12 research outputs found

    On-line diagnostics of transformer winding insulation failures, by Park's Vector Approach

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    This paper presents a non-invasive approach for diagnosing winding insulation failures in three-phase transformers, which is based on the on-line monitoring of the primary and secondary current Park's Vector. Experimental and simulated results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique, for detecting winding inter-turn insulation faults in operating three-phase transformers

    On-line diagnostics of transformer winding insulation failures, by Park`s vector approach

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    This paper presents a non-invasive approach for diagnosing winding insulation failures in three-phase transformers, which is based on the on-line monitoring of the primary and secondary current Park's Vector. Experimental and simulated results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique, for detecting winding inter-turn insulation faults in operating three-phase transformers

    Transformers on-load exciting current Park`s vector approach as a tool for winding faults diagnostics

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    This paper presents the development of a new approach for diagnosing the occurrence of inter-turn short-circuits in the windings of three-phase transformers, which is based on the on-line monitoring of the on-load exciting current Park's Vector patterns. Experimental and simulated results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique for detecting winding inter-turn insulation faults in operating three-phase transformers

    Power transformers winding fault diagnosis by the on-load exciting current extended Park's vector approach

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    This paper presents the application of the on-load exciting current Extended Park's Vector Approach to diagnose incipient turn-to-turn winding faults in operating power transformers. Experimental and simulation test results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique, which is based on the spectral analysis of the AC component of the on-load exciting current Park's Vector modulus

    Development Of A Cloud-Based Condition Monitoring Scheme For Distribution Transformer Protection

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    Distribution transformers are a necessity to ensure a reliable power supply to consumers and their inability to function properly or even breakdown should be avoided due to the high cost of replacing them. Distribution transformers are large in numbers and randomly distributed in cities and there is a need to accurately monitor their daily/hourly performance. To achieve this, real-time monitoring of the transformer’s health status is proposed rather than the use of the traditional approach involving physical inspection and testing which is slow, tedious and time-consuming. This paper presents a cloud-based monitoring scheme applied to a prototype distribution transformer. A 10kVA, 0.415 kV prototype distribution transformer has been acquired and connected to three residences for data acquisition. A data acquisition system has been developed to monitor and record the parameters of the prototype transformer for 14 days.  The parameters, monitored in real-time include load current, phase voltage, transformer oil level, ambient temperature and oil temperature. The acquired real-time data of the transformer is validated with the standard measuring instrument. An algorithm was developed to transmit and log the data to ThinkSpeak cloud server via node MCU (ESP 8266). Results obtained in this study, which can be visualized via the graphical user interface of ThinkSpeak, indicate that the proposed scheme can acquire vital data from the distribution transformers and transmit the information to the monitoring centre

    Development Of A Cloud-Based Condition Monitoring Scheme For Distribution Transformer Protection

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    Distribution transformers are a necessity to ensure a reliable power supply to consumers and their inability to function properly or even breakdown should be avoided due to the high cost of replacing them. Distribution transformers are large in numbers and randomly distributed in cities and there is a need to accurately monitor their daily/hourly performance. To achieve this, real-time monitoring of the transformer’s health status is proposed rather than the use of the traditional approach involving physical inspection and testing which is slow, tedious and time-consuming. This paper presents a cloud-based monitoring scheme applied to a prototype distribution transformer. A 10kVA, 0.415 kV prototype distribution transformer has been acquired and connected to three residences for data acquisition. A data acquisition system has been developed to monitor and record the parameters of the prototype transformer for 14 days.  The parameters, monitored in real-time include load current, phase voltage, transformer oil level, ambient temperature and oil temperature. The acquired real-time data of the transformer is validated with the standard measuring instrument. An algorithm was developed to transmit and log the data to ThinkSpeak cloud server via node MCU (ESP 8266). Results obtained in this study, which can be visualized via the graphical user interface of ThinkSpeak, indicate that the proposed scheme can acquire vital data from the distribution transformers and transmit the information to the monitoring centre

    Application of Park's power components to the differential protection of three-phase transformers

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    This paper presents a new scheme for power transformers differential protection, in which the concept of the Park's instantaneous differential powers is introduced. The proposed method is able to detect winding insulation failures and to distinguish them from magnetizing inrush current transients. Experimental and simulation results are presented and discussed

    비표지 고장 데이터와 유중가스분석데이터를 이용한 딥러닝기반 주변압기 고장진단 연구

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 기계항공공학부, 2021.8. 소재웅.오늘날 산업의 급속한 발전과 고도화로 인해 안전하고 신뢰할 수 있는 전력 계통에 대한 수요는 더욱 중요해지고 있다. 따라서 실제 산업 현장에서는 주변압기의 안전한 작동을 위해 상태를 정확하게 진단할 수 있는 prognostics and health management (PHM)와 같은 기술이 필요하다. 주변압기 진단을 위해 개발된 다양한 방법 중 인공지능(AI) 기반 접근법은 산업과 학계에서 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 더욱이 방대한 데이터와 함께 높은 성능을 달성하는 딥 러닝 기술은 주변압기 고장 진단의 학자들에게 높은 관심을 갖게 해줬다. 그 이유는 딥 러닝 기술이 시스템의 도메인 지식을 깊이 이해할 필요 없이 대량의 데이터만 주어진다면 복잡한 시스템이라도 사용자의 목적에 맞게 그 해답을 찾을 수 있기 때문에 딥 러닝에 대한 관심은 주변압기 고장 진단 분야에서 특히 두드러졌다. 그러나, 이러한 뛰어난 진단 성능은 아직 실제 주변압기 산업에서는 많은 관심을 얻고 있지는 못한 것으로 알려졌다. 그 이유는 산업현장의 비표지데이터와 소량의 고장데이터 때문에 우수한 딥러닝기반의 고장 진단 모델들을 개발하기 어렵다. 따라서 본 학위논문에서는 주변압기 산업에서 현재 대두되고 있는 세가지 이슈를 연구하였다. 1) 건전성 평면 시각화 이슈, 2) 데이터 부족 이슈, 3) 심각도 이슈 들을 극복하기 위한 딥 러닝 기반 고장 진단 연구를 진행하였다. 소개된 세가지 이슈들을 개선하기 위해 본 학위논문은 세 가지 연구를 제안하였다. 첫 번째 연구는 보조 감지 작업이 있는 준지도 자동 인코더를 통해 건전성 평면을 제안하였다. 제안된 방법은 변압기 열하 특성을 시각화 할 수 있다. 또한, 준지도 접근법을 활용하기 때문에 방대한 비표지데이터 그리고 소수의 표지데이터만으로 구현될 수 있다. 제안방법은 주변압기 건전성을 건전성 평면과 함께 시각화하고, 매우 적은 소수의 레이블 데이터만으로 주변압기 고장을 진단한다. 두 번째 연구는 규칙 기반 Duval 방법을 AI 기반 deep neural network (DNN)과 융합(bridge)하는 새로운 프레임워크를 제안하였다. 이 방법은 룰기반의 Duval을 사용하여 비표지데이터를 수도 레이블링한다 (pseudo-labeling). 또한, AI 기반 DNN은 정규화 기술과 매개 변수 전이 학습을 적용하여 노이즈가 있는 pseudo-label 데이터를 학습하는데 사용된다. 개발된 기술은 방대한양의 비표지데이터를 룰기반으로 일차적으로 진단한 결과와 소수의 실제 고장데이터와 함께 학습데이터로 훈련하였을 때 기존의 진단 방법보다 획기적인 향상을 가능케 한다. 끝으로, 세 번째 연구는 고장 타입을 진단할 뿐만 아니라 심각도 또한 진단하는 기술을 제안하였다. 이때 두 상태의 레이블링된 고장 타입과 심각도 사이에는 불균일한 데이터 분포로 이루어져 있다. 그 이유는 심각도의 경우 레이블링이 항상 되어 있지만 고장 타입의 경우는 실제 주변압기로부터 고장 타입 데이터를 얻기가 매우 어렵기 때문이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서 세번째로 개발한 기술은 오늘날 데이터 생성에 매우 우수한 성능을 달성하고 있는 generative adversarial network (GAN)를 통해 불균형한 두 상태를 균일화 작업을 수행하는 동시에 고장 모드와 심각도를 진단하는 모델을 개발하였다.Due to the rapid development and advancement of today’s industry, the demand for safe and reliable power distribution and transmission lines is becoming more critical; thus, prognostics and health management (hereafter, PHM) is becoming more important in the power transformer industry. Among various methods developed for power transformer diagnosis, the artificial intelligence (AI) based approach has received considerable interest from academics. Specifically, deep learning technology, which offers excellent performance when used with vast amounts of data, is also rapidly gaining the spotlight in the academic field of transformer fault diagnosis. The interest in deep learning has been especially noticed in the field of fault diagnosis, because deep learning algorithms can be applied to complex systems that have large amounts of data, without the need for a deep understanding of the domain knowledge of the system. However, the outstanding performance of these diagnosis methods has not yet gained much attention in the power transformer PHM industry. The reason is that a large amount of unlabeled and a small amount of fault data always restrict their deep-learning-based diagnosis methods in the power transformer PHM industry. Therefore, in this dissertation research, deep-learning-based fault diagnosis methods are developed to overcome three issues that currently prevent this type of diagnosis in industrial power transformers: 1) the visualization of health feature space issue, 2) the insufficient data issue, and 3) the severity issue. To cope with these challenges, this thesis is composed of three research thrusts. The first research thrust develops a health feature space via a semi-supervised autoencoder with an auxiliary detection task. The proposed method can visualize a monotonic health trendability of the transformer’s degradation properties. Further, thanks to the use of a semi-supervised approach, the method is applicable to situations with a large amount of unlabeled and a small amount labeled data (a situation common in industrial datasets). Next, the second research thrust proposes a new framework, that bridges the rule-based Duval method with an AI-based deep neural network (BDD). In this method, the rule-based Duval method is utilized to pseudo-label a large amount of unlabeled data. Furthermore, the AI-based DNN is used to apply regularization techniques and parameter transfer learning to learn the noisy pseudo-labelled data. Finally, the third thrust not only identifies fault types but also indicates a severity level. However, the balance between labeled fault types and the severity level is imbalanced in real-world data. Therefore, in the proposed method, diagnosis of fault types – with severity levels – under imbalanced conditions is addressed by utilizing a generative adversarial network with an auxiliary classifier. The validity of the proposed methods is demonstrated by studying massive unlabeled dissolved gas analysis (DGA) data, provided by the Korea Electric Power Company (KEPCO), and sparse labeled data, provided by the IEC TC 10 database. Each developed method could be used in industrial fields that use power transformers to monitor the health feature space, consider severity level, and diagnose transformer faults under extremely insufficient labeled fault data.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Research Scope and Overview 4 1.3 Dissertation Layout 7 Chapter 2 Literature Review 9 2.1 A Brief Overview of Rule-Based Fault Diagnosis 9 2.2 A Brief Overview of Conventional AI-Based Fault Diagnosis 11 Chapter 3 Extracting Health Feature Space via Semi-Supervised Autoencoder with an Auxiliary Task (SAAT) 13 3.1 Backgrounds of Semi-supervised autoencoder (SSAE) 15 3.1.1 Autoencoder: Unsupervised Feature Extraction 15 3.1.2 Softmax Classifier: Supervised Classification 17 3.1.3 Semi-supervised Autoencoder 18 3.2 Input DGA Data Preprocessing 20 3.3 SAAT-Based Fault Diagnosis Method 21 3.3.1 Roles of the Auxiliary Detection Task 23 3.3.2 Architecture of the Proposed SAAT 27 3.3.3 Health Feature Space Visualization 29 3.3.4 Overall Procedure of the Proposed SAAT-based Fault Diagnosis 30 3.4 Performance Evaluation of SAAT 31 3.4.1 Data Description and Implementation 31 3.4.2 An Outline of Four Comparative Studies and Quantitative Evaluation Metrics 33 3.4.3 Experimental Results and Discussion 36 3.5 Summary and Discussion 49 Chapter 4 Learning from Even a Weak Teacher: Bridging Rule-based Duval Weak Supervision and a Deep Neural Network (BDD) for Diagnosing Transformer 51 4.1 Backgrounds of BDD 53 4.1.1 Rule-based method: Duval Method 53 4.1.2 Deep learning Based Method: Deep Neural Network 54 4.1.3 Parameter Transfer 55 4.2 BDD Based Fault Diagnosis 56 4.2.1 Problem Statement 56 4.2.2 Framework of the Proposed BDD 57 4.2.3 Overall Procedure of BDD-based Fault Diagnosis 63 4.3 Performance Evaluation of the BDD 64 4.3.1 Description of Data and the DNN Architecture 64 4.3.2 Experimental Results and Discussion 66 4.4 Summary and Discussion 76 Chapter 5 Generative Adversarial Network with Embedding Severity DGA Level 79 5.1 Backgrounds of Generative Adversarial Network 81 5.2 GANES based Fault Diagnosis 82 5.2.1 Training Strategy of GANES 82 5.2.2 Overall procedure of GANES 87 5.3 Performance Evaluation of GANES 91 5.3.1 Description of Data 91 5.3.2 Outlines of Experiments 91 5.3.3 Preliminary Experimental Results of Various GANs 95 5.3.4 Experiments for the Effectiveness of Embedding Severity DGA Level 99 5.4 Summary and Discussion 105 Chapter 6 Conclusion 106 6.1 Contributions and Significance 106 6.2 Suggestions for Future Research 108 References 110 국문 초록 127박

    Diagnóstico de falhas em transformadores de potência pela análise de gases dissolvidos em óleo isolante através de redes neurais

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    Substation Equipments that use insulation oil for isolate their internal parts needs a periodic maintenance program to detect possible fails like cellulose deterioration of coils insulation, short circuit between their springs, dissolved gas in oil caused by its deterioration, etc. Actually, preventive maintenance programs have been used by generation, transmission and distribution companies, as a fundamental tool to identify incipient faults, trying to avoid that these faults come to take away the equipment from electrical system, carrying out great financial losses caused by decreasing invoicing, payment of fines to regulatory agency or by decreasing of system reliability. Trying to avoid these inconvenient, on-line sensors and intelligent artificial (IA) techniques has been found application on electrical system engineering. This dissertation is a study of one of these techniques – gas chromatography associated with neural networks – looking to support presents and futures fault diagnosis based on results from chromatography by the analysis of dissolved insulation oil gases during the useful power transformer life, avoiding this way the inconvenient related above, making easy the decision of engineers and technicians about the predictive maintenance of these equipment and also serving as a base for the on-line sensors actuation diagnosis if installed on these allowing yet an estimated old age degree and so the useful age of transformer. Techniques like that from this study may be associated with other IA tools like fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, expert system and others, consisting the system called hybrid, attempted to get the best solution for the problem.Equipamentos de Subestação que utilizam o óleo isolante para a isolação de suas partes internas necessitam de um programa de manutenção periódico que visa detectar possíveis falhas tais como a deterioração da celulose do isolamento dos enrolamentos, curto circuito entre espiras destes, gases dissolvidos no óleo devido a sua degeneração, etc. Normalmente, programas de manutenção preventiva têm sido utilizados por empresas de geração, transmissão e distribuição de energia elétrica buscando evitar que estas falhas venham a provocar a retirada do equipamento do sistema elétrico o que significa grandes perdas financeiras, seja pela diminuição do faturamento, seja pelo pagamento de multas à agência reguladora, além da diminuição da confiabilidade do sistema. Para evitar estes inconvenientes, sensores on-line e técnicas de inteligência artificial (IA) têm encontrado aplicação na engenharia de sistemas elétricos. Esta dissertação é um estudo de uma dessas técnicas – cromatografia de gases associada a redes neurais – visando apoiar o diagnóstico de falhas presentes e futuras baseando-se nos resultados obtidos através de cromatografia pela análise de gases dissolvidos em óleo isolante ao longo da vida útil dos transformadores de potência, prevenindo desta forma os inconvenientes acima relatados, facilitando assim a decisão de técnicos e engenheiros de manutenção para a manutenção preditiva daqueles equipamentos servindo também de base para o diagnóstico da atuação de sensores on-line se instalados naqueles, permitindo ainda uma estimativa do grau de envelhecimento e, portanto da vida útil do transformador. Técnicas como estas do estudo podem ser associadas a outras ferramentas de IA como a lógica fuzzy, algoritmos genéticos, sistemas especialistas e outras, constituindo assim os sistemas chamados híbridos, na tentativa de se obter a melhor solução para o problema