181 research outputs found

    Scalable Speech Coding for IP Networks

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    The emergence of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has posed new challenges to the development of speech codecs. The key issue of transporting real-time voice packet over IP networks is the lack of guarantee for reasonable speech quality due to packet delay or loss. Most of the widely used narrowband codecs depend on the Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) coding technique. The CELP technique utilizes the long-term prediction across the frame boundaries and therefore causes error propagation in the case of packet loss and need to transmit redundant information in order to mitigate the problem. The internet Low Bit-rate Codec (iLBC) employs the frame-independent coding and therefore inherently possesses high robustness to packet loss. However, the original iLBC lacks in some of the key features of speech codecs for IP networks: Rate flexibility, Scalability, and Wideband support. This dissertation presents novel scalable narrowband and wideband speech codecs for IP networks using the frame independent coding scheme based on the iLBC. The rate flexibility is added to the iLBC by employing the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and iii the scalable algebraic vector quantization (AVQ) and by allocating different number of bits to the AVQ. The bit-rate scalability is obtained by adding the enhancement layer to the core layer of the multi-rate iLBC. The enhancement layer encodes the weighted iLBC coding error in the modified DCT (MDCT) domain. The proposed wideband codec employs the bandwidth extension technique to extend the capabilities of existing narrowband codecs to provide wideband coding functionality. The wavelet transform is also used to further enhance the performance of the proposed codec. The performance evaluation results show that the proposed codec provides high robustness to packet loss and achieves equivalent or higher speech quality than state-of-the-art codecs under the clean channel condition

    Coding of information into video file

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    In this work we propose an algorithm for hiding information in an avi file. The avi file is splitted into its audio and video components. The audio is saved in a file and its parameters are not changed. In addition, the video is splitted into frames. The frame contains 24 images which are transformed by Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). By appliying the DWT we obtain four sub images each one with different band width. Once we have the frequencies splitted, places are chosen for hiding information. In this work the concealment is made inside another avi file. However, the procedure can be applied for any kind of information. The file to be hidden is splitted into audio and video. Both are concealed independently in the sub images from the original video. The video to be hidden is separated into its frequency components and only the lower ones are saved, while the others are deleted. The compressed version of the image to be concealed is inserted into the video’s sub images. Once the concealment has been done the Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform (IDWT) is applied and the video is reconstructed again. To get the hidden information the same insertion process is made, and it applies the IDWT in the recover file

    An Efficient Data Security System Using Reserve Room Approach on Digital Images for Secret Sharing

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    This paper presents enhancement of d ata protection system for secret communication through common network based on reversible data concealment in encrypted images with reserve room approach. In this paper was implemented for true color RGB image and reserve room approach under multi scale decomposition. The Blue plane will be chosen for hiding the secret text data. Then image is then separated into number of blocks locally and lifting wavelet will be used to detect approximation and detailed coefficients. Then approximation part is encrypted using chaos encryption method. The proposed encryption technique uses the key to encrypt an image and not only enhances the safety of secret carrier informa tion by making the information inaccessible to any intruder having a random method. After image encryption, the data hide r will conceal the secret data into the detailed coefficients which are reserved before encryption. Although encryption achieves certain security effects, they make the secret messages unreadable and unnatural or meaningless. This system is still enhanced with encrypt messages using a symmetric key method. This is the reason a new security approach called reversible data hiding arises. It is the art of hiding the existence of data in another transmission medium to achieve secret communication. The data hidi ng technique uses the adaptive LSB replacement algorithm for concealing the secret message bits into the encrypted image. In the data extraction module, the secret data will be extracted by using relevant key for choosing the encrypted pixe ls to extract th e data. By using the decryption keys, the image and extracted text data will be extracted from encryption to get the original informatio n. Finally the performance of this proposal in encryption and data hiding will be analyzed based on image and data recovery

    An investigation into the requirements for an efficient image transmission system over an ATM network

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    This thesis looks into the problems arising in an image transmission system when transmitting over an A TM network. Two main areas were investigated: (i) an alternative coding technique to reduce the bit rate required; and (ii) concealment of errors due to cell loss, with emphasis on processing in the transform domain of DCT-based images. [Continues.

    On the Design of Perceptual MPEG-Video Encryption Algorithms

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    In this paper, some existing perceptual encryption algorithms of MPEG videos are reviewed and some problems, especially security defects of two recently proposed MPEG-video perceptual encryption schemes, are pointed out. Then, a simpler and more effective design is suggested, which selectively encrypts fixed-length codewords (FLC) in MPEG-video bitstreams under the control of three perceptibility factors. The proposed design is actually an encryption configuration that can work with any stream cipher or block cipher. Compared with the previously-proposed schemes, the new design provides more useful features, such as strict size-preservation, on-the-fly encryption and multiple perceptibility, which make it possible to support more applications with different requirements. In addition, four different measures are suggested to provide better security against known/chosen-plaintext attacks.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, IEEEtran.cl

    Recent Advances in Steganography

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    Steganography is the art and science of communicating which hides the existence of the communication. Steganographic technologies are an important part of the future of Internet security and privacy on open systems such as the Internet. This book's focus is on a relatively new field of study in Steganography and it takes a look at this technology by introducing the readers various concepts of Steganography and Steganalysis. The book has a brief history of steganography and it surveys steganalysis methods considering their modeling techniques. Some new steganography techniques for hiding secret data in images are presented. Furthermore, steganography in speeches is reviewed, and a new approach for hiding data in speeches is introduced

    Context-based bit plane golomb coder for scalable image coding

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    Strengthening steganoghraphy by using crow search algorithm of fingerprint image

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    In image steganography, secret communication is implemented to hide secret information into the cover image (used as the carrier to embed secret information) and generate a stego-image (generated image carrying hidden secret information).Nature provides many ideas for computer scientists. One of these ideas is the orderly way in which the organisms work in nature when they are in groups. If the group itself is treated as an individual (the swarm), the swarm is more intelligent than any individual in the group. Crow Search Algorithm (CSA) is a meta-heuristic optimizer where individuals emulate the intelligent behavior in a group of crows. It is based on simulating the intelligent behavior of crow flocks and attempts to imitate the social intelligence of a crow flock in their food gathering process. This paper presents a novel meta-heuristic approach based on the Crow Search Algorithm (CSA), where at the beginning the color cover image is converted into three channels (RGB) and then those channels are converted into three spaces, which are Y, Cb, Cr. After applying Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) on each space separately, the CSA algorithm is used on each space (YCbCr) to find the best location that will be used to hide secret information, the CSA is used to increase the security force by finding the best locations that have high frequency and are invulnerable to attacks, the DWT is used to increase robustness against noise. The proposed system is implemented on three fingerprint cover images for experiments, for the quality of stego image the histogram, Mean Squared Error (MSE), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Number of Pixel Change Rate Test (NPCR), Structural Similarity Index Metric (SSIM) and Correlation Coefficients (CC) are computed. The result demonstrated the strength of the CSA to hide data, also discovered that using CSA may lead to finding favorable results compared to the other algorithm