16 research outputs found


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    Resumen En la actualidad existen técnicas de visualización en realidad virtual para simular y evaluar el ensamble de partes de un nuevo producto en una etapa temprana de diseño, pero con el avance de la tecnología, es posible realizar los mismos procesos en un entorno real gracias a la realidad aumentada. El proyecto aquí propuesto pretende hacer uso de la realidad aumentada en dispositivos móviles inteligentes con el fin de mejorar y agilizar los procesos de fabricación y ventas de los transformadores de distribución tipo seco reduciendo errores en la etapa de validación dimensional de piezas, bajando los tiempos de fabricación y ofrecer este tipo de visualización a clientes finales con el objetivo de que comprendan como estará construido su transformador antes de que esté fabricado. Palabras clave: Diseño CAD, Modelos 3D, Realidad aumentada, Unity. Abstract Currently there are virtual reality visualization techniques to simulate and evaluate the assembly of parts of a new product at an early design stage, but with the advancement of technology, it is possible to carry out the same processes in a real environment thanks to the augmented reality. The project proposed here aims to make use of augmented reality in smart mobile devices in order to improve and streamline the manufacturing and sales processes of dry-type distribution transformers, reducing errors in the dimensional validation stage of parts, lowering the time of manufacture and offer this type of visualization to end customers in order to understand how their transformer will be built before it is manufactured. Keywords: CAD Design, 3D Models, Augmented Reality, Unity

    Augmented reality in the digital factory

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    The digital factory concept covers a broad range of applications across the factory life cycle. From the conceptual planning and design of manufacturing systems to the service and maintenance of factories. The aim of the digital factory is to support manufacturing stakeholders in their activities and improve performance in terms of quality, time and cost. In pursuing this aim, this research has undertaken activities in developing digital factory tools, employing augmented reality technology. This research paper therefore presents the state of the art in augmented reality in the digital factory. This paper then presents how this research has contributed towards developing a factory planning application that leverages augmented reality technology to solve real life manufacturing problems.peer-reviewe

    A Novel Design of Vitual and Mixed Reality Scenarios for Automation Training

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    A thesis presented to the faculty of the College of Business and Technology at Morehead State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Science by Andrés Salinas-Hernández on April 23, 2021

    Visualisation of the digital twin data in manufacturing by using augmented reality

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    With the wave of Industry 4.0, Digital Twin is attracting more and more attention world-wide. The term might have been coined some time ago, today the concept is increasingly being used in the field of smart manufacturing. Digital Twin provides advantages in different fields of manufacturing, such as production and design, remote diagnostics and service. Digital Twin relies on the continuously accumulated data and real-time presentation of the collected data to simultaneously update and modify with its physical counterpart. However, presenting a huge amount of collected data and information in a Digital Twin in an intuitive manner remains a challenge. Currently, augmented reality (AR) has been widely implemented in the manufacturing environment, such as product design, data management, assembly instructions, and equipment maintenance. By integrating graphics, audios and real-world objects, AR allows the users to visualise and interact with Digital Twin data at a new level. It gives the opportunity to provide intuitive and continual visualisation of the Digital Twin data. In this paper, an AR application that uses Microsoft HoloLens to visualise the Digital Twin data of a CNC milling machine in a real manufacturing environment is presented. The developed application allows the operator to monitor and control the machine tool at the same time, but also enables to interact and manage the Digital Twin data simultaneously, which provides an intuitive and consistent human machine interface to improve the efficiency during the machining process. The proposed application paves the way for further development of intelligent control process through AR devices in the future

    Realidad Aumentada Educativa: una propuesta desde las perspectivas y enfoques.

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    Experimental works about Augmented Reality (AR) among educational characteristics (Kaufmann H, 2009), express that their applications act as a method with benefits in the learning process; motivating creativeness and the construction of mental innovative models regarding engineering topics (Kesim, Ozarslan, 2012)(Di Serio, Á., Ibáñez, M. B., & Kloos, C. D., 2013), from schooling at the kinder garden stage, high schools and universities, to science centres (Novak-Marcincin J., Barna J., Janak M. & Novakova-Marcincinova L., 2013) where AR has been used as a innovational technology; Other reports alined with the TIC expose the AR as an emergent technology about to be implemented on the following years (Johnson L., Smith R., Willis H., Levine A., & Haywood K., 2011); according the projects and their reports it’s been identified the existence of various methodologies, designs and approaches for the utilization of AR in the educational field: the instructional design, the characteristics and affordances and the pedagogical intention are defined for each application where the instructor proposes an unique style for its construction, yet the teacher has to be supported for the programming and creation of those apps using AR. The revision and analysis of different works allows the sustainability of the need of giving the docent a system where the authorship for the generation of AR, where the content, design and application will be part of the profesor’s self-management, allowing its modification and updating. Trabajos experimentales sobre Realidad Aumentada (RA) con características educativas (Kaufmann H, 2009), expresan que sus aplicaciones actúan de manera positiva en el aprendizaje, motivación creatividad o inclusive, construyendo modelos mentales innovadores sobre cuestiones de ingeniería (Kesim, Ozarslan, 2012)(Di Serio, Á., Ibáñez, M. B., & Kloos, C. D., 2013)

    Human-Robot Trust Assessment From Physical Apprehension Signals

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    Augmented reality for location determination in manufacturing

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    Eesti keeles: Liitreaalsus (ingl augmented reality ) leiab nii igapäevaelus kui tööstuses üha enam rakendust. Tööstuses kasutatakse liitreaalsust peamiselt üldiste juhiste andmiseks. Seetõttu oleks järgmine samm luua süsteem, mille abil saavad töölised määrata täpseid asukohti detailidel liitreaalsusvisiiri abil. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on luua lahendus, millega on võimalik LR-visiiri (ingl augmented reality headset ) abil moodus näiteks puuravade asukohtade määramiseks tootmisdetailidel. Antud töö raames loodud lahendus on avatud lähtekoodiga ja ROSi ning simulatsioonirakenduse Gazebo-põhine. Selline platvorm ja avatud lähtekood võimaldavad edasiarendust ning muuotstarbelist kasutust. Töö raames valminud süsteemi täpsust hinnati mitmes erinevas asetuses, mediaannihkeks reaalsuse ja virtuaalsuse vahel registreeriti 25.8 mm. In English: The use of augmented reality in both everyday life and industry is constantly growing. In industry augmented reality is commonly used for giving general guidelines. Therefore the next step would be to develop a system with which workers could determine accurate locations with the assistance of augmented reality headsets. The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to create a system that could, using an augmented reality headset, be used to determine locations in manufacturing (e.g. drill holes). The system created in this thesis is open-source and based on ROS (Robot Operating System) and Gazebo simulator. Open-source platforms provide further development opportunities and applying augmented reality for other purposes. The accuracy of the system was tested in different setups, the median discrepancy between the reality and virtuality was recorded at 25.8 mm

    Virtual and augmented reality and their applications

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    Virtualna i proširena stvarnost se ubrzano razvijaju posljednjih desetak godina, omogućujući korisnicima doživljaj virtualnog svijeta odnosno informacijama nadopunjenog svijeta, te interakciju s njime. Važnost virtualne i proširene stvarnosti i njihov potencijal u budućnosti se najbolje očituje činjenicom da Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Sony i ostali tehnološki giganti ulažu sve više novca u njihov razvoj. Tako se danas na tržištu mogu pronaći uređaji poput Google Cardboarda, Microsoft HoloLensa ili Sony VR-a. Razvoj uređaja također prati i razvoj modernih softverskih paketa za njihov razvoj poput Blendera i Unityja. Svojim razvojem virtualna i proširena pronašli su primjenu u gotovo svim djelatnostima danas, od proizvodnje, medicine, obrazovanja, turizma i slično. Uza sve veću primjenu virtualne i proširene stvarnosti treba također obratiti pažnju na njihove nepovoljne strane, poput zdravstvenih poteškoća koje mogu uzrokovati. Na kraju rada dan je koncept pomagala za osobe s oštećenim sluhom zasnovanog na proširenoj stvarnosti.Virtual and augmented reality have been rapidly developing for the last ten years, allowing users to experience virtual and augmented world and to interact with it. The importance of virtual and augmented reality and their future potential can be seen through growing investments of Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Sony and other technological giants in their development. As a result of this, on today's market exist devices like Google Cardboard, Microsoft HoloLens and Sony VR. Development of hardware is also followed by development of modern software packages like Blender and Unity. Virtual and augmented reality have found their application in almost every field of business today, reaching from manufacturing, medicine and education to tourism. With increased usage of virtual and augmented reality it is also important to be aware of their negative effects, like health issues they could cause. At the end of this thesis the concept for device based on augmented reality which would help people with impaired hearing to communicate with others is presented

    Virtualna i proširena stvarnost te njihova primjena

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    Virtualna i proširena stvarnost se ubrzano razvijaju posljednjih desetak godina, omogućujući korisnicima doživljaj virtualnog svijeta odnosno informacijama nadopunjenog svijeta, te interakciju s njime. Važnost virtualne i proširene stvarnosti i njihov potencijal u budućnosti se najbolje očituje činjenicom da Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Sony i ostali tehnološki giganti ulažu sve više novca u njihov razvoj. Tako se danas na tržištu mogu pronaći uređaji poput Google Cardboarda, Microsoft HoloLensa ili Sony VR-a. Razvoj uređaja također prati i razvoj modernih softverskih paketa za njihov razvoj poput Blendera i Unityja. Svojim razvojem virtualna i proširena pronašli su primjenu u gotovo svim djelatnostima danas, od proizvodnje, medicine, obrazovanja, turizma i slično. Uza sve veću primjenu virtualne i proširene stvarnosti treba također obratiti pažnju na njihove nepovoljne strane, poput zdravstvenih poteškoća koje mogu uzrokovati. Na kraju rada dan je koncept pomagala za osobe s oštećenim sluhom zasnovanog na proširenoj stvarnosti