48 research outputs found

    Unified Foundations of Team Semantics via Semirings

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    Semiring semantics for first-order logic provides a way to trace how facts represented by a model are used to deduce satisfaction of a formula. Team semantics is a framework for studying logics of dependence and independence in diverse contexts such as databases, quantum mechanics, and statistics by extending first-order logic with atoms that describe dependencies between variables. Combining these two, we propose a unifying approach for analysing the concepts of dependence and independence via a novel semiring team semantics, which subsumes all the previously considered variants for first-order team semantics. In particular, we study the preservation of satisfaction of dependencies and formulae between different semirings. In addition we create links to reasoning tasks such as provenance, counting, and repairs

    On the Discovery of Semantically Meaningful SQL Constraints from Armstrong Samples: Foundations, Implementation, and Evaluation

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    A database is said to be C-Armstrong for a finite set Σ of data dependencies in a class C if the database satisfies all data dependencies in Σ and violates all data dependencies in C that are not implied by Σ. Therefore, Armstrong databases are concise, user-friendly representations of abstract data dependencies that can be used to judge, justify, convey, and test the understanding of database design choices. Indeed, an Armstrong database satisfies exactly those data dependencies that are considered meaningful by the current design choice Σ. Structural and computational properties of Armstrong databases have been deeply investigated in Codd’s Turing Award winning relational model of data. Armstrong databases have been incorporated in approaches towards relational database design. They have also been found useful for the elicitation of requirements, the semantic sampling of existing databases, and the specification of schema mappings. This research establishes a toolbox of Armstrong databases for SQL data. This is challenging as SQL data can contain null marker occurrences in columns declared NULL, and may contain duplicate rows. Thus, the existing theory of Armstrong databases only applies to idealized instances of SQL data, that is, instances without null marker occurrences and without duplicate rows. For the thesis, two popular interpretations of null markers are considered: the no information interpretation used in SQL, and the exists but unknown interpretation by Codd. Furthermore, the study is limited to the popular class C of functional dependencies. However, the presence of duplicate rows means that the class of uniqueness constraints is no longer subsumed by the class of functional dependencies, in contrast to the relational model of data. As a first contribution a provably-correct algorithm is developed that computes Armstrong databases for an arbitrarily given finite set of uniqueness constraints and functional dependencies. This contribution is based on axiomatic, algorithmic and logical characterizations of the associated implication problem that are also established in this thesis. While the problem to decide whether a given database is Armstrong for a given set of such constraints is precisely exponential, our algorithm computes an Armstrong database with a number of rows that is at most quadratic in the number of rows of a minimum-sized Armstrong database. As a second contribution the algorithms are implemented in the form of a design tool. Users of the tool can therefore inspect Armstrong databases to analyze their current design choice Σ. Intuitively, Armstrong databases are useful for the acquisition of semantically meaningful constraints, if the users can recognize the actual meaningfulness of constraints that they incorrectly perceived as meaningless before the inspection of an Armstrong database. As a final contribution, measures are introduced that formalize the term “useful” and it is shown by some detailed experiments that Armstrong tables, as computed by the tool, are indeed useful. In summary, this research establishes a toolbox of Armstrong databases that can be applied by database designers to concisely visualize constraints on SQL data. Such support can lead to database designs that guarantee efficient data management in practice

    Fundamentals and applications of order dependencies

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    Business-intelligence queries often involve SQL functions and algebraic expressions. There can be clear semantic relationships between a column's values and the values of a function over that column. A common property is monotonicity: as the column's values ascend, so do the function's values (or the other column's values). This we call an order dependency (OD). Queries can be evaluated more efficiently when the query optimizer uses order dependencies. They can be run even faster when the optimizer can also reason over known ODs to infer new ones. Order dependencies can be declared as integrity constraints, and they can be detected automatically for many types of SQL functions and algebraic expressions. We present optimization techniques using ODs for queries that involve join, order by, group by, partition by, and distinct. Essentially, ODs can further exploit interesting orders to eliminate or simplify potentially expensive sorts in the query plan. We evaluate these techniques over our prototype implementation in IBM® DB2® using the TPC-DS® benchmark schema and some customer inspired queries. Our experimental results demonstrate a significant performance gain. Dependencies have played an important role in database theory. We study the theoretical aspects of order dependencies-and unidirectional order dependencies (UODs), a proper sub-class of ODs-which describe the relationships among lexicographical orderings of sets of tuples. We investigate the inference problem for order dependencies. We establish the following: (i) a sound and complete axiomatization for UODs which is sound for ODs; (ii) a hierarchy of order dependency classes; (iii) a proof of co-NP-completeness of the inference problem for ODs and for the subclass of UODs; (iv) a proof of co-NP-completeness of the inference problem of functional dependencies (FDs) from ODs in general, but demonstrate linear time complexity for the inference of FDs from UODs; (v) a sound and complete elimination procedure for testing logical implication over ODs; and (vi) a sound and complete polynomial inference algorithm for sets of UODs over natural domains

    Parameterized aspects of team-based formalisms and logical inference

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    Parameterized complexity is an interesting subfield of complexity theory that has received a lot of attention in recent years. Such an analysis characterizes the complexity of (classically) intractable problems by pinpointing the computational hardness to some structural aspects of the input. In this thesis, we study the parameterized complexity of various problems from the area of team-based formalisms as well as logical inference. In the context of team-based formalism, we consider propositional dependence logic (PDL). The problems of interest are model checking (MC) and satisfiability (SAT). Peter Lohmann studied the classical complexity of these problems as a part of his Ph.D. thesis proving that both MC and SAT are NP-complete for PDL. This thesis addresses the parameterized complexity of these problems with respect to a wealth of different parameterizations. Interestingly, SAT for PDL boils down to the satisfiability of propositional logic as implied by the downwards closure of PDL-formulas. We propose an interesting satisfiability variant (mSAT) asking for a satisfiable team of size m. The problem mSAT restores the ‘team semantic’ nature of satisfiability for PDL-formulas. We propose another problem (MaxSubTeam) asking for a maximal satisfiable team if a given team does not satisfy the input formula. From the area of logical inference, we consider (logic-based) abduction and argumentation. The problem of interest in abduction (ABD) is to determine whether there is an explanation for a manifestation in a knowledge base (KB). Following Pfandler et al., we also consider two of its variants by imposing additional restrictions over the size of an explanation (ABD and ABD=). In argumentation, our focus is on the argument existence (ARG), relevance (ARG-Rel) and verification (ARG-Check) problems. The complexity of these problems have been explored already in the classical setting, and each of them is known to be complete for the second level of the polynomial hierarchy (except for ARG-Check which is DP-complete) for propositional logic. Moreover, the work by Nord and Zanuttini (resp., Creignou et al.) explores the complexity of these problems with respect to various restrictions over allowed KBs for ABD (ARG). In this thesis, we explore a two-dimensional complexity analysis for these problems. The first dimension is the restrictions over KB in Schaefer’s framework (the same direction as Nord and Zanuttini and Creignou et al.). What differentiates the work in this thesis from an existing research on these problems is that we add another dimension, the parameterization. The results obtained in this thesis are interesting for two reasons. First (from a theoretical point of view), ideas used in our reductions can help in developing further reductions and prove (in)tractability results for related problems. Second (from a practical point of view), the obtained tractability results might help an agent designing an instance of a problem come up with the one for which the problem is tractable

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 11. Number 1-2.

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    Equivalence of Queries with Nested Aggregation

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    Query equivalence is a fundamental problem within database theory. The correctness of all forms of logical query rewriting—join minimization, view flattening, rewriting over materialized views, various semantic optimizations that exploit schema dependencies, federated query processing and other forms of data integration—requires proving that the final executed query is equivalent to the original user query. Hence, advances in the theory of query equivalence enable advances in query processing and optimization. In this thesis we address the problem of deciding query equivalence between conjunctive SQL queries containing aggregation operators that may be nested. Our focus is on understanding the interaction between nested aggregation operators and the other parts of the query body, and so we model aggregation functions simply as abstract collection constructors. Hence, the precise language that we study is a conjunctive algebraic language that constructs complex objects from databases of flat relations. Using an encoding of complex objects as flat relations, we reduce the query equivalence problem for this algebraic language to deciding equivalence between relational encodings output by traditional conjunctive queries (not containing aggregation). This encoding-equivalence cleanly unifies and generalizes previous results for deciding equivalence of conjunctive queries evaluated under various processing semantics. As part of our study of aggregation operators that can construct empty sub-collections—so-called “scalar” aggregation—we consider query equivalence for conjunctive queries extended with a left outer join operator, a very practical class of queries for which the general equivalence problem has never before been analyzed. Although we do not completely solve the equivalence problem for queries with outer joins or with scalar aggregation, we do propose useful sufficient conditions that generalize previously known results for restricted classes of queries. Overall, this thesis offers new insight into the fundamental principles governing the behaviour of nested aggregation

    Risk in the development design.

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    Structured Prediction on Dirty Datasets

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    Many errors cannot be detected or repaired without taking into account the underlying structure and dependencies in the dataset. One way of modeling the structure of the data is graphical models. Graphical models combine probability theory and graph theory in order to address one of the key objectives in designing and fitting probabilistic models, which is to capture dependencies among relevant random variables. Structure representation helps to understand the side effect of the errors or it reveals correct interrelationships between data points. Hence, principled representation of structure in prediction and cleaning tasks of dirty data is essential for the quality of downstream analytical results. Existing structured prediction research considers limited structures and configurations, with little attention to the performance limitations and how well the problem can be solved in more general settings where the structure is complex and rich. In this dissertation, I present the following thesis: By leveraging the underlying dependency and structure in machine learning models, we can effectively detect and clean errors via pragmatic structured predictions techniques. To highlight the main contributions: I investigate prediction algorithms and systems on dirty data with a more realistic structure and dependencies to help deploy this type of learning in more pragmatic settings. Specifically, We introduce a few-shot learning framework for error detection that uses structure-based features of data such as denial constraints violations and Bayesian network as co-occurrence feature. I have studied the problem of recovering the latent ground truth labeling of a structured instance. Then, I consider the problem of mining integrity constraints from data and specifically using the sampling methods for extracting approximate denial constraints. Finally, I have introduced an ML framework that uses solitary and structured data features to solve the problem of record fusion

    What's next? : operational support for business process execution

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    In the last decade flexibility has become an increasingly important in the area of business process management. Information systems that support the execution of the process are required to work in a dynamic environment that imposes changing demands on the execution of the process. In academia and industry a variety of paradigms and implementations has been developed to support flexibility. While on the one hand these approaches address the industry demands in flexibility, on the other hand, they result in confronting the user with many choices between different alternatives. As a consequence, methods to support users in selecting the best alternative during execution have become essential. In this thesis we introduce a formal framework for providing support to users based on historical evidence available in the execution log of the process. This thesis focuses on support by means of (1) recommendations that provide the user an ordered list of execution alternatives based on estimated utilities and (2) predictions that provide the user general statistics for each execution alternative. Typically, estimations are not an average over all observations, but they are based on observations for "similar" situations. The main question is what similarity means in the context of business process execution. We introduce abstractions on execution traces to capture similarity between execution traces in the log. A trace abstraction considers some trace characteristics rather than the exact trace. Traces that have identical abstraction values are said to be similar. The challenge is to determine those abstractions (characteristics) that are good predictors for the parameter to be estimated in the recommendation or prediction. We analyse the dependency between values of an abstraction and the mean of the parameter to be estimated by means of regression analysis. With regression we obtain a set of abstractions that explain the parameter to be estimated. Dependencies do not only play a role in providing predictions and recommendations to instances at run-time, but they are also essential for simulating the effect of changes in the environment on the processes, both locally and globally. We use stochastic simulation models to simulate the effect of changes in the environment, in particular changed probability distribution caused by recommendations. The novelty of these models is that they include dependencies between abstraction values and simulation parameters, which are estimated from log data. We demonstrate that these models give better approximations of reality than traditional models. A framework for offering operational support has been implemented in the context of the process mining framework ProM

    Tirer parti de la structure des données incertaines

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    The management of data uncertainty can lead to intractability, in the case of probabilistic databases, or even undecidability, in the case of open-world reasoning under logical rules. My thesis studies how to mitigate these problems by restricting the structure of uncertain data and rules. My first contribution investigates conditions on probabilistic relational instances that ensure the tractability of query evaluation and lineage computation. I show that these tasks are tractable when we bound the treewidth of instances, for various probabilistic frameworks and provenance representations. Conversely, I show intractability under mild assumptions for any other condition on instances. The second contribution concerns query evaluation on incomplete data under logical rules, and under the finiteness assumption usually made in database theory. I show that this task is decidable for unary inclusion dependencies and functional dependencies. This establishes the first positive result for finite open-world query answering on an arbitrary-arity language featuring both referential constraints and number restrictions.La gestion des données incertaines peut devenir infaisable, dans le cas des bases de données probabilistes, ou même indécidable, dans le cas du raisonnement en monde ouvert sous des contraintes logiques. Cette thèse étudie comment pallier ces problèmes en limitant la structure des données incertaines et des règles. La première contribution présentée s'intéresse aux conditions qui permettent d'assurer la faisabilité de l'évaluation de requêtes et du calcul de lignage sur les instances relationnelles probabilistes. Nous montrons que ces tâches sont faisables, pour diverses représentations de la provenance et des probabilités, quand la largeur d'arbre des instances est bornée. Réciproquement, sous des hypothèses faibles, nous pouvons montrer leur infaisabilité pour toute autre condition imposée sur les instances. La seconde contribution concerne l'évaluation de requêtes sur des données incomplètes et sous des contraintes logiques, sous l'hypothèse de finitude généralement supposée en théorie des bases de données. Nous montrons la décidabilité de cette tâche pour les dépendances d'inclusion unaires et les dépendances fonctionnelles. Ceci constitue le premier résultat positif, sous l'hypothèse de la finitude, pour la réponse aux requêtes en monde ouvert avec un langage d'arité arbitraire qui propose à la fois des contraintes d'intégrité référentielle et des contraintes de cardinalité