9 research outputs found

    Evaluating Cartogram Effectiveness

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    Cartograms are maps in which areas of geographic regions (countries, states) appear in proportion to some variable of interest (population, income). Cartograms are popular visualizations for geo-referenced data that have been used for over a century and that make it possible to gain insight into patterns and trends in the world around us. Despite the popularity of cartograms and the large number of cartogram types, there are few studies evaluating the effectiveness of cartograms in conveying information. Based on a recent task taxonomy for cartograms, we evaluate four major different types of cartograms: contiguous, non-contiguous, rectangular, and Dorling cartograms. Specifically, we evaluate the effectiveness of these cartograms by quantitative performance analysis, as well as by subjective preferences. We analyze the results of our study in the context of some prevailing assumptions in the literature of cartography and cognitive science. Finally, we make recommendations for the use of different types of cartograms for different tasks and settings

    Enhancing building footprints with squaring operations

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    Whatever the data source, or the capture process, the creation of a building footprint in a geographical dataset is error prone. Building footprints are designed with square angles, but once in a geographical dataset, the angles may not be exactly square. The almost-square angles blur the legibility of the footprints when displayed on maps, but might also be propagated in further applications based on the footprints, e.g., 3D city model construction. This paper proposes two new methods to square such buildings: a simple one, and a more complex one based on nonlinear least squares. The latter squares right and flat angles by iteratively moving vertices, while preserving the initial shape and position of the buildings. The methods are tested on real datasets and assessed against existing methods, proving the usefulness of the contribution. Direct applications of the squaring transformation, such as OpenStreetMap enhancement, or map generalization are presented

    The State of the Art in Cartograms

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    Cartograms combine statistical and geographical information in thematic maps, where areas of geographical regions (e.g., countries, states) are scaled in proportion to some statistic (e.g., population, income). Cartograms make it possible to gain insight into patterns and trends in the world around us and have been very popular visualizations for geo-referenced data for over a century. This work surveys cartogram research in visualization, cartography and geometry, covering a broad spectrum of different cartogram types: from the traditional rectangular and table cartograms, to Dorling and diffusion cartograms. A particular focus is the study of the major cartogram dimensions: statistical accuracy, geographical accuracy, and topological accuracy. We review the history of cartograms, describe the algorithms for generating them, and consider task taxonomies. We also review quantitative and qualitative evaluations, and we use these to arrive at design guidelines and research challenges

    전근대 토지대장과 지적도의 대화형 분석을 위한 시각화 설계

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2016. 2. 서진욱.We propose an interactive visualization design tool, called JigsawMap, for analyzing and mapping historical textual cadasters. A cadaster is an official register that records land properties (e.g., location, ownership, value and size) for land valuation and taxation. Such mapping of old and new cadasters can help historians understand the social and economic background of changes in land uses or ownership. JigsawMap can effectively connect the past land survey results to modern cadastral maps. In order to accomplish the connection process, three steps are performed: (1) segmentation of cadastral map, (2) visualization of textual cadastre, (3) and mapping interaction. We conducted usability studies and long term case studies to evaluate JigsawMap, and received positive responses. We summarize the evaluation results and present design guidelines for participatory design projects with historians. Followed by our study on JigsawMap, we further investigated on each components of our tool for more scalable map connection. First, we designed a hybrid algorithm to semi-automatically segment land pieces on cadastral map. The original JigsawMap provides interface for user to segment land pieces and the experiment result shows that segmentation algorithm accurately extracts the regions. Next, we reconsidered the visual encoding and simplified it to make textual cadastre more scalable. Since the former visual encoding relies on traditional map legend, the visual encoding can be selected based on user expert level. Finally, we redesigned layout algorithm to generate a better initial layout. We used evolution algorithm to articulate ambiguity problem of textual cadastre and the result less suffered from overlapping problem. Overall, our visualization design tool will provide an accurate segmentation result, give the user an option to select visual encoding that suits on their expert level, and generate more readable initial layout which gives an overview of cadastre layout.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background & Motivation 1 1.2 Main Contribution 7 1.3 Organization of the Dissertation 8 Chapter 2 Related Work 11 2.1 Map Data Visualization 11 2.2 Graph Layout Algorithms 13 2.3 Collaborative Map Editing Service 14 2.4 Map Image Segmentation 15 2.5 Premodern Cadastral Maps 17 2.6 Assessing Measures for Cartogram 18 Chapter 3 Visualizing and Mapping Premodern Textual Cadasters to Cadastral Maps 20 3.1 Textual Cadastre 21 3.2 Cadastral Maps 24 3.3 Paper-based Mapping Process and Obstacles 24 3.4 Task Flow in JigsawMap 26 3.5 Design Rationale 32 3.6 Evaluation 34 3.7 Discussion 40 3.8 Design Guidelines When Working with Historians 42 Chapter 4 Accurate Segmentation of Land Regions in Historical Cadastral Maps 44 4.1 Segmentation Pipeline 45 4.2 Preprocessing 46 4.3 Removal of Grid Line 48 4.4 Removal of Characters 52 4.5 Reconstruction of Land Boundaries 53 4.6 Generation of Polygons 55 4.7 Experimental Result 56 4.8 Discussion 59 Chapter 5 Approximating Rectangular Cartogram from Premodern Textual Cadastre 62 5.1 Challenges of the Textual Cadastre Layout 62 5.2 Quality Measures for Assessing Rectangular Cartogram 64 5.3 Quality Measures for Assessing Textual Cadastre 65 5.4 Graph Layout Algorithm 66 5.5 Results 72 5.6 Discussion 73 Chapter 6 Design of Scalable Node Representation for a Large Textual Cadastre 78 6.1 Motivation 78 6.2 Visual Encoding in JigsawMa 80 6.3 Challenges of Current Visual Encoding 81 6.4 Compact Visual Encoding 83 6.5 Results 84 6.6 Discussion 86 Chapter 7 Conclusion 88 Bibliography 90 Abstract in Korean 101Docto

    Algorithms for Context-Aware Trajectory Analysis

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    Area-preserving subdivision schematization

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    We describe an area-preserving subdivision schematization algorithm: the area of each region in the input equals the area of the corresponding region in the output. Our schematization is axis-aligned, the final output is a rectilinear subdivision. We first describe how to convert a given subdivision into an area-equivalent rectilinear subdivision. Then we define two area-preserving contraction operations and prove that at least one of these operations can always be applied to any given simple rectilinear polygon. We extend this approach to subdivisions and showcase experimental results. Finally, we give examples for standard distance metrics (symmetric difference, Hausdorff- and Fréchet-distance) that show that better schematizations might result in worse shapes