195 research outputs found

    Terrestrial invasion of pomatiopsid gastropods in the heavy-snow region of the Japanese Archipelago

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gastropod mollusks are one of the most successful animals that have diversified in the fully terrestrial habitat. They have evolved terrestrial taxa in more than nine lineages, most of which originated during the Paleozoic or Mesozoic. The rissooidean gastropod family Pomatiopsidae is one of the few groups that have evolved fully terrestrial taxa during the late Cenozoic. The pomatiopsine diversity is particularly high in the Japanese Archipelago and the terrestrial taxa occur only in this region. In this study, we conducted thorough samplings of Japanese pomatiopsid species and performed molecular phylogenetic analyses to explore the patterns of diversification and terrestrial invasion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that Japanese Pomatiopsinae derived from multiple colonization of the Eurasian Continent and that subsequent habitat shifts from aquatic to terrestrial life occurred at least twice within two Japanese endemic lineages. Each lineage comprises amphibious and terrestrial species, both of which are confined to the mountains in heavy-snow regions facing the Japan Sea. The estimated divergence time suggested that diversification of these terrestrial lineages started in the Late Miocene, when active orogenesis of the Japanese landmass and establishment of snowy conditions began.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The terrestrial invasion of Japanese Pomatiopsinae occurred at least twice beside the mountain streamlets of heavy-snow regions, which is considered the first case of this event in the area. Because snow coverage maintains stable temperatures and high humidity on the ground surface, heavy-snow conditions may have paved the way for these organisms from freshwater to land via mountain streamlets by preventing winter desiccation in mountain valleys. The fact that the terrestrialization of Pomatiopsidae occurred only in year-round wet environments, but not in seasonally dried regions, provides new insight into ancient molluscan terrestrialization.</p

    The Gastropods Diversity in Mangrove of the Kecamatan Sungai Apit Kabupaten Siak as Media Learning the Concept of Biodiversity Senior High School Class X

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    To investigate the diversity of gastropods in the mangrove of the Kecamatan Sungai Apit Kabupaten Siak in April to December 2014. The results are used for the development of instructional media in the form of media objects directly in the form of wet preservation of the species are found. This research was carried out with 2 phases: phase field research and media development. Determination of the research station by purposive sampling to establish three research stations. Each station consists of two transects and on each transect consists of 3 plots. Biological parameters observed that diversity index and the physical and chemical parameters include salinity, pH, temperature, organic content of the substrate and the texture class. The results showed that the diversity of gastropods in the mangrove forest area Apit Siak River District ranged from 1,73 to 1,82 which is relatively moderate range. The results of the research can be used as a medium of learning in the from of media preservation of biodiversity of the material wet grade ten senior high school

    Keanekaragaman Jenis dan Similaritas Gastropoda Mangrove Pada TN Baluran dan TN Alas Purwo

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    Keanekaragaman hayati memiliki manfaat baik secara ekologi, ekonomi, dan budaya yang harus kita jaga dan lestarikan salah satunya gastropoda mangrove. Diketahui TN Alas Purwo dan TN Baluran sama-sama memili vegetasi mangrove yang masih alami, sehingga perlu untuk dilakukan penelitian mengenai bagaimana keanekaragaman jenis gastropoda dan juga indeks similaritas kedua Taman Nasional tersebut terkait keberdaaan dan kesamaan jenis gastropoda. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian menggunkan purposive sampling dengan teknik pengambilan gasris transek menggunakan plot berukuran 2Ā“2m2. Hasil penelitian didapatkan Keanekaragaman jenis pada Blok Jati Papak TN Alas Purwo terdapat 19 spesies, sedangkan pada Pantai Bama TN Baluran terdapat 21 spesies. Indeks similaritas pada kedua Taman Nasional tersebut dikatagorikan tinggi di stasiun 1 dan 3 (85%); stasiun 2 dan 3 (82%)&nbsp; TN Alas Purwo dan katagori tinggi di stasiun 2 dan 3 (72%) TN Baluran dan sangat tinggi pada stasiun 1 dan 2 (97%) TN Alas Purwo; sangat tinggi di pada stasiun 1 dan 2 (98%); stasiun 1 dan 3 (95%) TN Baluran

    Keanekaragaman Jenis dan Similaritas Gastropoda Mangrove Pada TN Baluran dan TN Alas Purwo

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    Keanekaragaman hayati memiliki manfaat baik secara ekologi, ekonomi, dan budaya yang harus kita jaga dan lestarikan salah satunya gastropoda mangrove. Diketahui TN Alas Purwo dan TN Baluran sama-sama memili vegetasi mangrove yang masih alami, sehingga perlu untuk dilakukan penelitian mengenai bagaimana keanekaragaman jenis gastropoda dan juga indeks similaritas kedua Taman Nasional tersebut terkait keberdaaan dan kesamaan jenis gastropoda. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian menggunkan purposive sampling dengan teknik pengambilan gasris transek menggunakan plot berukuran 2Ā“2m2. Hasil penelitian didapatkan Keanekaragaman jenis pada Blok Jati Papak TN Alas Purwo terdapat 19 spesies, sedangkan pada Pantai Bama TN Baluran terdapat 21 spesies. Indeks similaritas pada kedua Taman Nasional tersebut dikatagorikan tinggi di stasiun 1 dan 3 (85%); stasiun 2 dan 3 (82%)&nbsp; TN Alas Purwo dan katagori tinggi di stasiun 2 dan 3 (72%) TN Baluran dan sangat tinggi pada stasiun 1 dan 2 (97%) TN Alas Purwo; sangat tinggi di pada stasiun 1 dan 2 (98%); stasiun 1 dan 3 (95%) TN Baluran

    A new species of Anaglyphula Rensch, 1932 from an island off the coast of West Indonesia, with redescription of the type species (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Assimineidae)

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    Chen, Zhe-Yu, PƔll-Gergely, Barna (2023): A new species of Anaglyphula Rensch, 1932 from an island off the coast of West Indonesia, with redescription of the type species (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Assimineidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 71: 597-605, DOI: 10.26107/RBZ-2023-004

    Redescription of Acmella tersa (Benson, 1853), the Type Species of Acmella W.T. Blanford, 1869 (Gastropoda: Assimineidae), from Meghalaya, Northeast India

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    The type species of the assimineid genus Acmella W.T. Blanford, 1869 is Cyclostoma tersum Benson, 1853, originally described from ā€˜Musmaiā€™ [Mawsmai], Meghalaya, Northeast India. No specimens from Bensonā€™s type series can be traced, and contemporary shells collected from the type locality in museum collections are extremely worn. It has therefore been impossible to examine shell microsculpture, an important taxonomic character in the diagnosis of species of Assimineidae, using museum specimens. In order to provide better diagnostic characters for the genus Acmella, we redescribe and illustrate Acmella tersa from newly collected specimens, one of which is designated as the neotype. We also provide a list of all known species attributed to Acmella


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    Fauna bentik (makrozoobentos) telah dianggap sebagai salah satu kriteria untuk menilai keberhasilan program restorasi mangrove. Kajian korelasi karakteristik lingkungan terhadap makrozoobentos di kawasan reboisasi mangrove Kepulauan Seribu telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2014. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang diakibatkan oleh karakteristik lingkungan (parameter fisika kimia perairan) terhadap kepadatan makrozoobentosnya. Data biota makrozoobentos di kawasan reboisasi mangrove Kepulauan seribu dikumpulkan dengan membuat transek garis dan plot yang ditarik dari titik acuan (tegakan mangrove terluar) dan tegak lurus garis pantai sampai ke daratan, dimana pengamatan dilakukan di tiga stasiun (pulau). Sebanyak 6 famili dan 6 spesies makrozoobentos telah ditemukan di kawasan reboisasi mangrove Kepulauan Seribu. Komposisi dan kepadatan spesies tertingginya adalah Littoraria scabra. Karakteristik lingkungan yang diukur tidak begitu berbeda antar stasiun serta juga tidak melebihi ambang batas baku mutu. Semakin rendah konsentrasi salinitas dan DO, maka kepadatan makrozoobentosnya semakin tinggi, sedangkan semakin tinggi konsentrasi pH perairan, maka kepadatan makrozoobentosnya semakin menurun. Kemudian parameter suhu dengan kepadatan makrozoobentos tidak memiliki pengaruh.THE EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MAKROZOOBENTOS IN MANGROVE REFORESTATION AREA OF SERIBU ISLANDS, INDONESIA. Benthic fauna (macrozoobenthos) has been considered as one of the criteria for assessing the success of a mangrove restoration program. A correlation study of environmental characteristics of macrozoobenthos in the Seribu Islands mangrove reforestation area was carried out in March 2014. It aims to determine the effect caused by environmental characteristics (water physical-chemical parameters) on its macrozoobenthos density. Data of macrozoobenthos biota in the Seribu Islands mangrove reforestation area were collected by making line transects and plots drawn from the reference point (outermost mangrove stands) and perpendicular to the coastline to the mainland, where observations were made at three stations (islands). Six families and six macrozoobenthos species have been found in the Seribu Islands mangrove reforestation area. The composition and density of the highest species were Littoraria scabra. The measured environmental characteristics were not very different between stations and also did not exceed the quality standard threshold. The lower the salinity and DO concentration, the higher the density of macrozoobenthos, while the higher the concentration of water pH, the lower the density of macrozoobenthos. Then the temperature parameters with macrozoobenthos density had no effect.

    Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda di Segara Anakan Cilacap Jawa Tengah

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    Ekosistem mangrove merupakan salah satu ekosistem paling produktif di dunia yang memiliki fungsi ekologi, ekonomi dan budaya. Mangrove memainkan peran penting dalam mempertahankan integritas biologis dan sumber daya ekosistem laut. Segara Anakan memiliki sedimentasi yang tinggi dan penebangan liar, hal ini dapat mempengaruhi kondisi biota yang hidup di kawasan tersebut. gastropoda di Segara Anakan yang terdiri dari 16 spesies dari 6 famili. Total kepadatan spesies tertinggi ditemukan untuk spesies Assiminea brevicula sebesar 83,33 individu/m2 sedangkan total kepadatan spesies terendah adalah spesies Neritina zigzag sebesar 2,10 individu/m2. spesies gastropoda yang ditemukan di Segara Anakan 14 spesies di antaranya memiliki pola distribusi tersebar rata dan 2 spesies dengan pola distribusi mengelompok

    Correlation of environmental factors and spatial distribution of moluscs communities in mangrove reboisation areas of Seribu Islands, Indonesia

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    Mangrove reforestation is often carried out in various regions or regions, but information about the relationship of environmental factors and the distribution of fauna associations is still very minimal. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) study on the correlation of environmental factors and the spatial distribution of the molusks community in the Seribu Islands mangrove reforestation area was conducted in March 2014 with the aim of analyzing environmental factors for the diversity and presence of the molusks. Environmental factors are measured insecurely, while the moluccan community is collected by making line transects and plots measuring 10 x 10 m2 and in the size of 10 x 10 m2, a small plot of 1 x 1 m2 is made. The results of the study show that environmental factors are not so different between stations and do not exceed the quality standard for the lives of 4 species of mollusks, where the parameters of aquatic pH are the environmental factors that most influence their distribution.Keywords: environmental factors, distribution, mollusks community, mangrove reforestation, Seribu Island
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