5,079 research outputs found

    The Limited Effect of Graphic Elements in Video and Augmented Reality on Children’s Listening Comprehension

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    There is currently significant interest in the use of instructional strategies in learning environments thanks to the emergence of new multimedia systems that combine text, audio, graphics and video, such as augmented reality (AR). In this light, this study compares the effectiveness of AR and video for listening comprehension tasks. The sample consisted of thirty-two elementary school students with different reading comprehension. Firstly, the experience, instructions and objectives were introduced to all the students. Next, they were divided into two groups to perform activities—one group performed an activity involving watching an Educational Video Story of the Laika dog and her Space Journey available by mobile devices app Blue Planet Tales, while the other performed an activity involving the use of AR, whose contents of the same history were visualized by means of the app Augment Sales. Once the activities were completed participants answered a comprehension test. Results (p = 0.180) indicate there are no meaningful differences between the lesson format and test performance. But there are differences between the participants of the AR group according to their reading comprehension level. With respect to the time taken to perform the comprehension test, there is no significant difference between the two groups but there is a difference between participants with a high and low level of comprehension. To conclude SUS (System Usability Scale) questionnaire was used to establish the measure usability for the AR app on a smartphone. An average score of 77.5 out of 100 was obtained in this questionnaire, which indicates that the app has fairly good user-centered design

    Game-Based Learning, Gamification in Education and Serious Games

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    The aim of this book is to present and discuss new advances in serious games to show how they could enhance the effectiveness and outreach of education, advertising, social awareness, health, policies, etc. We present their use in structured learning activities, not only with a focus on game-based learning, but also on the use of game elements and game design techniques to gamify the learning process. The published contributions really demonstrate the wide scope of application of game-based approaches in terms of purpose, target groups, technologies and domains and one aspect they have in common is that they provide evidence of how effective serious games, game-based learning and gamification can be

    Digitized Local Folklores in EFL Reading Classroom

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    This study aimed at reporting the implementation of the use of digitized local folklores to empower reading comprehension skills of junior high school students. This classroom action study was applied to a number of grade VII junior high school students. It engaged two stories about Palembang City - the Origin of Musi River and the History of Ikan Belido (Chitala Lopis). Both stories were “packaged” digitally by the use of video, and extended with guided ICT based post-reading activities. Video as one medium of the learning activities could confidently intensify students’ interest in learning due to the fact that most students tend to be more visualized. The result revealed that the use of this digitized media positively enhanced the students on the extent of the pleasure, imaginative visual learning aids, and the involvement and touched upon cultural aspects of the students

    Technology-Mediated Language Training: Developing and Assessing a Module for a Blended Curriculum for Newcomers

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    Newcomers to Canada with low proficiency in English or French often face challenges in the workforce (Kustec, 2012). While language classes provide workplace language training, not all newcomers are able to attend face-to-face classes (Shaffir & Satzewich 2010), suggesting a need for outside the classroom, occupation-specific language training. The use of technology has been shown to be advantageous for second language (L2) learning (Stockwell, 2007), especially when used outside the classroom (i.e., mobile-assisted language learning), as mobile technology affords learners greater control and flexibility over their own learning (Yang, 2013). This paper reports on a study investigating the development of a blended curriculum for L2 learners employed in customer service. A technology-mediated module was designed and developed within a task-based language teaching framework to provide workplace-linguistic support on mobile devices, enabling learners to access the language instruction they needed, when they needed it. The module contents and usability were assessed by high-beginner English proficiency newcomers employed in customer service (n=4) and their volunteer teachers (n=4). Results confirm the overall benefits of using language learning technology in providing instruction that meets participant language needs, ensuring opportunities for individualized training. Implications for designing, implementing, and researching technology-mediated modules are discussed.Les nouveaux arrivants au Canada ayant une faible maîtrise de l'anglais ou du français sont souvent confrontés à des difficultés sur le marché du travail (Kustec, 2012). Bien que les cours de langue offrent une formation linguistique en milieu de travail, les nouveaux arrivants ne sont pas tous en mesure d'assister à des cours en personne (Shaffir et Satzewich, 2010), ce qui suggère un besoin de formation linguistique en dehors de la salle de classe et spécifique à la profession. L'utilisation de la technologie s'est avérée avantageuse pour l'apprentissage d'une langue seconde (L2) (Stockwell, 2007), en particulier lorsqu'elle est utilisée en dehors de la salle de classe (c'est-à-dire l'apprentissage des langues assisté par le mobile), car la technologie mobile offre aux apprenants un plus grand contrôle et une plus grande flexibilité sur leur propre apprentissage (Yang, 2013). Cet article rend compte d'une étude portant sur le développement d'un programme d'études mixte pour les apprenants de L2 employés dans le service à la clientèle. Un module à médiation technologique a été conçu et développé dans un cadre d'enseignement des langues basé sur les tâches afin de fournir un soutien linguistique sur le lieu de travail sur des appareils mobiles, permettant aux apprenants d'accéder à l'enseignement linguistique dont ils ont besoin, quand ils en ont besoin. Le contenu et la convivialité du module ont été évalués par des nouveaux arrivants ayant des compétences en anglais de niveau débutant élevé et employés dans un service clientèle (n=4) et par leurs enseignants bénévoles (n=4). Les résultats confirment les avantages généraux de l'utilisation de la technologie d'apprentissage des langues pour fournir un enseignement qui répond aux besoins linguistiques des participants, en assurant des possibilités de formation individualisée. Les implications pour la conception, la mise en œuvre et la recherche de modules médiatisés par la technologie sont discutées

    Evaluating Language-learning Mobile Apps for Second-language Learners

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    As mobile technologies become more affordable and more advanced in function, researchers suggest that using mobile apps to assist English language learning are appropriate. This three-step evaluation study (designing a theory-driven rubric, selecting apps, and evaluating the apps) aims to investigate and evaluate the affordances of English language learning mobile apps for adult learners. The results of this evaluation study contribute to the literature of mobile learning targeting adult learners, and also broaden the knowledge body of integrating mobile learning into English Language Learning (ELL) classes

    Mobile augmented reality in learning chemistry subject: an evaluation of science exploration

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    Various technologies have been used in making teaching and learning sessions more effective, fun, and enjoyable. One of the ways to make teaching and learning interactive is by emphasizing the use of mobile augmented reality (MAR). Thus, this study has proposed using MAR for a chemistry subject, namely science exploration (SCIENEX). This study adopted design and development research (DDR) by employing the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) model. The phases involved in DDR are ADDIE. SCIENEX was evaluated based on its validity, usability, and effectiveness. Five experts validated SCIENEX after it had been completely developed. The samples for usability testing and effectiveness of SCIENEX were 30 secondary school students who were studying chemistry. The results of the evaluation of the experts’ validation revealed that SCIENEX is a valid and appropriate MAR application for the learning of topics in chemistry. The result also revealed that the majority of students strongly agreed that SCIENEX is appropriate for the usage of MAR in learning chemistry, as it is fun, easy to use, and helps students to understand their learning. Interestingly, SCIENEX could increase students’ performance in their learning (t=21.754; p=0.000). Thus, it can be concluded that SCIENEX is valid, can be used for learning chemistry, and can help students in their learning. The limitations of this study and future suggestions for research are also discussed

    Towards Sustainable Education with the Use of Mobile Augmented Reality in Early Childhood and Primary Education: A Systematic Mapping

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    Over the years, educational institutions have faced significant difficulties in the teaching process at all educational levels, due to lack of motivation, concentration, attention, and confidence, among other aspects. In this sense, information and communication technologies can be the answer to transform educational models. One of the most promising and accessible technologies in recent years is mobile augmented reality (MAR), which allows students to visualize content through a mobile device combining the real environment with a virtual environment, providing an interactive and digital vision of the physical world in real time. The appropriate use of digital technologies in early childhood and primary education can promote socialization, comprehension, learning, language development, attention, and other educational benefits. However, due to the novelty of this technology, there is limited research and a gap in the literature on the use of MAR at these educational levels. This research work, through systematic mapping, aims to give an overview of how AR and mobile devices have been used in the last decade, which academic areas have benefited from the use of this innovative academic approach, and the main benefits and problems of using this technology in early and primary education. The findings are encouraging and show that AR technology, together with mobile devices, can be used to support the teaching of science, mathematics, reading, language, geography, etc.This work was financed by the Universidad de Las Américas through project code: TIC.LCC.22.01

    Language learning through handheld gaming: a case study of an English course with engineering students

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    El siglo XXI es la generación de Digital Game-Based Learning, una generación que creció con las tecnologías y contribuyendo a la prevalencia de los juegos digitales [Chuang et al., 10]. Así, el uso de consolas portátiles (Nintendo DS o SONY PSP) para el entretenimiento en todas las edades ha aumentado dramáticamente, al igual que la disponibilidad de los juegos que satisfagan necesidades específicas, las necesidades o preferencias de los usuarios. Aunque este campo de aplicaciones no está exenta de limitaciones, tales como la conectividad, la facilidad de uso y limitaciones técnicas [Moisés, 08; Hussain y Adeeb, 09], el aprendizaje móvil está ahora en el programa a todos los niveles de la educación [Cheon et al., 12; Frohberg et al., 2009; Suki y Suki, 07]. En este estudio analizamos cómo Nintendo utiliza tecnología móvil para enseñar vocabulario, gramática, pronunciación, escritura y habilidades de escucha puede ayudar a mejorar el entorno de aprendizaje y los resultados en inglés para estudiantes de ingeniería. La doble investigación apunta a (1) evaluar la satisfacción del estudiante con la tecnología móvil y (2) medir el aprendizaje del estudiante con Nintendo DS. A la luz de estas hipótesis, los resultados muestran cómo la introducción de dispositivos móviles puede aumentar el interés de los alumnos y la motivación en el proceso de aprendizaje, fomentar la integración de actividades y aumentar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes.The 21st century is the generation of Digital Game-Based Learning, a generation growing up with technologies and contributing to the prevalence of digital games [Chuang et al., 10]. Thus, the use of mobile consoles (Nintendo DS or SONY PSP) for entertainment at all ages has increased dramatically, as has the availability of games that meet specific needs, requirements or users preferences. Though this field of applications is not exempt from constraints such as connectivity, usability and technical limitations [Moses, 08; Hussain and Adeeb, 09], mobile learning is now on the agenda at all levels of education [Cheon et al., 12; Frohberg et al., 09; Suki and Suki, 07]. In this study we analyze how Nintendo mobile technology used to teach vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, writing and listening skills can help to improve the learning environment and the results in English for Engineering students. The two-fold investigation aims to (1) evaluate the student’s satisfaction with mobile technology and (2) measure student learning with Nintendo DS. In the light of these hypotheses, the results show how the introduction of mobile devices can increase students’ interest and motivation in the learning process, fostering the integration of activities and increasing the academic performance of students.peerReviewe
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