68 research outputs found

    Performance of Anti-Lock Braking Systems Based on Adaptive and Intelligent Control Methodologies

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    Automobiles of today must constantly change their speeds in reaction to changing road and traffic circumstances as the pace and density of road traffic increases. In sophisticated automobiles, the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is a vehicle safety system that enhances the vehicle's stability and steering capabilities by varying the torque to maintain the slip ratio at a safe level. This paper analyzes the performance of classical control, model reference adaptive control (MRAC), and intelligent control for controlling the (ABS). The ABS controller's goal is to keep the wheel slip ratio, which includes nonlinearities, parametric uncertainties, and disturbances as close to an optimal slip value as possible. This will decrease the stopping distance and guarantee safe vehicle operation during braking. A Bang-bang controller, PID, PID based Model Reference Adaptive Control (PID-MRAD), Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC), and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) controller are used to control the vehicle model. The car was tested on a dry asphalt and ice road with only straight-line braking. Based on slip ratio, vehicle speed, angular velocity, and stopping time, comparisons are performed between all control strategies. To analyze braking characteristics, the simulation changes the road surface condition, vehicle weight, and control methods. The simulation results revealed that our objectives were met. The simulation results clearly show that the ANFIS provides more flexibility and improves system-tracking precision in control action compared to the Bang-bang, PID, PID-MRAC, and FLC

    An ABS control logic based on wheel force measurement

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    The paper presents an anti-lock braking system (ABS) control logic based on the measurement of the longitudinal forces at the hub bearings. The availability of force information allows to design a logic that does not rely on the estimation of the tyre-road friction coefficient, since it continuously tries to exploit the maximum longitudinal tyre force. The logic is designed by means of computer simulation and then tested on a specific hardware in the loop test bench: the experimental results confirm that measured wheel force can lead to a significant improvement of the ABS performances in terms of stopping distance also in the presence of road with variable friction coefficien

    Modelling & development of antilock braking system

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    Antilock braking systems are used in modern cars to prevent the wheels from locking after brakes are applied. The dynamics of the controller needed for antilock braking system depends on various factors. The vehicle model often is in nonlinear form. Controller needs to provide a controlled torque necessary to maintain optimum value of the wheel slip ratio. The slip ratio is represented in terms of vehicle speed and wheel rotation. In present work first of all system dynamic equations are explained and a slip ratio is expressed in terms of system variables namely vehicle linear velocity and angular velocity of the wheel. By applying a bias braking force system, response is obtained using Simulink models. Using the linear control strategies like P - type, PD - type, PI - type, PID - type the effectiveness of maintaining desired slip ratio is tested. It is always observed that a steady state error of 10% occurring in all the control system models

    ABS design and active suspension control based on HOSM

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    This paper tackles the control of a brake assisted with an active suspension. The goal of the paper is ensure an effective braking process improving the vehicle safety in adverse driving conditions. To address this, the wheel slip ratio is kept to a desired value reducing the effective braking distance by designing of a robust tracking controller based on high order sliding modes algorithms, imposing the anti-lock brake system feature. On the other hand, the active suspension problem is carried with a nested backward sliding surface design. The purpose of this control is to improve the driving comfort. To this aim, the designed controller compensate the effects of the unmatched perturbation coming from the road. This controller exploits a high order sliding modes observer, which guarantees theoretically exact state and perturbation estimation. In both cases, a continuous control action drives the state trajectories to the designed sliding manifolds and keeps them there in spite of the matched and unmatched perturbations. The feasibility of the proposed scheme has been exposed via simulations.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaUniversity of Bordeau

    Experimental and numerical approach to investigate tire and ABS combined influence on wet braking performance of passenger cars.

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    This PhD activity is mainly focused on the study of the emergency braking test, where the tire behaviour can be influenced by the ABS system during such manoeuvre on wet roads. The main goal is to investigate and optimize the optimal shape of the longitudinal force characteristics of the tire in order to reduce the braking distance. The only evaluation of the μ-peak could not be sufficient for reliable assessments but the whole shape of the longitudinal curve should be considered. Nowadays, the Wet Grip Index (WGI) is the parameter with which it is possible to classify the quality of a tire in wet conditions in the EU tire label and it is mainly based on maximum grip that a tire can perform interacting with the wet road. Understanding the optimal shape of the curve could also mean to understand if the WGI approach can give a complete evaluation of tire performance during the braking, or there could be something more to take into account. A numerical approach was considered and a ABS logic has been modelled with the aim to replicate the fundamental strategies of a passenger car. A half vehicle model has been considered for this research work. A more physical approach on ABS modelling is proposed in this thesis, with the aim to estimate the optimal working range of the logic without any pre-set information. Regarding the implemented tire model, the focuses were on trying to find a method to characterize the tire in wet conditions and understand how the longitudinal relaxation length can influence the ABS work in simulation environment. A method is proposed to get a possible estimation of the longitudinal relaxation length of the tire from vehicle measurements. Moreover, a study about the relaxation length evaluation with respect to the excitation frequency coming from the longitudinal slippage will be described in this thesis. The emergency braking model was used to optimize the reference curve in order to reduce the braking distance. The analysis is focused on three parameters that can identify the longitudinal characteristics of the tire: the braking stiffness, μ-peak and drop down of the grip after the peak condition. The main outcome of the simulation results shows that the μ-peak could not be considered as the only critical parameter to evaluate the braking performance of the tire and that the drop-down of the grip seems to play a very important role to reduce braking distances

    Robust control of brake systems with decoupled architecture

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    Modern brake systems have the tendency to decoupled brake system design involving electric and/or electrohydraulic brake actuators. In this thesis, a corresponding brake control architecture applicable for electric and automated vehicles is proposed and includes (i) base braking, (ii) brake blending and (iii) wheel slip control functions. Main focus has been given to the robustness of continuous wheel slip control during emergency braking in high and low road friction conditions. As the solution, several control laws were designed and experimentally validated during road tests. Results obtained for three vehicle prototypes with individual on-board and in-wheel electric motors and electrohydraulic brake-by-wire system present significant improvement in braking performance and ride quality compared to the conventional wheel slip control strategies.Moderne Bremssysteme tendieren zur entkoppelten Konstruktion mit involvierten elektrischen und/oder elektrohydraulischen Aktuatoren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die entsprechende Bremsregelungsarchitektur für die elektrischen und automatisierten Fahrzeuge vorgeschlagen, die beinhaltet Funktionen zur (i) primären Bremsung, (ii) gemischten Bremsung und (iii) Radschlupfregelung. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist auf die Robustheit der kontinuierlichen Radschlupfregelung während einer Notbremsung bei hoher und niedriger Fahrbahnreibung gelegt. Als die Lösung sind mehrere Regelungsstrategien entwickelt und experimentell validiert. Die Ergebnisse für drei Fahrzeugprototypen mit individuellen Board- und Radnabemotoren und einem elektrohydraulischen Brake-by-Wire System demonstrieren wesentliche Verbesserung der Bremsleistung und Fahrqualität im Vergleich zu den konventionellen Strategien der Radschlupfregelung

    The effect of half-shaft torsion dynamics on the performance of a traction control system for electric vehicles

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    This article deals with the dynamic properties of individual wheel electric powertrains for fully electric vehicles, characterised by an in-board location of the motor and transmission, connected to the wheel through half-shafts. Such a layout is applicable to vehicles characterised by significant power and torque requirements where the adoption of in-wheel electric powertrains is not feasible because of packaging constraints. However, the dynamic performance of in-board electric powertrains, especially if adopted for anti-lock braking or traction control, can be affected by the torsional dynamics of the half-shafts. This article presents the dynamic analysis of in-board electric powertrains in both the time domain and the frequency domain. A feedback control system, incorporating state estimation through an extended Kalman filter, is implemented in order to compensate for the effect of the half-shaft dynamics. The effectiveness of the new controller is demonstrated through analysis of the improvement in the performance of the traction control system

    Development of an Electronic Stability Control for Improved Vehicle Handling using Co-Simulation

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    The research project focuses on integrating the algorithms of recent automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) technologies into a commercial multi-body dynamics (MBD) software for full vehicle simulations. Among various control strategies for ESC, the sliding mode control (SMC) method is proposed to develop these algorithms, as it is proven to be excellent at overcoming the effect of uncertainties and disturbances. The ESC model integrates active front steering (AFS) system and direct yaw moment control (DYC) system, using differential braking system, therefore the type of the ESC model is called as integrated vehicle dynamic control (IVDC) system. The IVDC virtual model will be designed using a specialized control system software, called Simulink. The controller model will be used to perform full vehicle simulations, such as sine with dwell (SwD) and double lane change (DLC) tests on Simulink to observe its functionality in stabilizing vehicles. The virtual nonlinear full vehicle model in CarSim will be equipped with the IVDC virtual model to ensure that the proposed IVDC virtual model passes the regulations that describes the ESC homologation process for North America and European countries, each defined by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and United Nations (UN). The proposed research project will enable automotive engineers and researchers to perform full vehicle virtual simulations with ESC capabilities

    Systematization of integrated motion control of ground vehicles

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    This paper gives an extended analysis of automotive control systems as components of the integrated motion control (IMC). The cooperation of various chassis and powertrain systems is discussed from a viewpoint of improvement of vehicle performance in relation to longitudinal, lateral, and vertical motion dynamics. The classification of IMC systems is proposed. Particular attention is placed on the architecture and methods of subsystems integration

    Modelling, Design Optimization and Control of Magneto Rheological Brakes for Automotive Applications

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    The braking system is one of the major factors affecting a vehicle’s performance. The future of the automotive industry thrives by the creation of a greener, more efficient and lightweight braking mechanisms. Research on utilizing electromechanical brakes have shown potential due to their superior performance and controllability. The magnetorheological Brake (MRB) is a promising electromechanical brake which can provide variable damping through variation of the MR fluids’ apparent viscosity and yield strength using the applied magnetic field. Fast response time, low power requirement and large dynamic range are among unique features of MRBs making them an ideal candidate for vehicle applications. While some design configurations have been proposed for applying MRBs in the automotive industry, the commercial application has not yet been fully realized mainly due to the existence of their zero-field viscous torque. The focal purpose of this study is to propose and develop a novel real-size vehicle model of the MRB design with absolutely no energy loss in terms of viscous torque generation. The design is achieved using permanent magnets which force the MR fluid volume to shift locations between the brake’s operating modes – ‘on’ and ‘off’ – to allow complete de-coupling. The performance of the proposed design compared with the conventional design is demonstrated on a 2-disk-type MRB configuration. The Herschel-Bulkley constitutive model is adopted for the MR fluid to derive the mathematical equations governing the systems’ braking torques as a function of the rotational speed, geometric properties, and applied electrical current. The MR fluid selected for the proposed designs is MRF-132DG from Lord Corporation. Analytical magnetic circuit analysis of the MRB design has been conducted which allows to approximately derive the relation between the magnetic field intensity and the electric current as a function of number of coil turns and the brake’s geometric variables. The analytical model is then verified using an electromagnetic finite element model developed in open source FEMM software. An equation relating densities of the materials used in the MRB and their corresponding dimensions is also derived to estimate the weight of the proposed MRB. Subsequently, a multidisciplinary design optimization problem has been formulated to identify the optimal brake geometrical parameters to maximize the dynamic range of the MRBs under weight, size and magnetic flux density constraints. The optimization problem has been solved using Genetic Algorithm (GA) followed by the Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) technique implemented in the MATLAB environment to achieve the true global optimal design. It is shown that the proposed MRB design provides better performance specifications under the required design constraints while having zero viscous torque generation making it suitable for application in real commercial vehicles. Finally, a simple dynamic quarter-vehicle model integrated with the optimally designed MRB has been considered to investigate the brake performance in automotive application. A PID control scheme has been designed for optimal wheel slip control over different road surface conditions. The objective is to obtain the highest value possible for the road-friction coefficient. This is possible through regulating and maintaining the slip ratio to a desired value whether driving on dry, wet, snowy or icy roads. The controller is purposed to enhance the overall braking properties of a vehicle through reducing the stopping distance and time, enhancing stability, and avoiding wheel lockup