9 research outputs found

    Penerapan Gamification dalam Bidang Pendidikan Formal dan Nonformal: Survey Paper

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    Pendidikan merupakan pondasi utama dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM), dengan meningkatnya SDM maka suatu negara dapat berkembang dan maju dengan didasari pendidikan baik secara formal ataupun non-formal. Gamifikasi merupakan alternatif dalam sebagai inovasi dalam pendidikan. Gamifikasi merupakan teknik desain permainan untuk menghasilkan hal yang dianggap sebagai hal yang membosankan menjadi menarik layaknya sebuah game. Mechanics Dynamics Aesthetics (MDA) merupakan model utama dalam menerapkan sebuah gamifikasi. MDA berfungsi untuk memetakan komponen-komponen agar menjadi sebuah kesatuan dalam merancang sebuah game, belajar merupakan salah satu bagian dalam pendidikan, untuk merancang sebuah gamifikasi pada pembelajaran maka diperlukan model gamifikasi yang tepat yaitu The Dynamical Model for Gamification Learning (DMGL) dan Attention Relevance Confidence Satisfaction (ARCS) kedua model gamifikasi ini menerapkan MDA sebagai dasar dalam gamifikasi dan menambahkan komponen yang dapat memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memetakan literatur untuk lebih memahami penerapan model gamifikasi pada pendidikan secara formal dan juga non-forma

    The role of elearning on antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) : A review

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    20 páginasThe inappropriate prescription of antimicrobials is currently one of the primary public health problems around the world. As a result, bacteria become drug-resistant resulting in increased patient stays in hospitals and affecting the economy of a community by elevating the costs of its treatment. In order to prevent those complications, several kinds of educational initiatives have been taking place; some of which have included the use of technology to expand its reach and to boost their learning effects. The purpose of this study was to explore and determine how eLearning can enhance the educational outcomes of programs on antimicrobial's prudent use and optimization. Hence, a literature review that followed Fink’s seven tasks approach was conducted. Based on the available evidence, the online educational interventions designed by healthcare organizations to promote the rational and responsible use of antimicrobials were divided into four categories: (1) learning and instructional theories, (2) online learning platforms, (3) multimedia learning, and (4) motivation. In short, this study shows that eLearning can assist in enhancing the educational outcomes of ASPs by appealing to students’ desire and motivation to engage in tasks that encourage the love of learning. Also, by providing the institutions in charge of designing these learning initiatives with an extensive range of learning and instructional theories and an almost infinite set of technological resources to carry out sound learning experiences.Maestría en Informática EducativaMagíster en Informática Educativ

    Evaluación de un juego serio móvil para repaso de álgebra : Una experiencia de ingreso universitario

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    En este artículo se presentan y discuten los resultados de una experiencia educativa de nivel superior que incluye el uso de un Juego Serio Móvil, y cuyos destinatarios son estudiantes ingresantes a un grupo de carreras de grado de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, en sus sedes Atlántica y Andina. La propuesta busca recuperar y reforzar habilidades de resolución de ecuaciones algebraicas. En este sentido, la evaluación de la propuesta no se focaliza en el rendimiento académico, sino y fundamentalmente, en analizar la experiencia del estudiante durante su actividad con el juego. La primera parte de este trabajo es una introducción al tema, luego se abordan los conceptos de juegos serios y aprendizaje móvil, y sus posibilidades en educación. A continuación se describe la propuesta, enfocando en la etapa de evaluación de la experiencia con el uso del juego, luego se presentan algunos resultados preliminares y por último las conclusiones y trabajo a futuro.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Blockchain as a learning tool: Analyzing transaction speeds at various gas limits in computer assembly simulations

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    The study explores an Ethereum blockchain-based data-sharing system for a computer assembly simulation game, emphasizing the relationship between gas limits and transaction speeds. The research integrates smart contracts for secure data storage of scores and player profiles. A significant challenge identified was the complexity of blockchain's variable transaction speeds for the average user. The research investigated how different gas limits affected transaction times, with experiments conducted across three networks. Results show that a gas limit of 200,000 to 300,000 resulted in transaction speeds of approximately 30 seconds. Increasing the gas limit to 400,000 to 500,000 reduced transaction times to 15-30 seconds, while a limit of 600,000 to 700,000 led to speeds below 15 seconds. These findings suggest a direct correlation between higher gas limits and quicker transaction validations. The research concludes that investing in higher gas can significantly reduce transaction times, presenting a trade-off between cost and speed in blockchain data-sharing for educational simulation media

    Enhancing cybersecurity awareness through educational games : design of an adaptive visual novel game

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    Dans un monde qui est en numérisation constante, la dépendance aux outils technologiques est devenue inévitable. La pandémie de COVID-19 a encore accéléré la tendance vers le travail et l'éducation à distance, entraînant une augmentation de l'activité en ligne et de l'échange de données. Cependant, malgré cette augmentation de l'activité en ligne, le niveau de sensibilisation à la cybersécurité chez un nombre important d'utilisateurs reste insuffisant. De nombreux utilisateurs manquent d'une éducation appropriée en matière de cybersécurité et de confidentialité en ligne et démontrent une compréhension insuffisante de la sensibilité de leurs données. Nous avons mené une enquête auprès de plus de 300 utilisateurs qui a confirmé que le besoin de contenu de meilleure qualité était évident. Les jeux éducatifs ont démontré leur efficacité en tant qu'outils d'enseignement et d'apprentissage, en particulier pour vulgariser des sujets qui nécessitent généralement une connaissance approfondie pour être maîtrisés. Cependant, des défis sont associés quant à la qualité et à l'évaluation des jeux sérieux, car plusieurs aspects de l’amusement sont subjectifs et intangibles. Motivée par le besoin de jeux éducatifs "de haute qualité" améliorés, cette thèse construit une échelle pour affiner les critères mentionnés par l'évaluation des jeux sérieux de Caserman et l'applique à 45 jeux de cybersécurité. L'évaluation a révélé une insuffisance dans les critères de l’amusement, en particulier le manque d'adaptation dynamique. En conséquence, cette étude propose le cadre de jeu de cybersécurité EVNAG (Educational Visual Novel Adaptive Game), qui s'articule autour de l'adaptation dynamique de la difficulté comme solution à ce problème. Inspiré par cette architecture, le roman visuel de cybersécurité "Grown-Up Blues" a été implémenté. La thèse contribue au corpus croissant de recherches sur les jeux éducatifs en cybersécurité et fournit des idées pour concevoir des jeux éducatifs efficaces qui améliorent l'éducation en matière de cybersécurité.In a world that continues to be increasingly digitalized, the dependency on technological tools has become unavoidable. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the trend towards remote work and education, leading to an increase in online activity and data exchange. However, despite this surge in online activity, the level of cybersecurity awareness among a significant number of users remains inadequate. Many users lack proper education on cybersecurity and online privacy and demonstrate a lack of understanding of the sensitivity of their data. A survey we conducted on more than 300 users confirmed that the need for more quality content was blatant. Educational games have demonstrated their effectiveness as teaching and learning tools, particularly in vulgarizing topics generally requiring in-depth knowledge to master. However, challenges are associated with the quality and assessment of serious games, as multiple aspects of game enjoyment are subjective and intangible. Motivated by the need for improved “high quality” educational games, this thesis builds a scale to refine the criteria mentioned by Caserman’s assessment of serious games and applies that to 45 cybersecurity games. The assessment indicated a deficiency in the enjoyment criteria, specifically the lack of dynamic adaptation. As a result, this study proposes the EVNAG (Educational Visual Novel Adaptive Game) cybersecurity game framework, which centers on Dynamic Difficulty Adaptation as a solution to this issue. Inspired by this architecture, the cybersecurity visual novel “Grown-Up Blues” was implemented. The thesis contributes to the growing body of research on educational games in cybersecurity and provides insights for designing effective educational games that enhance cybersecurity education

    Método de evaluación de la usabilidad de juegos serios para la mejora de las funciones cognitivas de atención y memoria

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    En los últimos años, el desarrollo y utilización de juegos serios se ha masificado y está siendo utilizado de manera recurrente en varios entornos en los cuales el aprendizaje de un tema específico se junta con aspectos lúdicos. Estos juegos tienen el objetivo de enseñar a la población en diferentes áreas (p. ej. salud, educación, gobierno, negocios) por lo cual tienden a estimular funciones cognitivas tales como memoria, lenguaje, razonamiento, atención, entre otras. Sin embargo, con el aumento del desarrollo también nace la necesidad de presentar juegos de buena calidad que mejoren la experiencia del usuario considerando que los usuarios son diversos (p. ej. niños, adultos mayores, personas con discapacidad). De allí que, en este trabajo de titulación, se propone el método SG-QUAM, que tiene como objetivo, evaluar la calidad de juegos serios y está alineado con en el estándar ISO/IEC 25040. Además, presenta un modelo de calidad en uso y producto basado en la ISO/IEC 25010, con varios atributos para el proceso de evaluación de juegos serios. Adicionalmente, presenta la validez de este método a través del desarrollo de un cuasiexperimento; en el mismo, participaron 17 personas, los resultados dan a conocer que, el método puede ser aplicado en la práctica; asimismo, se presenta un caso de estudio en donde se muestra paso a paso la evaluación de calidad de un juego serio, para de esta manera, evaluar su aceptación tecnológicaIn recent years, the development and use of serious games has become widespread and is being used recurrently in various environments in which the learning of a specific subject is combined with ludic aspects. These games have the objective of teaching the population in different areas (e.g. health, education, government, business) and therefore tend to stimulate cognitive functions such as memory, language, reasoning, attention, among others. However, with the increase of development also comes the need to present good quality games that improve the user experience considering that users are diverse (e.g. children, elderly, people with disabilities). Hence, in this degree work, the SG-QUAM method is proposed, which aims to evaluate the quality of serious games and is aligned with the ISO/IEC 25040 standard. It also presents a quality model in use and product based on ISO/IEC 25010, with several attributes for the serious games evaluation process. Additionally, it presents the validity of this method through the development of a quasi-experiment; 17 people participated in it, the results show that the method can be applied in practice; also, a case study is presented where the quality evaluation of a serious game is shown step by step, in order to evaluate its technological acceptanceIngeniero de SistemasCuenc

    AntibioGame® A serious game for teaching medical students about antibiotic use

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    International audienceIntroduction - Measures for controlling antimicrobial resistance are urgently required. We describe here AntibioGame®, a serious game for improving the training of medical students in antibiotic use in primary care. Objective - We aimed to design a serious game for antibiotics teaching and to evaluate its usability and playability by medical students. Methods - We used various gamification techniques (e.g. use of mascots, avatars, rewards, leader board) and cartoon graphics in the design of AntibioGame®. This game implements clinical case templates built from a list of learning goals defined by a medical team through an analysis of clinical practice guidelines. The game was evaluated by asking medical students to rate their satisfaction and the usability and playability of the game on an electronic form and through group discussions. The electronic form was derived from the MEEGA + scale, a five-point Likert scale including 32 items for assessing both usability and playability. Results - AntibioGame® is a case-based game in which students play the role of a doctor meeting patients in consultation and helping other health professionals to solve their problems, as in real life. The scenarios are realistic and cover situations frequently encountered in primary care. The 57 medical students enrolled found the game attractive, usable, fun, and appropriate for learning. Game quality was considered "good" (score = 60 on the MEEGA + scale). All the students said they would recommend the game, 96 % liked it and 81 % would use it for revision. Conclusion - AntibioGame® is a promising tool for improving knowledge in antibiotic prescription that could easily be included in multifaceted programs for training medical students

    TE&ET 2020: Libro de Actas XV Congreso de Tecnología en Educación y Educación en Tecnología - REDUNCI

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    Trabajos presentados en el XV Congreso Nacional de Tecnología en Educación y Educación en Tecnología (TE&ET), celebrado en modalidad virtual los días 6 y 7 de julio de 2020, y organizado por la Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI) y la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic