3,942 research outputs found

    Use of consumer-grade cameras to assess wheat N status and grain yield

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    Relationships between (a) fractional Intercepted PAR (fIPAR), and (b) aboveground biomass (Biomass) and (c) grain yield at harvest with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived either from a spectroradiometer or a conventional camera at final grain filling (n = 12).Postprint (published version

    Remote Sensing for Precision Nitrogen Management

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    This book focuses on the fundamental and applied research of the non-destructive estimation and diagnosis of crop leaf and plant nitrogen status and in-season nitrogen management strategies based on leaf sensors, proximal canopy sensors, unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing, manned aerial remote sensing and satellite remote sensing technologies. Statistical and machine learning methods are used to predict plant-nitrogen-related parameters with sensor data or sensor data together with soil, landscape, weather and/or management information. Different sensing technologies or different modelling approaches are compared and evaluated. Strategies are developed to use crop sensing data for in-season nitrogen recommendations to improve nitrogen use efficiency and protect the environment

    Corn Nitrogen Nutrition Index Prediction Improved by Integrating Genetic, Environmental, and Management Factors with Active Canopy Sensing Using Machine Learning

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    Accurate nitrogen (N) diagnosis early in the growing season across diverse soil, weather, and management conditions is challenging. Strategies using multi-source data are hypothesized to perform significantly better than approaches using crop sensing information alone. The objective of this study was to evaluate, across diverse environments, the potential for integrating genetic (e.g., comparative relative maturity and growing degree units to key developmental growth stages), environmental (e.g., soil and weather), and management (e.g., seeding rate, irrigation, previous crop, and preplant N rate) information with active canopy sensor data for improved corn N nutrition index (NNI) prediction using machine learning methods. Thirteen site-year corn (Zea mays L.) N rate experiments involving eight N treatments conducted in four US Midwest states in 2015 and 2016 were used for this study. A proximal RapidSCAN CS-45 active canopy sensor was used to collect corn canopy reflectance data around the V9 developmental growth stage. The utility of vegetation indices and ancillary data for predicting corn aboveground biomass, plant N concentration, plant N uptake, and NNI was evaluated using singular variable regression and machine learning methods. The results indicated that when the genetic, environmental, and management data were used together with the active canopy sensor data, corn N status indicators could be more reliably predicted either using support vector regression (R2 = 0.74–0.90 for prediction) or random forest regression models (R2 = 0.84–0.93 for prediction), as compared with using the best-performing single vegetation index or using a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference red edge (NDRE) together (R2 \u3c 0.30). The N diagnostic accuracy based on the NNI was 87% using the data fusion approach with random forest regression (kappa statistic = 0.75), which was better than the result of a support vector regression model using the same inputs. The NDRE index was consistently ranked as the most important variable for predicting all the four corn N status indicators, followed by the preplant N rate. It is concluded that incorporating genetic, environmental, and management information with canopy sensing data can significantly improve in-season corn N status prediction and diagnosis across diverse soil and weather conditions

    Corn Nitrogen Nutrition Index Prediction Improved by Integrating Genetic, Environmental, and Management Factors with Active Canopy Sensing Using Machine Learning

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    Accurate nitrogen (N) diagnosis early in the growing season across diverse soil, weather, and management conditions is challenging. Strategies using multi-source data are hypothesized to perform significantly better than approaches using crop sensing information alone. The objective of this study was to evaluate, across diverse environments, the potential for integrating genetic (e.g., comparative relative maturity and growing degree units to key developmental growth stages), environmental (e.g., soil and weather), and management (e.g., seeding rate, irrigation, previous crop, and preplant N rate) information with active canopy sensor data for improved corn N nutrition index (NNI) prediction using machine learning methods. Thirteen site-year corn (Zea mays L.) N rate experiments involving eight N treatments conducted in four US Midwest states in 2015 and 2016 were used for this study. A proximal RapidSCAN CS-45 active canopy sensor was used to collect corn canopy reflectance data around the V9 developmental growth stage. The utility of vegetation indices and ancillary data for predicting corn aboveground biomass, plant N concentration, plant N uptake, and NNI was evaluated using singular variable regression and machine learning methods. The results indicated that when the genetic, environmental, and management data were used together with the active canopy sensor data, corn N status indicators could be more reliably predicted either using support vector regression (R2 = 0.74–0.90 for prediction) or random forest regression models (R2 = 0.84–0.93 for prediction), as compared with using the best-performing single vegetation index or using a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference red edge (NDRE) together (R2 \u3c 0.30). The N diagnostic accuracy based on the NNI was 87% using the data fusion approach with random forest regression (kappa statistic = 0.75), which was better than the result of a support vector regression model using the same inputs. The NDRE index was consistently ranked as the most important variable for predicting all the four corn N status indicators, followed by the preplant N rate. It is concluded that incorporating genetic, environmental, and management information with canopy sensing data can significantly improve in-season corn N status prediction and diagnosis across diverse soil and weather conditions

    Comparison of Proximal and Remote Sensing for the Diagnosis of Crop Status in Site-Specific Crop Management

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    The presented paper deals with the issue of selecting a suitable system for monitoring the winter wheat crop in order to determine its condition as a basis for variable applications of nitrogen fertilizers. In a four-year (2017-2020) field experiment, 1400 ha of winter wheat crop were monitored using the ISARIA on-the-go system and remote sensing using Sentinel-2 multispectral satellite images. The results of spectral measurements of ISARIA vegetation indices (IRMI, IBI) were statistically compared with the values of selected vegetation indices obtained from Sentinel-2 (EVI, GNDVI, NDMI, NDRE, NDVI and NRERI) in order to determine potential hips. Positive correlations were found between the vegetation indices determined by the ISARIA system and indices obtained by multispectral images from Sentinel-2 satellites. The correlations were medium to strong (r = 0.51-0.89). Therefore, it can be stated that both technologies were able to capture a similar trend in the development of vegetation. Furthermore, the influence of climatic conditions on the vegetation indices was analyzed in individual years of the experiment. The values of vegetation indices show significant differences between the individual years. The results of vegetation indices obtained by the analysis of spectral images from Sentinel-2 satellites varied the most. The values of winter wheat yield varied between the individual years. Yield was the highest in 2017 (7.83 t/ha), while the lowest was recorded in 2020 (6.96 t/ha). There was no statistically significant difference between 2018 (7.27 t/ha) and 2019 (7.44 t/ha).O

    Estimation of nitrogen in cotton leaves using different hyperspectral region data

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    As an important index of a plant’s N nutrition, leaf nitrogen content (LNC) can be quickly monitored in real time with hyperspectral information, which is helpful to guide the precise application of N in cotton leaves. In this study, taking cotton dripping in Xinjiang, China, as the object of study, five N application treatments (0, 120, 240, 360, 480 kg·ha-1) were set up, and the hyperspectral data and the N content of main stem functional leaves at the cotton flower and boll stage were collected. The results showed that (1) comparing the correlations of the three types of spectral data from the original spectra, first derivative spectra, and second derivative spectra with the LNC of cotton, the first derivative spectra increased the correlation between the reflectance in the peak and valley ranges of the spectral curves and the LNC of cotton; (2) in the three hyperspectral regions of VIS, NIR, and SWIR, all R2 values of the estimation model for the LNC of cotton established based on the characteristic wavelengths of the original and the first derivative spectra were greater than 0.8, and the model accuracy was better than that of the second derivative spectra; and (3) the normalized root mean square error (n-RMSE) values of the validated model using MLR, PCR, and PLSR regression methods were all in the range of 10–20%, indicating that the established model could well estimate the nitrogen content of cotton leaves. The results of this study demonstrate the potential of the three hyperspectral domains of VIR, NIR, and SWIR to estimate the LNC of cotton and provide a new basis for hyperspectral data application in crop nutrient monitoring

    Satellite and Fluorescence Remote Sensing for Rice Nitrogen Status Diagnosis in Northeast China

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    Nitrogen (N), as the most important element of crop growth and development, plays a decisive role in ensuring yield. However, the problems of over-application of N fertilizers have been repeatedly reported in China, which resulted in low N use efficiency and high risk of environmental pollution. The requirements of developing technologies for real-time and site-specific diagnosis of crop N status are the foundation to realize the precision N management, and also benefit to the improvement of the N use efficiency. Remote sensing technology provides a promising non-intrusive solution to monitor rice N status and to realize the precision N management over large areas. This research focuses on proposing N nutrition diagnosis methods and developing N fertilizer management strategies for paddy rice of cold regions in Northeast China. The main contents and results are presented as follows: (1)This study developed a new critical N (Nc) dilution curve for paddy rice of cold regions in Northeast China. The curve could be described by the equation Nc=27.7W^(-0.34) if W≥1 t/ha for dry matter (DM) or Nc=27.7g/kg DM if W<1 t/ha, where W is the aboveground biomass. Results indicated that the new Nc dilution curve was suitable for diagnosing short-season Japonica rice N status in Northeast China. The validation result indicated that it worked well to diagnose plant N status of the 11-leaf variety rice. (2)This study investigated the potential of the satellite remote sensing data for diagnosing rice N status and guiding the topdressing N application at the stem elongation stage in Northeast China. 50 vegetation indices (VIs) were computed based on the FORMOSAT-2 satellite data, and they were correlated with the field-based agronomic variables, i.e., aboveground biomass (AGB), leaf area index (LAI), plant N concentration (PNC), plant N uptake (PNU), chlorophyll meter readings, and N nutrition index (NNI, defined as the ratio of actual PNC and critical PNC according to the new Nc dilution curves). The results presented that 45% of variation in the NNI was obtained by using a direct estimation method based on the best VI according to the FORMOSAT-2 satellite data, while 52% of the variation in the NNI was yielded by an indirect estimation method, which firstly used the VIs to estimate AGB and PNU, respectively, then estimated NNI according to these two variables. Moreover, based on the critical N uptake curve, a N recommendation algorithm was proposed. The algorithm was based on the difference between the estimated PNU and the critical PNU to adjust the topdressing N application rate. The results demonstrated that FORMOSAT-2 images have the potential to estimate rice N status and guide panicle N fertilizer applications in Northeast China. (3)This study also evaluated the potential improvements of the newest satellite sensors with the red edge band for diagnosing rice N status in Northeast China. The canopy-scale hyperspectral data were upscaled to simulate the wavebands of RapidEye, WorldView-2, and FORMOSAT-2, respectively. The VI analysis, stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR), and partial least squares regression (PLSR) were performed to evaluate the N status indicators. The results indicated that the VIs based on the RE band from RapidEye and WorldView-2 data could explain more variability for N indicators than the VIs from FORMOSAT-2 data having no RE band. Moreover, the SMLR and PLSR results revealed that both the near-infrared and red edge band were important for N status estimation. (4)The proximal fluorescence sensor Multiplex_3 was used to evaluate the potential of fluorescence spectrum for estimating the N status of the cold regional paddy rice at different growth stages. The Multiplex indices and their normalized N sufficient indices (NSI) were used to estimate the five N status indicators, i.e., AGB, leaf N concentration (LNC), PNC, PNU, and NNI. The results indicated that there were strong relationships between the fluorescence indices (i.e., BRR_FRF, FLAV, NBI_G, and NBI_R) and (i.e., LNC, PNC, NNI), with the coefficient of determination between 0.40 and 0.78. In particular, NNI was well estimated by these fluorescence indices. Moreover, the NSI data improved the accuracy of the N diagnosis. These results of this study were useful for N nutrition diagnosis and variable fertilization of the cold regional paddy rice, which were significant for the ecological environment protection and the national food security

    UAVs for Vegetation Monitoring: Overview and Recent Scientific Contributions

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    This paper reviewed a set of twenty-one original and innovative papers included in a special issue on UAVs for vegetation monitoring, which proposed new methods and techniques applied to diverse agricultural and forestry scenarios. Three general categories were considered: (1) sensors and vegetation indices used, (2) technological goals pursued, and (3) agroforestry applications. Some investigations focused on issues related to UAV flight operations, spatial resolution requirements, and computation and data analytics, while others studied the ability of UAVs for characterizing relevant vegetation features (mainly canopy cover and crop height) or for detecting different plant/crop stressors, such as nutrient content/deficiencies, water needs, weeds, and diseases. The general goal was proposing UAV-based technological solutions for a better use of agricultural and forestry resources and more efficient production with relevant economic and environmental benefits

    Precision Agriculture Technology for Crop Farming

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    This book provides a review of precision agriculture technology development, followed by a presentation of the state-of-the-art and future requirements of precision agriculture technology. It presents different styles of precision agriculture technologies suitable for large scale mechanized farming; highly automated community-based mechanized production; and fully mechanized farming practices commonly seen in emerging economic regions. The book emphasizes the introduction of core technical features of sensing, data processing and interpretation technologies, crop modeling and production control theory, intelligent machinery and field robots for precision agriculture production

    Optimizing yield and crop nitrogen response characterization by integrating spectral reflectance and agronomic properties in sugarcane and rice

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    Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important and limiting nutrients in crop production. The best management practices for N fertilization is always challenging due to its dynamic system in the nature. Remote sensing has emerged as one of the most useful technologies in modern agriculture for non-invasive monitoring of plant N status. The objectives of this research were to 1) determine the effect of water background turbidity and depth on red and red-edge reflectance based prediction models for biomass and grain yield in rice, 2) evaluate agronomic parameters of different sugar cane varieties in response to variable levels of nitrogen supply, and 3) determine the effect of sugarcane varieties on the relationships between spectral reflectance and agronomic parameters. Rice experiments were variety (CL152 and CL261) x N trial established in Crowley, LA in 2011 and 2012. Sugarcane experiments were variety (L 99-226, L 01-283, and HoCP 96-540) x N trial established in St. Gabriel and Jeanerette, LA from 2010 through 2012. Spectral reflectance and agronomic parameters were collected each week for three consecutive weeks beginning two weeks before panicle differentiation in rice and for four consecutive weeks beginning three weeks after N fertilization in sugarcane. There was no significant effect of water background (turbid or clear) on the spectral reflectance at panicle differentiation, one week after panicle differentiation, and at 50 % heading (p \u3c0.05). Water depth slightly influenced the reflectance at red waveband but this effect was not carried over when vegetation indices were computed. Use of red-edge based vegetation indices improved the estimation of biomass and grain yield in rice. The effect of variety on the accuracy of the yield prediction model varied depending on the transformation of reflectance within the red-edge and near infrared bands i.e., into normalized (NDVI) and simple ratio (SR) forms of vegetation indices. This result was associated with the behavior of near infrared wavebands on the geometrical structure of the plant canopy. There were no significant effects of variety on grain yield prediction models using derivative based red-edge indices. Our findings showed that red-edge based NDVI and SR are better predictors of rice grain yield than red-based NDVI and SR. Red-edge based NDVI or SR indices both have potential to predict rice grain yield and rice responsiveness to N fertilization. In sugarcane, the measured agronomic variables at early growth stage, i.e. biomass, tiller number, N content, height and FAI of three sugarcane varieties and their responses to N fertilizer were highly variable across year. The sugar yield response to N determined at harvest had stronger linear relationships with N response of biomass and N content at 4 to 5 weeks after N fertilization compared with N response of height and FAI. There were no differences in leaf spectral reflectance among varieties. In canopy level-spectral reflectance, wavebands at 450-500, 650-700, and 780-830 nm showed high correlation coefficient with agronomic parameters. The vegetation indices which have the potential for predicting biomass N uptake were red and red-edge based simple ratio and normalized difference vegetation index. Varietal effect on the models for estimating biomass and N uptake was significant only when red-based vegetation indices were used (p\u3c0.05). Addition of plant height in the model substantially improved biomass and N uptake estimation while diminishing the effect of variety. Remote sensing technology can be a potential tool to estimate biomass and N uptake in rice and sugarcane. The delivered information from this technology is useful to improve mid-season N management
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