1,615 research outputs found

    Security Requirements Elicitation from Airline Turnaround Processes

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    Security risk management is an important part of system development. Given that a majority of modern organizations rely heavily on information systems, security plays a big part in ensuring smooth operations of business processes. For example, many people rely on e-services offered by banks and medical establishments. Inadequate security measures in information systems have unwanted effects on an organization’s reputation and on people’s lives. This case study paper targets the secure system development problem by suggesting the application of security requirements elicitation from business processes (SREBP). This approach provides business analysts with means to elicit and introduce security requirements to business processes through the application of the security risk-oriented patterns (SRPs). These patterns help find security risk occurrences in business processes and present mitigations for these risks. At the same time, they reduce the efforts needed for risk analysis. In this paper, the authors report their experience to derive security requirements for mitigating security risks in the distributed airline turnaround Systems

    Journal of Air Transportation, Volume 11, No. 2

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    The following topics were covered: How Do Airlines Perceive That Strategic Alliances Affect Their Individual Branding?; Airline Choice for Domestic Flights in Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area: An Application of the Conditional Logit Model; Consequences of Feeder Delays for the Success of A380 Operations; Inside the Mechanics of Network Development: How Competition and Strategy Reorganize European Air Traffic; The Opportunities and Threats of Turning Airports into Hubs; Another Approach to Enhance Airline Safety: Using System Safety Tools; A Simulation Based Approach for Contingency Planning for Aircraft Turnaround Activities in Airline Hubs; and The Council on Aviation Accreditation: Part One- Historical Foundation

    Security Baggage Process and on Time Performance at Guarulhos International Airport

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    The study recommended starting the process of screening domestic passengers’ checked baggage at Guarulhos – São Paulo International Airport – for airlines efficiency and security improvement reasons. The aviation industry in Brazil is at risk. Domestic flights, which accounts for over 85% of the airport activity at Guarulhos International Airport, do not have a process in which checked baggage of the boarding passengers are duly screened. That risk is significant to personal welfare and business. This Capstone Project demonstrated that such an issue should be addressed. Not only is there a potential risk involved in not screening baggage of domestic flights, but also airlines are not efficient when it comes to withdrawing pieces of luggage of passengers that do not board the flight. There is a security measure that forces the airlines to do so – eventually leading the flight to be delayed and having extra costs. The aim of this paper is to present an alternative to these issues. Through a financial assessment and statistical investigation, it has been proved that screening domestic checked baggage at Guarulhos airport could minimize delays and improve the overall security of domestic flights

    Reduction of Uncertainty Propagation in the Airport Operations Network

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    [EN] Airport operations are a complex system involving multiple elements (ground access, landside, airside and airspace), stakeholders (ANS providers, airlines, airport managers, policy makers and ground handling companies) and interrelated processes. To ensure appropriate and safe operation it is necessary to understand these complex relationships and how the effects of potential incidents, failures and delays (due to unexpected events or capacity constraints) may propagate throughout the different stages of the system. An incident may easily ripple through the network and affect the operation of the airport as a whole, making the entire system vulnerable. A holistic view of the processes that also takes all of the parties (and the connections between them) into account would significantly reduce the risks associated with airport operations, while at the same time improving efficiency. Therefore, this paper proposes a framework to integrate all relevant stakeholders and reduce uncertainty in delay propagation, thereby lowering the cause-effect chain probability of the airport system (which is crucial for the operation and development of air transport). Firstly, we developed a model (map) to identify the functional relationships and interdependencies between the different stakeholders and processes that make up the airport operations network. This will act as a conceptual framework. Secondly, we reviewed and characterised the main causes of delay. Finally, we extended the system map to create a probabilistic graphical model, using a Bayesian Network approach and influence diagrams, in order to predict the propagation of unexpected delays across the airport operations network. This will enable us to learn how potential incidents may spread throughout the network creating unreliable, uncertain system states. Policy makers, regulators and airport managers may use this conceptual framework (and the associated indicators) to understand how delays propagate across the airport network, thereby enabling them to reduce system vulnerability, and increase its robustness and efficiency.Rodríguez Sanz, Á.; Gómez Comendador, F.; Arnaldo Valdés, R. (2016). Reduction of Uncertainty Propagation in the Airport Operations Network. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 36-78. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.3484OCS367

    Engage D1.2 Final Project Results Report

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    This deliverable summarises the activities and results of Engage, the SESAR 2020 Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). The KTN initiated and supported multiple activities for SESAR and the European air traffic management (ATM) community, including PhDs, focused catalyst fund projects, thematic workshops, summer schools and the launch of a wiki as the one-stop, go-to source for ATM research and knowledge in Europe. Key throughout was the integration of exploratory and industrial research, thus expediting the innovation pipeline and bringing researchers together. These activities laid valuable foundations for the SESAR Digital Academy

    Inter-Dom Integrated Terminals - The Impact on Airlines Efficiency and Safety

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    This report performed research to assess the possibility of implementing hybrid passenger terminals. The benefits would be the integrating domestic and international passengers in the same restricted area. The initial hypothesis of this study was to focus on optimization that could bring advantages in terms of efficiency, customer service, and operational safety. The goal of this project was not to bring in-depth data on the topic, but to expose readers to the main players in the industry and understand the variables that impact the topic. Thus, although there are different perspectives on the integration of terminals, it was possible to identify some possible paths for future research. In addition, allow the industry itself to start discussions on the subject. The research team identified the need for a broad discussion involving all stakeholders to create a synergy of ideas and allow this discussion to evolve into a single front. Other than that, the study recommends a more accurate study related to the cost- benefit of this proposal. This would allow for the adaptation of a series of structural adaptations at airports. Such renovations could be compensated by increasing the use of Internal terminals, improving connection time by airlines, and improve customer experience regarding delays, procedures, service on the terminal. Regarding the topic of Operational Safety, the research team made recommendations for Brazilian authorities to invest in technologies that could facilitate not only what this research, but also bring more safety to passengers and bodies involved. This would be accomplished through the sharing of passengers information online between airlines and government. In addition, it recommended an investment so that the inspection of checked baggage was applied to all flights. This is because it is an important barrier to acts of unlawful interference, but also because it allows for more synergy with international protocols. To reach these conclusions, in addition to research with major international bodies such as IATA and ICAO, the group also understood ANAC\u27s perspective to establish current rules. Research also included the US model to support possible improvements in our system, understanding that the country operates with more advanced features than those we currently have in the country. In addition, to researching the available literature, professionals from some of these bodies, airlines, airports, and regulatory agencies were interviewed, which allowed a broad perspective of all players on how to proceed with the topic. Esse relatório propõe uma pesquisa inicial para avaliar a possibilidade de implementação de terminais híbridos, integrando passageiros domésticos e internacionais na mesma área restrita, com a hipótese inicial de que essa otimização poderia trazer benefícios em eficiência, experiência do cliente e segurança operacional. O objetivo desse projeto não é trazer dados aprofundados em relação ao tema, mas explora-los com os principais players da indústria e entender as variáveis que impactam o tema. Com isso, embora existam diferentes perspectivas relativas à integração de terminais, foi possível, identificar alguns possíveis caminhos para pesquisas futuras e mesmo para que a própria indústria inicie discussões relativas ao tema. O grupo identificou a necessidade de uma ampla discussão envolvendo todos os players para criar sinergia de idéias e permitir uma evolução nessa discussão em uma frente única. Fora isso, recomenda um estudo mais apurado relacionado ao custo-benefício dessa proposta, uma vez que a adequação envolve uma série de adaptações estruturais nos aeroportos, mas que podem ser compensadas ao aumentar a utilização de terminais e aumentar a utilização por empresas aéreas. Além de ajudar a melhorar a experiência do Internal cliente com as possíveis reduções nos atrasos, procedimentos padrões e serviços dentro dos terminais. No que tange o tema da Segurança Operacional, o grupo traz recomendações para que as autoridades Brasileiras invistam em tecnologias que possam facilitar não só o que se propõe essa pesquisa, mas também trazer mais segurança a passageiros e órgãos envolvidos, por meio do compartilhamento de informação de passageiros online entre empresas aéreas e governo. Além disso, recomenda um investimento para que a inspeção de bagagens despachadas seja aplicada para todos os voos, não só por ser uma importante barreira à atos de interferência ilícita, mas também por possibilitar mais sinergia com os protocolos internacionais. Para chegar nessas conclusões, além de pesquisas com os principais ógãos internacionais como IATA e ICAO, o grupo também entendeu a perspectiva da ANAC para estabelecer as regras atuais e usou o modelo norte-americano para suportar possíveis melhorias em nossos sistema, entendendo que o país opera com recursos mais avançados do que os que temos atualmente no país. Além das pesquisas na literatura disponível, foram entrevistados profissionais, de alguns desses Órgãos, Empresas Aéreas, Aeroportos e Agências Reguladoras o que nos permitiu uma perspectiva ampla de todos os players sobre como seguir com o tema

    Study of airport capacity vs efficiency sesar challenges

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    The objectives of this study are to present a real case study for evaluating the impact of SESAR enhancements on the capacity and efficiency of the Barcelona – El Prat Airport by analyzing the impact of the future SESAR enablers on the capacity and efficiency indicators and by evaluating the effectiveness and the applicability of the SESAR concept on increasing its capacity and efficiency. The first half of the study is dedicated to analyze the following aspects of T1: - Capacity: current capacity of T1 was assessed, which in this case turns to be the capacity of the global Airport. Capacity is always given by the most restrictive subsystem, which in this case is the runway component. - Efficiency: a good indicator for evaluating the airport’s efficiency is an estimation of the delays. Given that runway component is the subsystem which limits the capacity of the airport, the delay introduced is a good KPI for efficiency. The results obtained from selected methodologies used in the capacity and efficiency assessments, (mainly FAA methods for airside and IATA for landside) show that, on 19th July 2009, Barcelona’s Airport capacity is 62 operations per hour and its efficiency 18.4 minutes of delay per hour on the runway component. Such conditions will be not enough to absorb the future traffic, even if operating at best performance, and it is here were SESAR will play a key role for the survival of Barcelona’s airport. The second half of the study is devoted to evaluate the SESAR scenario. The objective is to assess by how much SESAR will improve the capacity and efficiency of the airport and how this improvement will evolve over time. To this effect, the list of SESAR KPIs that will help in the determination of such parameters is obtained. The study concludes that both capacity and efficiency of Barcelona’s Airport are going to increase in the incoming years thanks to the new systems and procedures of the SESAR Program. - Thanks to new approach procedures (CDA), Barcelona’s landing capacity will be incremented, but because of current airspace limitations this improvement could not be reached by means of runway capacity since the airport is “closed” in terms of noise in the takeoff phase. - Thanks to SESAR CDM, delays will be reduced by a 3%, in means of improving Barcelona’s efficiency, which in values means 17.8 min delay per hour. Both factors will experience their biggest evolution rate from 2012 on until their entire completion on 2020 (63% for capacity and 67% for efficiency). This theoretical increase would mean, for example, that a capacity of 80 operations per hour could be reached by 2020. In terms of environment, SESAR will increase the capacity and efficiency of the Airport of Barcelona while minimizing the environmental impact of aviation on the surroundings of the airport by implementing its new environmental tools and procedures, such as CDA operating techniques which will reduce aircraft’s emissions and noise. The implementation of SESAR will represent an investment for the airport, and to this effect, a business case is presented, containing the analysis of the costs derived from implementing the SESAR requirements in the airport and the balance with the benefits obtained. CBA results show that Airport CDM is a solid investment given its technical applicability and economic viability, since benefits are 4 times bigger than implementation costs and the payback period is within only 2 years; all this at a nearly non-existent financial loss risk. To sum up, SESAR is an extremely positive option for the Airport of Barcelona, since it brings the necessary increases in capacity and efficiency in order to cope with future scenarios, and gives substantial economic benefits

    Analytical approach to solve the problem of aircraft passenger boarding during the coronavirus pandemic

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    The corona pandemic significantly changes the processes of aircraft and passenger handling at the airport. In our contribution, we focus on the time-critical process of aircraft boarding, where regulations regarding physical distances between passengers will significantly increase boarding time. The passenger behaviour is implemented in a field-validated stochastic cellular automata model, which is extended by a module to evaluate the transmission risk. We propose an improved boarding process by considering that most of the passengers travel together and should be boarded and seated as a group. The NP-hard seat allocation of groups with minimized individual interactions between groups is solved with a genetic algorithm. Then, the improved seat allocation is used to derive an associated boarding sequence aiming at both short boarding times and a low risk of virus transmission. Our results show that the consideration of groups will significantly contribute to a faster boarding (reduction of time by about 60%) and less transmission risk (reduced by 85%) compared to the standard random boarding procedures applied in the pandemic scenario

    Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning

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    U doktorskoj disertaciji je predložen postupak za analizu kapaciteta vazdušne strane aerodroma, za zadata fizička i operativna ograničenja, i zadate karakteristike potražnje. Ovaj postupak podrazumeva povezivanje (postojećeg) modela za procenu kapaciteta sistema poletno-sletnih staza sa (proširenim) modelom za procenu kapaciteta pristanišne platforme, kroz njihovu funkcionalnu vezu. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio vrednovanje i, po potrebi, modifikovanje i proširenje postojećih modela za procenu kapaciteta platforme, kao i definisanje funkcionalne veze između poletno-sletne staze i platforme za različite tipove saobraćaja. Postojeći modeli su prošireni tako da uzimaju u obzir ograničenja po tipu aviona i korisnicima (npr. aviokompanije), kao i po vrsti saobraćaja. U cilju analize osetljivosti, predlažene su obvojnice za prikazivanje kapaciteta platforme određene konfiguracije, u zavisnosti od strukture potražnje u odnosu na glavne uticajne faktore. Analiza je obuhvatila dva osnovna tipa aerodroma sa aspekta njihove uloge u mrežama vazdušnog saobraćaja, a to su: izvorno-ciljni aerodromi, sa dominantnim saobraćajem od-tačke-do-tačke, i hub aerodromi, sa dominantnim transfernim saobraćajem za koji je karakteristično da se koncentriše u talase. Dodatno su analizirani i aerodromi na kojima postoje oba tipa saobraćaja. Rezultati disertacije pokazuju da se za izvorno-ciljne aerodrome može koristiti standardni pristup prilikom analize ukupnog kapaciteta vazdušne strane aerodroma, u kome se poletno-sletna staza i pristanišna platforma posmatraju odvojeno, pri čemu manji kapacitet nameće ograničenje ukupnog kapaciteta. Sa druge strane, u slučaju hub aerodroma kapacitet platforme i kapacitet poletno-sletne staze se ne mogu posmatrati nezavisno jedan od drugog. S tim u skladu, u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predložen je model za procenu kapaciteta platforme na hub aerodromima, koji pored konfiguracije platforme i strukture potražnje uzima u obzir i kapacitet poletno-sletne staze, kao i parametre koji opisuju talasnu strukturu saobraćaja...The thesis proposes an approach to analyzing the capacity of the existing (built) system under given physical and operational constraints and for given demand characteristics. The approach considers the linking of the (existing) runway capacity model with the (extended) apron capacity model, through the runway-apron functional relationship. The objective of the thesis was to evaluate and, if necessary, to modify/expand the existing apron capacity estimation models, as well as to define functional relationship between the runway system and apron(s). Existing apron capacity models are modified to include constraints on both aircraft classes and users (e.g. airlines), considering also different traffic types. The thesis also suggests apron capacity envelopes to illustrate sensitivity of apron capacity to changes in the demand structure with respect to dominant users, provided for a given apron configuration. Two general airport categories with respect to the role of the airport in the air transport network are analyzed: origin-destination airports (serving primarily point-to-point flights) and hub airports (serving primarily airline/alliance coordinated flights). Furthermore, the thesis also considers the co-existence of point-to-point and coordinated flights at a single airport. The results of the thesis show that the common approach in the overall airside capacity analysis can be applied at origin-destination airports: the runway system and apron(s) can be observed independently of each other, deriving the conclusion on the overall airside capacity by comparing the two. On the other hand, the finding of the thesis is that capacities of the runway system and apron(s) at the hub airports have to be observed linked to each other. Consequently, a model to estimate apron capacity at hub airport is offered in the thesis. In addition to apron configuration and demand structure it also takes into consideration: hubbing parameters and the runway system performance..