29 research outputs found

    A modified version of the SMAR model for estimating root-zone soil moisture from time-series of surface soil moisture

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    Root-zone soil moisture at the regional scale has always been a missing element of the hydrological cycle. Knowing its value could be a great help in estimating evapotranspiration, erosion, runoff, permeability, irrigation needs, etc. The recently developed Soil Moisture Analytical Relationship (SMAR) can relate the surface soil moisture to the moisture content of deeper layers using a physically-based formulation. Previous studies have proved the effectiveness of SMAR in estimating root-zone soil moisture, yet there is still room for improvement in its application. For example, the soil water loss function (i.e. deep percolation and evapotranspiration), assumed to be a linear function in the SMAR model, may produce approximations in the estimation of water losses in the second soil layer. This problem becomes more critical in soils with finer textures. In this regard, the soil moisture profile data from two research sites (AMMA and SCAN) were investigated. The results showed that after a rainfall event, soil water losses decrease following a power pattern until they reach a minimum steady state. This knowledge was used to modify SMAR. In particular, SMAR was modified (MSMAR) by introducing a non-linear soil water loss function that allowed for improved estimates of root zone soil moisture.Keywords: surface soil moisture, root-zone soil moisture, SMAR, soil water loss function, MSMA

    analysis of two years of ascat and smos derived soil moisture estimates over europe and north africa

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    More than two years of soil moisture data derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) and from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) radiometer are analysed and compared. The comparison has been performed within the framework of an activity aiming at validating the EUMETSAT Hydrology Satellite Application Facility (H-SAF) soil moisture product derived from ASCAT. The available database covers a large part of the SMOS mission lifetime (2010, 2011 and partially 2012) and both Europe and North Africa are considered. A specific strategy has been set up in order to enable the comparison between products representing a volumetric soil moisture content, as those derived from SMOS, and a relative saturation index, as those derived from ASCAT. Results demonstrate that the two products show a fairly good degree of correlation. Their consistency has some dependence on season, geographical zone and surface land cover. Additional factors, such as spatial property features, are also preliminary investigated

    Comparative Evaluation of GLDAS, ESA CCI SM and SMAP Soil Moisture with in situ Measurements (Case Study: Lorestan Province)

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of estimated soil moisture data obtained from the GLDAS, ESA and SMAP sensor databases with the observed data of the Silakhor Agricultural Meteorological Station to investigate the spatial and temporal variation of soil moisture in Lorestan province. The data used in this research include the soil moisture data of the Silakhor station, GLDAS database, ESA center and SMAP sensor products during a six-year period (2016-2021). Estimated soil moisture data were evaluated against observed data using R2, RMSE and MAD statistics. The results showed that the SMAP satellite is associated with underestimation and the GLDAS model and the ESA satellite are associated with overestimation of soil moisture. However, in general, the estimated soil moisture values of the three mentioned sources have good accuracy. The value of the correlation coefficient between observed soil moisture data with soil moisture data obtained from SMAP and ESA satellites and GLDAS model was obtained as 0.62, 0.59 and 0.72 respectively, and in the combined case (SMAP, ESA and GLDAS) the value of correlation coefficient was increased to 0.77, therefore, it is suggested to use combine data to use soil moisture estimation

    MERLIN: a flood hazard forecasting system for coastal river reaches

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    Versión aceptada de https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-020-03855-7[Abstract:] This study presents MERLIN, an innovative flood hazard forecasting system for predicting discharges and water levels at flood prone areas of coastal catchments. Discharge forecasts are preceded by a hindcast stage. During this stage, the hydrological models assimilate soil moisture and hydro-meteorological observations to evaluate soil infiltration capacities at the beginning of the discharge forecast. Predicted discharges are converted to water-level forecasts using the hydraulic model Iber+, a GPU-parallelized bidimensional flow model. Hydraulic models also assimilate tidal-level forecasts in order to define the boundary conditions of the models. The performance of MERLIN was evaluated over 4 months at three coastal catchments of 4.95, 16.96, and 83.9 km2. Forecasted discharges and water levels presented a good fit to observed values, especially at the larger catchments, which confirmed the potential utility of the presented system.Funding was provided by European Regional Development Fund

    Soil moisture remote-sensing applications for identification of flood-prone areas along transport infrastructure

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    AbstractThe expected increase in precipitation and temperature in Scandinavia, and especially short-time heavy precipitation, will increase the frequency of flooding. Urban areas are the most vulnerable, and specifically, the road infrastructure. The accumulation of large volumes of water and sediments on road-stream intersections gets severe consequences for the road drainage structures. This study integrates the spatial and temporal soil moisture properties into the research about flood prediction methods by a case study of two areas in Sweden, Västra Götaland and Värmland, which was affected by severe flooding in August 2014. Soil moisture data are derived from remote-sensing techniques, with a focus on the soil moisture-specific satellites ASCAT and SMOS. Furthermore, several physical catchments descriptors (PCDs) are analyzed and the result shows that larger slopes and drainage density, in general, mean a higher risk of flooding. The precipitation is the same; however, it can be concluded that more precipitation in most cases gives higher soil moisture values. The lack, or the dimensioning, of road drainage structures seems to have a large impact on the flood risk as more sediment and water can be accumulated at the road-stream intersection. The results show that the method implementing soil moisture satellite data is promising for improving the reliability of flooding

    A Machine Learning Approach for Improving Near-Real-Time Satellite-Based Rainfall Estimates by Integrating Soil Moisture

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    Near-real-time (NRT) satellite-based rainfall estimates (SREs) are a viable option for flood/drought monitoring. However, SREs have often been associated with complex and nonlinear errors. One way to enhance the quality of SREs is to use soil moisture information. Few studies have indicated that soil moisture information can be used to improve the quality of SREs. Nowadays, satellite-based soil moisture products are becoming available at desired spatial and temporal resolutions on an NRT basis. Hence, this study proposes an integrated approach to improve NRT SRE accuracy by combining it with NRT soil moisture through a nonlinear support vector machine-based regression (SVR) model. To test this novel approach, Ashti catchment, a sub-basin of Godavari river basin, India, is chosen. Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA)-based NRT SRE 3B42RT and Advanced Scatterometer-derived NRT soil moisture are considered in the present study. The performance of the 3B42RT and the corrected product are assessed using different statistical measures such as correlation coeffcient (CC), bias, and root mean square error (RMSE), for the monsoon seasons of 2012–2015. A detailed spatial analysis of these measures and their variability across different rainfall intensity classes are also presented. Overall, the results revealed significant improvement in the corrected product compared to 3B42RT (except CC) across the catchment. Particularly, for light and moderate rainfall classes, the corrected product showed the highest improvement (except CC). On the other hand, the corrected product showed limited performance for the heavy rainfall class. These results demonstrate that the proposed approach has potential to enhance the quality of NRT SRE through the use of NRT satellite-based soil moisture estimates

    Estimation of antecedent wetness conditions for flood modelling in northern Morocco

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    Agro-hydrology and multi temporal high resolution remote sensing: toward an explicit spatial processes calibration

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    The recent and forthcoming availability of high resolution satellite image series offers new opportunities in agro-hydrological research and modeling. We investigated the perspective offered by improving the crop growth dynamic simulation using the distributed agro-hydrological model, Topography based Nitrogen transfer and Transforma­ tion (TNT2), using LAI map series derived from 105 Formosat-2 (F2) images during the period 2006-2010. The TNT2 model (Beaujouan et al., 2002), calibrated with dis­ charge and in-stream nitrate fluxes for the period 1985-2001, was tested on the 2006-201O dataset (climate, land use, agricultural practices, discharge and nitrate fluxes at the outlet). A priori agricultural practices obtained from an extensive field survey such as seeding date, crop cultivar,and fertilizer amount were used as input variables.Con­tinuous values of LAI as a function of cumulative daily temperature were obtained at the crop field level by fitting a double logistic equation against discrete satellite-derived LAI. Model predictions of LAI dynamics with a priori input parameters showed an temporal shift with observed LAI profiles irregularly distributed in space (between field crops) and time (between years). By re-setting seeding date at the crop field level, we proposed an optimization method to minimize efficiently this temporal shift and better fit the crop growth against the spatial observations as well as crop production. This optimization of simulated LAI has a negligible impact on water budget at the catchment scale (1 mm yr-1 in average) but a noticeable impact on in-stream nitrogen fluxes(around 12%) which is of interest considering nitrate stream contamination issues and TNT2 model objectives. This study demonstrates the contribution of forthcoming high spatial and temporal resolution products of Sentinel-2 satellite mission in improving agro-hydrological modeling by constraining the spatial representation of crop productivity

    Assimilation of Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) brightness temperature into a large-scale distributed conceptual hydrological model to improve soil moisture predictions : the Murray-Darling basin in Australia as a test case

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    The main objective of this study is to investigate how brightness temperature observations from satellite microwave sensors may help to reduce errors and uncertainties in soil moisture and evapotranspiration simulations with a large-scale conceptual hydro-meteorological model. In addition, this study aims to investigate whether such a conceptual modelling framework, relying on parameter calibration, can reach the performance level of more complex physically based models for soil moisture simulations at a large scale. We use the ERA-Interim publicly available forcing data set and couple the Community Microwave Emission Modelling (CMEM) platform radiative transfer model with a hydro-meteorological model to enable, therefore, soil moisture, evapotranspiration and brightness temperature simulations over the Murray-Darling basin in Australia. The hydrometeorological model is configured using recent developments in the SUPERFLEX framework, which enables tailoring the model structure to the specific needs of the application and to data availability and computational requirements. The hydrological model is first calibrated using only a sample of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) brightness temperature observations (2010-2011). Next, SMOS brightness temperature observations are sequentially assimi-lated into the coupled SUPERFLEX-CMEM model (20102015). For this experiment, a local ensemble transform Kalman filter is used. Our empirical results show that the SUPERFLEX-CMEM modelling chain is capable of predicting soil moisture at a performance level similar to that obtained for the same study area and with a quasi-identical experimental set-up using the Community Land Model (CLM). This shows that a simple model, when calibrated using globally and freely available Earth observation data, can yield performance levels similar to those of a physically based (uncalibrated) model. The correlation between simulated and in situ observed soil moisture ranges from 0.62 to 0.72 for the surface and root zone soil moisture. The assimilation of SMOS brightness temperature observations into the SUPERFLEX-CMEM modelling chain improves the correlation between predicted and in situ observed surface and root zone soil moisture by 0.03 on average, showing improvements similar to those obtained using the CLM land surface model. Moreover, at the same time the assimilation improves the correlation between predicted and in situ observed monthly evapotranspiration by 0.02 on average