183 research outputs found

    Achieving network resiliency using sound theoretical and practical methods

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    Computer networks have revolutionized the life of every citizen in our modern intercon- nected society. The impact of networked systems spans every aspect of our lives, from financial transactions to healthcare and critical services, making these systems an attractive target for malicious entities that aim to make financial or political profit. Specifically, the past decade has witnessed an astounding increase in the number and complexity of sophisti- cated and targeted attacks, known as advanced persistent threats (APT). Those attacks led to a paradigm shift in the security and reliability communities’ perspective on system design; researchers and government agencies accepted the inevitability of incidents and malicious attacks, and marshaled their efforts into the design of resilient systems. Rather than focusing solely on preventing failures and attacks, resilient systems are able to maintain an acceptable level of operation in the presence of such incidents, and then recover gracefully into normal operation. Alongside prevention, resilient system design focuses on incident detection as well as timely response. Unfortunately, the resiliency efforts of research and industry experts have been hindered by an apparent schism between theory and practice, which allows attackers to maintain the upper hand advantage. This lack of compatibility between the theory and practice of system design is attributed to the following challenges. First, theoreticians often make impractical and unjustifiable assumptions that allow for mathematical tractability while sacrificing accuracy. Second, the security and reliability communities often lack clear definitions of success criteria when comparing different system models and designs. Third, system designers often make implicit or unstated assumptions to favor practicality and ease of design. Finally, resilient systems are tested in private and isolated environments where validation and reproducibility of the results are not publicly accessible. In this thesis, we set about showing that the proper synergy between theoretical anal- ysis and practical design can enhance the resiliency of networked systems. We illustrate the benefits of this synergy by presenting resiliency approaches that target the inter- and intra-networking levels. At the inter-networking level, we present CPuzzle as a means to protect the transport control protocol (TCP) connection establishment channel from state- exhaustion distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS). CPuzzle leverages client puzzles to limit the rate at which misbehaving users can establish TCP connections. We modeled the problem of determining the puzzle difficulty as a Stackleberg game and solve for the equilibrium strategy that balances the users’ utilizes against CPuzzle’s resilience capabilities. Furthermore, to handle volumetric DDoS attacks, we extend CPuzzle and implement Midgard, a cooperative approach that involves end-users in the process of tolerating and neutralizing DDoS attacks. Midgard is a middlebox that resides at the edge of an Internet service provider’s network and uses client puzzles at the IP level to allocate bandwidth to its users. At the intra-networking level, we present sShield, a game-theoretic network response engine that manipulates a network’s connectivity in response to an attacker who is moving laterally to compromise a high-value asset. To implement such decision making algorithms, we leverage the recent advances in software-defined networking (SDN) to collect logs and security alerts about the network and implement response actions. However, the programma- bility offered by SDN comes with an increased chance for design-time bugs that can have drastic consequences on the reliability and security of a networked system. We therefore introduce BiFrost, an open-source tool that aims to verify safety and security proper- ties about data-plane programs. BiFrost translates data-plane programs into functionally equivalent sequential circuits, and then uses well-established hardware reduction, abstrac- tion, and verification techniques to establish correctness proofs about data-plane programs. By focusing on those four key efforts, CPuzzle, Midgard, sShield, and BiFrost, we believe that this work illustrates the benefits that the synergy between theory and practice can bring into the world of resilient system design. This thesis is an attempt to pave the way for further cooperation and coordination between theoreticians and practitioners, in the hope of designing resilient networked systems

    DInSAR investigation in the PĂ€rvie endglacial fault region, Lapland, Sweden

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    Northern Fennoscandia bears witness to the Pleistocene glaciation in the form of a series of large faults that have been shown to have ruptured immediately after the retreat of the ice sheet, about 9500 years ago. The largest one, known as the PĂ€rvie fault, consists of a 155 km long linear series of fault scarps forming north–northeast-trending, that stretch west of Kiruna, Lapland. End-glacial intra-plate faults of this extent are very rare in the continental crust and the PĂ€rvie system represents one of the major fault zone structures of this type in the world. Seismological evidence shows that there is still noticeable seismic activity, roughly one event of magnitude 2 per year that can be attributed to the fault. Nevertheless assessing its state of activity is a difficult task due to the extent and remoteness of the area. This study is aimed at the determination of crustal motion around the PĂ€rvie fault zone using the differential inter-ferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) technique, based on images acquired with the European Space Agency (ESA) satellites European Remote Sensing (ERS) 1, ERS-2, and the Environmental Satellite (ENVISAT). We present results achieved in terms of deformation of the crystalline bedrock along different sectors of the fault where high levels of coherence were obtained, even from image pairs several years apart. This finding does not exclude deformation in other segments, as observing conditions are not always as favourable in terms of data availability

    A simulational study of the indirect geometry neutron spectrometer, BIFROST at the European Spallation Source, from neutron source position to detector position

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    The European Spallation Source (ESS) is intended to become the most powerful spallation neutron source in the world and the flagship of neutron science in the upcoming decades. The exceptionally high neutron flux will provide unique opportunities for scientific experiments, but also set high requirements for the detectors. One of the most challenging aspects is the rate capability and in particular the peak instantaneous rate capability, i.e. the number of neutrons hitting the detector per channel or cm2^2 at the peak of the neutron pulse. The primary purpose of this paper is to estimate the incident rates that are anticipated for the BIFROST instrument planned for ESS, and also to demonstrate the use of powerful simulation tools for the correct interpretation of neutron transport in crystalline materials. A full simulation model of the instrument from source to detector position, implemented with the use of multiple simulation software packages is presented. For a single detector tube instantaneous incident rates with a maximum of 1.7 GHz for a Bragg peak from a single crystal, and 0.3 MHz for a vanadium sample are found. This paper also includes the first application of a new pyrolytic graphite model, and a comparison of different simulation tools to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.Comment: 45 pages, 20 figure

    DISPATCH: A Numerical Simulation Framework for the Exa-scale Era. I. Fundamentals

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    We introduce a high-performance simulation framework that permits the semi-independent, task-based solution of sets of partial differential equations, typically manifesting as updates to a collection of `patches' in space-time. A hybrid MPI/OpenMP execution model is adopted, where work tasks are controlled by a rank-local `dispatcher' which selects, from a set of tasks generally much larger than the number of physical cores (or hardware threads), tasks that are ready for updating. The definition of a task can vary, for example, with some solving the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), others non-ideal MHD, radiative transfer, or particle motion, and yet others applying particle-in-cell (PIC) methods. Tasks do not have to be grid-based, while tasks that are, may use either Cartesian or orthogonal curvilinear meshes. Patches may be stationary or moving. Mesh refinement can be static or dynamic. A feature of decisive importance for the overall performance of the framework is that time steps are determined and applied locally; this allows potentially large reductions in the total number of updates required in cases when the signal speed varies greatly across the computational domain, and therefore a corresponding reduction in computing time. Another feature is a load balancing algorithm that operates `locally' and aims to simultaneously minimise load and communication imbalance. The framework generally relies on already existing solvers, whose performance is augmented when run under the framework, due to more efficient cache usage, vectorisation, local time-stepping, plus near-linear and, in principle, unlimited OpenMP and MPI scaling.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Email grouping and summarization: an unsupervised learning technique

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    The instrument suite of the European Spallation Source

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    An overview is provided of the 15 neutron beam instruments making up the initial instrument suite of the European Spallation Source (ESS), and being made available to the neutron user community. The ESS neutron source consists of a high-power accelerator and target station, providing a unique long-pulse time structure of slow neutrons. The design considerations behind the time structure, moderator geometry and instrument layout are presented. The 15-instrument suite consists of two small-angle instruments, two reflectometers, an imaging beamline, two single-crystal diffractometers; one for macromolecular crystallography and one for magnetism, two powder diffractometers, and an engineering diffractometer, as well as an array of five inelastic instruments comprising two chopper spectrometers, an inverse-geometry single-crystal excitations spectrometer, an instrument for vibrational spectroscopy and a high-resolution backscattering spectrometer. The conceptual design, performance and scientific drivers of each of these instruments are described. All of the instruments are designed to provide breakthrough new scientific capability, not currently available at existing facilities, building on the inherent strengths of the ESS long-pulse neutron source of high flux, flexible resolution and large bandwidth. Each of them is predicted to provide world-leading performance at an accelerator power of 2 MW. This technical capability translates into a very broad range of scientific capabilities. The composition of the instrument suite has been chosen to maximise the breadth and depth of the scientific impact o

    Don't Repeat Yourself: Seamless Execution and Analysis of Extensive Network Experiments

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    This paper presents MACI, the first bespoke framework for the management, the scalable execution, and the interactive analysis of a large number of network experiments. Driven by the desire to avoid repetitive implementation of just a few scripts for the execution and analysis of experiments, MACI emerged as a generic framework for network experiments that significantly increases efficiency and ensures reproducibility. To this end, MACI incorporates and integrates established simulators and analysis tools to foster rapid but systematic network experiments. We found MACI indispensable in all phases of the research and development process of various communication systems, such as i) an extensive DASH video streaming study, ii) the systematic development and improvement of Multipath TCP schedulers, and iii) research on a distributed topology graph pattern matching algorithm. With this work, we make MACI publicly available to the research community to advance efficient and reproducible network experiments
