33 research outputs found

    Symbolic-numeric interface: A review

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    A survey of the use of a combination of symbolic and numerical calculations is presented. Symbolic calculations primarily refer to the computer processing of procedures from classical algebra, analysis, and calculus. Numerical calculations refer to both numerical mathematics research and scientific computation. This survey is intended to point out a large number of problem areas where a cooperation of symbolic and numerical methods is likely to bear many fruits. These areas include such classical operations as differentiation and integration, such diverse activities as function approximations and qualitative analysis, and such contemporary topics as finite element calculations and computation complexity. It is contended that other less obvious topics such as the fast Fourier transform, linear algebra, nonlinear analysis and error analysis would also benefit from a synergistic approach

    Instruction based on computer simulations

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    Excerpts available at Google Books. For integral text, see publisher's website : http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415804615/"Introduction : In the scientific debate on what is the best approach to teaching and learning, a recurring question concerns who should lead the learning process, the teacher or the learner (see e.g., Tobias & Duffy, 2009) ? Poistions takens vary from a preference for direct, expository, teacher-led instruction (Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark, 2006) to fully open student-centered approaches that can be called pure discovery methods (e.g., Papert, 1980), with intermediate positions represented by more or less guided discovery methods (e.g., Mayer, 2004). This discussion also is a recurring theme in this chapter." (http://books.google.fr/books?id=cCD_thHjuxEC&pg=PA446&lpg=PA446&dq=Instruction+based+on+computer+simulations+de+jong&source=bl&ots=tOJ7FdkZow&sig=s8W6OnyU3H7iRLm7wqISfu6CAYE&hl=fr&ei=AZGATviHDMuV0QXewI3KCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Instruction%20based%20on%20computer%20simulations%20de%20jong&f=false

    Space Station Module Power Management and Distribution System (SSM/PMAD)

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    This report provides an overview of the Space Station Module Power Management and Distribution (SSM/PMAD) testbed system and describes recent enhancements to that system. Four tasks made up the original contract: (1) common module power management and distribution system automation plan definition; (2) definition of hardware and software elements of automation; (3) design, implementation and delivery of the hardware and software making up the SSM/PMAD system; and (4) definition and development of the host breadboard computer environment. Additions and/or enhancements to the SSM/PMAD test bed that have occurred since July 1990 are reported. These include: (1) rehosting the MAESTRO scheduler; (2) reorganization of the automation software internals; (3) a more robust communications package; (4) the activity editor to the MAESTRO scheduler; (5) rehosting the LPLMS to execute under KNOMAD; implementation of intermediate levels of autonomy; (6) completion of the KNOMAD knowledge management facility; (7) significant improvement of the user interface; (8) soft and incipient fault handling design; (9) intermediate levels of autonomy, and (10) switch maintenance

    A Hierarchical Approach to Computer-Aided Design of Quantum Circuits

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    A new approach to synthesis of permutation class of quantum logic circuits has been proposed in this paper. This approach produces better results than the previous approaches based on classical reversible logic and can be easier tuned to any particular quantum technology such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). First we synthesize a library of permutation (pseudobinary) gates using a Computer-Aided-Design approach that links evolutionary and combinatorics approaches with human experience and creativity. Next the circuit is designed using these gates and standard 1*1 and 2*2 quantum gates and finally the optimizing tautological transforms are applied to the circuit, producing a sequence of quantum operations being close to operations practically realizable. These hierarchical stages can be compared to standard gate library design, generic logic synthesis and technology mapping stages of classical CAD systems, respectively. We use an informed genetic algorithm to evolve arbitrary quantum circuit specified by a (target) unitary matrix, specific encoding that reduces the time of calculating the resultant unitary matrices of chromosomes, and an evolutionary algorithm specialized to permutation circuits specified by truth tables. We outline interactive CAD approach in which the designer is a part of feedback loop in evolutionary program and the search is not for circuits of known specifications, but for any gates with high processing power and small cost for given constraints. In contrast to previous approaches, our methodology allows synthesis of both: small quantum circuits of arbitrary type (gates), and permutation class circuits that are well realizable in particular technology

    Control of sectioned on-chip communication

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    Enhanced applicability of loop transformations

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    Digital life stories: Semi-automatic (auto)biographies within lifelog collections

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    Our life stories enable us to reflect upon and share our personal histories. Through emerging digital technologies the possibility of collecting life experiences digitally is increasingly feasible; consequently so is the potential to create a digital counterpart to our personal narratives. In this work, lifelogging tools are used to collect digital artifacts continuously and passively throughout our day. These include images, documents, emails and webpages accessed; texts messages and mobile activity. This range of data when brought together is known as a lifelog. Given the complexity, volume and multimodal nature of such collections, it is clear that there are significant challenges to be addressed in order to achieve coherent and meaningful digital narratives of our events from our life histories. This work investigates the construction of personal digital narratives from lifelog collections. It examines the underlying questions, issues and challenges relating to construction of personal digital narratives from lifelogs. Fundamentally, it addresses how to organize and transform data sampled from an individual鈥檚 day-to-day activities into a coherent narrative account. This enquiry is enabled by three 20-month long-term lifelogs collected by participants and produces a narrative system which enables the semi-automatic construction of digital stories from lifelog content. Inspired by probative studies conducted into current practices of curation, from which a set of fundamental requirements are established, this solution employs a 2-dimensional spatial framework for storytelling. It delivers integrated support for the structuring of lifelog content and its distillation into storyform through information retrieval approaches. We describe and contribute flexible algorithmic approaches to achieve both. Finally, this research inquiry yields qualitative and quantitative insights into such digital narratives and their generation, composition and construction. The opportunities for such personal narrative accounts to enable recollection, reminiscence and reflection with the collection owners are established and its benefit in sharing past personal experience experiences is outlined. Finally, in a novel investigation with motivated third parties we demonstrate the opportunities such narrative accounts may have beyond the scope of the collection owner in: personal, societal and cultural explorations, artistic endeavours and as a generational heirloom

    Runtime-assisted optimizations in the on-chip memory hierarchy

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    Following Moore's Law, the number of transistors on chip has been increasing exponentially, which has led to the increasing complexity of modern processors. As a result, the efficient programming of such systems has become more difficult. Many programming models have been developed to answer this issue. Of particular interest are task-based programming models that employ simple annotations to define parallel work in an application. The information available at the level of the runtime systems associated with these programming models offers great potential for improving hardware design. Moreover, due to technological limitations, Moore's Law is predicted to eventually come to an end, so novel paradigms are necessary to maintain the current performance improvement trends. The main goal of this thesis is to exploit the knowledge about a parallel application available at the runtime system level to improve the design of the on-chip memory hierarchy. The coupling of the runtime system and the microprocessor enables a better hardware design without hurting the programmability. The first contribution is a set of insertion policies for shared last-level caches that exploit information about tasks and task data dependencies. The intuition behind this proposal revolves around the observation that parallel threads exhibit different memory access patterns. Even within the same thread, accesses to different variables often follow distinct patterns. The proposed policies insert cache lines into different logical positions depending on the dependency type and task type to which the corresponding memory request belongs. The second proposal optimizes the execution of reductions, defined as a programming pattern that combines input data to form the resulting reduction variable. This is achieved with a runtime-assisted technique for performing reductions in the processor's cache hierarchy. The proposal's goal is to be a universally applicable solution regardless of the reduction variable type, size and access pattern. On the software level, the programming model is extended to let a programmer specify the reduction variables for tasks, as well as the desired cache level where a certain reduction will be performed. The source-to-source compiler and the runtime system are extended to translate and forward this information to the underlying hardware. On the hardware level, private and shared caches are equipped with functional units and the accompanying logic to perform reductions at the cache level. This design avoids unnecessary data movements to the core and back as the data is operated at the place where it resides. The third contribution is a runtime-assisted prioritization scheme for memory requests inside the on-chip memory hierarchy. The proposal is based on the notion of a critical path in the context of parallel codes and a known fact that accelerating critical tasks reduces the execution time of the whole application. In the context of this work, task criticality is observed at a level of a task type as it enables simple annotation by the programmer. The acceleration of critical tasks is achieved by the prioritization of corresponding memory requests in the microprocessor.Siguiendo la ley de Moore, el n煤mero de transistores en los chips ha crecido exponencialmente, lo que ha comportado una mayor complejidad en los procesadores modernos y, como resultado, de la dificultad de la programaci贸n eficiente de estos sistemas. Se han desarrollado muchos modelos de programaci贸n para resolver este problema; un ejemplo particular son los modelos de programaci贸n basados en tareas, que emplean anotaciones sencillas para definir los Trabajos paralelos de una aplicaci贸n. La informaci贸n de que disponen los sistemas en tiempo de ejecuci贸n (runtime systems) asociada con estos modelos de programaci贸n ofrece un enorme potencial para la mejora del dise帽o del hardware. Por otro lado, las limitaciones tecnol贸gicas hacen que la ley de Moore pueda dejar de cumplirse pr贸ximamente, por lo que se necesitan paradigmas nuevos para mantener las tendencias actuales de mejora de rendimiento. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es aprovechar el conocimiento de las aplicaciones paral路leles de que dispone el runtime system para mejorar el dise帽o de la jerarqu铆a de memoria del chip. El acoplamiento del runtime system junto con el microprocesador permite realizar mejores dise帽os hardware sin afectar Negativamente en la programabilidad de dichos sistemas. La primera contribuci贸n de esta tesis consiste en un conjunto de pol铆ticas de inserci贸n para las memorias cach茅 compartidas de 煤ltimo nivel que aprovecha la informaci贸n de las tareas y las dependencias de datos entre estas. La intuici贸n tras esta propuesta se basa en la observaci贸n de que los hilos de ejecuci贸n paralelos muestran distintos patrones de acceso a memoria e, incluso dentro del mismo hilo, los accesos a diferentes variables a menudo siguen patrones distintos. Las pol铆ticas que se proponen insertan l铆neas de cach茅 en posiciones l贸gicas diferentes en funci贸n de los tipos de dependencia y tarea a los que corresponde la petici贸n de memoria. La segunda propuesta optimiza la ejecuci贸n de las reducciones, que se definen como un patr贸n de programaci贸n que combina datos de entrada para conseguir la variable de reducci贸n como resultado. Esto se consigue mediante una t茅cnica asistida por el runtime system para la realizaci贸n de reducciones en la jerarqu铆a de la cach茅 del procesador, con el objetivo de ser una soluci贸n aplicable de forma universal sin depender del tipo de la variable de la reducci贸n, su tama帽o o el patr贸n de acceso. A nivel de software, el modelo de programaci贸n se extiende para que el programador especifique las variables de reducci贸n de las tareas, as铆 como el nivel de cach茅 escogido para que se realice una determinada reducci贸n. El compilador fuente a Fuente (compilador source-to-source) y el runtime ssytem se modifican para que traduzcan y pasen esta informaci贸n al hardware subyacente, evitando as铆 movimientos de datos innecesarios hacia y desde el n煤cleo del procesador, al realizarse la operaci贸n donde se encuentran los datos de la misma. La tercera contribuci贸n proporciona un esquema de priorizaci贸n asistido por el runtime system para peticiones de memoria dentro de la jerarqu铆a de memoria del chip. La propuesta se basa en la noci贸n de camino cr铆tico en el contexto de los c贸digos paralelos y en el hecho conocido de que acelerar tareas cr铆ticas reduce el tiempo de ejecuci贸n de la aplicaci贸n completa. En el contexto de este trabajo, la criticidad de las tareas se considera a nivel del tipo de tarea ya que permite que el programador las indique mediante anotaciones sencillas. La aceleraci贸n de las tareas cr铆ticas se consigue priorizando las correspondientes peticiones de memoria en el microprocesador.Seguint la llei de Moore, el nombre de transistors que contenen els xips ha patit un creixement exponencial, fet que ha provocat un augment de la complexitat dels processadors moderns i, per tant, de la dificultat de la programaci贸 eficient d鈥檃quests sistemes. Per intentar solucionar-ho, s鈥檋an desenvolupat diversos models de programaci贸; un exemple particular en s贸n els models basats en tasques, que fan servir anotacions senzilles per definir treballs paral路lels dins d鈥檜na aplicaci贸. La informaci贸 que hi ha al nivell dels sistemes en temps d鈥檈xecuci贸 (runtime systems) associada amb aquests models de programaci贸 ofereix un gran potencial a l鈥檋ora de millorar el disseny del maquinari. D鈥檃ltra banda, les limitacions tecnol貌giques fan que la llei de Moore pugui deixar de complir-se properament, per la qual cosa calen nous paradigmes per mantenir les tend猫ncies actuals en la millora de rendiment. L鈥檕bjectiu principal d鈥檃questa tesi 茅s aprofitar els coneixements que el runtime System t茅 d鈥檜na aplicaci贸 paral路lela per millorar el disseny de la jerarquia de mem貌ria dins el xip. L鈥檃coblament del runtime system i el microprocessador permet millorar el disseny del maquinari sense malmetre la programabilitat d鈥檃quests sistemes. La primera contribuci贸 d鈥檃questa tesi consisteix en un conjunt de pol铆tiques d鈥檌nserci贸 a les mem貌ries cau (cache memories) compartides d鈥櫭簂tim nivell que aprofita informaci贸 sobre tasques i les depend猫ncies de dades entre aquestes. La intu茂ci贸 que hi ha al darrere d鈥檃questa proposta es basa en el fet que els fils d鈥檈xecuci贸 paral路lels mostren diferents patrons d鈥檃cc茅s a la mem貌ria; fins i tot dins el mateix fil, els accessos a variables diferents sovint segueixen patrons diferents. Les pol铆tiques que s鈥檋i proposen insereixen l铆nies de la mem貌ria cau a diferents ubicacions l貌giques en funci贸 dels tipus de depend猫ncia i de tasca als quals correspon la petici贸 de mem貌ria. La segona proposta optimitza l鈥檈xecuci贸 de les reduccions, que es defineixen com un patr贸 de programaci贸 que combina dades d鈥檈ntrada per aconseguir la variable de reducci贸 com a resultat. Aix貌 s鈥檃consegueix mitjan莽ant una t猫cnica assistida pel runtime system per dur a terme reduccions en la jerarquia de la mem貌ria cau del processador, amb l鈥檕bjectiu que la proposta sigui aplicable de manera universal, sense dependre del tipus de la variable a la qual es realitza la reducci贸, la seva mida o el patr贸 d鈥檃cc茅s. A nivell de programari, es realitza una extensi贸 del model de programaci贸 per facilitar que el programador especifiqui les variables de les reduccions que usaran les tasques, aix铆 com el nivell de mem貌ria cau desitjat on s鈥檋auria de realitzar una certa reducci贸. El compilador font a font (compilador source-to-source) i el runtime system s鈥檃mplien per traduir i passar aquesta informaci贸 al maquinari subjacent. A nivell de maquinari, les mem貌ries cau privades i compartides s鈥檈quipen amb unitats funcionals i la l貌gica corresponent per poder dur a terme les reduccions a la pr貌pia mem貌ria cau, evitant aix铆 moviments de dades innecessaris entre el nucli del processador i la jerarquia de mem貌ria. La tercera contribuci贸 proporciona un esquema de prioritzaci贸 assistit pel runtime System per peticions de mem貌ria dins de la jerarquia de mem貌ria del xip. La proposta es basa en la noci贸 de cam铆 cr铆tic en el context dels codis paral路lels i en el fet conegut que l鈥檃cceleraci贸 de les tasques que formen part del cam铆 cr铆tic redueix el temps d鈥檈xecuci贸 de l鈥檃plicaci贸 sencera. En el context d鈥檃quest treball, la criticitat de les tasques s鈥檕bserva al nivell del seu tipus ja que permet que el programador les indiqui mitjan莽ant anotacions senzilles. L鈥檃cceleraci贸 de les tasques cr铆tiques s鈥檃consegueix prioritzant les corresponents peticions de mem貌ria dins el microprocessador


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters

    Virtual Runtime Application Partitions for Resource Management in Massively Parallel Architectures

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    This thesis presents a novel design paradigm, called Virtual Runtime Application Partitions (VRAP), to judiciously utilize the on-chip resources. As the dark silicon era approaches, where the power considerations will allow only a fraction chip to be powered on, judicious resource management will become a key consideration in future designs. Most of the works on resource management treat only the physical components (i.e. computation, communication, and memory blocks) as resources and manipulate the component to application mapping to optimize various parameters (e.g. energy efficiency). To further enhance the optimization potential, in addition to the physical resources we propose to manipulate abstract resources (i.e. voltage/frequency operating point, the fault-tolerance strength, the degree of parallelism, and the configuration architecture). The proposed framework (i.e. VRAP) encapsulates methods, algorithms, and hardware blocks to provide each application with the abstract resources tailored to its needs. To test the efficacy of this concept, we have developed three distinct self adaptive environments: (i) Private Operating Environment (POE), (ii) Private Reliability Environment (PRE), and (iii) Private Configuration Environment (PCE) that collectively ensure that each application meets its deadlines using minimal platform resources. In this work several novel architectural enhancements, algorithms and policies are presented to realize the virtual runtime application partitions efficiently. Considering the future design trends, we have chosen Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) and Network on Chips (NoCs) to test the feasibility of our approach. Specifically, we have chosen Dynamically Reconfigurable Resource Array (DRRA) and McNoC as the representative CGRA and NoC platforms. The proposed techniques are compared and evaluated using a variety of quantitative experiments. Synthesis and simulation results demonstrate VRAP significantly enhances the energy and power efficiency compared to state of the art.Siirretty Doriast