88 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKRumah Sakit dr.Abdoer Rahem  adalah rumah sakit milik pemerintah situbondo yang secara resmi menjadi ruamh sakit type C pada tahun 1985. Setiap rumah sakit pasti memiliki fasilitas pokok berupa gedung yang terdiri dari ruangan-ruangan, salah satunya ruangan rawat inap. Semakin banyak pasien maka semakin banyak ruangan rawat inapdan fasilitas yang dibutuhkan untuk proses perawatan. Banyaknya ruangan rawat inapdan fasilitas baru tersebut, ternyata menjadi sebuah masalah tersendiri bagi para calon pasien atau pengunjung ketika akan melakukan pencarian. Bagi setiap pengunjung atau keluarga pasien yang belum tau atau baru rawat inap di rumah sakit dr.Abdoer Rahem, masih harus bertanya ke petugas yang berada di loby atau melihat minaturrumah sakit.Untuk saat ini belum ada sebuah aplikasi yang memberikan informasi tentang pencarian atau bentuk tata ruang rumah sakit  dr.Abdoer Rahem, maka dari itu dibangunlah sebuah sistem atau aplikasi  yang dapat  memberikan  informasi  secaraefektif dan efisien.  Agar  a p l i k a s i ini dapat digunakan dimana saja maka  aplikasidibangun melalui teknologi IT yang sekarang sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok yaitusmartphone Android. Kata Kunci : Rumah Sakit, Augmented Reality, Android, Visualisasi 3D.ABSTRACKDr.Abdoer hospital is government hospital of Situbondo which officially is type C hospital since 1985. Every hospital must have main building which contain of rooms, one of them is inpatient room. More patients means more rooms for them and the facilities are needed for treatment. Because of rooms and the new facilities, a problem occures when the patient or visitor to find then. Every visitor or patients’ families who do not know the room in the dr.Abdoer hospital must ask to the receptionist or see the map/miniature.Now a days there is no application which give the information about searching or direction of dr.Abdoer Rahem hospital, so the researcher builds the application which can give the informations effectively and efficiently. In order to this application useable every where, it is built using Android smartphone.Keyword: Hospital, Augmented Reality, Android, 3D Visualizatio

    Digital Documentation and Archiving Low Cost: la Habana Vieja in Cuba

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    This article deepens the subject of photo-modelling applied to architecture, on a medium and large scale and it shows all the possibilities to apply the last technologies of augmented reality and virtual reality to the historical and architectural contest of Havana City in Cuba. The context was quite unsuitable to our project because of different and complex reasons. The need to minimize the size of the tools, their weight and cost. Minimize the time of survey and photographic shot on site. To face the difficulties given by the continuing presence of a chaotic influx of people disturbing the work. Not least the difficulty of having a limited number of daily hours available to carry out photographic shots that requires special lighting conditions. This article describes the necessary steps to obtain a 3D dimensional textured model from reality through a photographic set

    Training and Mentoring on the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Supporting the Implementation of Learning at UPT SD Negeri 342 Gresik

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    Abstract: UPT SD Negeri 342 is one of the schools in Sangkapura Bawean District, which is located in the mountains. This school has very minimal facilities compared to other schools in the area. The implementation of online learning, administration and the use of technology-based learning media are not maximally implemented in these schools. Therefore, training and assistance in the use of information and communication technology is carried out. Participants consisted of 8 teachers and 36 students. The training is carried out face-to-face, followed by online and offline mentoring. The training materials presented were Augmented Reality (AR) in the Arloopa application, the use of The Physics Education Technology (PhET) for virtual student practicums, mentimeters, and zoom meetings. After the work program is implemented, an evaluation will be held to identify capacity building and its strengths and weaknesses as material for improvement in the next implementation. The results of the training showed that the ICT skills of teachers and students increased from previously unable to become able. All the teachers attended the training and participated enthusiastically. The material presented can be understood clearly and participants can apply it independently. They just need habituation to better master the material that has been given. This training activity had a good impact on improving the ICT skills of teachers and students at UPT SD Negeri 342 Gresik

    La realidad aumentada como instrumento de innovación en el aula de infantil

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    Treball final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic 2016-2017Este TFG tiene como objetivo principal el uso de Realidad Aumentada como instrumento de innovación en el aula de Infantil, a fin de fomentar la motivación dentro del aula y mejorar el proceso de adquisición de los conocimientos y los aprendizajes. Para ello, preparamos y aplicamos en el aula diferentes actividades con aplicaciones de Realidad Aumentada, en torno a la temática de los animales, mediante la metodología de la Gamificación.The main objetive of this dissertation is the use of Aumented Reality as an innovative tool in the classroom, in order to encourage motivation and improve the way the children learn. We have prepared and have implemented different activities with applications of AR. The topic has been “ animals” and the methodology employed has been Gamification

    Implementasi Teknologi Augmented Reality Menggunakan Magic Book Sebagai Media Pemasaran Produk Berbasis Android

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    This study is conducted based on the problem faced by the owner of the Nurhayati Shop. motivated by the obstacles that are often experienced by the owner nurhayati shop. The 2D Tupperware catalog used by Nurhayati Shop becomes the core problem in serving the customers due to the inefficient time and product description. This study applies Multimedia Life Cycle (MDLC) as the method. The result shows that augmented reality technology integrated into a magic book can be used as the marketing media with android-base. Technology helps the seller in promoting the product throught the android that changes the object into 3D. Besides, it helps the buyer to have an effective time to choose the product

    Virtual Shopping Using Image Processing AND Augmented Reality

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    After studying the fact of emerging advancement in the e-commerce sector we come with an idea of developing project based on the combination of virtual reality and augmentation. To create a web and mobile based platform for end user which will give them a new shopping experience. We are making a web based e-commerce platform where consumer can interact with product such as shoes or clothes at their home place. This will not going required any costly sensor just they have to use their computer and web-cam/ Kinect to interact with the website 3D portal.Our Project will be useful for day to day user to have interaction with the product or services they buy from e-commerce market place prior to actually buying product. They can choose from different product or services they like. And this will be beneficial to manufacturer also to analysis there market plans and production


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    Pada kondisi pembelajaran secara PTMT (Pembelajaran Tatp Muka Terbatas) belum adanya media khusus yang mampu menarik dan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam materi ciri-ciri bangun ruang di kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan Kartu Soal Berbasis Augmented Reality sehingga dapat dijadikan salah satu media pembelajaran yang  layak (kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifitasan) dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam jenis penelitian Research and Development oleh Borg and Gall. Proses penelitian ini memiliki beberapa tahapan antara lain: (1) penelitian dan pengumpulan data; (2) perencanaan produk; (3) pengembangan draf produk; (4) validasi produk; (5) revisi desain produk; (6) uji coba lapangan skala kecil dengan 15 siswa; (7) dan revisi akhir. Jenis data pada penlitian ini yakni kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang berdasarkan dari hasil wawancara, lembar validasi ahli, lembar respon pengguna (siswa), dan lembar pretest-postest. Media Kartu Soal Berbasis Augmented Reality memperoleh tingkat kevalidan sebesar 86% dari hasil uji validasi materi dan media dengan kategori sangat baik tanpa revisi. Tingkat kepraktisan media ini sebesar 92,2% dengan kategori sangat praktis untuk dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran. Dan pada tingkat keefektifitasan media Kartu Soal Berbasis Augmented Reality mendapatkan skor sebesar 86,6% serta nilai N-gain sebesar 0,48 yang artinya media Kartu Soal Berbasis Augmented Reality mampu meningkatkan hasil belajr siswa dengan kategori sedang. Kata Kunci: bangun ruang, matematika, augmented reality

    Upaya inovasi Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Menggunakan Teknologi Augmented Reality untuk Mencapai Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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    Modernsasi menuntut dunia pendidikan untuk turut berkembang dan beradaptasi dengan kemajuan. Perubahan sistem pendidikan dalam teknologi memberikan kemajuan yang dapat menciptakan pembelajaran yang efisien untuk hasil yang berkualitas. Dengan adanya perubahan lingkungan belajar dengan memanfaatkan digital dan hal ini merupakan salah satu tujuan di era industri 4.0 saat ini. Penerapan teknologi yang dapat dimanfaatkan di era industri 4.0 adalah dengan media pembelajaran yaitu teknologi Augmented Reality (AR). Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kajian litetur atau kepustakaan yaitu dimana peneliti akan menganalisis sumber-sumber berupa artikel yang berupa jurnal terakreditasi sinta dan dibatasi pada sinta 1 s.d 3. Teknik analisis data akan dilakukan dengan analisis isi. Jawaban penelitian ini berupa penilitian kualitaif dengan mendeskripsikan data-data yang telah dianalisis. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan penggunaan media pembelajaran Augmented Reality dengan berbasisnya Sustaible Development memberikan kemudahan dan efisiensi proses pembelajaran sehingga dapat meningkatkan bakat dan minat serta motivasi siswa terkhusus pada pembelajaran matematika. Kajian litetur ini menunjukkan pembelajaran matematika dengan teknologi Augmented Reality berbasiskan Sustainable Development Goals menjadi salah satu inovasi pembelajaran yang bagus untuk diimplementasikan

    Augmented Reality Navigation System on Android

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    With the advent of the Android system, smart phones are rapidly developing and through the conveniency of accessing internet on the smart phones, a user’s location information can be accessed anywhere and anytime easily. Augmented Reality Based Technology enables the provision of variety information such as pictures and location of buildings in the navigation field. Most of the augmented reality program used to Visual Trace Method (Marker method and Markerless Method). For the Visual Trace Method, the marker installation and digital information should be assigned while the Non-visual Trace Method requires the use of hardware (G.P.S, sensors etc). Most navigation systems can only show the path from a user’s current location to their destination. In this paper, the design and implementation of an augmented reality program is discussed. It will use the smart phone’s inbuilt camera and GPS to display a user’s surround information in real time on the smart phone. The proposed system will combine the G.P.S location-based technology and virtual trace technology to provide the user with basic information about a building they are looking for or one in their immediate surrounding