105 research outputs found

    Auto-completion of contours in sketches, maps and sparse 2D images based on topological persistence.

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    We design a new fast algorithm to automatically complete closed contours in a finite point cloud on the plane. The only input can be a scanned map with almost closed curves, a hand-drawn artistic sketch or any sparse dotted image in 2D without any extra parameters. The output is a hierarchy of closed contours that have a long enough life span (persistence) in a sequence of nested neighborhoods of the input points. We prove theoretical guarantees when, for a given noisy sample of a graph in the plane, the output contours geometrically approximate the original contours in the unknown graph

    Auto-completion of Contours in Sketches, Maps and Sparse 2D Images Based on Topological Persistence

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    We design a new fast algorithm to automatically complete closed contours in a finite point cloud on the plane. The only input can be a scanned map with almost closed curves, a hand-drawn artistic sketch or any sparse dotted image in 2D without any extra parameters. The output is a hierarchy of closed contours that have a long enough life span (persistence) in a sequence of nested neighborhoods of the input points. We prove theoretical guarantees when, for a given noisy sample of a graph in the plane, the output contours geometrically approximate the original contours in the unknown graph

    A Homologically Persistent Skeleton is a fast and robust descriptor of interest points in 2D images

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    2D images often contain irregular salient features and interest points with non-integer coordinates. Our skeletonization problem for such a noisy sparse cloud is to summarize the topology of a given 2D cloud across all scales in the form of a graph, which can be used for combining local features into a more powerful object-wide descriptor. We extend a classical Minimum Spanning Tree of a cloud to a Homologically Persistent Skeleton, which is scale-and-rotation invariant and depends only on the cloud without extra parameters. This graph (1) is computable in time O(nlogn) for any n points in the plane; (2) has the minimum total length among all graphs that span a 2D cloud at any scale and also have most persistent 1-dimensional cycles; (3) is geometrically stable for noisy samples around planar graphs

    A one-dimensional Homologically Persistent Skeleton of an unstructured point cloud in any metric space

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    Real data are often given as a noisy unstructured point cloud, which is hard to visualize. The important problem is to represent topological structures hidden in a cloud by using skeletons with cycles. All past skeletonization methods require extra parameters such as a scale or a noise bound. We define a homologically persistent skeleton, which depends only on a cloud of points and contains optimal subgraphs representing 1-dimensional cycles in the cloud across all scales. The full skeleton is a universal structure encoding topological persistence of cycles directly on the cloud. Hence a 1-dimensional shape of a cloud can be now easily predicted by visualizing our skeleton instead of guessing a scale for the original unstructured cloud. We derive more subgraphs to reconstruct provably close approximations to an unknown graph given only by a noisy sample in any metric space. For a cloud of n points in the plane, the full skeleton and all its important subgraphs can be computed in time O(n log n)

    The mergegram of a dendrogram and its stability

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    This paper extends the key concept of persistence within Topological Data Analysis (TDA) in a new direction. TDA quantifies topological shapes hidden in unorganized data such as clouds of unordered points. In the 0-dimensional case the distance-based persistence is determined by a single-linkage (SL) clustering of a finite set in a metric space. Equivalently, the 0D persistence captures only edge-lengths of a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST). Both SL dendrogram and MST are unstable under perturbations of points. We define the new stable-under-noise mergegram, which outperforms previous isometry invariants on a classification of point clouds by PersLay

    Skeletonisation algorithms with theoretical guarantees for unorganised point clouds with high levels of noise

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    Data Science aims to extract meaningful knowledge from unorganised data. Real datasets usually come in the form of a cloud of points with only pairwise distances. Numerous applications require to visualise an overall shape of a noisy cloud of points sampled from a non-linear object that is more complicated than a union of disjoint clusters. The skeletonisation problem in its hardest form is to find a 1-dimensional skeleton that correctly represents a shape of the cloud. This paper compares several algorithms that solve the above skeletonisation problem for any point cloud and guarantee a successful reconstruction. For example, given a highly noisy point sample of an unknown underlying graph, a reconstructed skeleton should be geometrically close and homotopy equivalent to (has the same number of independent cycles as) the underlying graph. One of these algorithm produces a Homologically Persistent Skeleton (HoPeS) for any cloud without extra parameters. This universal skeleton contains sub-graphs that provably represent the 1-dimensional shape of the cloud at any scale. Other subgraphs of HoPeS reconstruct an unknown graph from its noisy point sample with a correct homotopy type and within a small offset of the sample. The extensive experiments on synthetic and real data reveal for the first time the maximum level of noise that allows successful graph reconstructions.Comment: This paper has been published in the journal Pattern Recognitio
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