206 research outputs found

    Knock detection in spark ignition engines based on complementary ensemble improved intrinsic time-scale decomposition (CEIITD) and Bi-spectrum

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    Engine knock limits the thermal efficiency improvement of spark-ignition (SI) engines. Thus, the extract research of the knock characteristics has a great significance for the development of gasoline engines. The research proposes a novel knock detection and diagnosis method in SI engines using the CEIITD (Complementary Ensemble Improved Intrinsic time-scale decomposition) and Bi-spectrum algorithm. The CEIITD algorithm is used to extract the knock characteristics. The results show that the CEIITD algorithm can effectively and clearly extract the knock shock characteristics (including light knock) through the vibration signals. A Bi-spectrum analysis can further distinguish between the light knock signal and normal combustion signal. The Bi-spectrum results also show that knock characteristic has a strong non-Gaussian property. At last, the Band pass filter and Improved ITD method were employed to identify the knock characteristics from these cylinder block vibration signals. The comparison result shows that the CEIITD method proposed in this paper is more suitable to detect the knock characteristic

    Knock detection in spark ignition engines based on complementary ensemble improved intrinsic time-scale decomposition (CEIITD) and Bi-spectrum

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    Engine knock limits the thermal efficiency improvement of spark-ignition (SI) engines. Thus, the extract research of the knock characteristics has a great significance for the development of gasoline engines. The research proposes a novel knock detection and diagnosis method in SI engines using the CEIITD (Complementary Ensemble Improved Intrinsic time-scale decomposition) and Bi-spectrum algorithm. The CEIITD algorithm is used to extract the knock characteristics. The results show that the CEIITD algorithm can effectively and clearly extract the knock shock characteristics (including light knock) through the vibration signals. A Bi-spectrum analysis can further distinguish between the light knock signal and normal combustion signal. The Bi-spectrum results also show that knock characteristic has a strong non-Gaussian property. At last, the Band pass filter and Improved ITD method were employed to identify the knock characteristics from these cylinder block vibration signals. The comparison result shows that the CEIITD method proposed in this paper is more suitable to detect the knock characteristic

    Estimación de características relevantes para el monitoreo de condición de motores de combustión interna a partir de señales de vibración

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    Condition monitoring of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) benefits cost-effective operations in the modern industrial sector. Because of this, vibration signals are commonly monitored as part of a non-invasive approach to ICE analysis. However, vibration-based ICE monitoring poses a challenge due to the properties of this kind of signals. They are highly dynamic and non-stationary, let alone the diverse sources involved in the combustion process. In this paper, we propose a feature relevance estimation strategy for vibration-based ICE analysis. Our approach is divided into three main stages: signal decomposition using an Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition algorithm, multi-domain parameter estimation from time and frequency representations, and a supervised feature selection based on the Relief-F technique. Accordingly, we decomposed the vibration signals by using self-adaptive analysis to represent nonlinear and non-stationary time series. Afterwards, time and frequency-based parameters were calculated to code complex and/or non-stationary dynamics. Subsequently, we computed a relevance vector index to measure the contribution of each multi-domain feature to the discrimination of different fuel blend estimation/diagnosis categories for ICE. In particular, we worked with an ICE dataset collected from fuel blends under normal and fault scenarios at different engine speeds to test our approach. Our classification results presented nearly 98% of accuracy after using a k-Nearest Neighbors machine. They reveal the way our approach identifies a relevant subset of features for ICE condition monitoring. One of the benefits is the reduced number of parameters.El monitoreo de condición de motores de combustión interna (MCI) facilita que las operaciones del sector industrial moderno sean más rentables. En este sentido, las señales de vibración comúnmente son empleadas como un enfoque no invasivo para el análisis de MCI. Sin embargo, el monitoreo de MCI basado en vibraciones presenta un desafío relacionado con las propiedades de la señal, la cual es altamente dinámica y noestacionaria, sin mencionar las diversas fuentes presentes durante el proceso de combustión. En este artículo, se propone una estrategia de análisis de relevancia orientada al monitoreo de MCI basado en vibraciones. Este enfoque incorpora tres etapas principales: descomposición de la señal utilizando un algoritmo de Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition, estimación de parámetros multi-dominio desde representaciones en tiempo y frecuencia, y una selección supervisada de características basada en Relief-F. Así, las señales de vibración se descomponen utilizando un análisis auto-adaptativo para representar la no-linealidad y no-estacionariedad de las series de tiempo. Luego, para codificar dinámicas complejas y/o no estacionarias, se calculan algunos parámetros en el dominio del tiempo y de la frecuencia. Posteriormente, se calcula un vector de índice de relevancia para cuantificar la contribución de cada una de las características multidominio para discriminar diferentes categorías de estimación de mezcla de combustible y diagnóstico de MCI. Los resultados de clasificación obtenidos (cercanos al 98% de acierto) en una base de datos de MCI, revelan como la propuesta planteada identifica un subconjunto de características relevantes en el monitorio de condición de MCI

    Reconstruction of gasoline engine in-cylinder pressures using recurrent neural networks

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    Knowledge of the pressure inside the combustion chamber of a gasoline engine would provide very useful information regarding the quality and consistency of combustion and allow significant improvements in its control, leading to improved efficiency and refinement. While measurement using incylinder pressure transducers is common in laboratory tests, their use in production engines is very limited due to cost and durability constraints. This thesis seeks to exploit the time series prediction capabilities of recurrent neural networks in order to build an inverse model accepting crankshaft kinematics or cylinder block vibrations as inputs for the reconstruction of in-cylinder pressures. Success in this endeavour would provide information to drive a real time combustion control strategy using only sensors already commonly installed on production engines. A reference data set was acquired from a prototype Ford in-line 3 cylinder direct injected, spark ignited gasoline engine of 1.125 litre swept volume. Data acquired concentrated on low speed (1000-2000 rev/min), low load (10-30 Nm brake torque) test conditions. The experimental work undertaken is described in detail, along with the signal processing requirements to treat the data prior to presentation to a neural network. The primary problem then addressed is the reliable, efficient training of a recurrent neural network to result in an inverse model capable of predicting cylinder pressures from data not seen during the training phase, this unseen data includes examples from speed and load ranges other than those in the training case. The specific recurrent network architecture investigated is the non-linear autoregressive with exogenous inputs (NARX) structure. Teacher forced training is investigated using the reference engine data set before a state of the art recurrent training method (Robust Adaptive Gradient Descent – RAGD) is implemented and the influence of the various parameters surrounding input vectors, network structure and training algorithm are investigated. Optimum parameters for data, structure and training algorithm are identified

    Simultaneous-Fault Diagnosis of Automotive Engine Ignition Systems Using Prior Domain Knowledge and Relevance Vector Machine

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    Engine ignition patterns can be analyzed to identify the engine fault according to both the specific prior domain knowledge and the shape features of the patterns. One of the challenges in ignition system diagnosis is that more than one fault may appear at a time. This kind of problem refers to simultaneous-fault diagnosis. Another challenge is the acquisition of a large amount of costly simultaneous-fault ignition patterns for constructing the diagnostic system because the number of the training patterns depends on the combination of different single faults. The above problems could be resolved by the proposed framework combining feature extraction, probabilistic classification, and decision threshold optimization. With the proposed framework, the features of the single faults in a simultaneous-fault pattern are extracted and then detected using a new probabilistic classifier, namely, pairwise coupling relevance vector machine, which is trained with single-fault patterns only. Therefore, the training dataset of simultaneous-fault patterns is not necessary. Experimental results show that the proposed framework performs well for both single-fault and simultaneous-fault diagnoses and is superior to the existing approach

    Flame front propagation velocity measurement and in-cylinder combustion reconstruction using POET

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop an intelligent diagnostic technique POET (Passive Optical Emission Tomography) for the investigation of in cylinder combustion chemiluminescence. As a non-intrusive optical system, the POET system employs 40 fibre optic cables connected to 40 PMTs (Photo Multiplier Tube) to monitor the combustion process and flame front propagation in a modified commercial OHV (Over Head Valve) Pro 206 IC engine. The POET approach overcomes several limitations of present combustion research methods using a combination of fibre optic detection probes, photomultipliers and a tomographic diagnostics. The fibre optic probes are placed on a specially designed cylinder head gasket for non-invasively inserting cylinder. Each independent probe can measure the turbulent chemiluminescence of combustion flame front at up to 20 kHz. The resultant intensities can then be gathered tomographically using MART (Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique) software to reconstruct an image of the complete flame-front. The approach is essentially a lensless imaging technique, which has the advantage of not requiring a specialized engine construction with conventional viewing ports to visualize the combustion image. The fibre optic system, through the use of 40, 2m long thermally isolated fibre optic cables can withstand combustion temperatures and is immune from electronic noise, typically generated by the spark plug. The POET system uses a MART tomographic methodology to reconstruct the turbulent combustion process. The data collected has been reconstructed to produce a temporal and spatial image of the combustion flame front. The variations of lame turbulence are monitored by sequences of reconstructed images. Therefore, the POET diagnostic technique reduces the complications of classic flame front propagation measurement systems and successfully demonstrates the in-cylinder combustion process. In this thesis, a series of calibration exercises have been performed to ensure that the photomultipliers of the POET system have sufficient temporal and spatial resolution to quantitatively map the flow velocity turbulence and chemiluminescence of the flame front. In the results, the flame has been analyzed using UV filters and blue filters to monitor the modified natural gas fuel engine. The flame front propagation speed has been evaluated and it is, on average, 12 m/s at 2280 rpm. Sequences of images have been used to illustrate the combustion explosion process at different rpm

    An optimized context-aware mobile computing model to filter inappropriate incoming calls in smartphone

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    Requests for communication via mobile devices can be disruptive to the receiver in certain social situation. For example, unsuitable incoming calls may put the receiver in a dangerous condition, as in the case of receiving calls while driving. Therefore, designers of mobile computing interfaces require plans for minimizing annoying calls. To reduce the frequency of these calls, one promising approach is to provide an intelligent and accurate system, based on context awareness with cues of a callee's context allowing informed decisions of when to answer a call. The processing capabilities and advantages of mobile devices equipped with portable sensors provide the basis for new context-awareness services and applications. However, contextawareness mobile computing systems are needed to manage the difficulty of multiple sources of context that affects the accuracy of the systems, and the challenge of energy hungry GPS sensor that affects the battery consumption of mobile phone. Hence, reducing the cost of GPS sensor and increasing the accuracy of current contextawareness call filtering systems are two main motivations of this study. Therefore, this study proposes a new localization mechanism named Improved Battery Life in Context Awareness System (IBCS) to deal with the energy-hungry GPS sensor and optimize the battery consumption of GPS sensor in smartphone for more than four hours. Finally, this study investigates the context-awareness models in smartphone and develops an alternative intelligent model structure to improve the accuracy rate. Hence, a new optimized context-awareness mobile computing model named Optimized Context Filtering (OCF) is developed to filter unsuitable incoming calls based on context information of call receiver. In this regard, a new extended Naive Bayesian classifier was proposed based on the Naive Bayesian classifier by combining the incremental learning strategy with appropriate weight on the new training data. This new classifier is utilized as an inference engine to the proposed model to increase its accuracy rate. The results indicated that 7% improvement was seen in the accuracy rate of the proposed extended naive Bayesian classifier. On the other hand, the proposed model result showed that the OCF model improved the accuracy rate by 14%. These results indicated that the proposed model is a hopeful approach to provide an intelligent call filtering system based on context information for smartphones

    A Digital Triplet for Utilizing Offline Environments to Train Condition Monitoring Systems for Rolling Element Bearings

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    Manufacturing competitiveness is related to making a quality product while incurring the lowest costs. Unexpected downtime caused by equipment failure negatively impacts manufacturing competitiveness due to the ensuing defects and delays caused by the downtime. Manufacturers have adopted condition monitoring (CM) techniques to reduce unexpected downtime to augment maintenance strategies. The CM adoption has transitioned maintenance from Breakdown Maintenance (BM) to Condition-Based Maintenance (CbM) to anticipate impending failures and provide maintenance actions before equipment failure. CbM is the umbrella term for maintenance strategies that use condition monitoring techniques such as Preventive Maintenance (PM) and Predictive Maintenance (PdM). Preventive Maintenance involves providing periodic checks based on either time or sensory input. Predictive Maintenance utilizes continuous or periodic sensory inputs to determine the machine health state to predict the equipment failure. The overall goal of the work is to improve bearing diagnostic and prognostic predictions for equipment health by utilizing surrogate systems to generate failure data that represents production equipment failure, thereby providing training data for condition monitoring solutions without waiting for real world failure data. This research seeks to address the challenges of obtaining failure data for CM systems by incorporating a third system into monitoring strategies to create a Digital Triplet (DTr) for condition monitoring to increase the amount of possible data for condition monitoring. Bearings are a critical component in rotational manufacturing systems with wide application to other industries outside of manufacturing, such as energy and defense. The reinvented DTr system considers three components: the physical, surrogate, and digital systems. The physical system represents the real-world application in production that cannot fail. The surrogate system represents a physical component in a test system in an offline environment where data is generated to fill in gaps from data unavailable in the real-world system. The digital system is the CM system, which provides maintenance recommendations based on the ingested data from the real world and surrogate systems. In pursuing the research goal, a comprehensive bearing dataset detailing these four failure modes over different collection operating parameters was created. Subsequently, the collections occurred under different operating conditions, such as speed-varying, load-varying, and steadystate. Different frequency and time measures were used to analyze and identify differentiating criteria between the different failure classes over the differing operating conditions. These empirical observations were recreated using simulations to filter out potential outliers. The outputs of the physical model were combined with knowledge from the empirical observations to create ”spectral deltas” to augment existing bearing data and create new failure data that resemble similar frequency criteria to the original data. The primary verification occurred on a laboratory-bearing test stand. A conjecture is provided on how to scale to a larger system by analyzing a larger system from a local manufacturer. From the subsequent analysis of machine learning diagnosis and prognosis models, the original and augmented bearing data can complement each other during model training. The subsequent data substitution verifies that bearing data collected under different operating conditions and sizes can be substituted between different systems. Ostensibly, the full formulation of the digital triplet system is that bearing data generated at a smaller size can be scaled to train predictive failure models for larger bearing sizes. Future work should consider implementing this method for other systems outside of bearings, such as gears, non-rotational equipment, such as pumps, or even larger complex systems, such as computer numerically controlled machine tools or car engines. In addition, the method and process should not be restricted to only mechanical systems and could be applied to electrical systems, such as batteries. Furthermore, an investigation should consider further data-driven approximations to specific bearing characteristics related to the stiffness and damping parameters needed in modeling. A final consideration is for further investigation into the scalability quantities within the data and how to track these changes through different system levels