279,817 research outputs found

    Impact of artificial light at night on diurnal plant-pollinator interactions

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    Artificial light at night has rapidly spread around the globe over the last decades. Evidence is increasing that it has adverse effects on the behavior, physiology, and survival of animals and plants with consequences for species interactions and ecosystem functioning. For example, artificial light at night disrupts plant-pollinator interactions at night and this can have consequences for the plant reproductive output. By experimentally illuminating natural plant-pollinator communities during the night using commercial street-lamps we tested whether light at night can also change interactions of a plant-pollinator community during daytime. Here we show that artificial light at night can alter diurnal plant-pollinator interactions, but the direction of the change depends on the plant species. We conclude that the effect of artificial light at night on plant-pollinator interactions is not limited to the night, but can also propagate to the daytime with so far unknown consequences for the pollinator community and the diurnal pollination function and services they provide

    Using all-sky differential photometry to investigate how nocturnal clouds darken the night sky in rural areas

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    Artificial light at night has affected most of the natural nocturnal landscapes worldwide and the subsequent light pollution has diverse effects on flora, fauna and human well-being. To evaluate the environmental impacts of light pollution, it is crucial to understand both the natural and artificial components of light at night under all weather conditions. The night sky brightness for clear skies is relatively well understood and a reference point for a lower limit is defined. However, no such reference point exists for cloudy skies. While some studies have examined the brightening of the night sky by clouds in urban areas, the published data on the (natural) darkening by clouds is very sparse. Knowledge of reference points for the illumination of natural nocturnal environments however, is essential for experimental design and ecological modeling to assess the impacts of light pollution. Here we use differential all-sky photometry with a commercial digital camera to investigate how clouds darken sky brightness at two rural sites. The spatially resolved data enables us to identify and study the nearly unpolluted parts of the sky and to set an upper limit on ground illumination for overcast nights at sites without light pollution.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Urban-like night illumination reduces melatonin release in European blackbirds (Turdus merula): implications of city life for biological time-keeping of songbirds

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    <p>Introduction: Artificial light-at-night is known to affect a broad array of behaviours and physiological processes. In urbanized bird species, light-at-night advances important biological rhythms such as daily cycles of activity/rest and timing of reproduction, but our knowledge of the underlying physiological mechanisms is limited. Given its role as chronobiological signal, melatonin is a strong candidate for mediating the effects of light-at-night.</p> <p>Results: We exposed urban and rural European blackbirds (Turdus merula) to two light treatments equal in photoperiod but with different light intensities at night. The control group was exposed to 0.0001 lux (almost darkness), while the experimental group was exposed to 0.3 lux at night, simulating conditions recorded previously on free-living urban blackbirds. We obtained diel profiles of plasma melatonin for all birds in summer (July) and winter (January), while simultaneously recording locomotor activity. Daily patterns of melatonin concentrations were clearly affected by light-at-night in both seasons. In winter, melatonin concentrations of light-at-night birds were lower in the early and late night than in those of birds kept in darkness. In summer, melatonin concentrations of the light-at-night birds were lower through all night compared to birds kept in darkness. Locomotor activity in light-at-night birds was overall higher than in control individuals, both during the day and at night, and it increased sharply before dawn. In winter, the amount of activity before dawn in the light-at-night group correlated with changes in melatonin from midnight to late night: the greater the decrease in melatonin, the greater the amount of pre-dawn activity. Urban and rural birds responded similarly to light-at-night with respect to melatonin, but differed in their behaviour, with rural birds showing more locomotor activity than urban counterparts.</p> <p>Conclusions: This study points to reduced melatonin release at night as a potential physiological mechanism underlying the advanced onset of morning activity of urbanized birds. Based on the pattern of melatonin secretion, we suggest that birds responded to light-at-night as if they were exposed to a longer day than birds kept under dark nights.</p&gt

    Long-term effects of chronic light pollution on seasonal functions of European blackbirds (turdus merula)

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    Light pollution is known to affect important biological functions of wild animals, including daily and annual cycles. However, knowledge about long-term effects of chronic exposure to artificial light at night is still very limited. Here we present data on reproductive physiology, molt and locomotor activity during two-year cycles of European blackbirds (Turdus merula) exposed to either dark nights or 0.3 lux at night. As expected, control birds kept under dark nights exhibited two regular testicular and testosterone cycles during the two-year experiment. Control urban birds developed testes faster than their control rural conspecifics. Conversely, while in the first year blackbirds exposed to light at night showed a normal but earlier gonadal cycle compared to control birds, during the second year the reproductive system did not develop at all: both testicular size and testosterone concentration were at baseline levels in all birds. In addition, molt sequence in light-treated birds was more irregular than in control birds in both years. Analysis of locomotor activity showed that birds were still synchronized to the underlying light-dark cycle. We suggest that the lack of reproductive activity and irregular molt progression were possibly the results of i) birds being stuck in a photorefractory state and/or ii) chronic stress. Our data show that chronic low intensities of light at night can dramatically affect the reproductive system. Future studies are needed in order to investigate if and how urban animals avoid such negative impact and to elucidate the physiological mechanisms behind these profound long-term effects of artificial light at night. Finally we call for collaboration between scientists and policy makers to limit the impact of light pollution on animals and ecosystems

    Artificial light and nocturnal activity in gammarids

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    Artificial light is gaining attention as a potential stressor to aquatic ecosystems. Artificial lights located near streams increase light levels experienced by stream invertebrates and we hypothesized light would depress night drift rates. We also hypothesized that the effect of light on drift rates would decrease over time as the invertebrates acclimated to the new light level over the course of one month’s exposure. These hypotheses were tested by placing Gammarus spp. in eight, 75 m × 1 m artificial flumes. One flume was exposed to strong (416 lx) artificial light at night. This strong light created a gradient between 4.19 and 0.04 lx over the neighboring six artificial flumes, while a control flume was completely covered with black plastic at night. Night-time light measurements taken in the Berlin area confirm that half the flumes were at light levels experienced by urban aquatic invertebrates. Surprisingly, no light treatment affected gammarid drift rates. In contrast, physical activity measurements of in situ individually caged G. roeseli showed they increased short-term activity levels in nights of complete darkness and decreased activity levels in brightly lit flumes. Both nocturnal and diurnal drift increased, and day drift rates were unexpectadly higher than nocturnal drift

    Effects of Anthropogenic Light and Noise on Anuran Breeding Behavior

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    The natural environment can be negatively impacted by a variety of human activities, including the production of artificial light at night and anthropogenic noise. Recent studies suggest that pollution from anthropogenic light and noise alters animal behavior. Despite being highly nocturnal and vocal animals, little attention has been given to anurans and the effects artificial light at night and anthropogenic noise have on their behavior. This study investigated the effects of artificial light at night and anthropogenic noise on anuran breeding systems in eastern Texas. Specifically, this study investigated whether (1) artificial light and anthropogenic noise altered calling behavior in male anurans, (2) artificial light influenced male call site selection, and (3) artificial light influenced female mate choice. Ambient light and sound levels were quantified at five sites that varied in urbanization and, therefore, artificial light and anthropogenic noise levels. At these sites, calling males were recorded and ambient light was then measured at the male’s call site. Call parameters including call dominant frequency, call duration, pulse rate, and call rate were analyzed for differences among urban and rural populations. Call site light microhabitat measurements were compared to the general light environment as well as among populations. Additionally, females were tested in two phonotaxis experiments to determine their mate choice preferences under dark and elevated light conditions. Effects of artificial light and anthropogenic noise varied among species. All species studied exhibited alterations in either call dominant frequency, call duration, or call rate. At urban sites, most anuran species called from sites almost significantly or significantly darker than the general light environment. While most anurans preferred call sites darker than the surrounding environment, urban anuran populations had brighter call sites than rural anuran populations. In female mate choice experiments, female Green Treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) from a rural population preferred lower frequency calls under elevated light conditions. These results suggest anuran species may vary in their sensitivity and response to artificial light at night and anthropogenic noise

    Artificial Light at Night Causes Top‐down and Bottom‐up Trophic Effects on Invertebrate Populations

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.1. Globally, many ecosystems are exposed to artificial light at night. Nighttime lighting has direct biological impacts on species at all trophic levels. However, the effects of artificial light on biotic interactions remain, for the most part, to be determined. 2. We exposed experimental mesocosms containing combinations of grassland plants and invertebrate herbivores and predators to illumination at night over a three-year period to simulate conditions under different common forms of street lighting. 3. We demonstrate both top-down (predation controlled) and bottom-up (resource controlled) impacts of artificial light at night in grassland communities. The impacts on invertebrate herbivore abundance were wavelength dependent and mediated via other trophic levels. 4. White LED lighting decreased the abundance of a generalist herbivore mollusc by 55% in the presence of a visual predator, but not in its absence, while monochromatic amber light (with a peak wavelength similar to low pressure sodium lighting) decreased abundance of a specialist herbivore aphid (by 17%) by reducing the cover and flower abundance of its main food plant in the system. Artificial white light also significantly increased the food plant’s foliar carbon to nitrogen ratio. 5. We conclude that exposure to artificial light at night can trigger ecological effects spanning trophic levels, and that the nature of such impacts depends on the wavelengths emitted by the lighting technology employed. 6. Policy implications. Our results confirm that artificial light at night, at illuminance levels similar to roadside vegetation, can have population effects mediated by both top-down and bottom-up effects on ecosystems. Given the increasing ubiquity of light pollution at night, these impacts may be widespread in the environment. These results underline the importance of minimising ecosystem disruption by reducing light pollution in natural and semi-natural ecosystems.The research leading to this paper was funded by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement no. 268504 to KJG

    On observations of artificial light at night from ground and space

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    To assess the negative effects of artificial light at night, measurement data are often necessary. These can be acquired from ground or satellite-based measurements. Satellite-based observations of artificial light have an advantage of global coverage. Since the launch of the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) satellite, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day-Night Band (DNB) provides a tool for worldwide night time remote sensing for various applications, including artificial light. We used the data in year 2015 from the VIIRS-DNB sensor to study the angular distribution of artificial light in major cities and metropoles in Europe. Despite encountering some issues, for example low overflight rate with cloud-free sky condition, we are able to investigate the angular distributions of upwelling artificial light emission for 74 regions, almost all of which emit more light near the horizon. In comparison to satellite-based observations, ground-based measurements can acquire data more frequently. An international campaign studying variations of night sky at 44 worldwide locations was conducted in 2011 and 2012, measuring the night sky using broadband radiometers, the Sky Quality Meters (SQMs), and was the first time comparing ground-based night sky measurement in a unified analysis procedure. The presence of artificial light reverses the variation pattern of sky brightness at cloudy nights. Instead of darkening of night sky by blockage of extraterrestrial light sources, clouds backscatter the artificial light emitted from ground, brighting the night sky. Comparison with daytime aerosol measurement data did not yield a consistent relationship between the aerosol content and night sky brightness for the rural site in Cabauw, the Netherlands, but found the brightening of the night sky of Madrid with increasing atmospheric aerosol load. Long-term monitoring of the night sky enables us to observe the change in skyglow pattern over a long period. Two SQMs have been set up in a suburban site and a rural site in Bremen, Germany since December 2011. The night sky of the suburban site is found to be brighter during cloudy nights and becomes darker during the course of the night, which is typical for a light-polluted location. While instrumental issues cannot be ruled out, we found a decrease of sky brightness over a span of about 4.5 years, with a stronger decreasing trend at late hours of the night. For the rural site, the local public and domestic lightings are the dominating light source, contributing to the larger skyglow in the early hours of the night. However, with domestic and public lighting switched off as the night progresses, the variation pattern of the night sky is typical for a location with less light pollution, where the overcast sky is only slightly different in brightness from clear sky. It is suspected that this trend in the change of sky brightness originates from the gradual decrease of output of the public lighting system due to aging, while the progress replacing the public lighting to light-emitting diode (LED) devices is slow. An improvement in terms of ecological impacts in the future is therefore not guaranteed

    MS Environmental Biology Capstone Project

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    Chapter 1: Artificial light at night disrupts the biology of fishes. Chapter 2: Grant proposal to determine how artificial light at night affects Pumpkinseed fish. Chapter 3: Management of pinyon-juniper woodland impacts the occupancy of Pinyon Jays. Chapter 4: Stakeholder analysis of horseshoe crab fishing and its impacts on the Red Knot and biomedical industry

    Ecological effects of artificial light at night on wild plants

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    PublishedSummary 1.Plants use light as a source of both energy and information. Plant physiological responses to light, and interactions between plants and animals (such as herbivory and pollination), have evolved under a more or less stable regime of 24-h cycles of light and darkness, and, outside of the tropics, seasonal variation in day length. 2.The rapid spread of outdoor electric lighting across the globe over the past century has caused an unprecedented disruption to these natural light cycles. Artificial light is widespread in the environment, varying in intensity by several orders of magnitude from faint skyglow reflected from distant cities to direct illumination of urban and suburban vegetation. 3.In many cases, artificial light in the night-time environment is sufficiently bright to induce a physiological response in plants, affecting their phenology, growth form and resource allocation. The physiology, behaviour and ecology of herbivores and pollinators are also likely to be impacted by artificial light. Thus, understanding the ecological consequences of artificial light at night is critical to determine the full impact of human activity on ecosystems. 4.Synthesis. Understanding the impacts of artificial night-time light on wild plants and natural vegetation requires linking the knowledge gained from over a century of experimental research on the impacts of light on plants in the laboratory and glasshouse with knowledge of the intensity, spatial distribution, spectral composition and timing of light in the night-time environment. To understand fully the extent of these impacts requires conceptual models that can (i) characterize the highly heterogeneous nature of the night-time light environment at a scale relevant to plant physiology; and (ii) scale physiological responses to predict impacts at the level of the whole plant, population, community and ecosystem.ERC under the European Union's Seventh Framework programm