10 research outputs found

    Assessing the benefit of satellite-based Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in crop yield prediction

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    Large-scale crop yield prediction is critical for early warning of food insecurity, agricultural supply chain management, and economic market. Satellite-based Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) products have revealed hot spots of photosynthesis over global croplands, such as in the U.S. Midwest. However, to what extent these satellite-based SIF products can enhance the performance of crop yield prediction when benchmarking against other existing satellite data remains unclear. Here we assessed the benefits of using three satellite-based SIF products in yield prediction for maize and soybean in the U.S. Midwest: gap-filled SIF from Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2), new SIF retrievals from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), and the coarse-resolution SIF retrievals from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2). The yield prediction performances of using SIF data were benchmarked with those using satellite-based vegetation indices (VIs), including normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and near-infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRv), and land surface temperature (LST). Five machine-learning algorithms were used to build yield prediction models with both remote-sensing-only and climate-remote-sensing-combined variables. We found that high-resolution SIF products from OCO-2 and TROPOMI outperformed coarse-resolution GOME-2 SIF product in crop yield prediction. Using high-resolution SIF products gave the best forward predictions for both maize and soybean yields in 2018, indicating the great potential of using satellite-based high-resolution SIF products for crop yield prediction. However, using currently available high-resolution SIF products did not guarantee consistently better yield prediction performances than using other satellite-based remote sensing variables in all the evaluated cases. The relative performances of using different remote sensing variables in yield prediction depended on crop types (maize or soybean), out-of-sample testing methods (five-fold-cross-validation or forward), and record length of training data. We also found that using NIRv could generally lead to better yield prediction performance than using NDVI, EVI, or LST, and using NIRv could achieve similar or even better yield prediction performance than using OCO-2 or TROPOMI SIF products. We concluded that satellite-based SIF products could be beneficial in crop yield prediction with more high-resolution and good-quality SIF products accumulated in the future

    Heuristics‐enhanced geospatial machine learning (SaaS) of an ancient Mediterranean environment

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    Raw soil core physical data used in machine learning algorithms with corresponding spatial remotely sensed data is an emerging science. Using data derived from soil core samples previously collected in Universal Transverse Mercator zone 50 (Western Australia) and remotely sensed data, a model that predicted ground movement (GM) was developed specific to Australian Standards manual AS 1726–2017. This is the first approach for Australian soils and first in the world for soils older than 200 million yr. The model developed reliably predicted GM with 91.1% accuracy. The error obtained from the prediction is within acceptable limits currently used by engineers in calculations concerning soil classification for engineering purposes. Concerning the remotely sensed data analyzed, accuracy of the Atterberg limits method might be improved if additional information about soil structure (layering and horizon) or other variables (seasonal data) are built into this model. This model can be used to save on construction material costs, reduce the potential for human error associated with data collection and sample manipulation, but also fast-track (by up to 6 wk based on current wait times) building approvals while ensuring compliance to the relevant legislation. This platform also reduces the environmental effects of invasive drilling techniques. A requirement within principles of sustainable building practices, and associated with current standards commonly used by structural engineers who may seek better understanding of soil properties in Australia as a software service (with application potential in North America)

    Reconstruction of a Long-term spatially Contiguous Solar-Induced Fluorescence (LCSIF) over 1982-2022

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    Satellite-observed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is a powerful proxy for diagnosing the photosynthetic characteristics of terrestrial ecosystems. Despite the increasing spatial and temporal resolutions of these satellite retrievals, records of SIF are primarily limited to the recent decade, impeding their application in detecting long-term dynamics of ecosystem function and structure. In this study, we leverage the two surface reflectance bands (red and near-infrared) available both from Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR, 1982-2022) and MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, 2001-2022). Importantly, we calibrate and orbit-correct the AVHRR bands against their MODIS counterparts during their overlapping period. Using the long-term bias-corrected reflectance data, a neural network is then built to reproduce the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 SIF using AVHRR and MODIS, and used to map SIF globally over the entire 1982-2022 period. Compared with the previous MODIS-based CSIF product relying on four reflectance bands, our two-band-based product has similar skill but can be advantageously extended to the bias-corrected AVHRR period. Further comparison with three widely used vegetation indices (NDVI, kNDVI, NIRv; all based empirically on red and near-infrared bands) shows a higher or comparable correlation of LCSIF with satellite SIF and site-level GPP estimates across vegetation types, ensuring a greater capacity of LCSIF for representing terrestrial photosynthesis. Globally, LCSIF-AVHRR shows an accelerating upward trend since 1982, with an average rate of 0.0025 mW m-2 nm-1 sr-1 per decade during 1982-2000 and 0.0038 mW m-2 nm-1 sr-1 per decade during 2001-2022. Our LCSIF data provide opportunities to better understand the long-term dynamics of ecosystem photosynthesis and their underlying driving processes

    The effect of increasing temperature on crop photosynthesis: From enzymes to ecosystems

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    As global land surface temperature continues to rise and heatwave events increase in frequency, duration, and/or intensity, our key food and fuel cropping systems will likely face increased heat-related stress. A large volume of literature exists on exploring measured and modelled impacts of rising temperature on crop photosynthesis, from enzymatic responses within the leaf up to larger ecosystem-scale responses that reflect seasonal and interannual crop responses to heat. This review discusses (i) how crop photosynthesis changes with temperature at the enzymatic scale within the leaf; (ii) how stomata and plant transport systems are affected by temperature; (iii) what features make a plant susceptible or tolerant to elevated temperature and heat stress; and (iv) how these temperature and heat effects compound at the ecosystem scale to affect crop yields. Throughout the review, we identify current advancements and future research trajectories that are needed to make our cropping systems more resilient to rising temperature and heat stress, which are both projected to occur due to current global fossil fuel emissions

    The effect of increasing temperature on crop photosynthesis: from enzymes to ecosystems.

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    As global land surface temperature continues to rise and heatwave events increase in frequency, duration, and/or intensity, our key food and fuel cropping systems will likely face increased heat-related stress. A large volume of literature exists on exploring measured and modelled impacts of rising temperature on crop photosynthesis, from enzymatic responses within the leaf up to larger ecosystem-scale responses that reflect seasonal and interannual crop responses to heat. This review discusses (i) how crop photosynthesis changes with temperature at the enzymatic scale within the leaf; (ii) how stomata and plant transport systems are affected by temperature; (iii) what features make a plant susceptible or tolerant to elevated temperature and heat stress; and (iv) how these temperature and heat effects compound at the ecosystem scale to affect crop yields. Throughout the review, we identify current advancements and future research trajectories that are needed to make our cropping systems more resilient to rising temperature and heat stress, which are both projected to occur due to current global fossil fuel emissions

    A comprehensive review of crop yield prediction using machine learning approaches with special emphasis on palm oil yield prediction

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    An early and reliable estimation of crop yield is essential in quantitative and financial evaluation at the field level for determining strategic plans in agricultural commodities for import-export policies and doubling farmer’s incomes. Crop yield predictions are carried out to estimate higher crop yield through the use of machine learning algorithms which are one of the challenging issues in the agricultural sector. Due to this developing significance of crop yield prediction, this article provides an exhaustive review on the use of machine learning algorithms to predict crop yield with special emphasis on palm oil yield prediction. Initially, the current status of palm oil yield around the world is presented, along with a brief discussion on the overview of widely used features and prediction algorithms. Then, the critical evaluation of the state-of-the-art machine learning-based crop yield prediction, machine learning application in the palm oil industry and comparative analysis of related studies are presented. Consequently, a detailed study of the advantages and difficulties related to machine learning-based crop yield prediction and proper identification of current and future challenges to the agricultural industry is presented. The potential solutions are additionally prescribed in order to alleviate existing problems in crop yield prediction. Since one of the major objectives of this study is to explore the future perspectives of machine learning-based palm oil yield prediction, the areas including application of remote sensing, plant’s growth and disease recognition, mapping and tree counting, optimum features and algorithms have been broadly discussed. Finally, a prospective architecture of machine learning-based palm oil yield prediction has been proposed based on the critical evaluation of existing related studies. This technology will fulfill its promise by performing new research challenges in the analysis of crop yield prediction and the development

    Use and Improvement of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies in Support of Crop Area and Yield Estimations in the West African Sahel

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    In arid and semi-arid West Africa, agricultural production and regional food security depend largely on small-scale subsistence farming and rainfed crops, both of which are vulnerable to climate variability and drought. Efforts made to improve crop monitoring and our ability to estimate crop production (areas planted and yield estimations by crop type) in the major agricultural zones of the region are critical paths for minimizing climate risks and to support food security planning. The main objective of this dissertation research was to contribute to these efforts using remote sensing technologies. In this regard, the first analysis documented the low reliability of existing land cover products for cropland area estimation (Chapter 2). Then two satellite remote sensing-based datasets were developed that 1) accurately map cropland areas in the five countries of Sahelian West Africa (Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger; Chapter 3), and 2) focus on the country of Mali to identify the location and prevalence of the major subsistence crops (millet, sorghum, maize and non-irrigated rice; Chapter 4). The regional cropland area product is distributed as the West African Sahel Cropland area at 30 m (WASC30). The development of the new dataset involved high density training data (380,000 samples) developed by USGS in collaboration with CILSS for training about 200 locally optimized random forest (RF) classifiers using Landsat 8 surface reflectances and vegetation indices and the Google Earth Engine platform. WASC30 greatly improves earlier estimates through inclusion of cropland information for both rainfed and irrigated areas mapped with a class-specific accuracy of 79% across the West Africa Sahel. Used as a mask in crop monitoring systems, the new cropland area data could bring critical insights by reducing uncertainties in xv identification of croplands as crop growth condition metrics are extracted. WASC30 allowed us to derive detailed statistics on cultivated areas in the Sahel, at country and agroclimatic scales. Intensive agricultural zones were highlighted as well. The second dataset, mapping crop types for the country of Mali, is meant to separate signals of different crop types for improved crop yield estimation. The crop type map was used to derive detailed agricultural statistics (e.g. acreage by crop types, spatial distribution) at finer administrative scales than has previously been possible. The crop fraction information by crop type extracted from the map, gives additional details on farmers preferences by regions, and the natural adaptability of different crop types. The final analysis of this dissertation explores the use of ensemble machine learning techniques to predict maize yield in Mali (Chapter 5). Climate data (precipitation and temperature), and vegetation indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI, the Enhanced Vegetation Index, EVI, and the Normalized Difference Water Index, NDWI) are used as predictors, while actual yields collected in 2017 by the Malian Ministry of Agriculture are the reference data. Random forest presented better predictive performance as compared to boosted regression trees (BRT). Results showed that climate variables have more predictive power for maize yield compared to vegetation indices. Among vegetation indices, the NDWI appeared to be the most influential predictor, maybe because of water requirement of maize and the sensitivity of this index to water in semi-arid regions. Tested with two different independent datasets, one constituted by 20% of the reference information, and another including observed yields for year 2018 (a one-year-left analysis), maize yield predictions were promising for year 2017 (RMSE = 362 kg/ha), but showed higher error for 2018 (RMSE = 707 kg/ha). That is, the fitted model may not capture accurately year to year variabilities in predicted maize yield. In this analysis, predictions were limited to field samples (~600 fields) across the country of Mali. It would be valuable in the future to predict maize yield for each pixel of the new developed crop type map. That will lead to a detailed spatial analysis of maize yield, allowing identification of low yielding regions for targeted interventions which could improve food security. Keywords: Agricultural identification of croplands as crop growth condition metrics are extracted. WASC30 allowed us to derive detailed statistics on cultivated areas in the Sahel, at country and agroclimatic scales. Intensive agricultural zones were highlighted as well. The second dataset, mapping crop types for the country of Mali, is meant to separate signals of different crop types for improved crop yield estimation. The crop type map was used to derive detailed agricultural statistics (e.g. acreage by crop types, spatial distribution) at finer administrative scales than has previously been possible. The crop fraction information by crop type extracted from the map, gives additional details on farmers preferences by regions, and the natural adaptability of different crop types. The final analysis of this dissertation explores the use of ensemble machine learning techniques to predict maize yield in Mali (Chapter 5). Climate data (precipitation and temperature), and vegetation indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI, the Enhanced Vegetation Index, EVI, and the Normalized Difference Water Index, NDWI) are used as predictors, while actual yields collected in 2017 by the Malian Ministry of Agriculture are the reference data. Random forest presented better predictive performance as compared to boosted regression trees (BRT). Results showed that climate variables have more predictive power for maize yield compared to vegetation indices. Among vegetation indices, the NDWI appeared to be the most influential predictor, maybe because of water requirement of maize and the sensitivity of this index to water in semi-arid regions. Tested with two different independent datasets, one constituted by 20% of the reference information, and another including observed yields for year 2018 (a one-year-left analysis), maize yield predictions were promising for year 2017 (RMSE = 362 kg/ha), but showed higher error for 2018 (RMSE = 707 kg/ha). That is, the fitted model may not capture accurately year to year variabilities in predicted maize yield. In this analysis, predictions were limited to field samples (~600 fields) across the country of Mali. It would be valuable in the future to predict maize yield for each pixel of the new developed crop type map. That will lead to a detailed spatial analysis of maize yield, allowing identification of low yielding regions for targeted interventions which could improve food security

    Modelação da produtividade de trigo combinando dados climáticos e de observação da terra: o caso de estudo do Alentejo

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    O trigo é uma das principais culturas alimentares do mundo, e um dos 3 cereais mais cultivados juntamente com o milho e o arroz, ocupando 17% da terra cultivável do mundo. Para responder aos desafios das alterações climáticas, do aumento da população e da procura alimentar, é mais imperativo do que nunca uma estimativa atempada, precisa e fiável do rendimento das culturas para a gestão das culturas, a avaliação da segurança alimentar, o comércio alimentar e a elaboração de políticas. Historicamente a cultura do trigo em Portugal é realizada sobretudo na região do Alentejo. Durante vários séculos, a atividade agrícola com base na produção de cereais, com particular destaque para o trigo, foi e continua a ser uma das principais culturas do Alentejo, em especial no Baixo Alentejo. Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo avaliar um modelo preditivo para a produtividade do trigo (Kg/ha) na NUTS-II do Alentejo combinando informação estatística oficial, variáveis climáticas e índice de vegetação (NDVI) derivado de dados orbitais (EO) armazenados na cloud Google Earth Engine (GEE), em ambiente R, utilizando como base estatística de suporte algoritmos de Machine Learning (ML), como Random Forest (RF) e Support Vector Machines (SVM). O modelo será implementado em duas fases. Numa primeira fase serão avaliadas apenas as variáveis climáticas e numa segunda fase serão avaliadas as variáveis climáticas e o índice de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar o aumento da capacidade preditiva do modelo combinando estes dois tipos de dados. As variáveis climáticas utilizadas como variáveis explicativas do modelo preditivo foram a precipitação em setembro, a precipitação em dezembro, a temperatura média de dezembro, a temperatura média de março, a humidade relativa em março e a existência de precipitação em maio. As variáveis preditivas com origem nos dados EO são o valor de NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) no mês de março e o valor de NDVI em junho para áreas cultivadas com trigo. Os resultados mostram que, quer o modelo de apenas variáveis climáticas, quer o modelo combinado de variáveis climáticas e NDVI, poderiam capturar as variações de produtividade de trigo no Alentejo. O modelo de apenas variáveis climáticas obteve um R2 que varia entre 0,76 (SVM) e 0,78 (RF) e RMS que varia entre 162,93 Kg/ha (RF) e 221,13 Kg/ha (SVM). O modelo combinando as duas fontes de dados (climática e NDVI) melhorou a capacidade preditiva em todas as medidas, obteve um R2 entre 0,81 (RF) e 0,84 (SVM) com RMS entre 144,4 e 148,41 Kg/ha para RF e SVM respetivamente.Wheat is one of the world’s main food crops and one of the three most cultivated cereals along with corn and rice, occupying 17% of the world’s arable land. In order to meet the challenges of climate change, population growth and food demand, is more imperative than ever timely, accurate and reliable crop yield estimation for crop management, food security assessment, food trade and policy making. Historically, the cultivation of wheat in Portugal is mainly carried out in the Alentejo region. For several centuries the agricultural activity based on cereals, with particular emphasis on wheat, was and continues to be one of the main crops in Alentejo, especially in Baixo Alentejo. This master's thesis aims to evaluate a predictive model for wheat productivity (Kg/ha) in NUTS-II of Alentejo, combining official statistical information, climatic variables and vegetation index (NDVI) derived from orbital data (EO) stored in cloud Google Earth Engine (GEE), in R environment, using Machine Learning (ML) algorithms as a statistical support base, such as Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machines (SVM). The model will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, only climatic variables will be evaluated. In the second phase, the climatic variables and the vegetation index will be evaluated to analyse the model's predictive capacity increase by combining these two types of data. The climatic variables used as explanatory variables of the predictive model are precipitation in September, precipitation in December, the average temperature in December, the average temperature in March, relative humidity in March, and May with precipitation. The predictive variables originating from the EO data are the NDVI value in March and the NDVI value in June for areas cultivated with wheat. The results showed that both the model of only climatic variables, and the combined model of climatic variables and NDVI, could capture the variations in wheat productivity in the Alentejo. The model of only climatic variables obtained a R2 that varies between 0.76 (SVM) and 0.78 (RF) and RMS that varies between 162.93 kg/ha (RF) and 221.13 kg/ha (SVM). The model combining the two data sources (climate and NDVI) improved the predictive capacity in all measurements, obtained a R2 between 0.81 (RF) and 0.84 (SVM) with RMS between 144.4 and 148.41 Kg/ha for RF and SVM, respectively