105 research outputs found

    Global tracking for an underactuated ships with bounded feedback controllers

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    In this paper, we present a global state feedback tracking controller for underactuated surface marine vessels. This controller is based on saturated control inputs and, under an assumption on the reference trajectory, the closed-loop system is globally asymptotically stable (GAS). It has been designed using a 3 Degree of Freedom benchmark vessel model used in marine engineering. The main feature of our controller is the boundedness of the control inputs, which is an essential consideration in real life. In absence of velocity measurements, the controller works and remains stable with observers and can be used as an output feedback controller. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method

    Straight-line path following for asymmetric unmanned platform with disturbance estimation

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    The problem of straight-line path following for asymmetric unmanned platform exposed to unknown disturbances was addressed in this paper. The mathematical model of asymmetric unmanned platform was established and the inputs in sway and yaw directions were decoupled, which facilitated the establishment of control strategy of path following. The guidance law and the cross-track error were derived from the classical line-of-sight (LOS) guidance principle. And the equilibrium point of the cross-track error was proven to be uniformly semiglobally exponentially stable (USGES), which guaranteed the exponential convergence to zero. A new disturbance estimation law was developed by adding a linear item of the estimation error into the classical one, which improved the principle’s precision and sensitivity dramatically. The control strategy was developed based on the integrator backstepping technique and the new disturbance estimation law, which made the equilibrium system to be uniformly globally asymptotically stable (UGAS). Computer simulations were conducted to verify the effectiveness of the estimation and control laws during straight-line path following for asymmetric unmanned platform in the presence of unknown disturbances

    Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Terminal Invariant Manifolds for Stabilization of Underactuated Surface Vessel

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    A nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) is proposed for underactuated surface vessel (USV) with constrained invariant manifolds. Aimed at the special structure of USV, the invariant manifold under the given controller is constructed in terms of diffeomorphism and Lyapunov stability theory. Based on MPC, the states of the USV are steered into the constrained terminal invariant manifolds. After the terminal manifolds set is reached, a linear feedback control is used to stabilize the system. The simulation results verified the effectiveness of the proposed method. It is shown that, based on invariant manifolds constraints, it is easy to get the MPC for the USV and it is suitable for practical application

    Robust Control Methods for Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Dynamics and Unknown Control Direction

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    Robust nonlinear control design strategies using sliding mode control (SMC) and integral SMC (ISMC) are developed, which are capable of achieving reliable and accurate tracking control for systems containing dynamic uncertainty, unmodeled disturbances, and actuator anomalies that result in an unknown and time-varying control direction. In order to ease readability of this dissertation, detailed explanations of the relevant mathematical tools is provided, including stability denitions, Lyapunov-based stability analysis methods, SMC and ISMC fundamentals, and other basic nonlinear control tools. The contributions of the dissertation are three novel control algorithms for three different classes of nonlinear systems: single-input multipleoutput (SIMO) systems, systems with model uncertainty and bounded disturbances, and systems with unknown control direction. Control design for SIMO systems is challenging due to the fact that such systems have fewer actuators than degrees of freedom to control (i.e., they are underactuated systems). While traditional nonlinear control methods can be utilized to design controllers for certain classes of cascaded underactuated systems, more advanced methods are required to develop controllers for parallel systems, which are not in a cascade structure. A novel control technique is proposed in this dissertation, which is shown to achieve asymptotic tracking for dual parallel systems, where a single scalar control input directly affects two subsystems. The result is achieved through an innovative sequential control design algorithm, whereby one of the subsystems is indirectly stabilized via the desired state trajectory that is commanded to the other subsystem. The SIMO system under consideration does not contain uncertainty or disturbances. In dealing with systems containing uncertainty in the dynamic model, a particularly challenging situation occurs when uncertainty exists in the input-multiplicative gain matrix. Moreover, special consideration is required in control design for systems that also include unknown bounded disturbances. To cope with these challenges, a robust continuous controller is developed using an ISMC technique, which achieves asymptotic trajectory tracking for systems with unknown bounded disturbances, while simultaneously compensating for parametric uncertainty in the input gain matrix. The ISMC design is rigorously proven to achieve asymptotic trajectory tracking for a quadrotor system and a synthetic jet actuator (SJA)-based aircraft system. In the ISMC designs, it is assumed that the signs in the uncertain input-multiplicative gain matrix (i.e., the actuator control directions) are known. A much more challenging scenario is encountered in designing controllers for classes of systems, where the uncertainty in the input gain matrix is extreme enough to result in an a priori-unknown control direction. Such a scenario can result when dealing with highly inaccurate dynamic models, unmodeled parameter variations, actuator anomalies, unknown external or internal disturbances, and/or other adversarial operating conditions. To address this challenge, a SMCbased self-recongurable control algorithm is presented, which automatically adjusts for unknown control direction via periodic switching between sliding manifolds that ultimately forces the state to a converging manifold. Rigorous mathematical analyses are presented to prove the theoretical results, and simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the three proposed control algorithms

    Path following of an underactuated AUV based on fuzzy backstepping sliding mode control

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    This paper addresses the path following problem of an underactuated autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with the aim of dealing with parameter uncertainties and current disturbances. An adaptive robust control system was proposed by employing fuzzy logic, backstepping and sliding mode control theory. Fuzzy logic theory is adopted to approximate unknown system function, and the controller was designed by combining sliding mode control with backstepping thought. Firstly, the longitudinal speed was controlled, then the yaw angle was made as input of path following error to design the calm function and the change rate of path parameters. The controller stability was proved by Lyapunov stable theory. Simulation and outfield tests were conducted and the results showed that the controller is of excellent adaptability and robustness in the presence of parameter uncertainties and external disturbances. It is also shown to be able to avoid the chattering of AUV actuator

    Vibration attenuation control of ocean marine risers with axial-transverse couplings

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    The target of this paper is designing a boundary controller for vibration suppression of marine risers with coupling mechanisms under environmental loads. Based on energy approach and the equations of axial and transverse motions of the risers are derived. The Lyapunov direct method is employed to formulated the control placed at the riser top-end. Proof of existence and uniqueness of the solutions of the closed-loop system is provided. Stability analysis of the closed-loop system is also included

    Nonlinear control of underactuated mechanical systems with application to robotics and aerospace vehicles

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 308-316).This thesis is devoted to nonlinear control, reduction, and classification of underactuated mechanical systems. Underactuated systems are mechanical control systems with fewer controls than the number of configuration variables. Control of underactuated systems is currently an active field of research due to their broad applications in Robotics, Aerospace Vehicles, and Marine Vehicles. The examples of underactuated systems include flexible-link robots, nobile robots, walking robots, robots on mobile platforms, cars, locomotive systems, snake-type and swimming robots, acrobatic robots, aircraft, spacecraft, helicopters, satellites, surface vessels, and underwater vehicles. Based on recent surveys, control of general underactuated systems is a major open problem. Almost all real-life mechanical systems possess kinetic symmetry properties, i.e. their kinetic energy does not depend on a subset of configuration variables called external variables. In this work, I exploit such symmetry properties as a means of reducing the complexity of control design for underactuated systems. As a result, reduction and nonlinear control of high-order underactuated systems with kinetic symmetry is the main focus of this thesis. By "reduction", we mean a procedure to reduce control design for the original underactuated system to control of a lowerorder nonlinear or mechanical system. One way to achieve such a reduction is by transforming an underactuated system to a cascade nonlinear system with structural properties. If all underactuated systems in a class can be transformed into a specific class of nonlinear systems, we refer to the transformed systems as the "normal form" of the corresponding class of underactuated systems. Our main contribution is to find explicit change of coordinates and control that transform several classes of underactuated systems, which appear in robotics and aerospace applications, into cascade nonlinear systems with structural properties that are convenient for control design purposes. The obtained cascade normal forms are three classes of nonlinear systems, namely, systems in strict feedback form, feedforward form, and nontriangular linear-quadratic form. The names of these three classes are due to the particular lower-triangular, upper-triangular, and nontriangular structure in which the state variables appear in the dynamics of the corresponding nonlinear systems. The triangular normal forms of underactuated systems can be controlled using existing backstepping and feedforwarding procedures. However, control of the nontriangular normal forms is a major open problem. We address this problem for important classes of nontriangular systems of interest by introducing a new stabilization method based on the solutions of fixed-point equations as stabilizing nonlinear state feedback laws. This controller is obtained via a simple recursive method that is convenient for implementation. For special classes of nontriangular nonlinear systems, such fixed-point equations can be solved explicitly ...by Reza Olfati-Saber.Ph.D

    Tracking control of an underactuated ship

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    Upravljanje pozicijom električki pokretanog brzog površinskog vozila korištenjem unaprijedne projekcije izlazne povratne veze

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    Robust tracking is an issue of vital practical importance to the ship This paper addresses the design of a trajectory tracking controller for fast underactuated ships in the presence of model uncertainties without velocity measurements in the yaw and surge directions. An observer-based trajectory tracking controller is proposed for the fast underactuated ship model. Then, the dynamic surface control approach is effectively exploited to propose a tracking controller considering the actuator dynamics. Adaptive robust techniques are also adopted to cope with the parametric and non-parametric uncertainties in the fast underactuated ship model. A Lyapunov-based stability analysis is utilised to guarantee that tracking and state estimation errors are uniformly ultimately bounded. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed controller.Robusno praćenje je pitanje od vitalnog praktičnog značaja za brod. Ovaj se rad bavi projektiranjem regulatora za praćenje trajektorije za brze podaktuirane brodove s modelima nesigurnosti bez mjerenja brzine u smjerovima zaošijanja i uzdužnog napredovanja. Regulator za praćenje putanje zasnovan na observeru predložen je za brz podaktuiran model broda. Upravljanje površinskom dinamikom je učinkovito iskorišteno kako bi se predložio regulatora za praćenje trajektorije s obzirom na dinamiku aktuatora. Također su primjenjene adaptivne robusne tehnike kako bi se nosile sa parametarskim i neparametarskim nesigurnostima u modelu brzog podaktuiranoga broda. Analiza stabilnosti temeljena na Lyapunovu se koristi kako bi se zajamčilo da se pogreške praćenja i estimacije stanja adaptivne robusne tehnike također usvajaju kako bi se nosile s parametarskim i neparametarskim nesigurnostima u brzom neaktivnom brodskom modelu. Analiza stabilnosti temeljena na Lyapunovu se koristi kako bi se zajamčilo da su pogreške praćenja i procjene stanja jednoliko konačno ograničene. Prikazani su simulacijski rezultati koji ilustriraju izvedivost i učinkovitost predloženog regulatora

    Adaptive neural network control of underactuated surface vessels with guaranteed transient performance: Theory and experimental results

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    In this paper, an adaptive trajectory trackingcontrol algorithm for underactuated unmanned surfacevessels (USVs) with guaranteed transient performance isproposed. To meet the realistic dynamical model of USVs,we consider that the mass and damping matrices are notdiagonal and the input saturation problem. Neural Networks(NNs) are employed to approximate the unknown externaldisturbances and uncertain hydrodynamics of USVs. Moreover,both full state feedback control and output feedbackcontrol are presented, and the unmeasurable velocities ofthe output feedback controller are estimated via a highgainobserver. Unlike the conventional control methods,we employ the error transformation function to guaranteethe transient tracking performance. Both simulation andexperimental results are carried out to validate the superiorperformance via comparing with traditional potential integral(PI) control approaches