17 research outputs found

    Evaluation of time-domain features for motor imagery movements using FCM and SVM

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    Brain–Machine Interface is a direct communication pathway between brain and an external electronic device. BMIs aim to translate brain activities into control commands. To design a system that translates brain waves and its activities to desired commands, motor imagery tasks classification is the core part. Classification accuracy not only depends on how capable the classifier is but also it is about the input data. Feature extraction is to highlight the properties of signal that make it distinct from the signal of the other mental tasks. Performance of BMIs directly depends on the effectiveness of the feature extraction and classification algorithms. If a feature provides large interclass difference for different classes, the applied classifier exhibits a better performance. In order to attain less computational complexity, five timedomain procedure, namely: Mean Absolute Value, Maximum peak value, Simple Square Integral, Willison Amplitude, and Waveform Length are used for feature extraction of EEG signals. Two classifiers are applied to assess the performance of each feature-subject. SVM with polynomial kernel is one of the applied nonlinear classifier and supervised FCM is the other one. The performance of each feature for input data are evaluated with both classifiers and classification accuracy is the considered common comparison parameter

    Feature selection and categorization to design reliable fault detection systems.

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    International audienceIn this work, we will develop a fault detection system which is identified as a classification task. The classes are the nominal or malfunctioning state. To develop a decision system it is important to select among the data collected by the supervision system, only those carrying relevant information related to the decision task. There are two objectives presented in this paper, the first one is to use data mining techniques to improve fault detection tasks. For this purpose, feature selection algorithms are applied before a classifier to select which measures are needed for a fault detection system. The second objective is to use STRASS (STrong Relevant Algorithm of Subset Selection), which gives a useful feature categorization: strong relevant features, weak relevant and/or redundant ones. This feature categorization permits to design reliable fault detection system. The algorithm is tested on real benchmarks in medical diagnosis and fault detection. Our results indicate that a small number of measures can accomplish and perform the classification task and shown our algorithm ability to detect the correlated features. Furthermore, the proposed feature selection and categorization permits to design reliable and efficient fault detection system

    A Bayesian Logistic Regression approach in Asthma Persistence Prediction

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    Background: A number of models based on clinical parameters have been used for the prediction of asthma persistence in children. The number and significance of factors that are used in a proposed model play a cardinal role in prediction accuracy. Different models may lead to different significant variables. In addition, the accuracy of a model in medicine is really important since an accurate prediction of illness persistence may improve prevention and treatment intervention for the children at risk. Methods: Data from 147 asthmatic children were analyzed by a new method for predicting asthma outcome using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in combination with a Bayesian logistic regression approach implemented by the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The use of PCA is required due to multicollinearity among the explanatory variables. Results: This method using the most appropriate models seems to predict asthma with an accuracy of 84.076% and 86.3673%, a Sensitivity of 84.96% and 87.25% and a Specificity of 83.22% and 85.52%, respectively. Conclusion: Our approach predicts asthma with high accuracy, gives steadier results in terms of positive and negative patients and provides better information about the influence of each factor (demographic, symptoms etc.) in asthma prediction

    An effective diagnosis method for single and multiple defects detection in gearbox based on nonlinear feature selection and kernel-based extreme learning machine

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    Gear transmissions have been widely used in most of today’s manufacturing and production industries; however, they often suffer from deteriorations and damages on gear pairs. Severe damages of the machinery caused by the failures of gears account for 48 %, leading to significant economic losses. Therefore it is crucial to implement fault diagnosis procedure for gearboxes. The gear meshing motion is a kind of typical strong nonlinear movement, and the related vibration signals are the nonlinear mixtures of different kinds of vibration source, leading to great difficulty in the fault feature extraction and fault detection. In order to improve the fault detection of gearboxes, a new method based on the nonlinear fault feature selection and intelligent fault identification is proposed in this work. The blind source separation (BSS) procedure was firstly employed to eliminate the influence of noise signal sources. The useful information related to the fault vibration was hence separated by the independent component analysis (ICA). Then the spectral regression (SR) was used as a nonlinear feature selection technique for the separated vibration sources. Hence, distinct fault features can be obtained. Lastly, the kernel-based extreme learning machine (KELM) was applied for the pattern recognition of single and multiply faults of the gearbox. The fault vibration data acquired from a gearbox fault experimental tester was used to valuate the proposed diagnostic method. The experiment results show that useful fault vibration signals can be separated by the new method, and the fault detection rate of the proposed method is superior to the existing approaches with an increase of 4.4 % or better. Hence, this new development will produce considerable savings by reducing unplanned outages of machinery so a company can get the full benefit from condition monitoring

    Fault detection and diagnosis method for three-phase induction motor

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    Induction motors (IM) are critical components in many industrial processes. There is a continually increasing interest in the IMs’ fault diagnosis. The scope of this thesis involves condition monitoring and fault detection of three phase IMs. Different monitoring techniques have been used for fault detection on IMs. Vibration and stator current monitoring have gained privilege in literature and in the industry for fault diagnosis. The performance of the vibration and stator current setups was compared and evaluated. In that perspective, a number of data were captured from different faulty and healthy IMs by vibration and current sensors. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was utilized for feature extraction to monitor and classify collected data for finding the faults in IMs. A new method was proposed with the combined use of vibration and current setups for fault detection. It consists of two steps: firstly, the training part with the aim of giving acceleration property (nature of vibration data) to the current features, and secondly the testing part with the aim of excluding the vibration setup from the fault detection algorithm, while the output data have the property of vibration features. The 0-1 loss function was applied to show the accuracy of vibration, current and proposed fault detection method. The PCA classified results showed mixed and unseparated features for the current setup. The vibration setup and the proposed method resulted in substantial classified features. The 0-1 loss function results showed that the vibration setup and the developed method can provide a good level of accuracy. The vibration setup attained the highest accuracy of 98.2% in training and 92% in testing. The proposed method performed well with accuracies of 96.5% in training and 84% in testing. The current setup, however, attained the lowest level of accuracy (66.7% in training and 52% in testing). To assess the performance of the proposed method, the Confusion matrix of classification in NN was utilized. The Confusion matrix showed an accuracy of 95.1% of accuracy and negligible incorrect responses (4.9%), meaning that the proposed fault detection method is reliable with minimum possible errors. These vibration, current and proposed fault detection methods were also evaluated in terms of cost. The proposed method provided an affordable fault detection technique with a high accuracy applicable in various industrial fields

    An Ensemble Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model with Improved D-S Evidence Fusion for Bearing Fault Diagnosis

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    Intelligent machine health monitoring and fault diagnosis are becoming increasingly important for modern manufacturing industries. Current fault diagnosis approaches mostly depend on expert-designed features for building prediction models. In this paper, we proposed IDSCNN, a novel bearing fault diagnosis algorithm based on ensemble deep convolutional neural networks and an improved Dempster–Shafer theory based evidence fusion. The convolutional neural networks take the root mean square (RMS) maps from the FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) features of the vibration signals from two sensors as inputs. The improved D-S evidence theory is implemented via distance matrix from evidences and modified Gini Index. Extensive evaluations of the IDSCNN on the Case Western Reserve Dataset showed that our IDSCNN algorithm can achieve better fault diagnosis performance than existing machine learning methods by fusing complementary or conflicting evidences from different models and sensors and adapting to different load conditions

    An Ensemble Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model with Improved D-S Evidence Fusion for Bearing Fault Diagnosis

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    Intelligent machine health monitoring and fault diagnosis are becoming increasingly important for modern manufacturing industries. Current fault diagnosis approaches mostly depend on expert-designed features for building prediction models. In this paper, we proposed IDSCNN, a novel bearing fault diagnosis algorithm based on ensemble deep convolutional neural networks and an improved Dempster–Shafer theory based evidence fusion. The convolutional neural networks take the root mean square (RMS) maps from the FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) features of the vibration signals from two sensors as inputs. The improved D-S evidence theory is implemented via distance matrix from evidences and modified Gini Index. Extensive evaluations of the IDSCNN on the Case Western Reserve Dataset showed that our IDSCNN algorithm can achieve better fault diagnosis performance than existing machine learning methods by fusing complementary or conflicting evidences from different models and sensors and adapting to different load conditions

    Design of High Efficiency Brushless Permanent Magnet Machines and Driver System

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    The dissertation is concerned with the design of high-efficiency permanent magnet synchronous machinery and the control system. The dissertation first talks about the basic concept of the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) design and the mathematics design model of the advanced design method. The advantage of the design method is that it can increase the high load capacity at no cost of increasing the total machine size. After that, the control method of the PMSM and Permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is introduced. The design, simulation, and test of a permanent magnet brushless DC (BLDC) motor for electric impact wrench and new mechanical structure are first presented based on the design method. Finite element analysis based on the Maxwell 2D is built to optimize the design and the control board is designed using Altium Designer. Both the motor and control board have been fabricated and tested to verify the design. The electrical and mechanical design are combined, and it provides an analytical IPMBLDC design method and an innovative and reasonable mechanical dynamical calculation method for the impact wrench system, which can be used in whole system design of other functional electric tools. A 2kw high-efficiency alternator system and its control board system are also designed, analyzed and fabricated applying to the truck auxiliary power unit (APU). The alternator system has two stages. The first stage is that the alternator three-phase outputs are connected to the three-phase active rectifier to get 48V DC. An advanced Sliding Mode Observer (SMO) is used to get an alternator position. The buck is used for the second stage to get 14V DC output. The whole system efficiency is much higher than the traditional system using induction motor

    Identification of audio evoked response potentials in ambulatory EEG data

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) is commonly used for observing brain function over a period of time. It employs a set of invasive electrodes on the scalp to measure the electrical activity of the brain. EEG is mainly used by researchers and clinicians to study the brain’s responses to a specific stimulus - the event-related potentials (ERPs). Different types of undesirable signals, which are known as artefacts, contaminate the EEG signal. EEG and ERP signals are very small (in the order of microvolts); they are often obscured by artefacts with much larger amplitudes in the order of millivolts. This greatly increases the difficulty of interpreting EEG and ERP signals.Typically, ERPs are observed by averaging EEG measurements made with many repetitions of the stimulus. The average may require many tens of repetitions before the ERP signal can be observed with any confidence. This greatly limits the study and useof ERPs. This project explores more sophisticated methods of ERP estimation from measured EEGs. An Optimal Weighted Mean (OWM) method is developed that forms a weighted average to maximise the signal to noise ratio in the mean. This is developedfurther into a Bayesian Optimal Combining (BOC) method where the information in repetitions of ERP measures is combined to provide a sequence of ERP estimations with monotonically decreasing uncertainty. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) isperformed to identify the basis of signals that explains the greatest amount of ERP variation. Projecting measured EEG signals onto this basis greatly reduces the noise in measured ERPs. The PCA filtering can be followed by OWM or BOC. Finally, crosschannel information can be used. The ERP signal is measured on many electrodes simultaneously and an improved estimate can be formed by combining electrode measurements. A MAP estimate, phrased in terms of Kalman Filtering, is developed using all electrode measurements.The methods developed in this project have been evaluated using both synthetic and measured EEG data. A synthetic, multi-channel ERP simulator has been developed specifically for this project.Numerical experiments on synthetic ERP data showed that Bayesian Optimal Combining of trial data filtered using a combination of PCA projection and Kalman Filtering, yielded the best estimates of the underlying ERP signal. This method has been applied to subsets of real Ambulatory Electroencephalography (AEEG) data, recorded while participants performed a range of activities in different environments. From this analysis, the number of trials that need to be collected to observe the P300 amplitude and delay has been calculated for a range of scenarios