability of software. This work proposes and evaluates experimentally a symbolic ex- ecution algorithm for constraint-based testing of database programs. First, we describe SimpleDB, a formal language which offers a minimal and well-defined syntax and seman- tics, to model common interaction scenarios between pro- grams and databases. Secondly, we detail the proposed al- gorithm for symbolic execution of SimpleDB models. This algorithm considers a SimpleDB program as a sequence of operations over a set of relational variables, modeling both the database tables and the program variables. By inte- grating this relational model of the program with classical static symbolic execution, the algorithm can generate a set of path constraints for any finite path to test in the control- flow graph of the program. Solutions of these constraints are test inputs for the program, including an initial content for the database. When the program is executed with respect to these inputs, it is guaranteed to follow the path with re- spect to which the constraints were generated. Finally, the algorithm is evaluated experimentally using representative SimpleDB models.Comment: 12 pages - preliminary wor

    Using Models of Partial Knowledge to Test Model Transformations

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    International audienceTesters often use partial knowledge to build test models. This knowledge comes from sources such as requirements, known faults, existing inputs, and execution traces. In Model-Driven Engineering, test inputs are models executed by model transformations. Modelers build them using partial knowledge while meticulously satisfying several well-formedness rules imposed by the modelling language. This manual process is tedious and language constraints can force users to create complex models even for representing simple knowledge. In this paper, we want to simplify the development of test models by presenting an integrated methodology and semi-automated tool that allow users to build only small partial test models directly representing their testing intent. We argue that partial models are more readable and maintainable and can be automatically completed to full input models while considering language constraints. We validate this approach by evaluating the size and fault-detecting effectiveness of partial models compared to traditionally-built test models. We show that they can detect the same bugs/faults with a greatly reduced development effort

    Automated Workarounds from Java Program Specifications based on SAT Solving

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    The failures that bugs in software lead to can sometimes be bypassed by the so-called workarounds: when a (faulty) routine fails, alternative routines that the system offers can be used in place of the failing one, to circumvent the failure. Existing approaches to workaround-based system recovery consider workarounds that are produced from equivalent method sequences, automatically computed from user-provided abstract models, or directly produced from user-provided equivalent sequences of operations. In this paper, we present two techniques for computing workarounds from Java code equipped with formal specifications, that improve previous approaches in two respects. First, the particular state where the failure originated is actively involved in computing workarounds, thus leading to repairs that are more state specific. Second, our techniques automatically compute workarounds on concrete program state characterizations, avoiding abstract software models and user-provided equivalences. The first technique uses SAT solving to compute a sequence of methods that is equivalent to a failing method on a specific failing state, but which can also be generalized to schemas for workaround reuse. The second technique directly exploits SAT to circumvent a failing method, building a state that mimics the (correct) behaviour of a failing routine, from a specific program state too. We perform an experimental evaluation based on case studies involving implementations of collections and a library for date arithmetic, showing that the techniques can effectively compute workarounds from complex contracts in an important number of cases, in time that makes them feasible to be used for run-time repairs. Our results also show that our state-specific workarounds enable us to produce repairs in many cases where previous workaround-based approaches are inapplicable.Fil: Uva, Marcelo Ariel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Ponzio, Pablo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Regis, Germán. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Aguirre, Nazareno Matias. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Frias, Marcelo Fabian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    EvoAlloy: An Evolutionary Approach For Analyzing Alloy Specifications

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    Using mathematical notations and logical reasoning, formal methods precisely define a program’s specifications, from which we can instantiate valid instances of a system. With these techniques, we can perform a variety of analysis tasks to verify system dependability and rigorously prove the correctness of system properties. While there exist well-designed automated verification tools including ones considered lightweight, they still lack a strong adoption in practice. The essence of the problem is that when applied to large real world applications, they are not scalable and applicable due to the expense of thorough verification process. In this thesis, I present a new approach and demonstrate how to relax the completeness guarantee without much loss, since soundness is maintained. I have extended a widely applied lightweight analysis, Alloy, with a genetic algorithm. Our new tool, EvoAlloy, works at the level of finite relations generated by Kodkod and evolves the chromosomes based on the feedback including failed constraints. Through a feasibility study, I prove that my approach can successfully find solutions to a set of specifications beyond the scope where traditional Alloy Analyzer fails. While EvoAlloy solves small size problems with longer time, its scalability provided by genetic extension shows its potential to handle larger specifications. My future vision is that when specifications are small I can maintain both soundness and completeness, but when this fails, EvoAlloy can switch to its genetic algorithm. Adviser: Hamid Bagher

    Automatic Software Repair: a Bibliography

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    This article presents a survey on automatic software repair. Automatic software repair consists of automatically finding a solution to software bugs without human intervention. This article considers all kinds of repairs. First, it discusses behavioral repair where test suites, contracts, models, and crashing inputs are taken as oracle. Second, it discusses state repair, also known as runtime repair or runtime recovery, with techniques such as checkpoint and restart, reconfiguration, and invariant restoration. The uniqueness of this article is that it spans the research communities that contribute to this body of knowledge: software engineering, dependability, operating systems, programming languages, and security. It provides a novel and structured overview of the diversity of bug oracles and repair operators used in the literature

    Timely specification repair for alloy 6

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    This paper proposes the first mutation-based technique for the repair of Alloy 6 first-order temporal logic specifications. This technique was developed with the educational context in mind, in particular, to repair submissions for specification challenges, as allowed, for example, in the Alloy4Fun web-platform. Given an oracle and an incorrect submission, the proposed technique searches for syntactic mutations that lead to a correct specification, using previous counterexamples to quickly prune the search space, thus enabling timely feedback to students. Evaluation shows that, not only is the technique feasible for repairing temporal logic specifications, but also outperforms existing techniques for non-temporal Alloy specifications in the context of educational challenges.This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within project EXPL/CCI-COM/1637/2021